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Posts posted by fillmyholeftl

  1. I received some very valuable advice from my therapist, soon after I was newly diagnosed. She told me to STOP GOOGLING the meds & side effects. Everything I read on any topic, I was all of a sudden, In my warped mind, having those symptoms...that disease or WORSE. Relax, see a professional & everything will be alright. Don't rely on Google (or WebMD) for advice or treatment opinions that a qualified professional who you trust should be giving you.

    This motherfucking bump keeps getting bigger...I did something stupid and googled more on bumps around/on the penis and now I'm worried I have HPV, though the bump doesn't look like those bumps either. It may just be a cyst from what I have read. I'm not so nervous about showing the doctor anymore in the morning, now I just want to find out and deal with whatever it is.
  2. I am in NJ/NYC Oct 2 - 7 , staying right across the Hudson.... hoping to have something going on in my hotel or somewhere else too. I have a party ad on BBRT for first afternoon & evening & have gotten decent replies (not that it any indication) we should organize a breeding ZONE gathering......

    Good questions. I've never been brave enough to do this in New York, and I am pretty damn adventurous. When are you going? I'm going October 4-8 but don't want to try this at the Hilton I'm staying at for work. A trashy dive would be better. Having someone else there would be good too. Let us all know how it goes.
  3. Gloomy, rainy Sunday here in Ft Lauderdale. I posted on BBRT, as I had a "date" for a breeding set for 5pm. and wanted to go with a sloppy hole. Immediately a 30's latin guy messages, (we've been chatting on & off awhile) "do I want his load, & do I have poppers"... He's over in 10 mins. Nice 7" thick & uncut. We drop clothes & he says he has to pee. I'm watching so he pulls me into the shower, I drop to my knees and drink from the tap and he pees all over me.. Turns me around & starts to fuck me in the shower. I want to be more comfortable, so we move to the bed. He fucks & breeds me... then plays with a dildo in my ass s I suck him hard again.. spins me around slams it in & deposits load #2. I go back online & another guy.. we were chatting yesterday, asks address.. & comes right over with his 0 gauge PA ... fucks me like MAD & deposits load #3. short 20 min break, another local 33 yo latin guy.. thin 7"uncut messages, "you want my load? he is here in 5 mins and rapidly gives load #4. I message an old trick who has wanted to fuck me with a cummy, sloppy hole. He just left after giving me #5. (so 4 guys 5 loads in under 3 hrs).... resting up a bit, have butt plug in & going to head out for # 6, who's email is "kinkysex"@... Not a bad Sunday after all.

  4. I understand him flaking out or changing his mind, but why not just tell you? why give a guy the wrong address, that could have been dangerous...

    My feeling is that he didn't "flake out" or "get scared".. he plain out made up the whole scenario from the get go... I think there is a lot of that. Problem here is he took it the next step & communicated with the GIFTER and lied...

  5. Back in the day I was too scared to go to Mount Morris Baths. One of those things I regret - I really should have been sluttier back then. I now live in Mount Morris Park. The bathhouse is long-closed, but up until about 6-9 months ago the sign was still there. I snapped a picture of it before they took it down and started renovations on the place...


    Back in the late '90s West Side Club was a lot of fun. How long ago was it that you went? I haven't heard many people talk about it lately. I thought it was pretty dead.

    That was last Fall... I lived in NYC/NJ until 2008. I know that both ESC & WSC could be hit or miss, as really any Bathhouse is. That was just a really remarkable afternoon at WSC, so I posted it.

  6. I think it's been there about a year, possibly more. I know that I have been in Tampa/St Pete 3 or 4 times since last fall. Each time I do at least 1 (usually 2) "drive by's. The parking lot is always empty. at most 3 or 4 cars. The Rainbow Cabaret, is a few blocks away. on 3 occasions, I went there & although it's old.. not so "fancy" I had some really hot BB sex. The last time was with a hot guy with a ripped body. He fucked me in every possible position for about an hour straight. We took a break, found each other later when he unloaded a HUGE load in my hole. (I was pre lubed with a Bear's spunk I took a little before I first hooked up with him)

  7. I certainly don't want to come across as an angel of any sorts. I am far from it. BUT !!! if something is illegal, not to mention immoral, it is WRONG. I am not a proponent of stealthing at all... It's entirely a different situation when someone WANTS to chase, be pozzed...whatever you want to call it. But KNOWINGLY LYING or exposing someone who isn't aware of your status is wrong & I think CRIMINAL...

  8. Post the picture of your wasted face &body when you get there... I don't mean to judge, just why .. I don't understand would a healthy negative boy from Iowa, want to have his ass bleeding, drink infected blood AND BE PROUD... I am proud & have no shame of being HIV+, but I respect myself enough to not go to those extremes.. I love multiple poz or unknown loads in my hole anytime. I am anything but IGNORANT. I am happy of who I am & where I am in my life. GOOD LUCK

  9. I used to live in NYC....I had some Smokin HOT times at WSC, but also some crappy nights. My last time, on a recent trip back, I checked it out on a Monday afternoon... got fucked & bred by a procession of your (20 something) guys...Left from there to catch my evening flight back to FTL a very happy man with a very wet hole.

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