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Posts posted by tighthole64


    Sorry guys, but I am ending my story here.  As you may have notice, I was banned for a month because of my story content.  I did not feel that it crossed the line, however that’s for the moderators to decide, and I respect that.

    In addition, I will likely be deleting my account here in a week or so.  It has nothing to do with the ban, just the amount of time I put in here, when I have much better uses for my time.  This is not the first, nor likely the last gay site that I have already dropped from this year.  My profile indicates another way to keep in contact with me if you wish. 

    Thank you for all your encouragement, likes and advice that several had given me as I was writing my story.

  2. Two for Tuesday cums a bit early with 2 chapters today!


    Once in our room, Brother Austin immediately stripped, and jumped on the bed.  His cock was raging, and he invited Zack to get on top of him and ride his cock.  Austin noticed the pipe on the nightstand loaded with Tina, and suggested that Zack should first partake in a hit.  Zach asked if he wanted a hit also, to which Austin said he rather not smoke it, but wanted Zack to take a hit and shotgun it on his cock before they fucked.  Zack and I did not slam much, but we did like to shotgun the smoke from time to time.  We had done this, but had never shot-gunned each others cocks. I wondered what it was like, and hoped to find out soon.  Zack eagerly lit the pipe, and inhaled deeply, while Austin told him to keep hitting the pipe.  Austin then wrapped his lips around his fathers cock, and exhaled, and to my surprise, it seemed to have quite the effect on Austin. He mounted his son and It didn’t take Austin long to bust his nut deep in Zack.  Austin asked me to eat his nut from Zacks ass, and swap the load with him, and I happily obliged.  Afterwards, the three of us embraced in bed, before Austin started to show signs of recovery.  Zack then lit the pipe, and handed it to me.  I took a deep hit, and shot-gunned Austins cock before he mounted me. This breeding was a lot more pleasant than the first by Austin.  He pumped for a good 20 minutes before dropping his seed in me.  Afterwards, Zack ate his load from my ass, and swapped it with Austin. 

    By this time, we were all exhausted, and fell asleep for a few hours, spooning each other.  I was in the middle, with Zacks cock nestled against my ass.  The thing that surprised me most was that Tina never really gave Zack a Tina cock, it just made him one horny fucker.  I awoke to his cock rubbing against my ass.  He entered my ass, and began to fuck me as Austin remained asleep.  About half way through, Austin woke up and simply rolled away, and watched Zack breeding me.  As Zack busted his nut into me, Austin started to cry, and proclaimed, “I’m so proud of you son!”  Wait did we both hear that right? 


    Austin could see the look of surprise on our faces.  He looked Zack in the eye, and proclaimed that he was his biological son.  Zack just looked shocked and amazed, and said it couldn’t be true. Austin started to tear up, and took a photo from his pocket.  It was a photo of Austin, his then wife, Zack and his sister.  Zack began to cry, and then hugged his father tightly.  I just laid there in shock and amazement.  Zack responded by asking, “but why father, why?” Austin explained that he had always been gay.  He continued to say that the only reason that he married a woman, was to mask his gayness, as he was often teased and bullied about it while in high school, and even in college.  He explained that Zack was conceived during his freshmen year in college.  He continued by saying that although he loved Zack, he always considered him a “mistake” as his girlfriend, and later wife said that she was on the pill after conceiving his sister. As such, he had to drop out to support his wife and newborn child. Tears were now streaming down Zacks face, and I reached over and gave him a big hug and kiss to comfort him.  Austin then began to cry, and I also did the same for him.  Austin then told me that he was happy that his son was so into me.  He said that he was aware that Zack had recently converted, and that he was so excited about sharing his gift with others.  By this time, all of our cocks were raging hard, an Austin suggested that it was time to celebrate.  For the first time, Austin suggested that we all party first though. He suggested that as he knew that younger guys loved to play darts, we should all slam first. Zack and I didn’t think it was the best idea, but after what was revealed, we agreed to it. We took turns slamming each other, being careful not to use much, as we agreed that we would not tell father Joseph that Austin let us party, however he refrained from doing so.  We both new that father Joseph was testing us, and we didn’t want him to be angry with us.  Austin instructed both of us to get on the bed, with our asses high in the air.  Austin started with his son, but alternated between our asses.  As he was thrusting in each of us, Zack and I locked lips, and had the most passionate kisses that we have ever had.  As Austin was about to cum, he asked Zack if he was ready for his seed.  Zack responded by saying, “no daddy, please give it to my lover.” 

