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Posts posted by Bear4Breeding

  1. only did it recently this past June for the first time. Was in Vegas, guy came by my hotel and dropped 2 loads in my ass and one in my mouth. He was eating my ass the whole time, so i got to taste it that way plus I sucked his cock too after he fucked and shot in me. Was HOT, but he was HOT and the Sex was hot too.

  2. Non really stand out for me, then again, I don't really remember all of them that well. Guess they were not that good if I don't remember huh?

    The only one that now comes to mind is with an ex of mine, we had a huge fight about something, don't remember now, and sometime after he fucked me, probably one of the last times he fucked me too, I was top in that relationship. I came without touching myself, only time it ever happend. I also boiled the teapot dry and the spout fell off. Mom wasn't happy about that.

  3. I was a bit to young to be crusing in the seventies (sorry guys, not trying ot be mean or anything). My life began post HIV/Aids. My crusing skills have never been that great, wish I had that book when I was a teen, definitely wouldn't have hurt. But I did alright back then, at least till I got busted in the park by teh rangers undercover, I was so nieve back then. But I had my share of fun back then.

    TheBreeder, definitely let us know if you find the book or remember its name, I'd love to read it and check it out see what I may have been missing all these years.

  4. I also think some of it has to with traffic on the site. the busier the site the longer messages seem to take to go back and forth.

    But Ingulphus is also right, a lot of the guys flake. In my area, the same 100 guys are always signed on, I often wonder if they actually ever hook up with anyone or if they are just signed on to mess with people.

    BBRT doesn't work for me just because I live to far out of the city and my town, well not to many on from here. But I get what I can when I can.

  5. Get yourself an assortment of toys, start with a smaller one and work your way up, use them to loosen you up and get you used to taken cock more often and do it often yourself, a small plug wouldn't hurt either. Keep working it every chance you get and soon you'll be bending over and taking cock with no problem.

  6. The comments made by MascMountainMan are or can be true. These reactions are most likely caused by the main ingreadient in Max Impact which is Ethyl Chloride, this in all scense is what was once used as an Anesthetic a century or more ago. Hence the reason why you black out and don't recall what happend, you basically knocked yourself out from doing to much at once. I've never had any of those expireiences personally but MascMountainMan as he stated probably had a bad reaction to it and probably might have issue with some of hte other modern anesthetics.

    As I stated previously IF you've never tried or used it before, try a small amount at first, a small short spray on a hanky is more hten enough. One of the sites I mentioned above does sell a smaller size can so I'd also recommend starting with that if you want to try it, that way you don't have to buy the big 8oz can to start with.

    Any questions feel free to PM me.

  7. I don't have any, I've got piercings and am with rawTOP on the fact the needle part of pericings is over quickly. I think ink on some guys is very hot and sexy on me not so much, even in my thin days I didn't think so either.

    But I am with whoever said it, be sure you can hide them, cuff and colar rule applies. Keep it above the cuff line on the sleeve and the color line of the shirt. Some companies will completly ignore you if they see ink and stuff, the world is changing but hasn't gotten quite that far just yet. Also, agree with whoever said it, get something that has meaning for you and not just some random thing off the wall. design your own, once you find a good artist to do it.

    Good Luck rawTOP!

  8. I have to say I've read my share of books related to this topic over the years. One inparticular called "Gay Love Signs" which is based off a book of more or less teh same name less teh Gay part. It compares signs with each other to see if they are compatiable in a relationship.

    As for my own sign, I am a Sagittarius, in most instenses some of the "traits" Sag has do fit me very well. The ones that don't re teh Outgoing things and life of the party types. I am actually very shy in a group setting specially with strangers. As for the "love" type things. That is ture, in a relationship I tend to get "bored" easily and wonder a bit looking for something exciting and new, so for me an OPEN releationship would be the only way to go these days if it where to ever happen again. I don't live my life by it like some do, but I think its fun to read now and then. That's my 0.02.

  9. I've been to Vegas a couple of times now for work. I have gotten lucky in my hotel, some of hotels though you can't get upstairs without a key card, so depending on which one you stay at you may need to meet them in the loby to get them upstairs. I've had a few guys come over and breed me, I've gotten one almost every night I was there, you also have a ton of tourists to choose from too. I put ad's up on BBRT and CL and usually get something .

    Have Fun and What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!

  10. I've already given people free months of BBRT for their participation... Usually I look for who started the most popular threads... I check sorta randomly and reward them without much fanfare...

    Thats very cool of you rawTOP that you even do that at all. I don't think any of my started posts were all that popular but doesn't matter, still very cool that you do it at all. Keep up the great work!

  11. This isn't really a problem or an issue or anything more of a curiousity question.

    You know when you are looking at a thread and under the user's name there is that "status". "Virgin", "Curious", "Barebacker" etc. What designates these levels.

    I happened to notice one day that I was a "Sex Adict". Never really noticed until I saw that and then I started paying more attention to it.

    And BTW, thanks to rawTOP For a great site.

  12. It's not usually an issue for me. I don't generally cum while getting fucked (or fucking for that matter). I can usually go for several hours without an issue. I generally take care of myself after wards while that hot load is sloshing around in my gut.

    Some guys love the fact that I can take a long hard fuck. I've had a few over the years get really upset cause I couldn't cum. Guess it was an insult to their abilities or something.

  13. for me its usually a day or a night depending on when I get fucked and how well I cleaned out prior. Can't say much on the number of its only ever been 1 at a time for me.

    I can actually say now that the most is 2 in the same night by the same guy. I kep them in all night and all the next day. He pumped them in deep and made sure they were deeper still by fucking them into me after he shot them.

  14. I still get nervious after all these years, you really don't know who you are meeting specially off a hookup site. Public places like the baths and such I get nervious too going, but once there i'm okay, you know everyone there is there for the same reason, to fuck.

    But it isn't really an issue for me these days, don't get all that much action were I live.

  15. I used to be versatile. I am more bottom now though, Id rather take a good fuck then give one these days. Some of this is due to the fact that even as a top I don't cum even as a bottom id on't cum. The other thing is since I've gained weight I can't stay hard very long when topping.

    I'm happy to do the work to clean out my fuck hole and let the top pound my furry pussy until he shoots his hot load deep inside. Thats what bottoms are for, sad thing is there are SO Many bottoms around these days its difficult to find a decent top to get fucked by, at least it is for this big ole bottom.

  16. Did he know that he was your first time? I know this is a hardcore bareback community, but that sounds kinda awful even for us, for a first time bottoming. Yikes.

    I have to agree with splitface, that does seem a bit rough even for this group of guys here on BZ.

  17. I honestly don't really remember my first time. All I remember was he had an unusal name and I meet him on the Old Phone Chat lines back in the late 80's. I was still in highschool and my father was out for awhile and he came over and fucked me. The few deatails I can recall it seems like it was kind of like he treated me like a submissive faggot: a bit rough and not real concerned with me. I then, and still don't, however, like that sort of sex. I like to have some pleasure from it since I don't usually cum. I have cum in the baths and such, but not usually when I'm playing one-on-one in a bed or something. The risk factor of being in a public place seems to somehow (usually) get me off.

    Not real exciting I know but hey, we all can't be total sluts right out of the gate.

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