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Everything posted by straycowboy

  1. I'd love to rub my beard on that hole, then see what we could leave in it for you.

  2. Ok guys you've talked me into a sequel. It will take me 2 or 3 weeks before I to get it done and ready to post. I have already started it. So be patient, and hopefully we won't disappoint you.
  3. I'd been waiting to see who suggested the video. Now I know who to get for it, you and Jizz.
  4. All my roomates have been straight friends, and before, I became bi. Thinking back hell yeah I would have had sex with them. I have had a few straight friends over the years I have played with, but almost none of my gay ones. There are only 2 or 3 that it would be a problem for me. What I have found is typically they are the ones who can't go thru with it which is fine. Some of my best friendships however started out as fuckbuds, then they start dating, or get married.
  5. Personally, I'll wear a rubber if asked, but otherwise prefer bare myself. And if I wind up on the receiving end and worried about how clean I am. I may ask the other guy to start with one, but will let him finish without it.
  6. I don't think that can stand up to the due process clause in the constitution. They would have to show an overwhelming public threat from those with whatever illness, and too many are controllable for that argument to stand. That would irk me to the point of action, if I knew anyone they applied it to. Stewart
  7. I'm glad you all enjoyed the story.
  8. Thats an ego booster to fuck the cum out of a guy pipesmokin. Especially if they shot without touching their cock. I bet you are one hell of a fuck for a bottom too.
  9. It looks much more wicked than I believe it would be Always. But if you wanted to make a hot s/m video it looks great.
  10. My best compliment has been references from my exes when they would meet whomever I was then dating., and they ask the new person. Have you got him in bed yet, can I join? Or something similar. Even had 1 who went so far as to write a letter of reference for sex. Up til the last 2 , I'd always parted on amicable terms. Now that I think of it, maybe that's why I get so many stalkers?
  11. Technically speaking, thats not a condom. If you want one, it wouldn't be hard for you to make. Looks to be nothing more than a wire mesh tubing with a elipsoid fastener hiding where the mesh is joined together. It's probably soldered on. You should be able to get the equivalent parts thru , say Fire Mountain. Now what would have made it really wicked, is if it had a post with ball on the inside , to give the top some additional sensation inside the piss slit as well.
  12. OK, I'll bite. What are your movement's polictical goals?
  13. Oh , you mean the additional 4 months, of hell. Not sure I could pull that one off. LOL But who knows after, that last detail gets resolved. Maybe a sequal.
  14. Damn, I wish I were that man, you sound like someone I could have fun with.
  15. It sounds like you celebrate your birthday like I do Always open. Mine starts June 30th and goes through July 5th. I have a sort of ritual I follow. I normally leave town, except the past 3 years. I vist museums, go to lake or park with a pond, and sit for part of one day just contemplating life, then spend time with friends. On the actual day July 2nd I buy breakfast, lunch or, dinner, for someone else who doesn't know me, or that it's my birthday. Sometimes more than 1 person. I have arranged for one of the local restraunts just to show up and feed everyone at one company(200 people), then another I had 50 pizza's delivered(30 people). IN both cases the restraunt notified the company beforehand. Icome home on the 3rd, spend it with my family,and then we celebrate the 4th,and then I spend the 5th recovering. That's how it's gone since I was 18.
