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Status Updates posted by deleted1

  1. It's always so great to get that message from a bug chaser I fucked and injected that he's officially tested POZ. and he's promised to stay of meds too, fuck yeah

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. morufflover


      FUCK yeah!!  I can't wait for my turn!!  Love you have Potent and Good Exercise, too!!

  2. Hey nasty fucker, if you ever want to get absolutely no limits depraved chat about AIDS, deathfcking negs, stealth, med resistance, or snuff/getting snuffed, hit me up on wickr at seriousforit. Maybe I can even help you achieve some of your goals.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jackfoster


      Potent, hit me up man, you sound like a guy that knows what i want. FUCK YEAH

    3. Guest


      Hey see you here


    4. Jackfoster


      Man if you’re still down for a chat I’d be happy to get real fucking nasty with you

  3. This is the full blown, 100% Med resistant, AIDS wasting, faggot ending , nasty neg infector, strain spreader, hole raper and executioner. He will give you what you want, so ask extremely carefully. I'm getting HIV2 and the power to snuff.

    1. PupLucca


      You can visit me and give me your gift



      Well I've done a blood slam with a buddy of mine in Phoenix Arizona last year of 2016 in November just a few days before thanksgiving. My friend was full blown of aids. His username is tallcowboy65  on nkp n breeding zone just look up it and it's on a different username under that. So I recently got tested twice to confirm the first test results and it come back to positive. Antibodies. 3_10_17 HIV positive detectable and off meds still..

  4. Anyone in Chicago got a raging case ofuntreated syphilis they would like to share?  Just like with my hep c, I will never treat it but instead I will be sure to spread it far and wide

    GIVE ME SYPHILIS, preferably untreatable 

    1. Poz2play


      I'd like a case of that.

    2. pointedkiwi


      like wise hot fukker. you can have as much as u like.  i wouldnt say no to ever

  5. RIP, dude. You were one of the best AIDS  breeders around. Glad I got your blood in me just before AIDS took you away. 

    1. PumaParTyBeasT


      Do you know this for sure? He was a friend of mine I made a while back, and I haven't heard from him since Valentine's Day earlier this year. Just wondering if he's really gone or not.

    2. TTFN


      Last time he was on BBRT was Feb 14th 17.

  6. We don't have much time to combine our unmedicated high viral AIDS strains into a super strain that will make the 2020s look like the late 80s, no cure and funerals every day. We need to fuck and swap blood brother. Now!

    1. dickluva


      ☣☣☣Fuckin' Oink~! Please keep sharing. Pervs like you make visiting BZ fun.  Wood love to breed it, & swap bugz too. My VL= 100G. Hep C+ & TB too.  Please post some pix, & location. Thanks for following me.

  7. Beautiful nasty AIDS god, hope you're building a big legacy of converts. 

  8. Always so fucking hot to have this bruder gift giver here whiles he's also making porno we all watch

  9. One of my favorite bruders - he's truly committed to a life of full blown AIDS. My kind of evil man. 

  10. I wanna help this stud die from AIDS

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