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Everything posted by bigdick4you

  1. I can understand that it can be intimidating coming into a room full of tops and having to start topping a bottom....but I'm referring to hitting a top up to tag team a bottom. That shouldn't be intimidating as its only 2 tops and one bottom.
  2. Family is ok.... Really people!? I would be quite disgusted if my brother would hit me up...no Imho it's not ok but very sick! Maybe it's just me...
  3. I find that in Europe there is a lot of parading going on. Sexclubs r so much better! Like laboratory in Berlin or Slammers in LA or F.Lauderdale. I like the hook up sites as well...delivery to the convenience of ur home or hotel room. And then the many partys available of course...
  4. I love to tag team bottoms with other tops but sometimes it's hard to find tops that want to do this. Sometimes they don't react at all when I contact them on hook up sites and sometimes they say they prefer 1-1 or they ask me to send more pics of myself.i always reply that I'm not the one going to get bred...when im looking for tops I glance quickly at their pics and if they r in decent shape with decent cock it's good enough for me. I have organized gangbangs and sexpartys where there is good vibe among tops but sometimes it's just plain awkward...it's fun to be egging other tops on while they fuck a bottom and when they step aside and let u take over and start egging u on. But I guess that's what makes it excites...u never know what to expect.
  5. All of my good friends know Im a bb top. They just have no idea how much of a pig I am. Like that i like to fuck cummy holes and eat a recently loaded man cunt ot that I like to clean up a hot tops cock after he unloads....
  6. Plenty work as cabin crew...we have the means and lots of time off!
  7. moved to Phoenix less than a year ago and although i love the lifestyle and climate, i find the hookup world to be very sketchy and flaky. A friend of mine had warned me about it and my actual bf as well. On the hook up sites its full with people who want to party and people who r downright flaky.i have been chatting with couple of guys who suddenly misteriously disappear or not come through when it comes to hook up. im a top and my bf is a bottom and sometimes we like to invite other tops to join us to beed his hole. In other major citys its never a problem to find guys... but somehow here people r so insecure that they r not able to tagteam a hot hole! Or they come up with tweaker shit! I like to have fun with easy going like minded guys but somehow it doesnt seem to be possible here. I dont do drugs in any shape or form apart from using poppers. sex is my drug! any guys have any sugestions about how to deal with this or with similar experiences? I have starting simply blocking guys when i think its fake profiles or when they dont come through...
  8. I host gangbangs in all major US cities.... So not just DC. Would like to take u up on ur offer someday....
  9. Looks like things r improving...he placed add looking for other tops to tag team him together with me. So very happy about that. Looks like he is finally realizing that I won't think less of him when he is a slut.
  10. I prefer my bottom sluts to have flaccid dicks or a small dick. To be honest I don't pay much attention to their dick unless it's a top. If I'm in love with a bottom slut then I will pay some attention to it...but otherwise I don't care...
  11. A couple of weeks back I was looking through party section on BBRT for California out of boredom and suddenly I saw this add about these 3,cumdumps taking loads together at some hotel. Straight away I was rock Hard! Although I wasn't in same city I just flew there for the party. One of the perks of my job! Party was great...I made sure I fucked them all 3 but bust my nut in my favourite hole. After that I went for dinner and after that I was hornyagain and went back for seconds!this time it was busier with all in shape horny top fuckers using the cumdumps. We egged each other on and took turns on the sluts. Great fun! I start to get fed up with the selfishness of some cumdumps wanting to be the the only one at a party. Why should tops have to wait in line for another top to finish.... If u have 2 cumdumps then at least u can use the other one if one hole is occupied. Besides I like to compare holes and so do most tops. If u advertise that u r 2 u will get many more tops to cum over guaranteed! One week later i organized a gangbang party in DC . Talented and super sexy young cumdump who once again told me he wanted to be only one. I agreed to it as he was super sexy and I knew he took dick well. Came the day of the party...it started it out great with him taking loads no problem...till a really hung guy kind of wrecked his hole.... After that he couldn't take dick so well and we had to wrap up the party one hour earlier it was not bad party but not great either...what r u guys thoughts on this?
  12. We have done the talking...he always twists it around so I end up feeling guilty for being horny and wanting it all the time....one of his favourite phrases is "I don't like to talk about sex but just do it. It puts me off when I talk about it" couldn't agree more with him on that! But I have seen conversations he has with guys on the hook up sites and they r very raunchy...so what he says to me is really utterly bs. I do love the guy as I think there is more to a relationship than just sex. But it's part of it and I don't want to end up frustrated about it either...