  16. Part 4 “Well boy, looks like it’s me and you now.” I feel Hambone’s boot kick me in the side hard enough to knock me over, and my hat off my head. “I need my boots cleaned boy.” As I’m laying there, in the puddle of piss, I look up at him “Fuck you!” “Now that’s not friendly of you, and here I thought we’d be friends.” He kicks me again. I see Jack getting out of his chair, and approach us smiling. “He giving you lip?” “Nothing I can’t handle.” Hambone replies. “We’ll let the boots go for now but you will be begging me to clean them before I’m done with you.” He grins, I see the tobacco stains on his teeth, and I’m sure he has a wad in his mouth, the others are laughing around us. “Still has some fight in him after all.” one of them says. “Not for long” Hambone says as he reaches down grabs me by the ear and pulls me to my knees. OH that fucking hurts so bad, but I don’t want to give him the satisfaction, so I bite my lip to keep from yelling. “Well” he says. When I don’t respond he grabs my head with both hands and jerks it upward. “Time to suck my cock what you waiting for?” I open my mouth, and he jabs two fingers in my mouth with one hand, while holding my head back with the other. “Don’t you dare bite.” He says. “Think your mouth is going to need a little stretching before I can fit” he puts 2 more fingers in my mouth and opens his hand stretching my mouth till I think its going to tear I want to scream, but find I can’t, and I feel like gagging. He pulls his hand out of my mouth and backhands me. I feel the blood trickling down my nose, and taste it in my mouth. “You don’t back talk to me again, understand?” I murmur “Yes, boss” Good, now open your mouth wide and keep your eyes looking at me. Hold it open till I say you can close it.” I do as he says. He spits in my mouth. It stings the open wounds inside my mouth, and I taste snuff, and beer. It’s an odd flavor to me, another man’s spit, I’ve shared mine before with guys, but never them me. He takes out a can of Copenhagen, “Do you dip boy?” I nod yes. “Good” , he pulls his wad out of his mouth and puts it between my lips and gum with his fingers. Then puts a fresh wad in his mouth. I feel like I’m going to choke and vomit at the same time as the juice runs down the back of my throat. The snuff makes me a bit light-headed. “Now suck my cock.” I start by licking the head, “I want it sucked not licked“, and he pulls my head onto his cock. He keeps pulling as it forces my mouth to stretch, it hurts so much, I feel tears running down my cheeks. “Oh, yeah, I love the way that feels, now a little more.” “AH!” It’s everything I can do to keep from throwing up. My head is spinning. I realize it’s only the head in my mouth as he slowly uses me. I hear Jack “WOW.” Through the tears in my eyes, I can see him standing there pulling his own hard cock. I hear the moans from Hambone, and think to myself, I know how that feels myself. He pulls out. “Oh, that was, I almost came, but wouldn’t want to deprive you of ridding on this bone.” “You can close your mouth now.” “Now stand, and turn around.” he commands me. It’s not easy, I stumble some, and Jack catches me. He makes sure I turn around to face him. I realize he’s handing something to Hambone, but can’t see “You’ll fucking love this” Hambone says, and I feel fingers at my hole, pushing in. Jack, holds me from front as I lift trying to get my ass away from the probing fingers. I feel them go in. “Oh, fuck” I say as he moves them in and pulls them completely out then shoves them back in again. My hole is burning, and the fingers make it feel so full. Between the snuff and whatever Hambone’s doing to me, I’m losing my sense of control over my own body, so I close my eyes to concentrate. In only a few short minutes of his fingers stuffing me, I find the pain is subsiding, and I’m trying hard not to moan. But my breathing is short and deep. “I think he’s ready” I hear Jack say, as he pushes my arms over my back. Hambone laughs. “You Ready for my cock boy?” “Yeah, you want it don’t you?” I feel a slap on my ass, “Do you want it?” As the fingers come out of my hole again, I answer him, “yes boss.” I feel him grab my arms and tie something around my wrists. Jack holds my jaw tightly, and makes me look at his face, and into his green eyes. “I think you should ask him for it nicely, don’t you?” “Well?” I feel another slap on my ass, and Hambone’s cock just rubbing against my hole. “Tell him how badly you want it boy.” Jack says as he tightens his grip making it even hard to actually speak. “Please fuck me Hambone.” I say. “ Why should I?” he asks. “you spurned me a few minutes ago, all I wanted was my boots licked.” He’s still rubbing my hole, teasing me ,it feels so good. “What will you do for me?” Hambone asks. “Please fuck me, I’ll do anything you want, please.” I can’t believe I said that. “Even lick