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Posts posted by fillmyholeftl

  1. I think that many HIV educators/workers who are not "out in the trenches" having sex with other men do not understand the reality of needs and desires that shape the actions of gay men. Many think that we solved this years ago telling guys to just use condoms, and don't understand why that message has not worked. Thus, I think the first important message is to ask HIV workers to not to be judgmental and not suggest that guys are crazy for not using condoms. Suggest that workers should be open to understanding that it is not as simple as that.

    A big motivator to bareback is a subject that most men (gay or straight) don't want to bring up: Its about the erection! Many guys after hitting 30 (sometimes even younger) have a hard time staying hard using rubbers. One could argue that guys who bottom who are at the most risk could insist that tops wear condoms - but they get the erection issue too. They know that many guys who they might like to get fucked by can't do it with a rubber. Requiring tops to use a condom may mean not getting fucked. Many guys are not trying to become poz - they are just trying to be sexual, and learn that barebacking is sometimes the only way to do it.

    Let guys know that though being poz is no longer the end of the world, it is still nice to stay neg if possible. It is certainly fine to continue to promote the idea that condoms are an effective way to prevent HIV transmission, but if its not going to work for a guy, then don't continue to harp only that line, but be open to talking about alternative harm reduction strategies for guys who want to choose to bareback

    Harm Reduction Ideas

    - Get tested regularly for both HIV and other STIs

    - Consider PrEP (If you're open to becoming poz and eventually going on HIV meds, why not go on HIV meds now, and perhaps prevent HIV)

    - Serosorting for HIV neg guys only is not an effective strategy ("Neg" may not always be neg; "poz" not always a high risk)

    -Topping is less risk than bottoming

    -Listen to your instinct. If you don't feel comfortable, don't do it. Its OK to say no, even after you're naked.

    -Ask a neg partner: how often do you get tested? When was your last test? (long time ago? more risk)

    -As a neg top: are you exclusive top? (less risk if he never bottoms)

    -Ask a poz partner: are you taking meds? (not on meds, higher risk)

    -Ask a poz partner: how often do you get HIV lab work? What is your viral load?

    (Don't put words in his mouth by asking if he's undetectable, ask what viral load is.. but if he is undetectable - less risk)

    -Pulling out before cumming may be less risk, but not always. Pre-cum can transmit HIV, especially if high viral load guy

    -Are you really really comfortable with being poz if it happens?

    -Do you have insurance or live in a state with good public health?

    -Suggest having negative guys read the information for guys who have just seroconverted NOW - while still neg - and see how you feel about the things that it tells you. Check out www.projectinform.org for good info for newly converted guys.

    Hope these ideas can help your discussion, and be helpful for other guys too

    that's a great posting. you are "right on" with this. I am a HIV tester/counselor & facilitate an HIV education program. I adhere to the ideas & opinions you post.. I am non-judgemental. It's my job to educate, not tell someone what to do. They should take the knowledge we provide & decide for themselves the proper behavior for themselves. Oh BTW... always been a "fan" of yours !
  2. Was SUPER horny today as I haven't had opportunity to get seeded for a couple days. I planned going to Club Lauderdale early afternoon &hanging out for most of the afternoon. Well as I am just about to leave, a FB (who introduced me to piss play) hit me up on BBRT. I passed by his house. he shoved his hard uncut cock down my throat as soon as I walked in... then spit on my hole a few times & fucked me for awhile. He went back to face fucking me & shot his load (HUGE) down my throat. As he softened a little, he gave me some piss...I dried off & headed to my destination, where I took another 3 loads where I wanted them...IN MY HOLE. How do I dress as a CUM DUMP for Halloween???

  3. This has happened to me in varying degrees over the years. Interestingly, lately as I have been more an active cum dump, I edge more & more. In the last few days after an hour or so of play, I ooozz...pouring out buckets of precum & cum...ultimately having to end the session with an orgasm which may or may not be "DRY". Last night, I was at a bathhouse here in Tampa and the sheets were SOAKED after 2 extended sessions.

  4. I have had to make a couple trips up to Clearwater, Fl for some family stuff. I've had various degrees of luck on A4A, BBRT etc... On my trip back to Ft Lauderdale last Saturday, I got a message on Grindr from a VERY CUTE 33 yo. We chatted back & forth during the drive & early this week. I came back up to Clearwater this past Wednesday & made plans to meet last night. We met up at Georgie's Alibi and immediately began making out. He's 5'3" to my 5'4", with a nice hairy chest and lean (not muscular) body. we headed back to my motel. He'd sent me a couple pictures of his cock, that looked substantial given his size, but sometimes photos are deceiving. We continued our make out session as soon as we were in the room and I began to feel a "tenting" in his loose shorts. We lost the clothes quickly & a beautiful 8" cut curved cock hit my leg. I hit my knees and sucked him down my throat. we continued to the bed me getting on top of him and that beautiful cock nudging at my hole. We both added spit between kisses and he quickly & effortlessly entered my hole fully in seconds. Between my bouncing and his thrusting he was soon panting and delivered a huge warm load deep in me, which I could feel oozing out. I kept his cock in me for 10 minutes. we relaxed on the bed about a half hour, when I went down on him again, quickly bringing him to a full hardon. This time he entered my from behind and within minutes again was filling be a second time with his DNA. We fell asleep, his cum in me for the whole night. We are having a repeat tonight. maybe I can coax 3 loads from him.