    Lover, WTF?  Zack had never called me that before.  I was more than happy to hear it though.  After Austin dropped his nut in my cunt, Austin ate it from me, and felched it with Zack. After wards, we just laid in bed, snuggling each other.  After awhile, Austin asked Zack if he had any other questions.  Zack stated that his mind was racing, but yes indeed he had some questions.



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  3. 22 hours ago, TTFN said:

    Thanks for a great story.

    Like the short chapters but quickly run out of upvotes

    Thanks, I try to keep the length readable, and not add TOO many characters.  I have been posting pretty much daily, but Ill slow down a but like I said, things are about to take some twists! Ive been trying to chat with those who may have first hand experience or knowledge in the subject areas. Thanks to those who have helped me with the chem sex stuff.  

  4. I prefer getting seeded on a bench for several reasons.  First of all, it is much more anonymous, unless you are blindfolded in a sling.  Secondly is the sling height issue.  Shorter guys can have trouble getting into a high enough position.  Its also much easier to suck a cock while on a bench, as compared to a sling.  I do occasionally prefer a sling if it has a mirror over it.  It can be fun to watch yourself getting seeded in the mirror.

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  5. So the story is about to take a turn to it.  Let me know what you think after reading it!


    The celebration continued as a wild cluster of men breeding each other.  As it wound down, members went to the heaping pile of clothes in the corner, found theirs and departed. Austin however put on his clothes, and remained. After the room was empty, Austin came up to both Zack and I and thanked us for the time that we spent with him.  He was a totally different person, dressed in fresh new clothes, showered, shaved and a new haircut.  It was really hard to believe that this was the same person.  We both told him that he looked wonderful, and he told us we had the church to thank for his transformation.  He asked if we would mind going over to the corner, and he would tell us more about him, and we agreed.  As we sat on a sofa, with him between us, he explained that his life totally changed.  His then wife found out that he was gay.  He knew that she likely had suspicions, but once he became positive, he had to tell her.  He didn’t think it would be a big deal, as the two of them had not really been sexually active in some time.  He told us that he ended up losing everything in a divorce.  His home, his two beautiful teen children, a son and a daughter, and basically his life.  He then went to the streets, where he became addicted to drugs.  He sold his body for drugs just to survive.  His new “wife” was Tina, and he was in love with her.  He said, “I’m sure you both have noticed my scorpion tattoo.“  He continued by saying It wasn’t long before he became positive, and turned to the church, not fully knowing what its mission was. The church gladly took him in, and tried to help with his addiction to Tina, and it had worked for awhile, but the desire was still there.  He continued by saying that he had remained sober for some time, before deciding he could once again make it on his own.  He told father Joseph that although he had appreciated all the church had done for him, it was time for him to move on again with his life.  Trying to find a job, and a place of his own.  The church provided him with a small studio apartment to which he would pay a minimal rent for.  Before he left the church, father Joseph made sure that he was marked with the scorpion.  For about six months, he was doing well on his own.  He found a very part time job, which provided him more than enough money to pay the rent, but enough that he and Tina would once again become good friends.  He ended up losing the apartment, and was back on the streets.  He did not blame the church, but himself.  As he was talking, we could see tears welling up in his eyes, but we also noticed his cock growing harder and harder by the moment.  Zack felt compelled to reach down, and rub his cock through his pants, and I followed his lead.  Austin quickly planted a deep kiss upon Zack, and then to me.  Zacks kiss however seemed more intimate than mine.  After unlocking lips, he asked if he could spend more time with us in our room.  We were rather unsure of what father Joseph might say, and Zack responded that we would need to ask father Joseph before doing so.  With that Zack got up to seek father Joseph.  When he found him, he asked the father if it was acceptable to bring Austin back to our room.  The father said, that was our call, but we had his permission.  Father Joseph continued by saying that he did not know how much Austin had told us, but that he was indeed infected with Aids.  He continued by telling Zack that Austin did have a problem with drugs, and that the church did supply him with some from time to time.  Father Joseph explained that he would supply us with Tina, as a test for Austin, as long as we let him know if Austin would partake in them or not. Father Joseph continued by saying that he felt it would be best if the two of us decided to partake in the drugs though. Zack agreed, and the father told him that he would leave supplies in our room, but not to go there for 15 minutes or so. Zack returned to the sofa, and I was caressing Austin’s cock through his pants.  He informed us that the father had agreed, but we needed to wait 15 minutes or so.  Austin replied that he could not hold out that long, and I immediately removed my hand from his crotch.  The 15 minutes seemed like an eternity, but we then retreated to our room.  Upon the nightstand there was a bag of rock, and a single syringe.

