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Posts posted by tighthole64

  1. According to the CDC, for the fifth consecutive year, combined cases of gonno, chlamydia and syph have risen in the US.  Combined they total 2.4 million infections that were diagnosed and reported in the last year. Rates of reported cases tended to be highest amongst adolescents and young adults..

    The states with the highest rates are Alaska for Chlamydia, Mississippi for Gonna and Nevada for primary and secondary syph.



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  2. 7 hours ago, Futile2Resist said:

    I seem to be focused on the incubation phase, between the time I get  Sero-converted to the onset of actual symptoms. I don't plan on taking medication until the first symptoms appear.

    I think thats the exciting phase, knowing you have finally converted.  HOWEVER I have chatted with several poz guys, and they have all said the power to poz someone else is stronger.  My potential gifter was a total bottom before he converted.  He still likes to take loads to recharge, but prefers topping to gift others.  Over the last 2 years, he has had at least 7 known conversions/

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  3. 3 minutes ago, dale3 said:

    Both comments are extremely hot. For most of my life I only fucked female pussy and it was the thought of impregnating them that got me hard. Leaving my seed  inside them.  Now I am only a total bottom for top men.  Have not fucked female pussy for over 5 years. But it's the same thought that turns me on when I bottom, I am receiving the seed of the top inside me.  And what better way than willingly receiving the toxic seed from his cock and balls deep inside me and his viral strain impregnating me and marking me as his conquest

    Dale when I poz up, Ill load your ass.

  4. 37 minutes ago, Dirtyfuckboy said:

    The taboo and fear of AIDS being able to kill you is now gone from the younger generation. Even porn reflects this as almost all of it is condom free because everyone (at least in London) is on fucking Prep. It's a mixed bag because older gays I met are still traumatised by AIDS being a death sentence whilst younger guys are happy popping Prep and taking raw cock like fake-sluts. I like how easy it is to BB a guy now but where's the fun when you can't gift them?!?

    Prep is this generations condom, it prevents real connection between two or more people. When I fuck them I have to know I have left something in them FOREVER that will alter them, not to be leaked out in an hour. My goal is to get either the fresh guys who aren't on Prep or persuade them to come off it to help keep my legacy alive forever.

    LOVE the part of your legacy will live forever.  Have NEVER had female pussy, and Id like to "impregnate" a guy once I poz.  Keeping the legacy alive!

  5. 3 hours ago, atllkg said:

    Orlando sure is complicated. Just stayed there 4 days to get away from Hurricane; stayed in the Airport area. Indeed got some very nice loads. On the sites like BBRT, A4A, everyone is too far away, like 4 miles but in an urban setting that is a long drive. The loads I got by the airport were all married guys in the afternoon. Evenings became a chat fest on BBRT, A4A and Doublelist. Parliment House is good for sex but when I stay there and meet a guy online they don't want to come to PH; they don't want to be seen there. So that begs an answer to the original question. Is there a place in Orlando, lets say close to Parliment House, besides those sleezy motels on Orange Blossom, that is nice, convenient and easy parking?  If there is, then can still get guys that are PH cruising online or find guys at home who are searching. I've found "hosting hotel" usually gets great responses in other cities but wow, Orlando is difficult.

    Orlando is like Tupperwear, you can ALWAYS find a bottom, but NEVER a top!  You have some valid points about traveling, especially with the I 4 construction.  YES there are LOTS of married guys looking, BUT if you stay at P House, the gay market is there.  

  6. 2 hours ago, phukhole said:

    I like milking the cock with my throat.  Though I take direction well, so I will accommodate anything he wants!


    Personally I LOVE to work the head and shaft with my tongue, taking it balls to the wall now and then.  But like you said depends on the guy Im sucking.

  7. So my potential gifter and I have been chatting quite a bit.  Hes HOPING to bring a young stud with him when we meet.  From what I gather, its someone he has pozzed.  Would be so fucking hot to be tag teamed by a poz father son team!  He said his sons cock isn't as big as his, so Id let the son breed me first to open me up some. Would LOVE to give his son the credit for gifting me.  Would NEVER know for sure as the DNA would be the same.

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  8. As many of you know, I have been chasing for over three years, and have had 2 flakes that SAID they would gift me.  I have found another gifter that will be traveling to Orlando, and Im confident that he WILL be the one to share his gift with me.  Like the others, we have chatted online, but somehow he feels different than the other two flakes.  Some of this, he already knows, and Ive encouraged him to read this without public comment here.  He has indicated that he thinks its HOT that I write about the way that I want my pozzing to happen, and see what others have to say about it.  Although this is in the fiction section, it is truly my desire and hope it becomes a reality.

