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Everything posted by PutridCunt

  1. Between 209 and 261 depending on the interpretation of these questions and my recollections (Sometimes you're not sure you remember, sometimes you can stretch definitions this or that way - so went through the list twice, once interpreting answer in a most strict narrow sense, another time being more lax)
  2. Please, more, Sir!
  3. I've never cheated in my life - because I never ever was in a relationship where my partner could possibly think of putting limits on whom I am allowed to fuck (and vice versa, actually). In my (maybe too strong) opinion, if a guy dares to insist on you being faithful, cheating is exactly what he deserves. Ok, if he finds out it probably will be painful for him. But important lessons in life tend to be painful. Also, in this particular case - limiting a butt as stunningly gorgeous as one presented by sinfuljock to just a single cock should be considered a crime against humanity.
  4. I like the cock coming into my mouth to be not excessively clean, and to smell of a man, not of soap. As for the cockcheese - it depends on the mood and the guy. Sometimes I don't like it (although still no big deal - you can wash a cockhead with your tongue and swallow all the dirt pretty fast if you don't like the taste), sometimes it happens to be a big turn-on. Go figure.
  5. I do like black cocks a lot. But, frankly, I love black asses even more. Obedient submissive black bottoms are rare, but they are simply the best. Although definitely won't decline a nice thick meaty cock of an aggressive black top, mind you.
  6. Like being rimmed, and love rimming others. Will do it to a top, or to a bottom, to a smooth shaven asshole or to a musky hairy one. Provided the guy overall is not positively repulsive to me, I will definitely rim him. If he sits on my face and regulates my oxygen supply - it's even better.
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