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  • Gender
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    west London
  • Interests
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
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    parTnered but I like slam he doesn't so up for mates. GL and London tased
  • Looking For
    Discrete meeTs and perv guys to get sleazy with

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  1. @alwestlondon very keen and discreet. Pic attached. Very discreet but I’m into this big time
  2. A bit late to reply but I’m into that too. West London. It really turns me on as I can be someone a lot pervier and having a mirror image guy into this and more just makes it better. t: @alwestlondon
  3. Looking for ffun with sweets (have) and totally discreet. Nothing shocks but limits are brown. love H&H getting into scenarios with likeminded discreet prvs. London west t: @alwestlondon
  4. London and Berks: Looking for discrete maTes for open minded fun. Would be good when feeling like a bit of [banned word]/kink to have a few mates i can connect with. Circle of friends so to speak. telegram: @alwestlondon
  5. Attracted to this chain. West London guy.
  6. I’m inTo that big time
  7. Sounds great. W4 here
  8. @alwestlondon
  9. That’s hot. It’s a great feeling when the rush hits and you are getting sleazier in the other room. Being slammed by guys we get over without my bf knowing just makes me a [banned word]. Sounds compatible.
  10. It really takes me into another zone. I’ve been slammed in the kitchen by a guy that my bf actually found. This guy knew exactly what I wanted just by eye contact. It was hot as my bf hates the thought of slamming, and he knew nothing about it….want to do that and more again. That was my first slam, and this guy knew what he was doing and could see I was a prv. Any other guys keen telegram @alwestlondon
  11. Just gagging for some prv. Vers. Keep it all in the family and woof! Just point me in a direction.
  12. Hey fellow prvs. I’m back home w4 in October…abroad at the mo. Looking for all this stuff with likeminded parTners in crime telegram @alwestlondon
  13. Any guys get off with cheating? Slam stuff I’m into but bf isn’t so I either wait to be on my own or even better when we have a guy over I usually get my wish and get twisted by being taken into the kitchen for the pinning. Bf gets distracted when high so I get off on being naughty…then I and the guy go back into the living room and get really twisted. like to hear if there are others into that and of course an eventual meet. Very open minded ….no blood though.
  14. Uk [banned word]. T: alwestlondon
  15. I don't have twitter but dm on telegram @alwestlondon Im naughTy
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