  13. been in relationship with this guy for couple of years now and although the social part goes well for most part....the sexual aspect doesnt. im a top and he is a bottom. i have always been guy with healthy sexual appetite. i love to breed a hot hole. specially love to whore out talented bottom sluts to other tops by organyzing partys.my dream had always been to be with a guy that i could share with other tops. we have open relationship so i dont mind him playing with other guys. its just that he is so repressed when he is with me.... he makes me feel like a pervert when i suggest we do something fun! i know he is different when he is not with me and hooks up with other guys or some of his FBs. maybe the fact that he uses drugs with these other guys has something to do with it. i dont do drugs at all besides poppers. he has done drugs with me and others while we were on little trips in other citys and i loved how he was sexually. but once back home it would be like he was ashamed of it and said it shouldnt happen again. when he is with me he always claims to be tired and not in the mood for sex but when he is alone, he goes on the hunt for cumloads.... why cant he be like that with me? due to my job i get to travel quite a bit and have fun when im away. but is it wrong to want to do it with my own bf? the other day he had a FB of him come over and breed his hole.after the guy left i got to taste his cummy hole and add my nut to the mix. i was hoping this would start a stream of tops coming over to seed him........ but he was done! And then week later when im gone he is on the hunt for loads! i just dont get it...
  14. My bf is a cumdump.... I luv him seeing getting bred by multiple guys...sometimes out of the blue I do get jealous sometimes.... Specially if he kisses someone or wants to hook up with someone on his own....it's a fine line sometimes... But wouldn't change a thing as I know that monogamous relationships don't work for me....
  15. I do that with my bf already.... We go out together to sexclubs where he tries to get loads and on hook up sites we seek other tops to breed him. Luv to fuck and eat a cummy hole! When I'm in whoring him out mode, I don't even look at other bottoms...it's all about finding top guys to load him up...and later when we r back home we curl up together and I hold his sexy body in my arms.... For me that's heaven!
  16. It just depends on situation.... Sometimes I ask guy other times he asks me.... I don't think it should be the top asking perse...the problem is that I get tired of someone pretty quickly sexually...unless there is a connection to more... But as a rule.... If u contact someone and they don't respond back.... Move on...they r not interested.
  17. Accepted the fact that I'm what I am sexually without the guilt trip planted by some people who don't know how to live or r downright hypocrites...For some people it's ok for when they do it.... But it's not ok for others to do it...like this guy I knew that would almost always criticize the looks of guys I would have sex with...till I saw with who he was sleeping and then it became something like " I was trying something out..." Or recriminations of me being too sexually active or too much on hook up sites.... While it would be ok for them when they were on meth to go on fuck binges and be all day on sex sites trying to find dick. I'm done with such people! Yes I'm addicted to ass.... The more the better! Yes I do like to whore out guys to other tops. Yes I do like to prowl with other tops bottom guys and be selfish and use them for my personal pleasure... But isn't that what bottoms do too? I'm lately more and more into playing with other top guys and sharing a few bottom sluts together...
  18. I luv a bottom that has already few fresh loads in him...but I know what u mean.... I have been with bottoms who deny it or beat about the bush about it.... Wouldn't know why as most tops luv to fuck a cummy hole... But it's dishonest if u ask and he denies...don't like that. Wouldn't breed him again.
  19. I'm going to Toronto soon... Does this guy have a profile on bbrt or a4a? How can I hook up with him? I just wanna fuck and breed him though....
  20. Some people will never seize to amaze me...Had this FB who I got to know to organize gangbang for him... I have seen this guy going with old men and suddenly he criticizes me for being too sexual and probably ending up with terrible std....one week before that he was saying on some blog how he was such a cumwhore and telling about his new exploits...Apparently he met this new guy who doesn't appreciate him being such a whore and is therefor trying to clean up his act...which is fine... But don't then go suddenly criticizing me as above all I'm honest to MYSELF and others... The word HYPOCRITE jumps to mind! At least I don't need or use meth...what do u guys think... Is it the meth that wore off or is this guy a nutcase!?
  21. Not I'm much into dicks...except if it is to suck them to put in bottom sluts hole.... Or to lick them clean after they unload in a hole.... But I think that dick no. 1 is the better one....
  22. Recruiting in shape bottom sluts that I can whore out at my hotel during Folsom. Please be in shape and able to take multiple loads from tops. U can back to me on here or bbrt....topforass is my profile on there. Or A4A.... Assbandit profile on there.
  23. Nothing gives me more pleasure lately than whoring out bottom guys and attending sexpartys. Luv the feeling of a true cummy hole.... During my latest exploits I have been cleaning guys dicks after they unload and luv to felch a cummy hole. Have also been hit up by quite a few top guys who want to share bottom guys with me to tag team them. It's all fine with me as I luv to make out with top guys while they r fucking and breeding a bottom slut. It's specially hot when they r about to unload to make out with top guy and clean their dick afterwards? Anybody else enjoys doing this?
  24. Am going to be in San Francisco for Folsom and am thinking of staying at travel lodge on market as I want to organize few sexpartys. Was also thinking of staying at more upscale hotel like Nikko hotel or hilton in union square.... What do u guys think.... Which one is better to organize sleazy fun? Obviously the place needs to have good wifi connection and easy access for guys... Like no keys in elevators to reach rooms.
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