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Posts posted by fillmyholeftl

  1. Over a number of "active" years I've been on the receiving end of some BIG cocks (9+ to 11). As recently as this past month I've hooked up with 5 guys with approx. 10"..

    I'll be honest, two felt FANTASTIK ! One was "good"... 2 hurt like hell and caused some light bleeding... Could be I was more turned on by the good ones, could be their technique.

    I do know, I don't limit myself to size and have had some mind blowing fucks from cocks in the 6" range.... For me there are a lot of variables.

  2. I am lucky to live in Fort Lauderdale, because of the large HIV community here there are some excellent drs, infectious specialists, internists who have limited their practices to HIV. My current Dr as well as a couple specialists I see ("ass Doctor") have no problem asking about what position you are (top/bottom) and never shame you when discussing safer sex practices. I also sork in HIV education and am lucky to have access to many o h excellent resources available.

    So I tried talking to my doc about PrEP today and he shut down the conversation. I was there for something else, as well as routine sti/hiv testing, and when he asked me why I had scheduled the sti testing, I told him it's because I am regularly having sex w/o condoms. I then asked about PrEP, telling the truth that a couple of regular buds I play with are on it and told me I should get on it too. He acted like they were ridiculous-- asked me, "and how often do they take it? just whenever they have sex?", said they're using it as PEP and when I said, "no they take it every day, as a PRE-exposure drug," he cut me off and said, "I know what pre-exposure means" (???). Then he started pushing me to give a reason to justify not using condoms. When I got through that and brought it up that truvada was FDA approved, he said, "I know that but I think that it's too dangerous because it could weaken the effectiveness of truvada if you do get hiv."

    Not really sure what my next step should be. Schedule another appointment and bring it up more forcefully? I'm a university student on my school's health plan, so the health centre (and this doc, or his co-workers) are my gate-keeper docs-- prescriptions need to come from them or a doctor they refer for my insurance to cover it. Any suggestions? So far I've stayed neg and getting on PrEP would make my anxiety levels about bb'ing go down a lot.

  3. I don't know where you are, but here in Florida, where I am a HIV tester & counselor... the risk assessment questions are not linked to the clients name. Its used for statistical purposes only. If anyone (confidential or anonymous testing) testes POSITIVE, they are linked to services.

    I really love barebacking, but am neg and not chasing but not hiding either. I figure if and when I do convert, I want to know, so I still get tested regularly. The thing is where I get tested there's always a host of sexual history questions I have to answer first so they can assess risk, and I'm never sure how to answer.

    Has anybody ever gone to one of these clinics and been upfront about barebacking with guys whose status is unknown, or known poz? I guess I'm mostly worried about it affecting my quality of care if I do test poz, that it'll go in some file that I was chasing and have it impact insurance coverage later. (not to mention suffering a safe sex lecture I'm not interested in) Am I just being paranoid? If you go in for an anonymous test as an unapologetic barebacker, are there downsides?

    On the other hand, if you go in and lie about your history and test poz anyway, will they give you the third degree to figure out how you got it if you were as safe as you claimed?

  4. I have a number of FBs, from 20-mid 30's.... They know my status and have no issue in fucking me BB and breeding me... One guy (the 20 yo) I've been playing with for over a year, he ha a BF, an will fuck me and breed me repeatedly for over an hour with his gorgeous rock hard 9+"s..... I gotta send him a text :-)

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  5. In Florida, and probably elsewhere, it is the exposure or intended exposure of HIV... the person doesn't have to become infected. I know it's archaic and "unfair", after all both parties should be responsible for asking/telling... but this is how the law stands in this state at least

    Florida had recently listed it as a crime for intercourse, meaning vaginal sex.

    Recently I read about a guy in Florida who did not disclose, topped a guy safely with a condom was undetectable and they wanted to give him 20 years for not even transmitting it. He got 5 years probation.

    B) no, as long as you disclose and the neg person decides to have sex it is not a crime.

  6. AMEN I concur that I have felt some of these benefits after a night of CUM Collection...especially 1,2 & 9 .

    Apparently there's growing evidence that breeding does a body good... http://www.yourtango.com/experts/professor-kimberly-resnick-anderson/10-health-benefits-semen

    ...The alleged benefits of seminal plasma are activated when a man deposits semen into a woman's vagina. Newer research suggests that the same benefits may be available if the seminal plasma is swallowed. Some theories even suggest that semen deposited anally will offer the same benefits. The existence of "butt plugs" suggest that some men may want to keep the seminal plasma inside.

    Here are ten alleged health benefits of seminal plasma:

    1. Natural anti-depressant.

    2. Natural anxiety reducer.

    3. Improves quality of sleep.

    4. Increases energy.

    5. Improves concentration.

    6. Improves memory.

    7. Improves mental alertness.

    (8. Assists with pregnancy maintenance.)

    9. Increases female-initiated sexual behavior. (and Btm too!)

    10. Reduces pain.

  7. Haven't been, but from what I have heard they made more of a "club area" with ...I don't understand, DANCE FLOOR...this is in the last couple weeks

    Hey I had read on squirt that they remodeled again, and most don't seem to like the change. Can anyone give me some details on what has changed. I'm going to be in Fort Lauderdale the weekend of nov 15 and was wondering if it was still worth going to?
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