my boots clean?” “Yes boss, yes, even that, just please fuck me now.” I feel the head start to slide in It hurts. “Please stop Please no more“, I beg. “Just like a bitch can’t make up their mind.” Hambone says, as he rams the hole length into my ass. I feel like I’m splitting, and going to pass out. “See that’s not so bad is it” as he starts rocking slowly, not giving me time to catch my breath or adjust to the sensations going thru my body. He picks up speed, as Jack holds me for him to pull out and ram it in again, and again. I feel his balls slapping against mine. Jacks own cock is still jutting out of his pants so I bend down and try to suck it to distract myself. It doesn’t work. I’m panting like a dog. I hear Jack, “ Just like a dog in heat, Fuck he wants more of my cock too.”, as he pushes my head back onto his cock. He makes me suck it. In a few minutes the pain gives way, and I start moaning. He stops and pulls out. My hole is quivering it’s so empty without his cock inside me. Jack lets me off of his cock. “Bring him over here.” I hear Hambone say. I look and he’s on the couch pulling his boots off, he has my hat. Jack holds me by my tied arms, tightly and brings me to the couch. Hambone has his pants off, he puts my hat back on my head, and pulls his shirt over his head. He’s naked. He has a decent body, many tattoos, and several scars. His chest is hairy. He lays down on the coffee table. “I want to watch him ride“. He says “Mount up cowboy.” “Lets see you make the 8 seconds.” He snickers Jack helps me get my legs over the table, and positions me over Hambone’s huge cock. The other guys circle around us to watch. They are passing another joint around. I see Magnum still using his camera. I lower myself slowly, just bending my knees enough. “Yeah, impale yourself on that thing for us.” I hear George say. Magnum moves so he can watch over Hambones head as I slowly take the whole cock in my ass. I feel so ashamed of myself, but I do want him back in me, I crave it. I feel a sting as his cock re-enters my hole. I keep going down on it, until I can’t go any further. I push myself back up. “FUCK!” He exclaims. “No woman ever took that much of me.” “Keep going bitch.” I have to arch my back to keep my balance as I go back down. Hambone hits my chest real hard with his fist. “Yeah, you like that cock don’t you Bitch.” “Tearing your own pussy up on my dick for me.” I hear Bill, “Look at how hard he is, definitely likes it.” “Fuck yourself on my pole dude, yeah do it.” Show me that you want it.” Hambone says. He grabs my hips, and starts thrusting deep inside of me. “I’m going to make you mine Bitch.” “Going to plant my seed in your ass.” As his thrusts get harder into me. I feel my own cock betraying me, I get that feeling deep in my balls. And I shoot my load all over his chest, and face. But he keeps going. I am trembling , I can’t hardly stand it. My moans are getting louder. AH SHIT! HERE IT COMES BOY!” and I feel his cock erupt it’s hot load deep within my bowels. He stays hard for a little while longer, just pumping in and out. Until finally he slides out of my hole. I feel his cum running down the side of my legs. Jack unties my hands and helps me off, and onto the floor. I feel so dirty and just kind of curl up in a ball beside the couch. The last thing I hear before I shut down, is Hambone, “Someone throw me a towel, so I can wipe the blood off.” I’m no longer aware of what’s going on around me. It’s not until I hear Magnum telling the other guys, he’ll take care of me, they can leave that I start coming back to the world. It’s daylight outside. Before I realize it he’s sitting there beside me. “You ok there?” What a damn fool question to ask, I think to myself. “I need to get you in the shower.” I feel him lifting me up and walking me but am numb to it, like I’m not really even there. “You’re one of us now.” “I know you hate me at the moment.” he says. He doesn’t know hate, when I recover I’m going to kill each of them in the most gruesome way, I think to myself, maybe skin them like a deer. “And no you aren’t going to kill me. We both know that.” “By the way, I dumped the bitch, and yes I am bi.” I’m barely aware he is talking to me. “If it weren’t for you I would have never known nobody liked her.” What do I care, I think. As he sits me in the shower and turns on the water. I suddenly realize he’s getting undressed. He does have a fine body. “That video will definitely sell, it was such a great idea.” He’s standing there facing me naked. “And of course we’ll blot the faces out, so you don’t have to worry about that. Is he some kind of nut I think to myself. “I have a confession to make.” he says lifting me back up when he gets in the shower with me. “ I did know about you being a guard.” “I know tonight didn’t go exactly like expected, but…” I interrupt in a whisper as I lean