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Posts posted by Bear4Breeding

  1. I don't. The Philly metro area is very body centric. I live an hour outside of Philly and the town I live in is or seems to be full of twinks and young guys. I'm lucky if I get lucky once a year locally. Had success a few times in Vegas when I had to go for work. Have to go to Kansas City, MO in a couple weeks hoping to get lucky there but so far it isn't looking good, lots of profile trafic on a4a but no messages, other then 1 slave who wants to service me. I am going to save him till my last night there and hope I get some loads in my ass the otehr days.

  2. You should talk to other guys who are poz and have been for at least a few years, 3 or 4 I'd say. Ask them how they dealt with it, how it has changed their lives and all that kind of stuff. Not just the "piggie" guys but other guys too, ones that are Poz but aren't like most of us on this site, not that there is anything wrong with any of us but I just mean the guys that are poz but play safe and don't collect cum in their holes on a regular basis like we do here :).

    You are young yet, to me 25 is young, child even. But You have your reservations about it and are still unsure if that is what you want to do. And you have read some of the stories and everything, granted not all are true but some are and there are guys out there that will tell you one thing and do something completly different. So with that said and sorry to be a downer, but I don't want this young guy to do something he'll regret later.

    You need to be 10000% sure this is what you want because once you have it, there is no going back from it. The meds are expensive even with insurnace, the stuff I take is over 2g a fill and thats just a month, with my insurance I still pay 75.00 a month for it. Think long and hard about it and if this guy is as decent as you described him, am sure he'll understand if you aren't totaly ready yet.

    Sorry i went on and on and I am not as sesinct (spelling) as some thats why I don't write stories true or otherwise. Good Luck to you glassesboi!

  3. I posted the same question. Original post is under "Tips, Tricks, Rules & Help" and is titled "Stages of Members(not sure what to call it)".

    rawTOPS reply to original post:

    "They depend on how many posts you've made (minus infractions you've received)... You start out a virgin, then get to "curious" after 10 posts, then you become a "barebacker" after 25 posts, then a "sex addict" after 100 posts, then a "slut" after 500 posts, and then the pinnacle of success is to become a "whore" after 1,000 posts.

    If you think in terms of taking loads it all makes sense"

  4. This is a very great thread.

    Like someone else said, I tried the manogomy thing when I was young but it never worked out for me. I always ended up fucking around. But I wasn't ready for the Open relationship thing nor had I started bbing.

    Now that I am in my 40's and have been single for over a decade, I think I could handle the open relationship and being piggy and him being piggy etc. Just finding someone that you are compatiable with in a general way let a lone in this sort of a sexual way isn't easy and depending on the area you live it can be down right impossible. But I am okay being single and honestly not having a whole lot of sex, I work I have my house to keep me busy and every now and then I get a load. Okay so I am not as big a pig as some are here but I have Great Intentions!

  5. Will be visting Kansas City serveral times for work this year. Looking for some playmates while I am in town or a group thing.

    Not sure of where I'll be staying but if you know where the Cerner HQ is it will probably be around there someplace.

    First trip is February 25th thru the 28. Tops wanted to Pound and seed my hungry holes.

    Get in touch if you want to work something out for this first trip and maybe the subsequent ones as well.

  6. I'm with Bbikercub. I've chatted with a few people over the years in a polly relationship. Until my last bf I didn't think I was cut out for an open relationship but have since changed my mind and have often wondered myself about bing involved in a polly relationship of some sort but that is always easier said then done though. Biggest thing I would think is that everyone involved likes everyone else involved and hopfully the love part will come later or at the start. But what can you do.

  7. I never got sick, or the fuck flu. I only had a slight fevor that lasted a few days and was gone. Then it re appeared in a couple weeks time and lasted a few days and was gone. Went to the doctor both times and they diagnosed as Bronchitas (spelling). So I never as Tiger said spewed vomit 12 feet in front of me as I ran to the toilet.

    It is different for everyone and you may get really ill or you may not all depends on your body and your immune system now. I knew someone who seroconverted with HIV2 he ended up in the hospital for 3 days due to his conversion, he was really sick, very deydrated etc.

  8. I agree with all of you on this point. I get it all the time. I send a guy a compliment knowing full well he wont be interested in anything with me but get silence in return, and like thick know for a fact he's checked me out.

    Personally I blame it all on technology. With the advent of Texting and Cell phones, people have lost all sence of "good breeding". Manners are a thing of the past one might even say Retro, particularly with the youth of today, they are just rude. Teenagers in convience stores just slapping change on teh counter and not even looking at you or ignoring you for 5 minutes becuase they have their phones in their hands.

    It's all the techno age fault, in my opinion. And I wasnt raised in the South. Thats my 0.02.

  9. Breeder, that is a very beautiful story. You both left deep and profound impressions on each other, that is a wonderful thing in this day and age, most people today don't notice the person walking next to them on the street for 3 blocks.

    It is sad when someone passes away, but it is part of the cycle of life. People come in and out of lives through out our lives and as my mom would say "it happens for a reason". As long as you remember him and you obviously remember in a very good and beautiful way, his memory will continue.

    Greive remember him and then like we do, you will move on. Big Ole Bear Hugs to you!

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