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  1. Preferably a Friday or Saturday @Allcavalier
  2. Hey heading to Phoenix and looking to hopefully get a bunch of loads but also wouldn’t mind sharing a hot hole with my boyfriend. Let me know if you’re in town for pride as well. We are hosting at our hotel by the festival. 24,210, 6’1”, very hairy vers bottom 6” thick cock
  3. Would love to try and set something up like this too
  4. Vegas here. Love to meet up with some of you and take some raw anon loads
  5. 3 tonight First was a "sir" that has fucked me a handful of time. We partied and then he fisted me, the second time he's done this, and fucked me till he came. Nothing too exciting lol Then went to a hotel and got fucked by a visitor who I've chatted with for over a year now but it never happened. He rough fucked me and it hurt cause my ass had been stretched out but he didn't care. He came and had another top lined up to breed me and didn't tell me till right before he knocked on the door. The drugs helped my decision to lay facedown and let this stranger pound me as well. I think the dude came, but not sure. He said he was gonna ring another bottom up but never came back and I was kind of over getting fucked so I left lol. Think I ruined my chances with the hotel guy in the future but oh well. Not gonna get fucked if I'm not feeling it
  6. Went and got fucked by this guy I've booked up with a few times last night. He's probably 40's very muscular black guy with a huge cock. We partied and he fisted me for the first time and fucked me for about half an hour. Was very hot So then being my dumb self and since I was high I started looking for more people and have one lined up for tonight but the high is going away and I'm regretting all the things I said I'd do haha.
  7. Stockydudes
  8. By: IntoStockyGuys http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=4GCEb-G607- This is me a month ago or so, hopefully you guys blow a load to my hole
  9. Yeah sometimes. If it goes on for to long I'm sure the top can tell a notable difference between when we started when I was into it and when he dragged it on to long haha Time to switch to the ass or nut. I am not into taking forever to cum
  10. You are an amazing writer, love your writing skills
  11. Had a very very active past week The main thing was last Wednesday and Thursday hooked up with a great older guy for both days in a row. He fucked me a bunch and came in me probably 5 times over the two days. Had a great time and felt a connection but alas no messages since he went back to work last Friday Oh well lol, sad but can't really be to upset since it was just a hookup. Would have liked to see if it led anywhere more but at least he didn't drag me along just so he could have someone to fuck when he wasn't into me like that I suppose haha
  12. Well damn, let me move to Canada haha Sounds like a much better experience
  13. This whole forum has the mindset that bottoms are only there to please and serve a top anytime, anywhere, anyway and that's great for some people but after lurking (and since this would be one of the only places I would be able to vent haha) I figured why not make a thread venting stuff that annoys us bottoms about tops. And if you are one of those that thinks a bottom should never say no or disagree to anything a top says (at least your online persona thinks that) then thats great! But please don't post that in here, you have the whole rest of the forum to do that! Lol Also this is not speaking about all tops obviously, just share your experiences. So just as of recently some things that have irked me about tops is they don't appreciate we take the time to get "ready" for them, have had more than a few tops get angry and not want to hook up because my cleaning process was not going fast enough for them. If I could make it go any faster I would lol, but sorry for trying to save us both some awkardness by making sure I am cleaned out 110%. Another one is the sense of power they think they have. I love a dominant man but don't try to demand I change my whole days schedule or plans I've had already set just so I can get fucked by you. I have a life outside of sex and only enjoy the dominance during sex. Hopefully some others will agree and share some more haha
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