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About rapefukd

  • Birthday 10/07/1981

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    Neg, Recently Tested
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  1. man, any of the tops who have responded to this post have to fuck me! Am in desperate need of a ruff hard fuck where i am used by a dom top purely to get himself off. Unfortunately everytime i think i have found a dom top they turn out to be too nice and focus on mutual pleasure...my pleasure from taking dick as ruff and forcefully as a top can give it, period!
  2. I had just moved and after a long few days of heavy lifting, unpacking, rearranging and organizing I was feeling the need to unwind. I arranged with a couple of friends to go out and let off a bit of steam as it had been ages since we had all been dancing and drinking together. My boyfriend had decided that he just wanted to chill at home and that was fine by me, I could use some independent time. Saturday night finally came and I put on my usual attire, white t-shirt and jeans…I was never one for getting really dressed up especially since I intended on dancing the night away. I’m 5’10 and had honed my body to a lean and muscular swimmers frame. My friends all wanted to go to the city’s only gay club as it had better music. I don’t usually like the gay scene, I find it too fruity and I was much more of a guys guy, but I went along anyway. The night kicked off with dinner and drinks before we descended the stairs to the club and the usual heat and dark lighting invaded my senses immediately. I made my way to the bar and was met with a crowd of very young camp partiers and the older guys who were hanging out watching the scene. I got a few looks, eyes moving up and down my body, sizing me up. I ignored the glances and ordered my drink before heading off to find my group. A couple of straight mates had joined my girlfriends for the evening, undoubtedly trying to hook up with them, and I felt more at ease in their company than the throng gay guys crowding the terrace. The night wore on and we headed to the dance floor, just a big group goofing around, laughing and joking as the beats throbbed through our bodies. A guy I didn’t know had joined the group on an invite from my friend Melissa. He was a muscular, good looking guy and a surprisingly good dancer. He was putting the moves hard on Mel, so we all gave them a bit of space as they ground against one another on the dance floor, not wanting to interrupt the public foreplay in which they were engaged. Time flew past under the strobe lighting and gradually my group whittled down with my mates heading off at different times to go to other clubs and try their luck with the ladies. My girlfriends were all starting to head towards the door at about 3am. I decided to stay on as I had bumped into a few people I knew. Mel and the guy were off in a dark corner as I stayed on the dance floor. A couple of guys moved a bit closer and I ended up dancing with them, they were good guys and I told them I had a boyfriend so we just had fun gyrating to the music. A little while later Mel popped up and said in my ear that she was done. I asked her how it had gone with the guy and she said he had tried to get her to go off with him but she knew from experience that drunk guys are a dud lay so she declined. I kissed her on the cheek and we said our good-byes. At that time, guys around me were getting a bit handsy, moving closer and closer, their hands edging under my sweat drenched t-shirt. Even with a few drinks in me I knew it was time to go and politely extricated myself from the situation. I left the club and thought about grabbing a taxi but as it was only a few kilometres to my new place I decided to walk off the tipsyness I felt. I headed off in the homeward direction and a few hundred metres up the road I found the guy Mel had fobbed off sitting on the curb, he seemed pretty wasted, but he waved at me and I stopped. “Just heading home,” I said, “You ok man, need help getting a taxi?” “Na, was gonna walk home, I’m just across the park,” he pointed across the parklands towards the main road. “Cool man, am headed that way myself, let’s get you up.” I held my hand out to help him up. A firm grip met it and I hauled him to his feet. He was a big guy, mid thirties, 6’2 and had a physical labourer body, masculine and assured. We strolled down the road and, in between swigs of beer, he started talking about my hot girlfriend Mel and how hard he’s been trying to get with her. I laughed and said, “Get in line bud.” I knew I probably shouldn’t have but I wasn’t thinking clearly. “Waddaya mean? She giving it up to other guys?” he slightly slurred, he seems quite peeved at the idea. “No idea bud, but there are plenty of guys after her I would image,” I said trying to diffuse his annoyance. We crossed a main road and headed along the path through the parklands. I quickened my pace as it got a bit chillier in the dense foliage. “Na man, I reckon u know. She sluttin round while prick teasin me?!” it was a question and a statement at the same time. I moved slightly away, “Like I said mate I dunno anything, I haven’t seen her in ages and didn’t talk much to her tonight,” all of which was true. He adjusted himself in his jeans, “I’m so bloody hard for her man, and she was all over me, kept me boned all night and then she split.” He kept kinda rambling to himself about how much of a cock tease she is and how he was gonna give it to her good. I laughed a bit, “Yeh girls can be like that”. He rambled a annoyed agreement, still adjusting himself through his pant leg, “Yer girls are teases,” this comment more audible and coherent. The path had gone from paving to just dirt as we passed through the maze of trees leading to the big oval. Suddenly, in a quick movement knocked me over onto the grass. I fell to the side, narrowly missing hitting my head on the trunk of a tree. Sprawled on the ground I looked up at him. His broad shoulders obscured what little light there was in the thick bunch of trees and he towered menacingly above me, a glower on his face. “Girls are teases, but guys are easy.” My heart raced, and I went to get up, “What the f…” my words cut off as I moved my weight from my side and rolled to my hands and knees to push myself upright again, as a great