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About Newportbottom

  • Birthday 06/07/1972

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Sarasota, FL
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    AIDS, POZ, now undetectable. Was a Southern California Cum slut for years. Made all the rounds at parties, bathhouses etc. Never refused a cock.

    Now more a Cum taking Beach Bum in SWFL
  • Porn Experience
    None, but thought about it.
  • Looking For
    Bareback tops

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  1. when you are partied up, the only thing you want is cock in your hole, does not matter who, or how many different guys, just get cock and cum in my hole!
  2. I really don’t care, it’s simple. Having bareback sex since a teenager, then as I got older kicking it up a notch and partying at weekend pig parties in SoCal, high risk. Do I know who pozzed me, no I do not. Could be any of the thousands of loads I’ve taken since HS! I’m not embarrassed or ashamed. I’d do it all again
  3. Going back to my 30’s in SoCal, spending weekends at party orgies again, and taking all the loads I could again. Those weekends were the best. Bare cock and load after load. Also out in palm Springs CCBC.
  4. No condoms in my poz hole. Really never had to deal with too many guys wanting a condom in one on one situations. Definitely never had to deal with at orgies, get as many loads as possible, everyone knew condoms are voodoo. Also usually flying high, no other ambition other than to fuck.
  5. Another one for me. Only asking a guy if he is poz or neg as they cum inside me. Still a turn on even though I’m POZ/AIDS.
  6. bullshit. best part of all the illegal border crossers is they are taking money that should be used for Americans away. Gays are being pushed aside. You support this. pathetic
  7. also donated to biden? Stop bs posts till all the info is out
  8. plantation thoughts
  9. which false claims?
  10. I think electing Harris will be great! She is More far left than Bernie Sanders! She will so help poor American’s to continue to be poor! She will fully open our borders so cites like Chicago and New york will take tax money for the poor to pay for the illegals. Raise taxes, keep the worst inflation going. Harris is the best choice o if you love socialism. Why would anyone want government to control you??
  11. same for me, but i live south of Sarasota, so travel more for fun. But the relaxed close to beach live is what i chose. Lived the big cities fast style. Wears ya out
  12. No baths south of Sarasota. Tampa/St Pete about an hr drive. FTL/Miami 150 miles east. cruising area not that I know of, lot of gays in the area, visitors. I’ve been busy the last 7 months with construction on my home, so have not dived deep into the gay goings on yet. I picked my house on location for walkability, laid back, beach, dtn area etc. I’ve lived in many a big cities, crazy life in SoCal. If I need a weekend of going to baths bars etc, I book a hotel room and drive to ftl, st pete etc. Or I fly out to Palm Springs and stay w friends. Then come home to laid back, not a lot of people or traffic island beach life.
  13. Just south of me
  14. Seems details are missing. I live on a island south of Sarasota. 2.5 blocks / 10 houses to the gulf. I do have different policies on my home. Not in a flood zone. If a insurance company requires a roof replacement, there are other issues. Details are missing.
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