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Everything posted by wjhnsea

  1. Maybe the mares aren't the picky ones?
  2. Yeah I was kind of unsure about my post. Wouldn't have been surprised or put out if I had gotten a ruler to the knuckles for that.
  3. I prefer amateur porn primarily because I like to be able to identify with whoever is fucking. Since I'm not a twink/bear/hairless 2% bodyfat muscle stud I don't believe the men in professional porn would hook up with me. Since I can't picture myself in those scenes pro porn is uninteresting to me. I also don't like the formulaic and mechanical sex either.
  4. As long as it's hard what difference does the color make?
  5. Would love to take a poz load from you. I don't have anything nasty for you

    at the moment but would be willing to return the favor when I do.

  6. I'm a neg bottom chaser. I'll beg you to infect me while you're pounding my ass.

  7. Removing sexual preference from the equation and going purely on sensation pussy feels so much better than ass. I love anal but pussy beats it no question.
  8. I would be happy if I was only on the receiving end of a cock but if I see someone versatile who I'd like to fuck me but he wants to get fucked too I will oblige him. I believe that makes me a versatile bottom.
  9. Play it safe. If an adult male has sex with a 14 year old girl that looks 18 and lies about her age he still goes to jail even though she lied. It would take prosecutors finding just one underage kid saying he was from a state with a lower age of consent than the one he lived in to get you shut down. We understand your motives but do you think an ultra-conservative DA from Mississippi or Texas would?
  10. I have no interest in being anything but holes. I am never looking for a boyfriend experience. I just want to be used and then discarded.
  11. I might be coming down to PDX in May would love for you to shoot your poison in me if I do

  12. Doesn't look like it's been updated for quite a while. Was the site that got me to take my first tentative steps to eventually taking loads.
  13. I'm probably in the minority but I preferred the earliest post-HIV bb porn when it was average guys doing the fucking. When I watch porn I like to identify with and like to think I could participate with the guys I'm watching. I don't have that feeling watching all these men with 2% bodyfat. Some diversity would be nice. Nothing wrong with attractive in-shape men but it would be nice to see people most of us could actually meet from time to time in a video.
  14. I don't care what a hard cock is attached to as long as he's willing to pound a load into me I'm ok.
  15. It does seem odd when checking out profiles and more bottoms have hard cocks in their pics than tops do.
  16. Going to be in Jersey this summer would love to bring something more than memories back to Seattle...

  17. If you're ever in Seattle I'd be more than happy to be bred by you.

  18. You've been off meds for over a month. Do you know how your viral load is doing?

  19. How much barebacking goes on?
  20. Could also be to not scare off any other guys who say they play safe while still being able to hook up with the anything goes crowd.
  21. One of the ideas going around is that many transmissions are from recently converted men who are unaware they became poz. Since they just converted their viral load is still high making them able to more easily infect someone else.
  22. Location search would be nice.
  23. I expect it. I also love sucking a cock fresh from someone else's ass too.
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