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Everything posted by 50latinos

  1. If he gets convicted he can run for president as a republican. We know that he already complies with the requisite of racism. The dude is on his way . . .
  2. Dumb . . . and Dumber!
  3. Don't be disgusted as I am sure that when your time comes you'll leave with a smile on your face. That's what everything is about.
  4. Racism is not a mental defect exclusive to America, neither is stupidity. There are plenty of stupid racists in Europe as well as in the UK. But they are not a majority in either place. [think before following links] https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2024/06/11/globally-biden-receives-higher-ratings-than-trump/
  5. I don't make political donations, but while I don't donate to Democrats because I am cheap, I don't donate to Republicans because I don't want to: 1. See the end of American democracy, 2. Have a fat ignorant moron (or a "fucking moron" to quote his first Secretary of State) in the Oval Office, 3. I do not contribute to criminal organizations, ever, 4. I am not confortable giving my hard earned money to people who professed to be billionaires, 5. I don't like powerful people who attack porn stars, 7. I do not agree with fascism and fascists . . . etc, etc.
  6. I don't ever make political donations to anyone but the poor devils that give money to that fat fuck dumb criminal Trump, who allegedly is a billionaire, will forever baffle me.
  7. I wonder how does it feel like to give money to a criminal organization that wants to take away your rights and outlaw the way you live. I guess I'll never know.
  8. Hope you said yes. Keep us posted.
  9. I may be they weird one here. Not because I don't like to suck, which I do ... a lot, but because much more than the taste of cum I love the taste of precum. Precum is everything for me when cocksucking.
  10. Damn! More competition LOL Welcome!!
  11. L'Impact . . . love that whole in the wall. Even the upstairs bar is mandatory nude.
  12. creating a mental note to stop waxing mine . . .
  13. Agreed! But that's a hell of a low bar.
  14. More than not inconceivable, highly likely. A world champion in gold digging, or so she thought.
  15. Attitude plays a large role. Sometimes I find as much dick as I can get but some other I just can't nail the guys that I like. With time I have concluded that it is what I project and try to adjust my attitude accordingly.
  16. I don't know about Ivana, but Melania came with a EB-1 visa, a.k.a "Einstein Visa", reserved for people who are highly acclaimed in their field, like Pulitzer, Oscar, and Olympic winners., world renowned scientists and such. I may be wrong, but an unknown two-bit nudie model from Slovenia hired by the Trump Model Agency is probably not among the type of people that can legally obtain that kind of visa. Unless gold digging is among the fields included. Rigging your visa application is illegal.
  17. If you think that the Clinton emails and the Hunter Biden laptop stories were suppressed, then we live in different planets. At this point no one can argue that the media explosion that occurred when in October 2016 James Comey announced the reopening of the Clinton emails investigation made Trump president. Hunter Biden is in a world of hurt, prosecuted by his father's DOJ. The president hasn't lifted a finger to help him, as he shouldn't. These false equivalencies you are putting out there are as dangerous as the misinformation emanating from the bowels of the MAGA movement. Whether you are a republican or not is irrelevant and inconsequential.
  18. That would make a lot of sense if any evidence of this "massive corruption in the Biden family" existed. Since they took over the leadership in January 2023, House republicans have wasted millions investigating these alleged crimes and corruption and have found nothing. The impeachment inquiry ordered by Trump and green-lighted by the ousted Speaker McCarthy resulted in nothing. The supposed whistleblower turned out to be a Putin asset who could prove nothing. So, yes. I am very sorry that you find it hard to deal with, but as a general rule bullshit is not something to be taken seriously. The same goes for the millions of dollars and thousands of hours wasted investigating Hillary Clinton. There should be some accountability for all that money wasted, don't you think?. On the other hand a jury of his peers in which selection his lawyers had ample say, after many hours of testimony and hundreds of documentary pieces of evidence, found Trump guilty of 34 criminal charges. Can you see the difference?
  19. Seriously? Does the procedure include a rally packed with lies by the loosing candidate and a subsequent violent assault of the US Capitol by supporters of said defeated candidate? No to mention the slates of fake electors in several with which Trump wanted to subvert the will of the people and remain illegally in the White House.
  20. ... or mini dick filled porn stars and Playboy models, to be point of getting convicted for breaking the law looking to keep this fact from becoming public knowledge. The only thread to our liberties is posed by that racist overweight two-bit Hitler wannabe that the republicans are about to make their presidential candidate for the third time in a row.
  21. I wouldn't blame the poor lawyer, he did the best he could, considering the POS and guilty AF client ha had to defend.
  22. I never imagined 16 years ago that the racist reaction to Obama's election would come to this: A convicted criminal, and certified idiot, having a real chance to become our next president.
  23. LOL Even you have to admit that an unintelligible word tweeted by a president of the US, who at that point was already known by tweeting late night unhinged rants full of typos and unnecessary capitalizations, justifies way more attention and even derision than a typo in a message board about fucking without condoms. But I understand, people like you have little more than this type of false equivalencies and generalizations to justify their allegiance to the cult of Trump. By the way, and since we are in the subject of typos and crazy words, what do you think the word "generalism" means?
  24. . . . for a Trump supporter. Yes.
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