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    The next morning was a bit unusual.  The father did not arrive until sometime after 8am.  He arrived to our room carrying a small bag with him.  As usual, he instructed me to assume the position.  This time however, he removed a condom with frozen seed in it.  He explained that this was known as a “Devils dick” filled with seed from positive toxic men.  He explained that although the seed was once toxic, it was no longer that way, but it provided for a cummy cunt, and as Zack and I had been caged, it was important that he lube me up before hand.  He untied the end of the condom, and proceeded to squirt the cum from it up my cunt.  It was quite unusual feeling cold cum rather than hot steamy cum.  He worked it into my cunt with his fingers, being sure to scratch my insides with his fingers before mounting me.  After seeding me, father Joseph explained that he drew my blood, to see if I had indeed converted.  Both Zack and I waited with baited breath, and at the same time, just said, “and?”  Father Joseph just said we would find out shortly.  He provided both of us with beautiful white robes, and instructed Zack to breed me, however I was not to breed Zack.  Once finished, we were instructed to put the robes on, and wait for a brethren to retrieve us.  We waited with anticipation, and in walks brother Stephen.  He whipped out his cock, exclaiming that he had arrived to prepare me for the ceremony.

    As usual, brother Stephen showed no mercy in his use of me.  He slapped my face, and my caged cock several times, and grasped my balls tightly, torturing them.  He then forced me onto all fours and slathered my ass in J Lube, putting a rubber glove on his rather large hand.  He said that father Joseph had instructed him to breed me, but he wanted to loosen my ass up with his fist first.  I was a bit worried, as I had never taken a fist before.  The J Lube was cold and somewhat slimy, but to my surprise, brother Stephen wasn’t treating me as rough as he usually did.  He started out with four fingers up my ass and progressed until his hand was in me up to his wrist.  Once to the wrist, he began twisting his hand in my ass.  It was painful, but in a good way.  After about 5-10 minutes, he pulled his fist out, and shoved his massive cock up my ass.  Although his cock was nice and thick, it somehow felt like a hot dog in Yankee Stadium, compared to his fist.


    After seeding me, brother Stephen said it was time for the ceremony to begin. Both Zack and I were in our white robes, and led to the chapel.  Upon entering, the first thing that was noticed was two side by side St Andrews crosses. With a small covered table between them.  Father Joseph removed our robes, and tied each of us to the crosses.  I was tied to the cross with my ass facing out, while Zack was tied with his ass to the cross.  There were several others in attendance, including Austin, Stephen, Jay and a few others that we did not really know.  All in all there were 8 others there. Father Joseph addressed the members by proclaiming that today was to be a celebration for both Zack and I.  He continued by saying that although he had suspected that I had converted, blood tests confirmed that it was true, and that I was now carrying Zacks HIV strain in my body.  The congregation rose, and applauded.  With that, a familiar face entered the chapel, the tattoo artist.  He uncovered the table between us to reveal a tattoo gun, and various bottles of ink.  He moved over to Zack, and began to tattoo a beautiful scorpion tattoo on his crotch.  Surrounding the tattoo were the words, “Feel my sting.” Once done with Zack, he moved towards me, and began to tattoo a bio hazard tattoo on the small of my back, just above my ass.  Although I figured it was a bio hazard symbol, he also wrote something around it.  At the time, I wasn’t sure what it was, but later saw that it said, “Ask and ye shall receive.”

