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Posts posted by MackyJay

  1.  It was very crazy for sure with wife and 2 daughters all breaking their right legs within approx 9 months if each other and then a few months later my mom breaking her right hip.  

         But weird, wild, crazy and sometimes even scary things seem to follow my family like a plague lol.

         I remember way back when I was just 16 and it was a New Year's morning.  I had finally got to bed about 3 am and then was woke up by mom, yelling to get up quick your dad needs you downstairs right away.  Got up, took a look at clock and thought, what in hell does dad want at 5:30 am, ugh.

        Threw pants and a tshirt on and headed downstairs, cause in my family if dad says he needs you now you go, but damn I was tired.

         Remembered I had left my glasses sitting on the TV.  Steps went down to living room and TV on other side of room. Got them on and not seeing anyone in there headed to bathroom to pee and then to kitchen.  Nobody around so I thought must not be much if not a sound anywhere.  Grabbed a bowl and decided time for breakfast and poured it full of my Wheaties. Had it 3/4 gone when I finally heard voices coming my way.

        Soon, mom, dad and brother showed up jabbering about the excitement?  I asked what they were talking about? 

         Got 3 sets of eyes staring at me hard.  Then dad said, the excitement I had your mom get you up for. Blank expression was all I had.  He went on that he thought he heard a noise but then it quit but since up he went to toilet and then to living room to look outside but stopped short and got mom up to get brother and I up while he dialed the police.

         He'd discovered some guy, clothes thrown all over and out cold on our couch.  Wow, cool is what I said.

        They had all been standing on front porch waiting for cops when I came down.  They also couldn't believe I hadn't seen the guy nor knew the cops were there.  Nope I didn't see anything at all.  I had to have been really tired as when I got my glasses on, that guy had been sitting on the couch and I oassed by him both ways and didn't see him nor tge cops who came in front door just as I was leaving living room.

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  2. One thing I left partially out was the clumsiness I found out about width women in my family.  

         Approx 2 months before the tornado, my youngest daughter, a bank manager, headed to the toilet which was in the basement of her bank.  She stumbled over her own feet and tumbled down, breaking her right leg.

        Approx 2 weeks before the tornado, my next to youngest daughter, stepped off of steps to our camper and fell hard--breaking her right leg.

       After purchasing present home, exactly 9 blocks west of old place, and we'd only been in it about 3 months, when my wife went to basement and stepped off of the bottom step wrong somehow--and you can guess it-she broke her right leg also.

          I wrote before about emergency call for my mother, who broke her hip so severely it required replacement surgery and-- yep, it was her 'right' side too.  Waited until mom felt a bit better, then teased her about it.  Told her she just had to outdo the others.  All they did was break their right legs, but oh no, you had to skip your leg and go right for the hip and not just break it but did it so bad you had to replace it.  

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  3. I thank you for your support and liking my story.  Haven't written anything now for quite some time.  Just been one crazy thing after another here keeping me busy.  Started just over 3 yrs ago in July when a tornado went through town causing massive damage, many homes here still show damages.  Came fast as one minute I was standing in front yard looking at blue sky and sunshine and wham it was here.  Headed for basement.  Had 5 trees in yard and all went down with 3 landing on house.  Biggest one dropped on corner of kitchen, knocking small rear room of house completely loose from house.  I was in that room just stepping towards stairs to basement.  Room went one way and I went the other landing at bottom of stairs. Twisted my left knee and back but still able to get around.  According to weather service it was a category 3 tornado and tracking showed center went by home approx 1 1/2 blocks away and tracking from west to east with slight angle to southward which took it right through center of town destroying many businesses and exiting east side of town destroying largest manufacturing plant in town (luckily they rebuilt and now going full blast).  Only truly lucky thing about it was that nobody was killed and only about 3 dozen people reported injuries from it almost all of them very minor.  Ended up selling my property and buying another home.  But process took the rest of that year and almost to 1st year anniversary of it.  

        Then almost settled down when emergency call came that my mother had taken a bad fall and broken her right hip. Had to have it replaced and doctor recommended she not live alone any longer.  So proceeded to pack mom's things up and moved her into my home to care for her. She turned 93 earlier this year.

         Then almost settled down when wham here comes this blasted pandemic last year and also the derecho and again basically center of it right through town again destroying more homes.  Mt new place suffered damage to roof of house and garage plus a few other minor things plus loss of electricity from that Monday morning aporox 11am till 9 days later on Wed at approx 5pm.  Lost around $1,200 worth of food.  Had side by side refridgerator/freezer in house and large upright freezer in garage.  There had been several specials for couple of weeks before and we had stocked up so both were quite packed full.  Was only able to save maybe 10% of food.  Been a year since that and just finished all repairs about a month ago.  Plus I have fought severe asthma my whole life and between tornado and derecho they stirred up so much dirt and dust and pollen that us still in the air plus those massive fires out west with wind carrying the smoke that is so bad you can see the haze here, my health has been terrible.  Since derecho, I have had to make 6 trips to hospital, one in ambulance, 5 trips to clinic and like a dozen times tested for covid thankfully all negative.

