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Everything posted by thick

  1. yeah ive been lectured. sero-sorting, super-virus, spreading diseases.....yada yada. I always say in return "thank you for the public service announcement. now kindly mind your own business"
  2. I dont like very tight holes. They tend to squeeze my cock out and its slightly uncomfortable to fuck them. I like slightly tight (generally) however I have one regular fuck buddy who has a loose hole and I enjoy fucking him all the time because he knows how to push my buttons. So Id say medium tight to loose is my prefernce.
  3. That asian vid is hot (for the starring top only) the bottom is a whiney, do-nothin mess. The tops cock pulsating in the sphincter is truly classic porn in the making
  4. nuttin like a bare ass either! lol
  5. How about this..... "poz top daddy needs ur throat and pussyhole" One of my regular titles. In the bread and butter of the ad I say all sorts of nasty shit and I post a rock-hard fatty pic of my dong. Lastly in the ad itself I reiterate the title "6ft tall, hairy, well built, 45yo, POZ daddy with a 7.5long x 6.5thick cut cock needs to get deepthroated and fuck some ass raw" OK poz is mentioned twice upfront! then I get the generation y's with absolutely no reading comprehension emailing me with "hey dude, are you ddf?" WHA???? This is my favorite slacker craigslist crap
  6. i hate condoms. my cock is numb enuf from having its hood lopped off as a child. And then Im gonna slip on another barrier to sensation? Screw that! Now the anti-circumcision crowd? that's sum activists I can wrap my head around! (forgive the pun)
  7. Yep slowfuck said it well. you have to learn to relax. AND the only way for you to do so is to close your eyes and jump off the highboard into the pool. If you sit at home obsessing it will make your fear grow. If you have a phobia of crowds. Your therapist will take you to crowds to show you there is nothing to fear. If you have a fear of sexual encounters, you must make yourself have those encounters such that your mind will realize there is nothing to be afraid of. All of us have bad sex hookups and all of us have good sex hookups. Just remember that sex is a dirty, messy and fun sport. The guy youre hookin up with is gonna be nervous too. But if you 2 click then you will fuck again. And it will be even more fun. Stop relying also on finding a hookup that shares your hobbies. That will come if you find someone whom you really like and they like you. Just find someone that thinks youre sexy, and the rest will fall right in place.
  8. the good bottoms always wear me out to the point I DO fall asleep, or try to. Sometimes the bitches want me out the door after Ive deposited my protein in their gut......and baby I just wanna roll over and snore witha smile on my face :~)
  9. Ud be suprised as to how many gay men share the common bond of "intimacy-phobia" with their straight brothers......Ive been with men and I know that we are fucking like passionate lovers. We kiss, we look into each others eyes, we fuck great.....then bam. Youre just a number to them. They want no more contact with you after the first fuck, even tho you know damn well they had as much of a good time as you. Its that they dont want to get close to another human for various personal reasons. Mouth kissing is a very intimate sport
  10. I love to kiss, BUT only with other men who know how. OR we fit together well when kissing. I hate a guy that cant kiss, and if he doesnt do it well I wont pursue his mouth. and he may never see me again. Id rather not be kissed at all if it aint good.
  11. thick


