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Posts posted by MackyJay

  1. I've been fisted before. Got curious about it and searched till I found a guy to do me after he got several recommendations. He was fantastically slow and gentle and surprised, both of us I think, by actually getting his hand in me on our first session. Fantastic feeling.

         About our 5th ir 6th session he asked me how far I wanted to go? I hadn't even thought of that till then. Had no real idea but he said no worry nor hurry but try to let me know next time if possible.  Well, went home and it was close to a month later before I could get away again so lots of time to think on it. I even got online to look at pics and probably close to two dozen vids. Wow, some of those guys taking a fist clear up till the guy had his arm up to his elbow in them and I even found two buds where the got his whole arm in clear to his armpit, OMG.  But I was quite a bit more laid back back then, this about 7 years ago. Next session I was ready. Told him I didn't think I wanted to go as far as it seemed most did. I thought that getting his hand in me and then no more than 6" up his arm was plenty but I also told him I was curious about one other thing also, could be also work on stretching my hole out as ud like to see how it would feel if he was able to get both his hands in me at same time, lol. He thought I'd put a lot of thought into it and more than happy to do as I asked.

          Unfortunately, our 11th session became our last as he died of a sudden heart attack while on vacation and I've not been able to find another guy to do me since. I am so ready for more lol.  That last session, we came so close to hitting my goal too. Just before he pulled out of me, he used a marker to put a small line on his arm. Then he pulled most of the way out of  me to do more work on getting me stretched for both hands. Tried for a good half hour, using a huge amount of lube, but ended up, what looked like no more than a quarter inch if getting both in me, so close. Oh, he always set up a cam and mirror so I could enjoy watching, hot. Finally pulled all out and we measured and was between 1/4 & 3/8" short of getting to my 6" goal up his arm. We both agreed that either very next session or one after that I'd hit both goals. He was such a kind and generous person. 

          Well, that's my opinion of being fisted. I loved the feelings it caused inside me too and I'm really looking hard for another guy to do me.  Find a new guy now though and it's been too long, my opinion lol, and I've gotten a huge amount more kinky and pervy since then, so new guy will be told that I'll leave it up to him how far he goes, only stop at 6" if he wants to or keep putting more in me if he wants and also hoping new guy wants to try getting both hands in at same time.  Oh, my original guy had 'medium' sized hands so I'm pretty sure that is the size I'm looking for again.

        Have fun and I hope you find a very good, slow and gentle, guy to get you started.

        Well, damn, I was going to post you a pic of me getting fisted plus it also showed his cock in me at same time, but nite saud file too big, ugh.

  2. To my fans:   Sorry I haven't added more to my stories in so long.  Had planned on starting to write more again quite some time ago, but seems like every time I get ready something crazy comes up and my time just disappears.  UGH!   I do have plans to add more to this and a few other stories of mine, it's just been complete hell around here ( so bad that it's now been well over a year since the last time I got fucked and WOW, do I need to be bred and hopefully not very much longer).  Please stay tuned and I am really hoping to get back into the swing of things soon.      Thank you all for your very kind words.

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  3. Story sounds similar to my experience, only mine just lasted an afternoon.  Similar to you, I'd never done any kind of drugs in my life and not interested in them.  Then on chance meeting, with a guy I'd only texted to for a while, met up in a motel room.  His landlord had set him up there while doing remodeling.  Thought I'd only be there 10 or 15 minutes, or maybe at most an hour if I got lucky, lol.  He spiked my drinks, I'd brought with me, while I was in toilet.  Hit me but good and before I knew what had happened, he had me hitting his pipe and his Poppers and it was about 4 3/4 hours later when I left.  What an afternoon.

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  4. 14 hours ago, Fatbearsub said:

    Wherever I am, and see a used condom on the floor, I always take them home with me. I visit some well known cruising spots and always check the floor or bins (classy, eh!) .

    When I get home I empty them in my arse. Huge turn on! 20180521_015733.thumb.jpg.3f046ed774e0d830f275d43b597427d3.jpg

    I do this too.

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  5. Been a while since I got fisted.  But guy who trained me died in terrible accident and haven't found guy to take his place yet.  Want more so bad too.

        Here's my pics from being fisted.  One is his fist and cock at same time.   Such wonderful feelings.

         So, I now am congratulating you on joining the club, lol.  Have fun as I envy you a lot.

  6. My first time was bareback and I think I've only been fucked 3 or 4 times only with a condom used.  Last time was about 6 or 6 1/2 years ago.  Never did like the feeling caused by a condom.  Felt irritating or scratchy and just not what I'd call a good feeling.    Now, I say I never turn down any cock, but I do.  If someone insists on a condom, I try to be polite, but very firmly tell them that I am no longer interested.  NO CONDOMS ALLOWED NEAR ME.

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  7. UPDATE:.  Want to thank all my followers for being so patient.  Been about every kind of craziness you can think of going on here, keeping me running all over the place, plus July 2018 had a catagory 3 tornado go right through just slightly north of center of town tearing up well over 150 homes, several businesses and doing major damage to our very old courthouse, with all this time later there are still many places boarded up or about to collapse.  Then in 2020 in midst of pandemic a direcho came across Iowa hitting us again and this time damage was to entire town damaging another 200 homes and several businesses, worst of direcho hit about 65 miles east of us in Cedar Rapids.  Winds here recorded at 95 to 100 mph and in CR from 100 to 115 mph.  A lot of that damage still visible here also.  Tornado, knocked all 5 trees on our property down with 3 of them landing on house.  Biggest one knocked small room off of house with me in it, just taking last step and turning towards basement steps.  Room went one way and I went the other, landing on my feet at bottom of stairs but awkwardly, twisting my left knee and my back severely.   Town got lucky though as there were only reported about 3 dozen injuries, none real bad and ZERO DEATHS.  Considering damage, that was a major miracle.  One building had a child care in it and there were close to 45 people counting kids and adults and the entire roof was torn off, without a single injury there.  Direcho was similar but only about 20 injuries reported, none severe nor any deaths again, miracles never end.  But those plus my injuries have kept me hopping. Sold property damaged in tornado and bought another house.  Then direcho caused damage to this house, garage and trees too.  Just got last major repair done, but still have a few minor ones to do yet.    But, main thing about this update is:.  I THINK I'M FINALLY GOING TO HAVE TIME TO REVIEW MY STORIES TO REFRESH MY MIND ON THEM AND WITH8N THE NEXT 3 TO 4 WEEKS I PLAN ON WRITING AGAIN.  WANT TO ADD TO A COUPLE OF THEM NOT FINISHED AND I'VE ALSO GOT A DOZEN MORE IDEAS FOR NEW ONES.  

        Picture is of my chastity device on me.  I bought it out of curiosity, tried it on to show my main FB what it looked like and ended up wearing it for almost 3 weeks.  He snuck the keys to it and said he remembered something he had to do and took off.  He really took off as he was already packed up and headed down the road on vacation before I called him about keys I couldn't find.  Ugh, good guy but a pain sometimes, LOL.🤣🤣🤣


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