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Posts posted by Bear4Breeding

  1. Never had sex with any one in my family, and I wouldn't want to. My brothers are older then I am, and very straight, and my cousins the 2 I know were like 20 years older then me, both have passed away recenlty. My uncles 2 kids well meet them once in my life and they were cute, from what I remember, but they were only around a day.

    There is something hot about this though, having sex with a brother or cousin that you see all the time, getting your sexual experience early and well the rest as they say would be history.

    I've always thought Twins would be extreamly HOT, having sex with them and/or watching them have sex with each other.

  2. I forgot to mention in my original post here that I have no idea who was the one who pozed me or when it actually happened. I never go the Fuck Flu, I had a couple of fevers earlier this year so that may have been it but I didn't have any Flu like symptoms.

  3. Sounds like everyone has had really good response from their doctors. I did as well, she was very supportive and kept asking if I ws okay etc. LOVE MY DOCTOR!

    Other then the wordy letter from teh Insurance and the visit for HungLatinDom, most have positive things to say about there physician and how they handled the situation.

    Guess I'll just have to wait and see if some calls, mail or something else.

  4. I went to my doctor today for a regular vist for my Diabeties and Cholesteral and such. I had an HIV test done this time since it had been at least a year since my last.

    She comes in to the room and does all the pleasentries and then says "I need to talk to you about your labs." I knew right then that it was POZ, she must have spent a good 45 minutes with me talking and making sure I was okay and if I wanted counseling etc. I am fine, I figured it would happen evenutally. Anyway, it took 10 years to get pozed since I knowingly took my first poz load from an ex, story posted here somewhere.

    Anyway, she said to me to expect or prepare for a call from the Department of Health. I want to know if any of you guys actually got a call from the Department of Health.

  5. Personally I prefer a shower shot (thing that connects to the shower). You hvae a constant flow of water as well as constant pressure. Balls, bags and such take longer to clean out as you constantly have to fill them up and it takes longer to get that deep clean without the pressure. They have their place though travel and such are for me the main uses for these 2 items, but they also sell one that hooks over any standard shower head and works like the kind that you actually connect to the pipes.

    Granted with a shot you have to be very carefull about temperature and pressure otherwise you can really damage your insides as there are no nerve endings in the bowel or colon to feel if the water is too hot, pressure you can usually tell. The other issue I have found with a shot is the diverter, a good diverter is a pain to find, the ones that usually come with them such its ether off or full on and full on is always to much. Had a ex that had nice brass one but I have never been able to find on like it.

  6. Have to say interesting thread.

    Other thing is everyone's anatomy is different in the rectum and colon. We are all shapped differently so 1 who can take 10" easily might be very difficult for someone else and well you get the idea.

    I have had a couple of bigger ones depending on what you consider big/huge. Had a regular fb years ago who had a good 8/8.5 and was nice thickness Id say maybe 4 around.

    He fucked me good and hard all the time going balls deep after only a few minutes. Once the 2nd spincter opens up its FANTASTIC.

    Had a 10" once too along time ago, wasn't good for me but I think it was more the top then the dick. He wasn't a very good top, we've all had those and dick size in that regard dosn't matter, a bad top with a 10" inch is no differnet then a bad top with a 6".

    Personally I have about 7" and its about 4" around give or take.

    Generaly though I prefer nothing smaller then 7". Usually anthing smaller then that, I don't feel it as well and get as much enjoyment or pleasure from it.

    Had a black guy in highschool who was I sware maybe 6 at best and pencil thin, I didn't even feel him go in or anything after that.

  7. I can't say for all of you, but speaking for the area I am in on BBRT. There are always 100 guys or more on in my state and its always the same 100 guys for the most part.

    Personally I don't think any of the guys in my area actually hook up on that site, I think they all just log in and walk away from their PC's.

    Granted I know I am not everyone's type or most peoples type but all the guys here are just rude and assholes on BBRT. That is just my opinion on the whole BBRT thing.

    As for the "Ask Me" thing, regardless of what that field says on BBRT figure everyone is POZ as most probably are even if they don't say it in the profile or in the name as RawPozLust pointed out. I assume everyone is poz wether or not its in a profile text, field or name. If they ar BBing then most likely they are poz or soon will be.

    That's my 0.02.

  8. I clicked on the Chat/Cams link today and it came up in a smallish window. I couldn't expand it in anyway and I couldn't see the Chat part of the room, just small sliver and the user list was big. Not that there was anyone in there to chat with.

    Is there some trick I am missing?

  9. When I got home, I got a plastic container and knelt over it, and slowly let it all leak out into it, and then put it in my freezer..........

    Get a comdom and a small bottle, cut the top of the bottle off and stretch the condom over it. Dump thte cum into the condom and put that in freezer, fill it up and eventually you'll have a cum sickle in the shape of a dick, use it to fuck your hole and lub it up.

  10. Is it just me or is the ratio of Tops to Bottoms really out of whack.

    I'm heading to Vegas end of June for work and trying to line up some fun and everyone on BBRT and all the other sites seems to be bottoms.

    What is up with that? I know its great for the Tops, but us bottoms who aren't the "hottest" piece out there don't have a damn chance.

    What's up with all the damn bottoms? These youngins are all bottoms no tops in the bunch.

    Done venting.

  11. Bear is going to be at Ceasars Palace on the Strip in Vegas starting June 27th till June 30th.

    Looking for tops to stop by my room and fuck me sill and leave their hot loads in my furry bear pussy.

    If you are into it and want to breed this furry big ole bear hit me back and we can set it up early.

    Want to cum home with a record number of loads this time.

  12. I'm cut and have been since birth. I wish I was uncut though, mainly for sensativity, all these years of my dick rubbing on my underwear and everything really has desensatisted me. I usually can't cum during actual sex due to that. Uncut seems to be more sensative to friction and fucking along with oral and everything in between.

    Nothing I can really do about since it was cut off when I was born. I manage, I enjoy getting plowed more anyway so its never been a big deal for me.

  13. As a top never expierenced it, but can sort of do it as a bottom. I think speed of the stroke would come into play too, if your really pounding and fucking fast and furious don't think it be easy to keep up witht hat, but a slower fuck definitely. I have great muscle control, or at least I did.

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