    My potential gifter is actually my dream come true.  My first two potential gifters were NOT my ideal type, but I just wanted someone to impregnate me with their toxic seed.  The first led me on for well over a year.  He was around my age, and sounded great.  Our conversations were GREAT and always got me hard.  From the stories of the college bois hes infected, to his two live in lovers, and the incest between him and several of his legal age sons.  I guess I should have known that it was a bit much, He always hesitated to send me a picture of his cock, but when he did, it was comparable to mine, which is nothing to brag about The second was someone older than me.  Id say hes an old school leather pig.  I was confident that he would be the one to gift me while he was visiting Orlando, but then all of a sudden his travel plans "changed, or so he said.  The ONE good thing about hook up aps is that you can tell when someone is close.  Mine indicated he was, yet he said he was elsewhere.

    Enough about the past, let me talk about my third potential gifter.  As they say, "The third time is a charm!"  Like me, he was primarily a bottom, until he was gifted, and he decided to share the gift with others.  Hes not opposed to living with someone that he gifts.  Although I think this is a long shot, I would LOVE to have a relationship with my gifter.  Someone who would be there with me to comfort me while going through the fuk flu stages, and still be there to pump his seed into me while doing so.  Someone to encourage me to spread my seed once I converted, and be with me while each of us had sex with others.  He has an AMAZING cock, something which the others really didn't have.  So on to how I would like our gifting session would be.

    My potential gifter will be traveling to Orlando and staying in a motor home while here.  He said he would be able to host, and encouraged a two day stay to help insure the meeting was a success.  I do have a bf, but the sex isn't great, and although we are 'OPEN' I found out he has been fooling around behind my back.  Anyhow, I see myself pulling up to my gifters motor home, knocking on the door, He tells me to come in, and when I do, he is sitting there in only his jock.  His cock is already rock hard, and I can see signs of pre cum on his jock, and I immediately drop to my knees, and start to worship his cock.  He doesn't let me work his cock for long, and tells me good things come to those who wait.  He instructs me to strip down to my jock, and sit next to him.  My cock doesn't always get rock hard, but it is now, straining against my jock.  He cops a quick feel, but then he tells me he wants to talk about what is about to happen.  As we talk, my cock starts straining inside my jock, and I start to precum.  Its with GREAT relief that he says he wants to fully inspect me, and them make me a part of him.  

    I stand up and he buries his face in my ass, eating my hungry hole.  Its not long before he slips in one, two then three fingers, telling me how much his cock is going to love my tight hole.  He turns me around, and sucks my cock, and I quickly blow my load down his throat, as he tells me that will be the last negative load I ever shoot.  He deep kisses me, and shares some of my load with me, but saves some to lube my ass with.  He leads me over to the bed, and instructs me to get on all fours to receive my gift.  I do as instructed, and he begins to tease my hole by rubbing his cock on it, and although Im sure he knows that I want his gift, he continues to ask me if Im sure.  When I least expect it, he drives his poz cock in me balls to the wall.  He doesn't aggressively breed me though, just slow and passionate, with occasional hard thrusts.  Through prior chats, he knows that I want to be on my back as he releases his gift inside me.  After 10-15 minutes, he instructs me to get on my back.  I know the time is coming soon.  As I roll over, he first gives me the deepest and most passionate kiss Ive ever had.  He starts to thrust much harder, but yet not overly aggressively.  His rhythm picks up, and I know I am about to receive his gift.  He begins to get very verbal, and before he deposits his first load, he once again asks if I want to be a part of the brotherhood.  Not long after I said yes, he unloads deep in me. His cock pulses like no other I have ever felt.  As he shoots he tells me that I am now his.  After he shoots, he keeps his cock in me until it got soft and slipped out.  He then rolled me over and inserted a large plug up my ass telling me his seed needs to seep in.  He then suggests that we rest, as it will be a long night of breeding.  He spoons up next to me, with his cock near my ass.

