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Everything posted by discreetmpls

  1. Exactly right. This is an expensive, typically highly regulated medication, they don't give you "extra" - if mine were to be "stolen", for example, I'd have to pay full price for a refill (~$1400). So if someone poz is offering you theirs, they are not taking it, hence off their meds and probably highly contagious. Also, it takes about 3 days for the drug to build up in your blood enough to protect you, and the protection runs back down in about 3 more days, less effective each day, so taking a pill here or there is not going to protect you, anyway.
  2. Find a new doctor. My doctor prescribed it without even asking me much about my sexual history, because he believes it's critical to reducing conversion rates. He asked if I was gay, he asked if I had multiple partners, he ran an HIV screen, and he prescribed, no mess, no fuss. The current PrEP protocols require the doctors to discuss safer sex practices with you, so that is why they still emphasize condoms, not to mention you could still end up with herpes or drug-resistant gonorrhea.
  3. I would say absolutely to stay on PrEP. As others have noted, this seems to be about some kind of shame you feel over being "slutty". What it feels like to me is that you are going through a phase. For a long part of your life you were extremely careful. You now feel like you don't have to be careful, and you are letting go a little bit. Your pendulum is swinging back and you are starting to question quality over quantity. This happens for most men but usually ends with someone HIV+ (gay men) or pregnant (straight men). Because you are on PrEP, you have protected yourself during the "letting loose" phase. Now you can re-evaluate what you want out of your sexual encounters and make some changes, maybe have fewer but more regular partners, or have dates/drinks before sex so you feel more connection than Grindr/Scruff. My rule is that no one gets fucked (anymore) unless they are willing to spend the night, otherwise, it's just oral and on your way. I've reduced the amount of anal sex that I have, but I like it a lot more when I do it. And even though most of my partners are low risk oral, I am on PrEP because it's silly not to be.
  4. I started on PrEP about a month ago after reading a lot about it and talking with my doctor. It costs me $25 a month through my insurance. I talked through the side effects and my doctor assured me that lipodystrophy only happens when TRUVADA is mixed with other drugs for HIV maintenance. There have been NO cases of lipodystrophy when used on its own for prevention. Given that the infection rate is nearly 0% when TRUVADA is taken daily, it seemed like a no brainer to me. In the first month, the only side effect that I noticed was a little bit of acne in odd places, like upper thighs and forearms, but that cleared up after two weeks on the drug and nothing now. It's possible that wasn't even related.
  5. Conversion anymore is just a fetish, people need to get over it. Poz who are on meds are usually non-transmissable, and neg who are on PrEP have little chance of catching it anyway. We're all adults, and we're only spreading HIV if we actively choose to, no matter how much fear mongers want to rile people up. Now, enough of this discussion, please get back to posting hot bb vids!
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