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Everything posted by HMR89

  1. Haha thank you guys for your answers but my question is : how does one (anyone) LOOK like they're screaming to get fucked?
  2. So, I was recently talking to a friend who I used to have a crush on. He and I are both committed and monogamous to our partners. Recently, we were joking around and I told him that I'd top him if I were single. He's 8-9 years older to me and said: "No, you look doable. I'll do you because you look doable. It's as if though you're begging to get fucked and are saying 'come fuck me now, please'". I asked him to explain what he meant but he wasn't able to convey his message. How does one LOOK like that? ^^ What does that even mean?
  3. Hey guys, Just wanted to ask- how can you tell whether your anus is tight or loose (or looser than before)?
  4. I was thinking over this a few days ago and here's my answer (I've never cheated on my guy. I certainly enjoy being a cock tease though ): if you're in a relationship, put yourself in your partner's shoes. Would he cheat on you? If so, how would you react? Think from his point of view. Everyone's different and so, you need to put yourself in their shoes. If you feel like you and he have different approaches to life and that cheating is something that you can't control then, be single or date someone who's into the things that you're into. This way you're wasting the life of a guy who loves you because he thinks of you in a certain way. That's because of the IMAGE you've created for him. And you're wasting your own time because you can do all of this without putting him at risk of getting infected by your suitors (indirectly) and he can be with someone who wants the same things he does. Come clean and let the dust settle. If it does, good and if it doesn't you'll know what to do. Why are you with him if you can't control the urge to cheat on him? As far as 'love' is concerned, if your love for him isn't strong enough to make you give up your current....indiscretions... then, you need to be alone to figure yourself out first. And I'd say that's what YOU need to do for a while because its obvious that you have no intention to quite cheating on him so far. I hope this help you
  5. You can get this problem healed or fixed asap. If you don't chances are the hemorrhoid will get worse and "bulgy" again. Remember that a hemorrhoid is the product of trauma to the veins in the anal canal. You can get these INSIDE, too. If you're eating foods, chances are you're aggravating the hemorrhoid when you take a shit because some force is exerted by the anal muscles. Hence, the hemorrhoid will be affected too. If you're still having sex, you're exacerbating the situation. Deal with this problem NOW because it WILL get worse if you don't do so- especially since you've chosen to continue having sex. The sooner you get it over with, the better. If you go any later than you should, it will take you a considerable amount of time to get rid of something that can be dealt with in 2 weeks (rather than a month or so).
  6. I want a passionate, hardcore, deep and thorough pounding. The harder the better.
  7. I had a hemorrhoid once. You need to visit a GP or someone to prescribe meds to you. Hemorrhoids can 'go away' completely. Also, hemorrhoid are normal in the sense that they're not caused by an STD. So having sex with condoms won't do anything good for the hemorrhoid. Pretend as if though you're about to die and go meet a GP. It really shouldn't be that expensive.
  8. I want to be fucked constantly, without breaks, for 30-45 minutes and then maybe take a minute's breaks if he wants and then to resume for another 45 minutes. The longer the fuck the better.
  9. True. I don't mind the whole domination thing and I would not react the same way if it were called anything else but to accept the concept and events of rape is just atrocious to me. Fantasizing about 'rape' is not rape per se because it is something you want. It is consensual and if it were to happen you wouldn't want to stop it but to promote the act itself and see nothing wrong with it, to me, is wrong.
  10. Yes, but using the term rape so casually and asking to be raped and commending it is just sick. It's not wrong- it's sick. People who use the term don't understand or they don't care to understand the impact of this vile act.
  11. I would brutally kill any man who does that to anyone. So no, it's no man's right to do so.
  12. I'm using my HP laptop and the Windows 7 Platform!
  13. I don't like it. It's interface isn't easy on the eyes and seems like its more suited for mobiles, to be honest. I had to refresh the page because I thought I may have entered the mobile version by mistake! It's too.....digitally civilized! I much preferred the previous version.
  14. Generally all but I love missionary- deep thrusts, you get fucked hard and can feel the other guy's body- it's heaven.
  15. I just sent you a message in your inbox. Please check
  16. Okay, when i had anal warts I got them removed. The doc burned them off by using some electric device. Burned like hell and yes, I did have to use Aldara for 6 weeks after which they went away. Now I'm fine and in the clear. No warts have reappeared and there's no discomfort but by boyfriend's got two on his penis. The doctor told me that I could have bb sex after he inspected me one last time but he didn't mention that this is a VIRUS that will not go away.
  17. Hey you guys SOrry for asking so many questions but you guys are so responsive and I love that you guys give all sorts of advice. So, remember how i said i was afraid about my bf's warts? Well, he had warts on his penis earlier and he got them removed. However, now 2 warts have reappeared on the EXACT same spot of his cock. Initially they were bumps but according to him they're growing in size (though not in number). DO we have reason to worry? Should we start using contraception? Why are his warts recurring even though I'm in the clear? PLEASE HELP.
  18. And the fact that my health is good and has been so even after I tested? Isn't that a good sign?
  19. Hey all So the last time I got tested was in 2012 (December) and it came out to be negative. I've been committed since 2013 now and I've been in great shape. Though I had warts up my ass, those went away. No allergies, infections or such like. I'm also energetic and my boyfriend got tested before we went for bareback sex. My question: considering everything I've mentioned above do you think I'm just fretting over nothing? Please answer.
  20. I'm fine but it's the boyfriend I'm worried for. Wouldn't I have known if I had warts on the inside by now? My warts haven't returned
  21. Thank you so much for the advice guys. But here's an update- so I've been clear and healthy. My boyfriend, however, has another bump/wart on his cock. It hasn't grown or decreased in size. We still have sex bareback and despite that I've been clear. I eat healthy and all. My boyfriend on the other hand- not so much. He's gained weight and he doesn't eat healthy at all. The size of the wart hasn't increased or decreased as such nor has it spread elsewhere. It's just there. That's it. Any advice on what this could be? Why do you think he got the wart back and I'm safe? Secondly, how were you already getting another wart considering the fact that the previous ones had JUST been removed? Do you think your doctor might not have seen more coming out?
  22. Anal load FTW! Oh, it feels SO GOOD when its deeeeeppp inside
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