    Once done, father Joseph removed us from the crosses, and removed our cock cages.  What a relieve it was for both of us! The father told the congregation that it was time to celebrate, and invited them to remove all of their clothes.  He indicated that there would first be a receiving line for Zack and I, however it was meant to be a quick greeting, and that although the congregation was welcome to have me stick my cock in them, or their cocks into Zack, there was not to be any long term breeding to take place.  Two or three minutes was the maximum for each person.  Once they had greeted us, they were welcome to remain and share their seed with other members of the congregation, as father Joseph would exclusively celebrate with Zack and I.  The congregation immediately shed their clothing, and a line formed starting with Zack.  As each member approached, they all kissed us, and gave their congratulations.  Each and every member took Zacks cock in either their ass or mouth, and I shoved my cock up each of their asses, or down their throat.  Now that I look back, Austin was the only one who had oral, but not anal sex.  Perhaps it was because we had sex earlier, or he was just a bit shy? Of all of the kisses, his was by far the most passionate however.

    After the receiving line ended, the church hall became one huge orgy.  Everyone seemed to be having an amazing time, breeding and getting seeded.  As for Zack, father Joseph and I, father Joseph instructed Zack to assume the position.  He instructed me to mount his ass at the same time.  It was one of the most amazing fucks, I had ever had.  Father Joseph was like a bitch in heat, doing most of the work by moving back and forth on Zacks ass, and my cock.  Sadly, this session lasted only about ten minutes, as our cocks had been straining and our nut sacks full of seed from being caged.


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    During my fuck flu stages, it was the dead of winter, and it was nice to be sharing it in bed with the boy that I loved, and father Joseph.  As I came to find out, the church was actually a place of compassion, and not just somewhere for those wishing to convert.  As I would soon find out, the church also served as a homeless shelter when it was cold.  One morning, father Joseph came into the room for his usual 6am service.  He stated that he had a surprise for both of us that morning, and that I should assume my usual position on all fours to receive his blessing.  After I was blessed by father Joseph, he instructed Zack to mount and breed me.  Zack happily obliged, and the father left the room, telling us he would return with our surprise. Zack had not yet dropped his seed into me, when the father re entered the room with an obviously homeless man.  As soon as the door opened, we could see the filth, and smell the stench upon him.  It was quite obnoxious to be honest.  Somehow Zack was still able to bust his nut in me.  The father then instructed Zack to take the homeless mans cock in his mouth, to prepared him for our breeding session.  As the homeless man shed his clothes, we both noticed a scorpion tattoo on his stomach.  Zack looked concerned, but did as instructed.  Zack was gagging as her serviced the homeless man.  It was not because of his cock size, which was around 7 inches, but from his stench.  Once the homeless man, whom we later learned was named Austin, was rock hard, he entered my ass.  Although I found him somewhat revolting, he was an amazing fuck.  Seeing the scorpion tattoo made it even better. He pounded my ass for a good 30 minutes, before letting out a serious of very low and verbal grunts.  After he finished, the father instructed me to clean his cock.  Now I knew why Zack had been gagging.  After cleaning his cock, the father took Austin by the hand, and told him it was time to get him something to eat, and that Zack and I should continue our breeding sessions.  After father Joseph left, Zack and I just looked at each other, and said, “What the fuck just happened?” Zack confided in me by saying nothing like this has happened with him before, and although it was revolting, he enjoyed watching me take Austin’s seed.  Zack confided that although he was sure he had not played with Austin before, there was something familiar about him, but he just couldn’t place it. As Zack was breeding me, father Joseph re entered the room. Father Joseph let Zack finish his business before mounting and seeding me again.  Once he was finished he asked us how we felt about Austin.  Father Joseph could tell that both of us were a bit uncomfortable, but was happy to see that we were both accepting. He explained that to his church, body image was not an important factor, and that all humans have sexual needs and desires.  With that, he locked both of our cocks in their cages, and advised us to rest up, as tomorrow would be an important day for both of us.  Before leaving, the father once again produced a syringe, and took a blood sample from me.  Zack and I were confused, but respected the fathers wishes.  We snuggled in bed, however it wasn’t long before I felt Zacks caged cock entering my cunt.  I was exhausted, and not even sure if Zack had dropped his nut up my butt.