    It wasn't long before I felt his cock getting hard again, and he removed the plug for our second breeding.  This time he is more verbal and aggressive with me, which I LOVED.  He first worked his fingers in me, scratching the inside of my ass to make it more likely to absorb his toxic seed,  He took his fingers out of my ass, and made me suck the blood from them.  Shortly after he seeds me again.  This continues through the night.  After the second session, he takes a sharpie that I brought along and writes "Poz loads received" on my ass as I requested,  By the next morning, we were at 4. It was a long but fun night, and he suggested we have some breakfast, as the day would be even longer.  We went out for breakfast, and after I suggested that we go to a local bar and see if I could receive other loads,  He LOVED the idea, and said my marked ass would be a GREAT advertisement.  

    We had a great breakfast, and then headed to a bar with an outside play area.  I only took two loads there, not sure if my ass marking helped or hurt.  He also took several loads while there.  We somewhat gave up, and headed back to his motor home where we once again began to breed.  By dinner, my load count was up to 8.  Surely I was gifted by now!  He made a wonderful dinner for me, sitting naked at the table with only a plug up my ass.  After dinner, he asked if I was ready for a creamy desert, KNOWING that I was.  After breeding, he suggests that we take a power nap, as the night was young, but would be intense.  That it was.  By the morning, I had 12 hash marks on my ass.  The next morning, I told him I had a surprise for him.  I had lined up several poz tops, telling them that my gifter MAY want to whore me out to celebrate.  He LOVED the idea, and told me that he also had plans for me.  He told me that he knew about my plans for a group rape, and that one of the guys that I had chatted with about the possibility was in fact someone that he had gifted,  He refused to tell me who it was though.  Two of the four guys that I invited actually showed up.  Before they arrived, I was tied spread eagle to the bed with my ass up.  Once they arrived, my gifter said he would be both the first and the last to breed me.  This time was different.  He fucked me with more aggression than ever.  Although he was verbal before, NOTHING like this time.  To him I was just a piece of meet wanting to get knocked up.  And I LOVED it.  

    My gifter was indeed the first and the last to breed me.  The other two were just as aggressive as him.  Using me as a random cum dump.  At this point I didn't really care.  If I haven't already started conversion, it would be a miracle.  By the end of the day, I had 18 hash marks on my ass.  One of the "guest breeders' left after 2 loads in me, but the other stayed the night.  Im not sure, but guessing the one that stayed had also been knocked up by my gifter.  Once confirmed poz, I guess I will know by the strain.  The three of us fucked again that next morning, bringing my final load count to 21.  I was plugged, and sent on my way.  

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  9. I started a relationship recently with a guy who said he was vers, and Im pretty much a total bottom.  He said he would 'train me" to be a top, and I have seeded him more than he has seeded me.  We did however agree to be open, but would let the other know when we played with others.  I suspected he was cheating on me while I was at work, and two guys I chatted with online confirmed that.

    One guy realized who I was and actually said, "I hope you are a better fuck than your boyfriend!" When I asked him when they fucked he said earlier in the week while I was at work.  I asked him questions that only someone who had been to my place would know.  He then invited me to his place, and fucked my brains out!  After he blew his load in me, he said that I was indeed a better bottom, as my bf just laid there while getting fuckt.  And hes right!  I always figured he was that way with me as I usually dont top.  The top said he wants to breed me again, and he WONT say anything to the bf about it.  Who am I to say no to a nice 8+ uncut cock?  LOL  Its hard to find a time when Im free and he can host, but we have met one more time so far.  Even if he did tell the bf, not really much he could say about it.

    The second guy actually sent me a pic of him breeding my bf, and asked, "Is this your bf?"  I just lied and said, "no my bf is black." LOL  There was nothing even remotely hot about this second guy.  Im not packing, but my cock was bigger than his.  Now Im not in the best of shape, but he had to be close to 300 pounds.

    Needless to say, whats good for the goose, is good for the gander.  I thought about confronting the bf about it, but decided not to.  We still play with others at a bathhouse, and have had a couple of 3 ways at the house.  Its still HOT to see him taking another guys cock, and him seeing someone else breed me.  The BEST part about our 3 ways, is that Im usually the one that gets the load up my ass.  I am nice though and let him clean the tops cock. Well KINDA nice as hes not fond of sucking a cock after breeding! LOL


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  10. Just another thought.  I have a friend who is undetectable.  Hes open about it and tries to explain U is NOT transmittable.  Today I woke up early and saw a profile using his screen name, but adding "has Aids."  There are MANY jilted guys on these aps, along with pic collectors and flakes.  Take that  into consideration! 

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