against the wall and he starts soaping down my body, “expected?” Well when I first met you I liked you, then when I saw you friended the bar, I checked you out online.” Checked me out, I think, not wanting to speak for the pain in my mouth and jaw. As I feel his hand soaping off my cock, and balls. It’s making me hard. “Let’s turn you around.” I see blood running down the drain mixed with the soap. I am starting to feel the stinging of my body as I turn slowly and the soap hit’s the abrasions on my skin. He soaps up my ass, “Ouch” I yell. “Sorry, but they really tore you up good.” “I probably should have stopped it, but then.” “Should have stopped it, yes” I say in a hushed tone. I feel his hands on my back, he’s being so gentle. The feeling of his hands caressing up and down my bruised and battered body is sending a mix of pleasure and pain throughout me. I can’t concentrate on being coherent. “I check everyone out as well as possible before we invite them to join.” The statement just barely registers from how good he’s making me feel. I‘m almost able to forget the pain, almost.. “And you are right everything is archived online.” “What?” I respond, through the pain in my mouth, not sure I heard him right the first time. “That was some hot story.” he says. “ Story?” I manage to say. “Yeah the one you wrote.” “I figured it was really a fantasy for you, especially when you bought me the beer tonight and used those exact words.” “my story?” “my story” , I whisper to myself. As he rinses me off. I feel the spray of the water, It’s funny how water can make pain go away sometimes. He helps me out of the shower. I notice we are both hard. Magnum grabs a towel and starts drying my body off, he says “I want you to know, I am going to be your sponsor for the next four months.” “my story.” I whisper again to myself, not yet grasping the words. “Nobody but us here tonight know what happened.” “But, I’ll have to explain the,” “shh” he says as he reaches my cock, he takes it in his mouth and sucks it. “AHHHH” “You already did.” he says. “It was a great idea too. Especially considering honesty is one of your faults.” He snickers. “I already posted that you had a couple of bad spills last night trying to ride., like you wrote in the story.” He helps me to his bed. I’m walking a bit bow legged, and every step is a reminder of the state of my body. I lay down on the bed on my back. “I even put in the part about you staying with me for a few days while you recovered. Which you will need from what we gave you anyway.” He climbs up between my legs and starts sucking my cock. Damn that feels so good, I think. I try to move to put my hand on his head, but am just so worn out, I lay there, breathing . He works his way up my body, kissing the bruises, and to my mouth ,and speaks “ So I thought..” This time I do raise my hand and grab the back of his head. “Shut up” I say as I pull his mouth to mine and we kiss. He pulls back up and laughs, then straddles my chest, and puts his cock to my mouth teasing me. I lift my head enough to suck it. Magnum reaches back, “Damn, you are so hard.” He says as he plays with my cock. He pulls his out of my mouth and aligns his hole with my cock, with his back facing me. I watch as my cock disappears up his hole. I feel how hot his insides are, his ass is so tight, and cute. He has a tattoo running up his back, but I really am more enthralled watching my cock as it disappears inside him. He start moving up and down on me, it only takes him a few strokes before I shoot my load in him. Damn, I’ve never cum so soon before. We roll over with my hard cock still planted inside his hole. I drift off to sleep with my arms wrapped around him holding him close to me.
  17. I wouldn't mind making a deposit in that jock framed ass of yours.

  18. That is such a good point!
  19. Thanks Rawtop, I'm glad to hear there's at least one other with the beating fetish. Funny thing is the only real fight I've ever been in was the first ex bf at the bar. I did threaten to start one with a cowboy buddy one time who would have beat me to a pulp, to get him to tell me what he was mad about. The thing I knew and pointed out was he tells the guy he's fighting everything on his mind. So I'd get my answer one way or the other. After tearing his shirt off and all the other cowboys betting I'd whip him, he talked instead. He was the one who got me into bull ridding. Hm, now I think I know where that fetish came from., all the fights I had to drag him his ass off someone.LOL.
  20. You two, plano, and Fiickloch may be of the lucky rare people who have an immunity. Have you ever thought of that. In which case you'll never achieve your apparent goal of catching it. Especially if you are sharing infected needles. Maybe you should modify your goal based on that assumption. Why do you want HIV? If you dont mind me asking?
