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Everything posted by bugchaser93

  1. Any more on this story
  2. That's it???
  3. Damn I hope David's dick gets chopped off soon and the new boys distorted
  4. Please continue
  5. Fucking hot man love it I thank in the next chapter u need to make them make the dog boys dick like a real dog
  6. So hot hope they cut it off soon and make him a pusdy slut
  7. Damn boy please continue u should make Dave get balls and cock cut off it be so hot to make him a useless twin
  8. Any work on when we will have the new part
  9. So want part 2
  10. Hey privet msg me sexy I'd love to chat

  11. Please continue
  12. I thank some one needs to take over this story he is never going to cont I thank
  13. Are u going to continue please do
  14. Any more ?? That was short u should go Into how he was castrated and stuff
  15. Damn babe I so wanna see more i wanna be that boy
  16. U need to empty ur inbox so we can chat

  17. Wish part to was out lol it's so hot
  18. i agree please make a chapter 2 with this story line it be grate
  19. Please continue
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