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    With blood slams from both father Joseph and brother Zack in me, I knew it wouldn’t be long before my conversion took place. Father Joseph was a morning person, and it was routine for him to show up for the first daily breeding around 6am.  After that, Zack and I would breed several times during the day, before the father came for his final blessing.  Sure enough, about a week later, I felt the symptoms coming on. Fever, aches, chills, bone crushing fatigue and swollen glands.  Father Joseph was pleased that the conversion process had begun.  Both father Joseph and Zack helped me through this horrible period.  Father Joseph explained that although it was apparent that my conversion was upon me, it was crucial to receive as much toxic seed as possible.  He explained that I would be receiving multiple loads from him now, and the expectation was that Zack would breed me after he did, until he proclaimed what was to be my last load of the night. He never proclaimed that from this point forward.  Father Joseph would come to our room several times per day, often walking in as Zack was planting his seed in me.  My cunt had started to become a huge gaping prolapsed cum receptacle by now.  There were times that I felt so ill, I did not even desires to be fucked, however the father reminded me that my body was at a very weak point, and that we must be sure the conversion had taken place.  Most of the sex between Zack and I had been chemical free, however the father realized that in my weekend state, it would be in my best interest to rely upon drugs during our sessions.  Although I did prefer sex while not on drugs, I realized that my body needed them while the conversion began.  Brother Zack and I had discussed this in private.  He agreed that he did not like the constant use of drugs, however he knew how my body was responding, and that it was in my best interest to accept them at this point in time.  He assured me that once I converted, he was to be mine, and that we would only use drugs sparingly. 

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    Once tied to the cross, father Joseph took an empty syringe from under the draped alter, along with some plastic tubing.  He instructed brother Zack to place the tubing around his arm, and draw his tainted blood from it.  Once he did, the rubber band was placed around my arm, and the needle poked into my vein.  As this was being done, father Joseph chanted that this was the blood of the father, given to me for the confessions of my desires. Once the syringe was empty, father Joseph entered my ass, and pumped me for about 20 minutes before he dropped his seed into me. With that we were instructed to return to our room, and share our seed with each other as much as possible, before his final blessing of the night.   Father Joseph handed us both back our cock cages, and reminded us that we would not be locked in them tonight, however he instructed that they were to remain visible in our room to remind us both that he was in charge at all times.

    Father Joseph informed me that he had confiscated my phone, and sent a message to all of my friends saying not to worry about me, that I had won a month long trip, and would be out of the country, and could not be reached.  He explained that it would likely be less than a month before I showed signs of conversion, and that Zack would be there to help me when I became violently ill with the fuck flu.

     Zack and I quickly returned to the room, and began fucking, just as instructed. After my first breeding, Zach said that he had an idea.  He was not sure if it would work, but wanted to try anyway.  When I asked what it was, Zach simply put the cock cage on, without locking it.  He was fully engorged in it, and said he wanted to seed me again.  I replied that I would like that, but wasn’t sure it was possible with the cage on.  He simply said, lets try, and we did.  After all, my ass had taken a brush, and a cruel condom.  Why not a cage covered cock.  Zack began to eat my ass, before trying to put his cock in me.  My ass had somewhat recovered, and although it was painful, for the both of us Im sure, he started  fucking me ass with slow and gentle thrusts, until he unloaded deep in me.  After doing so, he wanted me to breed him with my cage on.  Somehow it worked better than I ever imagined.  After we had seeded each other, the cages came out of our cunts all bloodied up.  We fucked several more time before the father came to give me his final blessing of the night.

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    As we both entered the confessional, we were instructed to both drop to our knees.  Much to our surprise, his cock did not come out of the glory hole. Father Joseph then instructed me to rise to my feet.  He walked around the wall, and unlocked both of our straining cocks from their cages.  After walking back around, he instructed me to put my cock through the confessional hole. Father Joseph sucked me briefly as my cock could not stand to keep my seed inside.  As I pulled my cock out, brother Zack asked the father permission to clean my cock, to which the father agreed. After Zack had cleaned my cock, father Joseph confessed that he was not sure what to make of me after our first confession, but he was pleased that it has turned out so well.  He explained that others have made similar confessions, but have never returned to continue their journey.  He continued by saying that he was surprised at the first time experiences that I have endured.  From my first experience with Tina, to being brushed, to accept even Aids ravaged seed.  I agreed, and told father Joseph that I had thought the same.  He then asked me what my ultimate goal of this process was.  I had given this some thought before, and was a bit cautious in my response.  I told him that it was a list of progressive goals.  First and foremost was that I knew I had an inner pig inside me wanting to come out.  I felt that becoming positive would be my first step in that process.  Brother Zack nodded in agreement.  I continued by stating that although I was wanting to be pozzed, I still had a deep down desire to know who was the one to do it.  Father responded by saying that it would be either by him, or Zack, but the strain was the same, as it has been confirmed that Zack has his unique strain living inside him.  Father continued by saying that although we would never know for sure who was my gifter, all credit would go to Zack, as his first conversion.

