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Posts posted by shinelover

  1. I can see both sides of this. In a way, some guys prefer some chems to really lose themselves, and push the last of their inhibitions away so they can surrender and totally pig out. I get that, it's a notion that holds some appeal to me. Personally, I rarely do anything more than 420, some wine or beer, and possibly some poppers.

    I have just always worried about losing myself to it. What is the point of having a perfectly awesome pig fuck session and then barely remember it the next day? Or getting too wasted that you're barely participating? I like to be present so I can fully give myself to the man who is fucking me, doing everything I can to make him get off. After all, if he's not enjoying himself, or my ass, then I haven't done my job.

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  2. I feel a bit split personality sometimes when it comes to sex. When I play alone, I will edge myself for hours and it's all about how good my dick feels. But as soon as another man is involved, my dick doesn't exist to me. It's all about his dick and his loads. 

    I had a couple that I played with over a 2-week period and they took turns fucking my ass. But I never once came during my time with them. Two weeks, all of that fucking, me sucking their cocks, lots of kissing, and not once did I feel the need to cum.

    The urge just wasn't there. It was just my ass and their cocks. 

    And after a guy is done with my ass, I can go home alone and then I play with my own cock and have amazing orgasms. The kind that shake your entire body. I even nearly fainted a couple of times, that's how hard I came! But so far, I have yet to experience this with another guy.

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  3. Here's another good one I got recently. A guy is telling me he wants me face down, ass up. But then he wants to see my pictures. Okay, fine. Then he gets back to me that he's only interested in guys with facial hair. As if that matters when my face is smashed in a pillow? Guys who want anonymous fucks shouldn't be fussy at all about what the other person looks like. It's about a hard dick and a receptive hole.

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  4. I have videos on xtube, but they're solo, and mostly either piss fun or gear play. I've asked several guys in the past to take video of us fucking, but sadly the cameras never made it on.

    But I don't mind at all. I'd love to see myself on cam, begging a stranger to load me up. Better yet if I'm begging for his POZ load to infect me!

  5. Yeah, I've got to agree with you about some of the wording. Especially on Recon, where I'll automatically click on profiles with words like 'extreme' and 'no limits' only to be disappointed when they list themselves as safe sex only and make a point of saying they only play safe.


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  6. Anyone who knows me on here will know that sucking is not at the top of my favorites list. Not that I don't like it, but sometimes I get bored -I'm sure it's just me. Stick a dick up my ass and I'm a happy pig, though. I think if I get really stoned I can get my mind to slow down enough to really get into sucking a guy, so I'll be giving that a try really soon.

    Anyways, there was one guy who I was extremely attracted to. We burned through a morning, and even went into the afternoon . . . so I'd say I had his dick in my mouth for the better part of 3 or 4 hours? Miraculously, he was sucking me off for much of that time too. And if you know me, you know I never get into getting sucked off myself. But I was really into this guy and everything we did felt great.

  7. Fuck, I'd love to be Rick! I actually researched finding a work environment like this, it would be the best of both worlds. Getting work done, and men fucking whenever it's needed.

    And with these guys being poz -makes it even HOTTER!

  8. Guys, I don't live in Toronto, but it is the closest major city, so that's where I will be visiting to play. I'm looking for suggestions where I can be a filthy pig. Already know of a couple of bathhouses, but I was curious if anyone had suggestions of alternative places -public bathrooms, parks, anywhere that's good for anonymous loads. The filthier the better!

    Really, any way I can get cocks and loads while I'm there, I need to know. Thanks!

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