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Posts posted by Bear4Breeding

  1. Trimix isn't available here. The components Caverject are mixed with aren't licensed.

    Sounds like Caverject or maybe the others are available there. Doesn't have to be Trimix, could one of the others.

    I am definitely speaking to my doc next appoitment which is this Wednesday. My doc friend said that a vial contains about 8 doses of the stuff if you use the standard dose. And the cost here in the US if it is shipped to your home is about $150.00 which is almost as much as I spend for 4 100mg viagra tabs and then cut in half to still get 8 doses, but without all those "nasties" as JizzDumpWI stated above. I will still be a bottom cum dump but I think it would be nice to have around for special occasions.

  2. I only read a few of the posts here. But the main question is. How long can you expect to live if you get poz at 23 years old?

    The post i wrote a few days ago https://breeding.zone/threads/24848-Better-then-Viagra-or-any-of-those-dick-pills about hooking up with a retired doc says. He is in his 60's, honestly doesn't look a day over 45 and he has been poz since 1984.

    I think if you take your meds and live as somone said a Healthy lifestyle your life expectancy is pretty good to be long. This of course doesn't take into account any freak accidents or any things that may run in your family and could be considered hereditary.

  3. Also, my cock would bruise after the injection and the injections do have a degree of pain/discomfort associated with them.

    Generally I'd say that the burise is related to a bad injection being done by someone not really skilled at it, kind of like getting blood drawn and they screw it up. But it could also be you bruise easily. I didn't have any bruise that I saw anyway. There is a degree of discomfort I'd say, the needle first which is a bit more then a blood draw but that also could be the location the needle is being stuck into. I had a small amount of stinging/burning sensation as it was being pushed in but it passed quickly.

    I could definately not use a cockring after the injection...the swelling was too great and very painful.

    Very true, cock rings are not advised while giving the injection or after the fact. Unless you utilize a snap or velcro kind so that you would be able to remove it if it became to uncomfortable but honestly don't think anyone would really need it with this stuff.

    For me, the greatest disadvantage of Trimix was my inability to cum.

    This part didn't bother me, since I normally don't cum anyway during sex, weird I know but it is what it is and it has never really bothered me.

    If you travel, like I do, the injections need to be kept cold ("on ice") so that was a real downside on a long plane trip. It's expensive, not usually covered by insurance and has a relative short shelf life. I somewhat liked the experience (after all, it was better than no erection at all) but I'd say it's not for every guy and not without some serious drawbacks.

    I was thinking of that the other day. I am sure my insurance wouldn't cover it at all as it doesn't cover Viagra at all, I have to pay the entire thing out of pocket for those and well they aren't cheap by any means. They do have to kept cold, frozen or refrigerated and the short shelf life is a big factor, frozen I think its up to 6 months and refrigerated only a month at the most. So if you don't use it you waste it. Other then that that is all I know about the stuff.

    I would still use it again though for sure, I did enjoy it a lot considering I haven't really topped in a very long time. I enjoyed the sensations I was feeling as my cock slid in and out of his hole and even though didn't cum it felt fucking fantastic. I forgot how fun topping can be and I don't remember feeling those sensations in the past but could just be my memory.

  4. Probably not the type of thing that would be done at the grocery store pharmacy counter, but larger pharms shouldn't have much problem providing it.

    You wouldn't be able to get this at any regular pharmacy. The Trimix has 3 different things in it so it is made by what is called a "Compounding Pharmacy" Most regular pharmacies like CVS or Rite Aid wouldn't do this. My doc bud said it would either be shipped to the doctor prescribing it or to your home, which if it is to your home would be the best route I'd think.

    Personally, I didn't notice ANY problems actually ejaculating with it. If anything, it was four straight hours of just being rock hard and ready to shoot. My balls kept recharging, but I ran out of cum long before it wore off... awesome stuff!!!

    I didn't ejaculate, I usually never do though, but it was definitely 4 hours of a rock hard cock. I thought it was Fun Stuff. Been trying to figure out how to ask my doc for it. Viagra works for me however it messes up my sinus' basically closes them up and I can't breath through my nose until it wears off, was thinking of useing that with my doc. I'll let you know how it goes, I see her next week.

  5. I hooked up with this guy last night from A4A, he is a retired doctor was in general practice for over 20 years, very nice. Great ass big fat cock daddy type.

    Well, he gave me this stuff that I have to say was Incredible. It made my dick ROCK hard and it stayed hard for at least 3 hours. When I say it stayed hard I mean it never even went down a little bit and after the first couple hours it was actually starting to get a bit painful.

    I think we played and chatted for a good 3.5 to 4 hours and by the last 1/2 hour or so my dick was starting to soften a little but but it was still very rigid and the slitest touch made it hard again. I drove home with a semi and had one pretty much for several hours after that, I had to wank to just help with the hardness.

    I have to find out what it was called, but you have to get it through a doctor and honestly not sure how you would explain to a doc why you want this particular stuff.

    But damn, if I can figure out HOW to get this from my Doc, I will go back to being vers with one caviate though, I don't cum. :(

    It was a hot night though. We are hooking up again sometime soon I hope. He needs to fuck me next time.

  6. I'm with most of these descriptions. The only thing in the lists that I am not really into is the piss. I've done it and tried most of the options with piss and well it just doesn't do a damn thing for me. I've been pissed in which was hot I must say but the rest of it, nothing.

    Raw fucking, multiple dicks going in and out of multiple holes, felching freshly fucked holes, ass to mouth all good for me.

  7. That sort of thing happens to me all the time. Sometimes there is more sexual talk involved as in what you want to do to me kind of stuff. And then they are gone for days at a time. Personally I think a lot of them use the chat for wank material and once the blow they are gone. But that is just MO.

  8. I think something which has a rhythmic thumping base sound :-)

    I'm with barefootbob. The beat is key to any good fuck music. Just don't turn it up real loud, it should be background only, I want to hear the sounds and everything going on around me, specially in a group scene, otherwise the music is distracting rather then an enhancement.

  9. YEAH ! I agree... guys should put their location to area, country or region.

    If i click on the "About Me" section and nothing is listed, then I move on.... either a fake profile or a guy searched around under one screen name, then came back with a better screen name and MORE information.

    And YES, more pictures will INCREASE others as well as encourage more members. love guys who update at least ONCE a year.

    I agree for sure on the location part, I do the same thing if nothing is listed under location. As for the pictures I'd update once a year but need someone to take new ones not that I've changed all that much.

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