    About this time, father Josephs cum leaking cock poked through the confessional hole, and he instructed me to receive his gift.  As I was worshiping his cock, the father told me he was pleased with my progress, yet there was work to be done.  After the father shot his load down my throat, he instructed me to once again drop to my knees, and for brother Zack to stand, and place his cock into the confessional hole.  Zack thanked father for this, and as his cock was raging, it wasn’t long before he gave the father his seed.  Zack chimed in by thanking the father for the ultimate credit, and explained that we were both similar in our wants and desires.  With that Zack looked down at me, and told me not to take offense to what he was about to say.  I assured him that I wouldn’t.  He explained that my feelings were the same as his were on the conversion process.  He continued by saying that in seeking his goals, like me, he had run across many players and flakes who said they would gift him, but never followed through. He felt my pain, as he was a nicely endowed young stud, yet he couldn’t find the one to get the job done.  He continued by saying, he could not even imagine what it was like to be an older, strictly bottom bearish guy in that situation.  With that, he leaned over and gave me a deep kiss. I found this refreshing, as when Zack and I had talked about the same issue in private, he did not respond to me.  Although we could not see the fathers face, I’m confident that he had a wide smile upon it. He stated that he was happy that we had developed such a connection.  Zack and I both responded at the same time, us too. 

    Father then asked us the same question, but added that he had asked Zack this question before, but would ask again.  He then asked if our ultimate goal was to die from Aids.  He instructed me to reply first.  I responded by saying that I had never given it much thought.  My priority was first becoming poz, and going from there.  My second priority was wanting to share my gift with others that willingly wanted it.  Father then asked if I wanted to die from Aids.  I responded that is not really a goal, however I was accepting of it, if I did not end up gifting someone.  I continued by saying that I was old enough to see people die from the horrible result of Aids, but now it was a different world, and there were meds to help curb that.  Zack asked the father if he could respond, to which he agreed.  He first stated that he had not really seen much of death or illness from Aids, with the exception of Brother Jay who was soon to die from it.  Zack continued by saying Brother Jay has lived a long and prosperous life, and that he understood it was his wish to die from Aids, as horrible as it may be.  He continued by saying that he was still young, and had a long life to live, and that dying from Aids was not a priority at this time.  He once again, planted his lips upon mine, stating that he felt he has met his soulmate.  A tear dropped from my eye, and he gently brushed it away. Once again, I was confidant that father Joseph had a smile on his face, as he stated that he hoped it would work out this way.  He knew we both had similar thoughts, and that he felt we would be a perfect match.  He continued by thanking us for our thoughts, and reminded us that the church was open to all hopes and dreams.

    The father indicated that confession time was now over, however the day was just beginning for us.  We were then brought into the chapel where I was bound to the cross.


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    The next morning we were awakened by the father promptly at 6am.  Father Joseph quickly rolled us both on our stomachs, to count that marks upon our asses.  He was quite pleased that my ass would already have several loads in it before The “Sonrise Service” as he called it began.  We both woke with morning wood, and the father took full advantage of it.  He instructed us to get on our knees on the bed, facing each other so that our rock hard cocks would be touching each others.  Father Joseph then spread us a bit further apart, and started sucking our raging cocks.  Brother Zack had already started to leak massive amounts of pre cum, and father Joseph began to suck his cock first.  As he did, Zack embraced me, and stuck his tongue down my throat, and reached around to slip two of his fingers up my aching cunt. His nails were doing a good job of cutting the inside of my cunt to prepare it for father Josephs seed.  As the father switched to my cock, he looked up at Zach and smiled, thanking him for properly preparing my alter for what it was about to receive.  The father sucked me for a brief period, and I was about to bust my nut in his mouth.  He could sense this, and instructed me to hold off, and plant my seed inside Zack once he had planted his in me. