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Everything posted by bigdick4you

  1. He is not cheating as we r in open relationship...and he actually is very open and honest about what he does with others...I was actually the one that didn't always mention what I had been up to...I did not mention that there had been lots of drinking involved,,,,and for some reason I turn than into ridiculous jealous monster.... And I know....not very attractive...ur guys responses made me actually realise how ridiculous I have behaved...
  2. We have open relationship.... But I just think u don't ask for somebody's email if ur bf is next to u and u know how he probably is going to react.... Am not stupid but really don't think this guy was his type... But it is the way... My problem is that this makes me feel sad and insecure... Something I don't want.... As I think u should be feeling good next to ur bf and not have all these issues.... And then on other hand... When I'm not with him.... He wants to know exactly what I'm doing and with who I'm sleeping.... And then I think.... R u kidding me!?
  3. Am at the moment in open long distance relationship... I travel a lot for work and am longer periods off so that I can meet up with him regularly...he is 36 and still a student who lives at home.... So most of the expenses when we go out and hotels are paid by me. The problem is that when I go out together with him to gay bars I tend to become very jealous if somebody comes up to us and starts a conversation and If I feel that they r interested in my bf... I become then kind of rude and standoffish towards people...he is a very social person and expects same from me...like yesterday we went out and he started talking to some guys... Most of it was light conversation and I don't think he was sexually interested in them. What put me over the edge was the fact that for some reason he ended up taking picture of one of the guys and asked for his email address so he could send it to him.... Needless to say that I felt very jealous at this point.... We went back home and had argument...when we are not together he wants to know always what I'm doing and if I have sex with other people... Do u guys think I'm being ridiculous here and should cut him some slack or that he is doing it on purpose as he knows I get jealous?
  4. Have been in on off long distance with this guy who I know is not perfect for me... But I still care a lot for...surprised with myself a little bit as normally I can't stand being with same FB let alone bf for too long...the truth is I really care for him in many ways... Feel like I have to take care of him and feel responsible for him...the thing that is frustrating is the long distance... That creates a lot of insecurities...at the moment he is still studying and needs to take care of his elderly parents... While I am still trying to create a base for myself many miles away from him....anyway.... Enjoying being with him at the moment and holding him while we sleep...
  5. Although he was kind of mean to me and I felt he felt superior in more ways than one, besides the fact he made me feel insecure and vulnerable and all of my friends saying I'm better off without him... I still miss him. Like he has a spell on me or something....we broke up and remained friends.... Still he wants to dictate where I should live and what I should say.... Still threatens to unfriendly me on Facebook and I care...I have moved on.... But still love u... Hope that feeling will fade when I meet someone who makes me feel good....I have plenty of sex but it all feels so empty.... I want more.... I want to share my life with that special one....in the meantime I still luv u and hope u r well...
  6. Found Palm Springs to have quite a few tops.... Maybe as I was whoring out my then bottom bf at the time... But he seemed to get more hits on line than I did as a top... Was like world gone mad! Lol
  7. That's one hot hole.... Wouldn't mind getting some of that!
  8. U r sick puppy ... Plain and simple....
  9. There is nothing hot in seeing that someone is obviously not well... There r some solutions out there, so I would def go for it. I saw it in my ex bf who at one stage looked very ill and skinny...I noticed people making remarks behind his back and every time I was ready to punch their lights out! He got better and looks very healthy now a days....it took a toll on our relationship as instead of feeling lust.... I felt sorry for him. I never told him this obviously.... But deep down he could tell...surround Urself with people who care for who u r and not the way u look...
  10. It's over for me then.... If its first time fuck... No second chances.... If its bf I don't make drama out of it.... Broke up with one guy as it was always the same.... Shit on my dick.... Sorry cant bare it.... Also have low tolerance for guys who don't know how to suck dick.... I might come across as asshole.... But I'm sorry ur hole needs to be clean... And u need to know what u r doing.... That's why I like slutty guys with experience....
  11. If u would have asked me few years back I would have said: shaved or hairless hole....but due to other top buddy of mine I started experimenting with hairy holes and I must say I luv them both! As long as its clean and doesn't look like a Forrest I might get lost in...lol.
  12. just put it together with ur toiletries in ur ziplock bag. I travel a lot and never hav been stopped. I put my lube in there as well...
  13. The sex was indeed great.... But I can't stay with a bf only due to that....I move so quickly to protect myself and not risking being hurt any longer...I gave and gave and he just took and took...gave me mixed MSG.... I can't live like that! I want to stay friends....not even dumping him like hot potato like most of my friends suggested... Even prepared to be friends with benefits but no more.... As in relationship he is too over bearing....telling me I have to mention every time I sleep with someone.... Give me a break! Not wanting to do group thing with me but doing it with tweakers when he decides to have his drug fueled weekends...being in school at 36 and living in with his parents.... Me paying most of bills....insulting me .... I was in love with him and I still am.... But I won't go on road to self destruction.... I deserve better... I'm decent guy! Maybe too decent and that's the problem...
