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Posts posted by Bear4Breeding

  1. The lump could be small if this is the first time you've expierenced them it may not be a huge roid. They tend to get larger with more exertion (pushing out).

    Keep putting on the ointment and using the suppositories, they will subside in time. I don't recommend getting fucked though until they clear up, if you do you risk opening them up and bleeding and well taking much longer to heal.

  2. Guess I'll add my 0.02 to this thread. (I missed the point were I became a "Sex Addict" on this site)

    Any way, I prefer guys over the age of 25, only because they generally have their shit together (usually) and have come out of the bar phase (usually, again, had a bad expierence with a drunk in my youth).

    As for older men, don't so much mind as long as I find them sexy or hot whichever you prefer and they aren't old enough to be my grandfather.

    If they have a nice cock and want to fuck my hole and shoot their loads deep in me and Im into them 1 on 1, lets do it. In a group thing though its fair game, specially if I can't see them fucking me then I don't really care.

  3. Okay, what do you all think abou this.

    What is with guys who state in their profiles, either in a dedicated field or in the text that they are Bottoms and only have pictures of their dicks and guys who say they are Tops only have picuters of their ass.

    Am I missing something with this or is it just one of those things that make no scense in the gay world?

  4. It does depend on the situation, some spontaneous fucks can last for a shorter time, but as I work alot, and live in a more rural aread, I like to enjoy a hot hole for all it is worth when I get lucky. I like to go for as long as I can, and make the bottom feel as good as I do. It tends to last longer if I have a regular bud who is bottoming for me and knows how to please me :)

    I'm with you hungtoppinky. I prefer a longer session as I don't get fucked nearly enough. I live in a weird area and not many guys around here into bb and into me as well. So when I do get lucky I like it to last a bit longer then 10 or 15 minutes. It takes that long to warm up for me and for them to get through the 2nd spincter, once they get there Im good to go and get pounded. The one thing that is a MUST for me is kissing, my dick is hardwired. A great kisser will get me rock hard in seconds. If the guy wont kiss or is bad at its more along the lines of cum and get out.

  5. I've onlly ever tried Viagra. The Script from my doc is expensive as my insurance doesn't cover it and a friend gave me web site to order it from online. The stuff online though gives me a headache and stuffs up my head in like an hour, so enjoying sex isn't much fun then. I've found though that a half a tab works better for me, the side effects are less and I can enjoy the sex better. I'll have to get back to you all with the web site, can't find it right now.

  6. My first was a Chevy Citation, can't recall the year, think it was an 80something. My 2nd many years later, couldn't afford one after the Citation took a shit on me, was a 1973 Buick Skyhawk, had that one a few months as it was costing me a fortune to repair, it was step uncles fathers car and he hardly ever drove it so it sat and everything rotted out. My 3rd was a Chevy Corrisica, then a 96 Honda Civic 5 speed coupe, and the one I have now is a 2000 Honda Accord coupe. Yep not owned many cars in my life.

  7. . I know that shower attachment douches are popular, but they run two serious risks - both the temperature and pressure can vary dangerously. I have a nurse friend who knows guys who have scalded their insides.

    This statement is very true about the shower shot attachments. However, it is very easy to test the temperature of the water. Just aim the stream at either the back of your balls or the back side of your knee. If the water is to hot you'll be able to tell from one of these two areas. The presure is a different story, but if you can feel the pressure on your balls or the back of your knee most likely its to much. You shouldn't feel the water hit your sking. When you go to put it in your hole you can also tell if its to much, you'll feel it on your sphincter and yous hould stop immediatly and lower the pressure. Some diverters are natural at controlloing the pressure in the hose others you can get to much. Just be carefull and take your time to make sure temp and pressure are acceptable before stiking the nozel up your ass.

  8. Some guys like Versatility some like one roll or another, depends on the guy I would expect as well as the mood at the moment.

    For me there was a time when I liked a versatile man, only because I enjoyed fucking as much as I enjoyed getting fucked. Right now at this exact moment in my life I just want to get fucked. I don't care if I cum or not just as long as the top enjoys my hole and leaves a hot load in my gut. I enjoy a good fuck, if I enjoy the fuck and the top cums I am a happy pig.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Ball stretching is HOT, love my balls pulled on during play gets me hot and bothered.

    My issue is the stretchers you buy online and at other places are always a bit to small for me (big balls and when warm low hanging) so I have trouble finding a stretcher that fits me. Any Ideas on that one?

  10. I saw a porn movie recently on a site that had a ghost theme. The ghost would materialize and fuck the hell out of a guy and go Poof again. Kind of reminded me of a book I read when I was young, called "The Entity". THis women was haunted by a melevelent spirit and at night he would show up and fuck the hell out of her, the way the book described the sex it was brutal and the cock was MASIVE, like CLUB massive.

  11. Guess I should update this. I forgot I had posted this out here.

    I never actually sent the condom full of cum. I did it but then when I went to mail it, I was given a customs form to fill out a to the content of the envelope I was mailing. I opted not to mail it as I didn't know what to put on the slip as to what was in the envelop and with my luck they would check it and I would get in all kinds of trouble for mailing body fluids through the mail. Domestic wouldn't be an issue but overseas is.

  12. I prefer Longer to extream thickness, some thickness is required as I've found really thin cocks I don't feel as well.

    But back to the issue. All anatomy is different (i may have said this previously somewhere), all colons are shaped slightly different. It could be you just haven't found the right position to allow a longer cock to penetrate the 2nd sphincter. Use the longer dildos and expieriment until you manage to get it past that 2nd spinchter and trust me once you do, you'll love it. I know for me once they get past that spot I am in total pig heaven and thats when I really start to enjoy the fuck.

  13. Those of you that are using things other then an actual sound are taking great risk. Particularly the guy using th Philips Screw Driver.

    A real Sound is a medical device made just for that purpose, they are sterile and need to be kept sterile to use them.

    Putting a screw driver up your urethra is dangerous. You could seriously damagge your urethra and end up in the hospital or worse end your sex life.

    SO PLEASE do not put foreign objects up your urethra unless it is an actual medical Sound. Same goes for your ass holes, the walls of the anal cavitiy are also very delicate and you don't want a torn colon.

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