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About AirmaxUK

  • Birthday 06/11/1973

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    London & South Bucks, UK
  • Interests
    Raw sweaty wet sleazy fun - often in Gear - sneakers, socks, boots, sports, biker, army, leather, rubber. Prefer hard to soft. London/Berlin... Often at SOP, Vault, Central Station, Scheune, New Action and Laboratory. Love taking loads. Always interested in pushing limits. I am very keen to meet guys from here - send me a message if you are up for it.
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Looking For
    Anonymous, CNC, Tops, Vers guys, Flip fucks, Groups, Tops who will share my ass with their buddies. Attitude and a hard-on are more important than age, abs and pecs. Enjoy slings. Guys with PA's a +++. Get off on risk - enjoy verbal and exploring the thin edge between pleasure and pain.

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  1. This "survey" on NKP sums up online hookups these days:
  2. Speaking as someone who identifies as a "vers/btm" I will say that my default position is btm - but as the years go by competition is more and more intense. The vers bit is that I'd totally flip for the right guy - It's not an optimal outcome, but I'd rather that than go home unfulfilled. When guys make an effort to get you to flip - that's nice as it shows desire. What isn't a turn on is when bottoms are indifferent to the guys they want to be topped by. That seems to come with the "cumdump culture".
  3. I'm gonna hold you to it - you've been saying that for *ages* lol
  4. Many years ago when we had sex-ed (1980's) I remember being told that unprotected sex was like having sex with everyone that person had ever had sex with. Sadly for the teachers, that thought stuck in the wrong place of my mind.... When I go out to parties and events there always seems to be a couple of bottoms who "dominate" the scene and get all the action. My success rate is low, but I do enjoy waiting until the night is almost over and getting their load at the end of the night. That thought echoes that I'm getting a tiny peice of everyone else they fucked that night too... These days these kinds of guys are often on drugs and can't perform, so as I say success rate is low. A new strategy i'm experimenting with is using dildos and plugs with another bottom and sharing toys - I had an experience a few weeks back where a guy 'stored' the plug that was in my ass in his own ass while he bred me in the sling. He'd gotten fucked by many guys that night so it was a massive turn on when he popped it out and put it back in my ass after he'd done.
  5. SOP is my Sunday Afternoon/Evening pleasure. It's sleazy enough that it doesn't attract the puppy-hood and harness hoardes.
  6. That's pretty good going in reality
  7. South Buckinghamshire / Chilterns close to M40/M25, Berkshire and Oxfordshire borders.
  8. It's probably down to the local authority issuing the license, how closely they monitor things, and how often the venue pops up on their radar with incidents like ambulance callouts, complaints from locals, etc.
  9. I am aware of bar and door staff that were fired after fraternising with customers during their shift at venues in London. One venue I know has a policy of barring for life staff that are fired for misconduct. I imagine it is a legal thing where a venue with an adult encounter license might be accused of breaking the terms of the license and even running a brothel if they charge an entry fee and then allow staff 'engage' with customers. When you think about it, as an employer it'd be a legal minefield to permit staff to engage with customers in that way - liability, insurance, safeguarding, all sorts of things come to mind.
  10. Oh he was probably jealous
  11. Totally agree. Great advice. There was a big thing about consent in kink on Instagram a while ago. Lots of younger guys pointing the finger at older guys for their behaviour in darkrooms. Thing is that older guys were brought up in a world where the cruising protocol was different to how it is now. Both sides need to understand that... and there's no excuse for being rude or disrespectful as a result. That includes being a persistent pest who won't take no as an answer as well as being overtly rude to a genuine show of interest.
  12. Looks like their content delivery server is down. Try later or on another day.
  13. Early 50's here. It's hard: you have to keep your confidence up - confidence *is* attractive - keep at it and don't let knock backs beat you down. Keep engaging, but equally be aware of "no means no" and don't keep persisting - if rebuffed, quickly move on and try something or someone else. That advice I'd apply online and in-person at clubs/events.
  14. When I used to do whitewater kayaking there used to be an issue with bacteria in the water at the whitewater centre on the river Trent in Nottingham because just upstream was a power plant that warmed the water up in the river. The guys that ran it advised us to drink a couple of cans of Diet Coke after being in the water as the acidity suppressed any bacteria ingested. Now in another life, I've used that trick after rimming - I'm not sure if it works against all bugs as I too have occasionally had Gastro Flu after a longer session, but perhaps it helps a bit?
  15. Yeah - I have to admit from the west (Marylebone) it was a trek, and Jubilee line to North Greenwich was packed like sardines. There is a regular bus from North Greenwich which runs along the A200 and the nearest stop is Deptford High Street Stop A. My problem is coming home, since the last train home out of Marylebone is 11:45pm ish it means an overnight stay somewhere is essential. That makes a night out expensive unless you know someone you can stay with. It's a shame LC doesn't have B&B rooms upstairs like Central Station does.
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