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Posts posted by myDNA4u

  1. 2 hours ago, pozpopperpig said:

    OMFG!  So fucking good!  As much as I love the poz pig sex, the humanity of breaking mentally from losing loves and the guilt from perceived or actual transgressions are so deep and raw.  You are a Master in storytelling @Navi38!  Thank you for continuing this wonderful tale.....will follow you for as long as you wish to tell it.   

    I heartily agree.

  2. 6 hours ago, drscorpio said:


    I think there is more of it from lesbian women for a couple of reasons. A large number of women have been traumatized by sexual violence and/or domestic violence from men which makes them more susceptible to the notion that men might pretend to be trans to gain access to their spaces. On the other hand,  a lot of gay men seem to find transmen particularly attractive meaning they would more than welcome their presence. 

    I agree with you that sexual and/or domestic violence by men on women is a large part of why many lesbian women have TERF. However it should be noted that there are more than a few young men and boys who have been sexually assaulted by women. Men are typically much less likely to ever admit to it having happened to them for all sorts of societal reasons. I know from personal experience as it has happened to me twice while I was in my 20's. One only after many years was I able to talk about at all and the other I have never discussed. Both are really painful memories for me. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Spunkinmyarse said:

    You cannot  substitute race and gender (whether cis or trans) in this way: they are not equivalent.

    Apart from a few minor physiological differences such as skin colour, racial differences are almost entirely in the mind, phantom perceptions that are the result of ignorance and cultural bias.  The entire fight for racial equality is about shining a light on this and showing racial difference to be the myth that it is.

    Gender difference is very real, at least to the vast majority of humans in every culture that has ever existed. The fact that we have (and largely accept) separate toilet facilities for men and women is proof of this, while separate toilet facilities for different races have been consigned to history, thank God.

    Gender is far more complex than race, and how we as humans respond to gender is similarly complex. There is no equivalent of ‘trans’ in race.

    Conflating race and gender as you have done in the above post is wrong, and appears to be motivated by a desire to make @myDNA4ulook like some kind of bigot.  Please don’t reduce this topic to mere identity politics, when an issue as complex as this deserves to be treated with care and thoughtfulness.

    Thanks @Spunkinmyarse You seem to see my point. I feel the need to point out a couple of things. First I take real umbrage at anyone thinking of me as transphobic. Over 35 years ago as a business owner I hired a trans person who had had difficulty finding employment as their sex on their drivers license didn't match who they were as one could not change  one's birth sex on licenses in any state at that time. And this was in Key West and other gay and lesbian business owners wanted nothing to do with this person. I got a fair amount of grief from other owners and some of my employees for my stance. I know I learned from the experience and I'm pretty sure that my other employees did as well.

    Second @BootmanLAcomments that the place for cis gay men who want to  have time exclusively around other cis gay men is "their own house". Being a full time RV'er living at two gay campgrounds and having stayed at 14 others, I can tell you in almost every case the campground is the owner's or owners' home and legal residence. So by that logic Mr. Quinn has every right to set a cis men only rule. It is his home.

    I am not defending Mr. Quinn's position and definitely not his pretty abhorrent statement. I'm pretty sure he wishes he could have expressed his feelings in a much more tactful manner. However he should have the right to run his private membership only campground in any way that makes him comfortable. If someone doesn't like and there seems to a fair number who don't, no one is forcing them to go there. Just like I won't eat at Chick-fil-A or shop at Hobby Lobby. However there may be some cis gendered males for whom his policy is a plus.

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  4. 3 hours ago, drscorpio said:

    This is patently untrue. Women-Only spaces excluding transwomen is such an issue that there us even a term for it: TERF - trans exclusionary radical feminist. You may have seen that word applied to JKRowling. 

    I would jave to disagree with you on that. The women only campground in Michigan while not coming right out and saying, it,, makes it abundantly clear that they only allow cis gendered females.

    However I will agree with you in that in the lesbian community there is way more TERF, than the reverse situation with gay men. 

  5. 2 hours ago, blackrobe said:

    Can you clarify the founders reason/s for excluding transmen? From your post it seems like you're saying it's to protect men from being disappointed a guy doesn't have a dick. 

    While I've never discussed this specifically with the owners, it's more than merely being disappointed. In a highly sexualized environment, there are more than a few cis gay males who would be very uncomfortable with a trans man being present.  That in and of its self doesn't make someone transphobic. Otherwise straight people who are totally supportive of gay rights but don't want to be around guys while they're having sex with each are homophobic. Is it really so wrong for there to be a place for cis gay males who want to spend some time in a place that is exclusively for them especially when nearby there are other options available?  One can carry "wokeness" to silly extremes


  6. As  someone who actually knows the owners of Camp Boomerang, I can without doubt state that they are not transphobic and do indeed totally support trans rights. That being said Mr. Quinn's comment was extremely insensitive and way off the mark. However having been to a large number of gay campgrounds the majority of which are clothing optional men only places, I can tell you that the sexual energy in those places is very high. Inddeed all but one that I have been to have one or more areas specifically set aside as "play" spaces. At some sexual activity goes on virtually everywhere, think outdoor bathhouse. For me personally no matter how attracted I might me to a guy (and I have a weakness for men of shorter stature which trans men often are) the minute the pants come off and there's no penis, I have absolutely zero sexual interest. 

    The majority of women only campgrounds do not allow trans women. No one seems to be complaining about that. So I see a level of hypocrisy in complaining about one campground being exclusively for cis-gendered males. And would anyone complain about any place that was only for trans people of either type? I think not.

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