  14. U r right.... Things always happen for a reason. I'm just glad I found closure after many of my friends telling me he was not right for me... I won't delete his contact details and I will always be there with kind word and support if he needs it....that's just the way I'm wired....and that's ok... Because once I decide its over.... I take u out of the box bf and place u in box friend...my friends say I'm kind, attractive,generous soul who is fun to have around and that right guy is out there for me.... I believe he is too...just think I will take step back from trying to find bf at any cost....will go back to my normal self of one night stands,dating and making new friends...and never again adapt myself to my bf but let him adapt to me...
  15. I think that's wrong.... If somebody asks me to fuck him with a condom I would have to use one or move on....normally I just move on and fuck other slut as I don't really like to use condoms.... But there have been occasions that the bottom insisted on using one and I did...
  16. I can process and express my feelings bit different than most people... I can go from totally being in love to totally indifferent....depending how other reacts and behaves.... I'm the type of person that believes in being a true friend in good and bad times.... But I do expect the same back....was just recently on one of my many trips.... That I suddenly fell ill and even needed medical assistance.... Here I was in strange city all by myself and no friends around....guy I have been having on/off long distance relationship with checked how I was doing which I thought was really sweet.... But later I realized he never offered if I needed anything.... It would have been easy for him to come and c me on my airline passes....instead he decided to go out all weekend which u can do.... But then u show me that u r not a good friend.... And not worth my love and dedication...he did check on me regularly.... But that is not the same is it? A while back when something was going on with him.... My first question was if he wanted me to come over...spend lots of time chatting with him today but deep down I realized my feelings were gone...which is good as I have lots of things going on in my life and really couldn't use the distraction.... So sometimes u c.... Things happen for a reason!
  17. I just digest my feelings and emotions quite slowly....normally I'm just this cold top who will use a bottoms hole for what it is.... I can fall in and out of love quite quickly....I'm the typical Latino man.... I normally fall in love with guys who r typical guy next door.... Average but with an edge.... And the sex needs to be great.... But once I'm over someone....I'm over someone....and then looking back I think.... Was I in love with him!? But normally will stay friends.... But then only just friends.... The sex part is then over....Thick.... I think u r right concentrate on what matters which is ur husband.... Good fucks will come and go.... I made the mistake a few years back of thinking with my dial and letting my partner of many years go for a shag I fell briefly in love with.... Hurt my ex a lot and he hated my guts for over a year.... We r now best of friends and I confide and trust my ex completely...he is now with someone who is a much better match than I ever was and I'm very happy for him....but although I'm a total pig and enjoy a good hole....I'm also this romantic type who enjoys taking care of right guy.... And doing the normal bf stuff with...for me there is nothing better than waking up with person u love and cuddle.... Yes I'm the cuddly mushy mashy type when I'm in love....
  18. I guess he wants to maintain friendship and so do I...I guess I was weak as I was in city alone and he was there with a kind word.... I am sure I will put it into perspective once I'm better....
  19. I know where u r coming from trust me.... But I can't change the way that I feel....
  20. Thought I could put end to love relationship between me and this guy with who I have an on off long distance relationship....some how he never seizes to amaze me.... When I think he is all wrong for me and I'm better off without him I fall ill on business trip and he is all concerned about me.... Just made me realize how much I in fact still love him.... We were chatting little bit and he told me that our relationship was getting toxic and that basically it wasn't right time yet for us to be together, but that he did miss me.... I just love him so much.... Whenever I get MSG from him....I realize how much I care and miss him....
  21. The sweetest compliment was when this guy called me a horny goat!
  22. That might be the thing.... I jump into new relationships too quick.... Friends of mine say they can't keep up with who is in my life every time..... I just think that I'm kind of ready to share my life with that special one.. I can get plenty of sex.... But I want more.... Maybe I should as my friends say and not think about having a relationship with anyone for about a year....I'm a true pig.... But I'm also a romantic....I normally fall in love with guys that r average looking but that r sweet....this one had a bit of a gut.... But I loved holding him and massaging his head and shoulders.... He loved this too.... When I put my arms around him in bed.... It was like life stood still....I miss having that connection.
  23. Was in this long distance relationship with this guy who in the beginning was so loving, caring and sweet...later he changed to be this selfish, feeling better than me and playing mind games kind of guy.... I still look for excuses for him and blame me somewhat.... That is just the way I'm wired.... I don't like what I have become since I met him.... I always used to be this fun,attractive, sex loving, easy going kind of guy.... To this not so fun,insecure and not enjoying sex as much kind of guy....the truth is I really want a partner in crime.... A guy that enjoys sex with me and others but is also loving, caring and trustworthy....at the moment I'm looking for a place, but my mind is everywhere.... I just can't figure out where I want to live.... It's like nothing matters.... It's like I'm dead inside....I hope this will pass.... Due to my job, I'm quite blessed and can live almost anywhere in the world and commute to work....at the moment I feel like all I am is this top that's only good to be used by bottom guys.... Although I know that I have so much to offer.... I can be very caring and loving with right guy.... But it's not easy finding that special one...
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