  5. also different plans will probably cover different thing s. As I understand it, there are four levels of plans: bronze, silver, gold and platinum.

    you may have to pay a larger amounts for meds based on what plan you got.

    I just came from a presentation. What I got from it was... if you are spending a lot on medications & care (ie) HIV, AIDS etc..., then it would save $$ if you opt for a plan with a lower deductible. In the long run, you will have less out of pocket expenses, that you are paying for over a period of 12 months, rather than the first couple months of the year.

  6. 9.5 seems to be the number... this past weekend, a 25yo, 6'5". THICK & CURVED DOWN... I met him a year ago & was only able to sit on it before I prematurely blew !! This time I was determined.. He rode me in all positions hard, slow...doggy, on my back... my insides felt bruised for 2 days. I think years ago I probably took longer, but none this thick.. this HARD & attached to such an aggressive fucker

    Oh....I forgot (how could I have) when that last inch went in the other day..it was like NIRVANA !! I was totally sober and the euphoria was amazing... maybe knowing he had bottomed out in me.... He is such a nice kid too...

  7. 9.5 seems to be the number... this past weekend, a 25yo, 6'5". THICK & CURVED DOWN... I met him a year ago & was only able to sit on it before I prematurely blew !! This time I was determined.. He rode me in all positions hard, slow...doggy, on my back... my insides felt bruised for 2 days. I think years ago I probably took longer, but none this thick.. this HARD & attached to such an aggressive fucker

  8. I am in NJ visiting family. I arranged (posted) a breeding at my hotel which, as usual didn't pan out well.. I got 2 loads, nothing spectacular about either. Then an old FB messaged me yesterday & passed by the hotel. He's bearish, but an excellent TOP an we made out, I sucked him, he ate me out & fucked & deposited a nice load.. I had also made plans to meet up with a 25yo, who I've played with on another visit home. He's 6'5" (to my 5'4") about 170 lbs soaking wet with a 9.5" THICK, curved cut cock. The last time, I just managed to sit on him, ride it a bit before I shot & it was over. I was DETERMINED, and actually in my quest of becoming a true pig bottom over the last year and half, have thought many times of him. Well, he cam in the door, we made out a bit. I was only in my NP jock... His clothes came off & I dropped to the floor to worship his BEAUTIFUL cock. we quickly moved to the bed because of the height difference., I sucked he ate my ass....then started to play and finger lube in...before long he had my legs up and was slowly entering my hole... I was surprised that it didn't hurt more ( at 25 it was HARD).. he took breaks but soon had it all in...well we fucked in all positions, he carried be around the room at one point. It was best on my back what with the curve. We both were saying "oh my god" many times.. I was sufficiently stretched out that he got a nice HARD pace going and I shot a huge load with a earth shattering orgasm... he kept it up an I could feel it throbbing and shooting DEEP. Turns out, I am bout one of maybe 3 guys who have ever been able to get him to the place like how we were fucking...I had a cramp inside for a few hrs and a little pink discharge later ... BUT WOW ! I'm making more frequent trips home

  9. I would suggest checking out the S FL area- Ft Lauderdale has a huge poz community and the support network to maintain it- from food banks to a TON of gay doctors and gay friendly doc-- almost any doctors office here is involved in some drug study related to HIV, a large gay community center ( Pride Center) Maybe if you are in a small town and the only known poz boy you are alienated- at least here with thousands of guys in the same boat- you are never alone and there is truly a support arm the for you

    I report came out today, that Fort Lauderdale has more % of Gay Couple than SAN FRANCISCO. SF actually dropped to 3rd place. I've been in Ft Lauderdale going on 3 years after NYC for EVER. I LOVE IT HERE. The sense of community, gay community is great. There is also a strong POZ support and (if it interests you) a large active GAY RECOVERY community mixed in. In some aspects, being positive isn't spoken of much, but BB is everywhere, mostly a "don't ask, don't tell" mindset. For me, my BIO HAZARD Tattoo says it ALL.

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  10. Exactly why I got my Biohazard tattoo.... it's instant disclosure in any situation. I am at a point in my life where everything is an open book. so I really couldn't care less about the prudes on the beach looking at it. I am once again right with you bearbandit !!

    The thing men are most likely to lie about is sex. Well, maybe money and sex. I don't want to fuck with guys who are nervous about fucking with a poz guy: I respect your decision. That's one of the reasons behind getting the biohazard tattoo - it gives you warning that I'm poz. On the other hand, since my viral load is zero, it also means you're missing out on what could be some great sex ;-)
  11. I am going to have to say, that most of the time it's a psychological "feeling", from the change in the TOPs motion or his groan/exhale...knowing that he has just unloading is enough for me to "feel" it & have satisfaction that he's left his seed in me. There have been times when I feel the throbbing of the hard cock unloading and of course the times when I have a couple or three loads in my hole (cunt some might say) and that last (next) one's load fills me so much more that I feel the fullness, hear the squishing and I am in total bliss.. knowing all these men have left something in me. The best is when you can make eye contact.. and your top stares you down & you see the look in his face as his seed (hopefully toxic) is unloading into you. ahhhhhhhh

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