        Hopefully things will settle down now so I may be able to finally have some peace and quiet and get mind back on track to living instead of surviving.  Oh, almost forgot one other thing.  Last year in January, before all the hoopla of covid, I went to visit a buddy in another town close by.  Had my usual bottle of CocaCola, something I'm noted for lol, and left it sitting on his desk while I went to use his toilet.  Came back and finished that bottle and opened another one and with all the coffee I'd drank that morning, soon had to return to toilet, again leaving my Coke sit.  Came back and by the time I was almost done drinking it was feeling very strange.  Buddy had decided to prank me and had spiked both bottles while I was in toilet.  Turned into an afternoon of sex, most of which I barely remember, because he had spiked my drink with freaking meth, something I had zero experience with nor any other drug in my life.  Ugh.  Partially forgave him but also told him off but good.  

        Well, sorry I went on so long, but hope that clarifies long delay plus hope a few other followers happen to read this also.   Please take care and hopefully soon I will be able to write some more to stories I have ongoing and even some new ones also.

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  4. Well, it finally happened just two days ago.  Went to motel, story about that experience elsewhere in chem sex.  I had drank my own a few times but had never been able to find someone else to do me.  Then at the motel, somewhat wasted, my host went to toilet to piss and I asked if I could have it.  He said ok.  I knelt down in the shower and he stuck his cock, has a nice PA, in it, in my mouth and started to piss.  Right from the tap and got every drop down my throat.  Taste wasn't too bad at all and I would love to get more sometime soon.  

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  5. I absolutely love putting my hole up to one and taking whatever they want to put in me. Even had one try to fist me, mostly dry, but of course could not get in but did feel pretty good as far as he was able.  Love the anon about it. Remember one time when there was a woman in the other booth and as I looked, she was naked and bent over and put her pussy to the hole.  I took one look and backed away and left.  She must have had at least 20 piercings all around her hole.  No way was my cock going near all that sharp looking jewelry. LOL   

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  6. 1 hour ago, takingdeepanal said:

    Like the US did with their $150B bribe of Iran (which the latter ignored anyway)? How much will China and India demand? $5T? $10T?

    There was NO SUCH BRIBE OF IRAN, than was proven false a long time ago now.  Just a conservative lie, again.  And Iran did not ignore anything and only TRUMP FOOLS believe they weren't complying as all check from many countries PROVED they were honoring their commitment.   

  7. I seem to see almost as many deniers on here as those who use their brains to see what is happening.  Most of the deniers want to point to millions of years of changes.  Ice age, for one, and say it ended with no man made heating.  There have been many changes over the years and scientists CAN track those changes and have and most climate changes have taken literally centuries to change, but now change towards climate change is happening over 100 times faster than it ever has in the past.  Man made all the way and proven.  They went to the poles to check ice and what did they find?  Where snow and ice should be very bright white, which bounces the suns rays off are now mostly gray and in some areas black which aborbs the sun's rays therefore heating the polar ice.  When they checked the 'stuff' covering the ice, it was found to be residue expelled into the air from CARBON EMISSIONS which are almost all caused by HUMANS BURNING FOSSIL FUELS.  Irrefutable evidence and supported by more than 97% of the scientists of the world.  Only ones actually denying it are those who have not checked it or just want their names posted somewhere.   Climate change IS REAL and it IS CAUSED BY MAN and anyone denying it is just being very dumb.  Sorry if that insults some but that is the only conclusion to come from deniers.