  21. I think you have been reading ahead of the writing. That's an incredible talent. LOLOL
  22. Part 3 When Jack pulls out, I just lay against the table for a minute, by ass burns so bad. I then see Magnum coming out from behind his bar, he has something in his hand , but I can‘t tell what it is. I get to my feet and turn around. The other guys have all gotten up from their seats and gathered, like a pack of wolves about to pounce. “Please guys, you’ve had your fun, please let me go.” I say in a desperate voice. Jack is still standing there and I look at him. “I think you need to clean my dick now.” he says. He puts his big hand on top of my head and starts pushing me down. I try to resist, but he is much stronger than I would have ever expected. I go to my knees. “Good Boy.” he commands. “Now open your mouth!” as he slaps my face with his cock, it’s not as big as it felt in me, thank god, I think to myself. Jack reaches down and grabs my face. His hands are rough, and smell of motor oil. He pulls my face up. “I said open up!, or I’m going to knock those shinny teeth of yours out.” I see his teeth are stained, what teeth he has that is. I open my mouth. “And no teeth bitch, or I’ll knock them out.” He slaps me again on the side of the face, it stings as I take his cock in my mouth and suck it clean “Oh, that feels so good.” Jack pulls out after just a few seconds, “who’s next?” he asks as he grabs me by my neck choking me, drags me away from the bar a few feet, and throws me to the floor like some rag doll. I feel so low I wish I could crawl under a rock and die. While lying there naked trying to regain my breath the remaining group surrounds me. Will and Bill step in front of me, both have their cocks out. “Looks like we get sloppy seconds.” Will says to Bill laughingly. I manage to get up on my knees. Will puts his hand on my head, “time to start sucking.” I just sit there, Bill says, “Aw, now come on, you just got through sucking Jack there, surely you aren’t getting shy.” He snickers, and Will pulls my mouth to his cock. It smells of sex I think to myself. I open my mouth and put my tongue to his cock, I know that taste. “Damn, wish my girlfriend would do that.” he says. I lick the piss slit, then move on to the head, and slowly swirl my tongue around it, I can feel him jerk as I do. He pulls my head closer forcing his cock into my mouth I do my best, but haven’t sucked a cock in many years now and although I actually loved sucking cock, I was never very good at it. At least Will isn’t knocking me upside the head. I slowly get his cock deeper and deeper in my throat. Not really by choice since he is facefucking me. My neck is getting sore trying to control how much I take at a time. He starts hitting my gag reflex, and I try to back up, he lets me, and my drool runs down my chin. I roll my eyes up to look at him, as he pulls me back onto his cock. He has a look of bliss on his face. He gets a bit more forceful, making me gag again but doesn’t let me up. “I CUMMING, YEAH SWALLOW MY LOAD. HELL!.” and he shoves his cock as far down my throat as he can while he shoots. I feel like I’m going to throw up, but manage to swallow it. My nose burns from where some of it went up my windpipe. He’s breathing really hard and even trembling. He just holds me on his cock until he goes soft. Then pulls out. “Thanks man.” he says, “I really needed that.” Like I really had a fucking choice. In the meantime Bill has been masturbating and he shoots his load all over my face. “Fuck that was so hot to watch.” he says. Some of his cum lands on the floor. I hear Hambone “say make the bitch lick it off the floor“, he‘s behind me, so I turn my head to look at him. Damn I hurt all over. He has an evil grin, behind that beard. I notice his cock has gotten larger than when I saw it at the urinal, and my face takes on a look of fear. “Yeah, you’ll get it soon enough bitch. You know you want it. But now lick the floor up.” I look towards Magnum. “I’d do it if I were you.” He says. He’s holding a video camera pointed at me. I notice his jeans are definitely sporting a good sized erection, but he hasn’t pulled his cock out like the others. I wonder why? I realize my own cock is getting hard so I try to hide it from the bikers. I feel Hambone’s boot on my back pushing me over. I land face down a few inches from the cum on he floor. He reaches over me and grabs my head and scoots it across the floor till I am in reach. “You deaf or something, the man said do it. Do you hear me?” “Yes, boss, yes.” “You want that