    OK men. Ive been wantin a PA. Then I thought a bar thru my frenum would be more pleasureable. Which one do you think?? I wanna take the plunge soon. I have both ears and both nipples pierced. I need a dik piercing to finish off the look.
  12. I used snake bite suction cups from fort troff for a while. It really brought my nips out. Then I got them pierced. I love to have mine played with, especially when Im gettin blown or fuckin
  13. men cheat. Period. They are programmed genetically to plant seed and inseminate as many mates as possible. sorry but we gays dont have a corner on the market for cheating. Straight men fuck around as much as we do.......save the fact that if they get caught and theyre married, the consequences are worse monetarily. My brother who is straight as a pin, and has a big ole hog dik. has cheated for years. His escapades make me blush. So baby, men will be men. You want some kind of fantasy of a monogamous relationship, then pop some corn, pop in pretty woman and relax.
  14. you said: "There all a bit hard-core and my boyfriend doesn't like being called Daddy or anything like that I'm looking for ones a bit more light hearted, playful, jokey and flirty." are you on the same site as the rest of us? Or are u on eharmony??
  15. I never had any night sweats before I got full blown AIDS. My only symptom for years was swollen lymph nodes. Then maybe 7 years after I was infected (I know who gave me the gift and when) I got shingles. Another 2 years went by before I finally made myself go to the doctor. By then my Tcell count was 0 and my viral load was 6 million. I went to the doc because I had a urinary infection and it was burning when I pissed. I was so thin. I weighed like 150lbs on my 6 foot frame. I knew I had AIDS. I didnt need a test. The internist who saw me was visibly horrified at my appearance. I sat in a chair in the examnining room and said "I either have cancer, diabetes, or AIDS. check for the HIV first" He called me that afternoon very worried. said I was also extremely anemic and he wanted to put me in hospital ASAP. I said Im not going to any damn hospital. After I got on the meds.......thats when I started getting nightsweats. It wasnt the meds. I think it was my immune system coming back online and fighting the virus. The more my tcells grew, the more I had fevers. I am very lucky to be alive. I waited years to go to the doc because they didnt have meds yet. when I finally crawled into the office the retro-viral pills had only been out about a year! I made it. I waited the fucking virus out. If I had been infected a year earlier I would be dead now.
  16. I love being called Daddy! or Papi if Im fuckin latin culo
  17. thanks for friending me, bareback brother

  18. are they cut or uncut?? I bet the uncut ones cum more often
  19. U dont flake (in my opinion) if you text or email the person and say "man, sorry, but I dont feel safe for me or my car in this area of town, so I decided to leave before we met, sorry guy" or something like that. I cancel fuck dates, and they cancel on me. Now if you just disappear and dont say why? youre either dead or a flake. I made plans to hook up with this guy in weho and he lived on a street with very limited parking and it was street cleaning day on one side. So I drove around and drove around and couldnt find anywhere to park. I gave up. when I got home I emailed him and said....."couldnt find parking, sorry"
  20. 100's! over 200 at least. but I dont count.
  21. I dont actively go for the bottoms dik. Sometimes I dont even see the thing because its encased in a jock. I am not opposed to touching his dik, but usually theyre so small who wants to play with it? and most bottoms dont want me to pay attention to that area. I do really love when Im fucking and the bottom starts fondling himself. I can feel that sphincter tense up around my cock. Thats an awsome feeling. Occassionally I get with a bottom who has a big cock and Ill play with it a little, especially if Im rimming him from behind.....tongue up his cunt, and one of my hands wrapped around his dong milking it...
  22. I have checked out guys on a4a and low and behold I am blocked. I honestly do not remember even talking with a lot of these guys. I think these types block me when they check the profile and they want to bookmark me as not their type....or some such thing. I am mostly blocked because I havent gotten around to fucking a guy and he gets irritated with the wait. BUT as I stated in the beginning of this thread. Theres one of me and I cant fuck everybody. U dont block starbucks....you wait in line
  23. HungLatinDom u are referring to a different type of blocking. Sure, if a guy continuously nags me to fuck and Im not interested I may block them just so I dont have to deal with deleting their shit from my message file. If a guy has no pics, yeah cool, send them to cyber-purgatory. BUT to start an argument with me, insult me, and then hit the block button because ur too much of a wimp to take my comeback..? Thats a pussy. I havent blocked this particular guy yet. and I wont. Funny thing is, does he really think I need to beg him to get my cock serviced? Thats why I didnt contact him in the first place yesterday. I found sum ass regardless of his catty, drama-queen BS.
  24. thick

    then write me a private and lets get to fuckin

  25. thick

    lets hook up and fuck

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