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  8. Part 56

         I got my friend up and my arm around him and herded him out the door of Hank's place and over to mine.  He was dragging from exhaustion but holding up reasonably well.  At least somewhat ok considering what he had been doing for the first time in his life.  I could not believe this formerly completely 'striaight' friend had just been bred multiple times by very toxic poz men.  I also knew how addictive it could become, wanting more and more of those loads.  I had been there and still was?  The dilemma continued.  I knew we were in for a long talk about this past night for sure. I knew we had to decide what was in his mind now and what was coming next and omg, all kinds of things we both needed to know for sure.  It was going to be one hell of a talk, I was sure of that.
         When we entered my place, my phone was ringing off the hook.  I got my friend settled on the couch and grabbed my phone.  One look told me the bad news, it was his wife.  What the hell was I going to say to her?  I answered and immediately she was almost screaming about where in the hell was he.  I finally got a word in edgewise and told her that he was right here and ok.  I told her we both had had way the hell too much to drink last night and both were sicker than hell.  She calmed down a little, not much, but a little.  I told her I was trying to get him completely sobered up and to quit heaving and then would make sure he got home ok.  She was still pissed off but finally agreed it might be better if I got him cleaned up and ready before coming home.  We talked a bit more and she finally got to the point of being more upset about him being sick than not coming home.  She did say they would still have a talk about him drinking way too much though.  I laughed and try to lighten the mood by telling her it happens to most at some time or other.  She told me she hoped he could get home soon as the morning was now about over.  I hung up and looked at my friend and could tell he was just now realizing some of what he had done.
         The talk we needed was now about ready to start.  What to say was the next hard part as I knew what I had done, but I had not been married and still had no idea what the hell to say to him.  My God, he had several loads of toxic cum up his ass and I doubted if he even had any real idea of what he had done.  I also knew that neither of us had any real idea of what to do now either.  For one thing, I knew I was still conflicted but had loved every single minute of what I had done, and now to complicate my feelings, Hank was basically telling me he was in love with me and wanting me to definitely embrace being gay only and be his and him mine.  What could I possibly say to my friend though?  He got his first load because he had been too drunk to even know what had happened to him, but the others, he absolutely knew he was getting them, but I doubted if he knew the real consequences of what he had done then.  It was going to play with his mind for sure and no way around that.
         I got him comfortable on the couch, although still naked, and went to make some coffee as I just knew he would want some.  As it was brewing I went back into the living room to check on him and get started on our talk.  I found him sitting there staring down at his lap, with his legs spread and a hand between his legs and it looked like he was feeling his ass.  As I approached him he looked up with a completely shocked look on his face.  He held out his hand and his palm was filled with very pink tinged cum.  His look was one of questioning, not comprehending what he had done.  I told him it looked like he definitely had a full ass of cum if that much was leaking out.  He almost jumped at that pronouncement as it was kind of starting to sink in what he had been doing.  I asked him if he had any questions and I would try to answer them as best I could.  He finally spoke asking what the hell have I done, what the hell was I thinking, and just how the hell did that happen.  I told him I had better start at the beginning again and tell him what had gone down.
         I began where he had been sick outside last night.   I told him he had about heaved his guts out and I had gone inside to see about clean up or something.  Then I had come back outside to find him bent over the table with his pants at his ankles and a fresh load of poz cum dripping out of his used hole from the huge cock of a stripper named Randy.  I had then got him back inside, fixed him another drink and Hank had come over to try and help, but had kind of taken over him and had fucked another load of poz cum in his hole.  Then Hank had helped him up and over to his place, where he had taken, probably at least three more poz cum loads before I got him back over here to get back into his real mind and talk about what had happened.  He just stared the whole time I was talking.  Then he finally asked what I meant by poz cum.  Damn, he really didn't have any idea at all.  How to say it was going to be hard.  I decided to just say it and told him POZ meant that each and every load of cum he had taken was from guys with very high viral loads of HIV.  His mouth dropped to his chest when that sunk in.  His eyes got bigger and then he really looked like he was going to freak out on me.  I quickly told him that he didn't have to worry too much yet as there was a drug called PEP that would take care of him and prevent it, but he had to get to a doctor soon and get started on it.
         He was almost in tears now.  Then he told me, he had to have been crazy and I was too and why hadn't I stopped him and them.  He was in a rant now, and then dropped the bomb on me that he was most upset that he had enjoyed it all so much and he had cum himself at least twice.  What was wrong with me he wanted to know.  I told him there was nothing wrong with him and that somehow I had done the same thing and had loved every minute of it too.  He really stared at me then.  He went on asking me why we had done such a thing and why did those others seem to enjoy injecting their virus into us.  I told him I was pretty conflicted myself about what I had done and was still trying to figure it out.  He would have to make his own decision now though as I could only talk about what we had done and try to answer his questions, but he would have to make his own decisions about what he was going to do now.  He almost screamed that there was no decision to be made, that he had to get to a doctor quick.  He could chance giving this to his wife if he got HIV.  Why did I think there was a choice?   I told him I was still trying to decide what to do myself, but that I wasn't married like he was so my decision had to be only about what I wanted.  I also told him that the sex I had had was way hotter than any I had had before, so it was a very hard decision.  I told him, you said it yourself, you had enjoyed it a lot and even cum from being fucked, so you know why my decision is so hard.
         I got up then to let him think a little and went and got us each a cup of coffee.  When I got back, he asked if I was really thinking about becoming gay.  I told him I was not sure yet, but was leaning that way somewhat.  I then told him that Hank had basically proposed to me while he was being fucked on Hank's couch.  I was startled at the question and had no idea yet what to say or do.  This is going to be tough to decide, OMG, what a decision. 

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