cum don’t you bitch? Tell me. “Yes boss, I want that cum.” as I stick out my tongue and start licking up the floor. “That’s so fucking hot” I hear Jack say. During this whole time two bikers that haven‘t really spoken except to egg the others on. But it’s come to be their turn apparently, as I see Hambone motion for them to use me, you guys want your turn before “I rip him up?” after you, George, the one says to the other, so his name was George, I think to myself. I look up at him. “By chance do you remember me? He asks. I nod, then feel a hard kick to my back, that knocks me into him. “Answer him like an inmate bitch” , I hear Hambone behind me. “Yes sir boss, I remember you.” “Do you remember why we only jacked off that night in the rain?” “Yes, I remember, you were out because your wife was divorcing you over something you caught.” “You were out at the drive-in looking for a blowjob.” “Yea, that’s right.” I really wanted one from you, damn I would have fucked you given the chance that night, I was so horny, but you weren’t willing to do anything more than jack off with me.” “And now we are here.” He laughs, “Ironic isn’t it?” “Yes boss.” I reply as he grabs my head and pulls it towards his cock. I start sucking. “I’m going to fuck you so be sure you get me good and wet cowboy.” I feel Hambone’s boot rubbing at my ass. Hand me his hat Frank, I want him to wear it as we do this. And he sticks it on my head as I am sucking. “Oh, that feels so good.” “Look up at me, I want to watch your face as you do this.” “Yeah I like that.” I feel like I’m lower than pond scum right now. He pulls his cock out of my mouth and says “now turn around like a good dog and suck Frank while I fuck you.” Hambone moves out of the way and Frank takes his place as I maneuver around. “Are you getting this?” Hambone says to Magnum, “Yeah every bit of it“. He replies. I smell the smoke of another joint floating thru the air, and look up, Frank blows smoke in my face as I start sucking his cock. Here George I here Hambone say behind me again. In few seconds I feel George’s fingers at my ass, “Damn, you’re still tight after Jake earlier.” as he slides one in and starts roughly fingering my whole, adding another and another. It hurts, and stings. I start taking short sharp breathes, and try to concentrate on the cock in front of me to keep me from thinking of the pain and burning sensation. I am beginning to feel flush, must be from the pot smoke Frank keeps blowing at me. George keeps fingering my hole for a few minutes. “I think that will work. He says, then pulls his fingers out. I feel suddenly empty, it’s so strange. Then I feel his cock it slides in easier than Jack’s did, he must have used some lube I think, but of course I’m sure Jacks cum was part of it. “Oh, yeah that feels so good.” He says as he starts rocking in and out gently at first, then picking up speed. I must admit it does feel so good especially after all the stinging when he was fingering me earlier. I start moaning, as I suck Frank’s cock. George is holding my hips, and slapping my ass as he fucks me. Each time he slaps I tighten and hear him groan. He’s using the slaps to make me milk him I think to myself. Suddenly Frank grabs my head and holds me still. He shoots his load, and I swallow, not spilling a drop as I don’t want to be hit again. When he gets done he keeps holding my head. I wonder why. “I’ve got to take a piss so bad dude, you don’t mind do you?” He says as he starts. I try to pull away but he holds me tighter. I let it run out of my mouth, goes down my chin over my chest, and all over the floor. It smells and tastes bitter and acidic. I don’t like this at all. He finally pulls out and I’m moaning and spitting at the same time. Magnum moves to get a close up of my face, then moves back to where George is fucking me. “You want my cum don’t you cowboy.” He slaps me on the ass again. I feel a slap on my face and my ear starts ringing. “He asked you a question.” Hambone says. Yes sir Boss, I want your cum.” “Yeah, I knew you would. I’m going to fill your guts cowboy.” “FUCKKKKKKK!” he yells as he shoots inside me. to be continued
  23. Well, I am working on it, and promise to have at least another part posted in the next day or so.
  24. Now I'm rolling on my floor laughing. Thanks I needed that.
  25. Happy birthday AlwaysOpen. Sounds like you had a hot time. I've never gotten laid on my birthday so I am envious Happy belated JizzDumpWI, what did you do for yours? Mine is 07-02
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