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    San Diego, CA
  • Interests
    Volleyball, Video Games, V-gym,
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background
    Young Asian bottom trying to find the reasons behind my kink with being a sloppy loaded cum dump

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  • BarebackRT Profile Name
  • Adam4Adam Profile Name

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  1. I totally agree. I spoke with a friend that even though Folsom is 3 weeks away, I should get tested and treated just to not take the chance and spread anything over in San Francisco. Thanks for reading, this may have been a silly question to begin with and I'm sorry.
  2. Hey all, I'm a young bottom on PrEP. I just wanted to ask a quick question on where you think responsibility lies with your sexual partners, in situations where you may pass an STI/HIV to someone. I only ask because I can tell that I might have something anally, and I don't know whether I should get treated immediately or wait until after my trip to Folsom San Francisco (Sept 22-25) to get tested and treated. I'm sure I'll be going to orgies, have sex with multiple partners, and having my fun, but then at the end of the day I may have willingly transmitted something to my partner. If I get treated, there's a great chance that I may just end up getting something again while at Folsom. How do you handle your responsibility/guilt complex and what do you think I should do? This is just a conversation, please be nice and respectful. I'm not a bugchaser but I do love the feeling of raw cock unloading in me and making my hole wet. Thanks
  3. Hey I think I fit into this category here. I love LOVE being a bareback cumdump for daddies and be used as their sex toy. I'm negative on prep for 3 years so I'm not very worried about HIV. Sometimes I don't make the best decisions with my choice of partners and I get reinfected with an STD that I was just treated for (example: I probably have gonorrhea again after being treated 2 weeks ago because I can tell in the mucus in my BMs and slight itching around my hole) But you really just have to take it in strides and keep yourself checked and tested as much as you can. I don't play with any parTiers. i try to find more fit looking guys to play with. Signs are if they take care of their bodies, they probably take care of their STI health on top of that. Hope this helps
  4. Thanks for the replies. I know that taking antibiotics without a doctor approval first wasn't the greatest decision, but I was meeting up with my partner that weekend and didn't want to give him chlamydia/gonorrhea if I caught it at the club. I don't ever do this regularly, I just had an extra dosage of azithromycin for an earlier chlamydia infection. Now I have some sort of anxiety and fear that I might've caught HIV from taking a random guy's load and multiple other cocks. I know this is HIGHLY UNLIKELY because I've been on PrEP for almost 2 years now. When it comes to health, I'm a pretty tensed up person (some say it makes for a really nice tight ass ) and its hard for me to relax. Would you guys have any tips for relaxing your mind and getting rid of any anxiety/fear on STI/HIV scares? Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it and it actually helps to write down my thoughts.
  5. Hi all, I'm new to the forums and wanted to ask people how they manage STDs if they're having bareback. I will preface that I am in an open relationship, and we are both on PrEP. I've always loved the fantasy of being bred by a group of hot guys. It wasn't until recently where I started getting the courage to go to a club and be fucked bare by multiple guys in a night. I've done it twice so far. I had a hot breeding session at the local club but when I got home I downed an extra dose of azithromycin for Chlamydia just in case I got something. My fear is that I will become that vector for transmitting whatever disease I would get from anonymous guys, and either give it to unknowing guys or my partner. I've read so far that, STDs are the common of life for barebackers, and that I'll have to deal with it. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that, and I don't like putting others, especially my partner, at risk to get an STI. How do you manage your fear of STI transmission, if any?
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