I was hoping for a different discussion but here we are. People missing the forest for the trees. It is your body, your choice. After decades of HIV being with us, WE ALL KNOW THE RISK OF FUCKING RAW! When it comes to health, it is not up to someone else, is your OWN responsibility. HIV is a fact of life and still out there. Like someone said unless you were stealthed, the condom broke or you were raped (no roleplay) before Prep and post exposure prophylaxis was widely available you knew the risks of taking that cock, going after the author for a legitimate conversation that we need to have DOES NOT help.
One if the reason why the prevention campaigns don't work is all the judgement from some within the community, in fact this does de apposite and this thread has good examples of it. I see people shifting blame from their own choices: You decided to roll the dice and unfortunately now you have it. (you know who you are)
When it comes to medication always the benefits HAVE to outweight the risks and this decision has to be made carefully not by your doctor but by YOU. There is plenty of legitimate sources to make this decision, your doctor / NP / specialist is one of them. Personally I might do a initial run of meds when my CD4+ starts to drop and see how I am reacting to them because liver sensitivity and take from there.