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  1. I don't know where you💉 are. I would love to swap ☣️loads with you.

    1. stillbreedin


      let's make it a 3 way. in memphis. sharing strains.

    2. stillbreedin


      two hot guys in my bed. a dream come true....or cum true

  2. I feel glad to say I am mostly pleasantly surprised by most of the answers you have received here. While asking if feeling ok about your experience makes you somewhat damaged or fucked up is a very valid question for you to have, you didn’t hesitate in your description of the events and how they affected you and if. Just because you were targeted and seduced, which I say you clearly were, you were not forced nor abused from a very plain human point of view. (non legal nor overly phsycological sense). By that I mean that while you were young and inexperienced which technically put you at a disadvantage in relation to him, you still were not kept in the dark about what he offered if you ever wanted to go there with him. Yes he played the perverter of an innocent but not truly. You were mature enough to know what you were doing and what you wanted to do. Not everyone can deal with an approach like that at that age without some kind of traumatic feeling. That is the main reason for age of consent laws. We have to draw the line somewhere and hope everyone will be ok. Life is not that simple. If you can’t find it in you and how you feel about him and what you two did was wrong then don’t worry. You were horny and able to take “advantage “ of what was being offered at a time most don’t. As long as you can truly look deep down your memories and feelings and have no issue you might not be dealing with, don’t give it another minute of your time. It’s part of your life experience and made you who you are. And like the majority here have said in one way or another, you wanted it and you got it so more power to you.
  3. I got my pubes around 10. Also remember my first eyaculation was at that age as well. My chest hair began growing around age 11. Was fully hairy and my current height when I got to seventh grade. Got to shave first time at age 13 (eight grade). I wanted so much to reach puberty and have chest hair i think i perved forced my body to do it early. Obsessive compulsive masturbator since 10. Strangely, I didn’t dare to hAve sex till freshman year in college. At least got pozzed the first time I was fucked which I took raw while my gifer made sure to keep me tweeked on drugs. I fucked and bred him multiple times on that occasion too so no complains. Wasn’t informed of his gift until after his passing two years later on a conversation with a friend we had in common. I was shocked with my reaction as my friend told me about my stealthing. I didn’t get angry but actually turned on with the knowledge my gifter didn’t give me a choice on the matter. Used it as standard procedure myself when playing with a confirmed neg. So while sex was not something I got as precociously as puberty and chest hair, I think I did pretty good for a 19 years old guy to poz on my first ass loading/fucking. Honestly I know I was and still am a fan of doing anything forbidden so it was going to happen without a doubt.
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