weight pressed on my back and a hand yanked at the back of my jeans. “Hey, get the fuck off me maannnnn…” my words became muffled as the weight moved from my back to my neck and my face was pressed into the grass. The guy pushed my head hard and I felt the heat of his torso through my sweaty top. “Yeh guys are real easy,” he muttered into my ear, his body pressed over the back of mine. In a swift, rough movement my jeans tore and were yanked down to my bent knees by a very strong grip. I heard the sound of a zipper sliding down. “That lil bitch may not be taking it tonight, but you won’t b so lucky.” I struggled to free myself, pushing up with all my strength, my muscles straining. But he was much stronger with all of his weight bearing down on me. He chuckled a bit, “I like a struggle. Saw you teasing those guys on the dance floor tonight. You’re just like your bitch friend. Fucking tease!! You like a big raw cock? Bet u do! If you don’t, you’re taking mine anyway,” his deep voice was laced with aggression. “Please…” I started. “Begging for it already…knew you were a slut!” Spit hit my crack and slid down to my hole, one, two, three gobs. “That’s all your getting boy!” he stated as his muscular legs pressed against the inside of my thighs and pushed them wider apart, my jeans digging hard into my knees before giving way and sliding a further down my calves, my legs parting wider. I felt a great heat, like a hot iron rest along my crack. It felt like it was branding me. “Don’t…” I muttered into the grass, my head still roughly held there. “Too late bitch,” he sneered before his hips moved slightly backward then shoved brutally forward. My hole clenched, but his big slab pushed harder. I felt his leg muscle contract even more and he rammed hard. My eyes snapped wide as I felt my hole rip open around his giant head. My breathing became ragged and I went to cry out in absolute agony when a big hand snaked around my cheek and clamped firm over my mouth. My cry not heard, the rest of his monster was forced up my tearing chute, fast and hard. I couldn’t relax, every muscle in me tensed and my hole was spasmed firmly shut, as he drove the entire shaft into me to the hilt, burying himself pubes deep with sheer brute strength. I felt the cold scratch of the zipper being forced close to my hole as he laughed at my struggles and pain. “Urggh, fuck yeh, tight lil fucker aren’t ya! Bet ur boyfriend doesn’t fuck ya like this.” His hips retreated, removing the solid mass from deep in my gut, until I was almost empty, then firing back into my torn hole. “Yeh, ya need a real man fucking ya…come on” hand still clamp over my mouth he moved his other hand to grip my shoulder and pulled. My hole tore even more as his rod pushed deeper into my gut. I cried out into his palm as the veins in my neck strained. “Look at ya, bent over with a man’s cock up shoved up your ass, and you love it, don’t ya? Pretending to be a man, but I’m the man!” he shoved again for emphasis. “Can’t fuck a girl rough like this, but guys love it. They take it anyway I like! You sick bitch!” My ripped hole spasmed involuntarily,“Oh FUCK!” he yelled, obviously liking the feeling. He released my mouth and grabbed a fistful of hair as he started laying into my hole, pulling my head back and pushing down on the middle of my back, almost breaking me in two, repeatedly lodging himself as deep as he could go. He started building up a real pace, his big arms flexing and holding on tighter and stronger. My entire body was rocking, “Make me feel good slut, keep it tight, make me feel good.” He shoved a few fingers into my mouth, gagging me, as he pushed my legs painfully further apart. My ass clenched at the pain and he let out an “ah” while driving even deeper. “Oh yeh that’s it, make daddy feel good. Milk the dick. Yeh. So tight! Yeh. Squeeze my shaft. Yeh. You like my big dick ey? Ahhh” I grunted in response, pain searing through me as I was impaled again on his raw shaft, “You fucking love it!” I heard his words through perfect ears, along with my grunts, trying to take the rough spit fuck, my vision, distorted by tears. I felt like an arm had been shoved up inside me, the guy was huge and thick. “Getting close fag”, he grunted and pushed down on my back harder and gripped my hair tighter. He leaned over, his abs pressing into my lower back, so his lips were close to my ear, his hot breath moving over my cheek. “like this bitch, don’t ya? Like my ten incher, raping you..You fuckin lil fag, been gaggin’ for it all night! Man, your hole is tight, gonna get me off soon. Needa empty my balls. Gonna load you up pussy, take a real man’s load! You want my jizz, fucker?” I didn’t reply, couldn’t reply, I could barely breathe from the pain. “Answer me boy! You want my swimmers?!” he rammed his hips hard and rough as he said it, his thick shaft scraping along my insides. “Tell me!” He flung his hefty arm around my neck, bicep flexing as he squeezed, cutting off my air.” “I want it,” I squeaked, desperate for breathe. “Louder, whore…what do you want?” His muscular arm relaxed a little from around my neck so I could responded, “I want your big load,” “Where?” “Inside me, shoot it up my gut,” I felt sick, but I wanted it to end. He laughed, moved his arm and gripped my hair again. “Time to get you pregnant bitch!” He slapped my firm ass, making me flinch and my hole contracted as he completely withdraw then pushed me down and slammed the entire length back into me, putting his considerable weight behind his last thrust and taking all the air from my lungs. He bellowed a deep growl, “Take every drop cunt! Take the breed!” and with that I felt his cock swell and pump his cream into my gut, his grip tightened on my hips and his fingers dug painfully into my flesh as every muscles in his body tense violently. Huffing and grunting I counted 5, 6, 7 spurts, before he shoved again and collapsed over my back, his abs heaving, sweat pouring off his brow. He pushed himself up, still breathing hard and yanked his dick out of my still clenched hole with a pop. Standing up easily while I was prone on the ground, still in pain, he hefted his dick and put it back in his jeans. I rolled to my side, “Catch ya slut!” he offered as he turned and swaggered off into the thick of trees and out of sight.
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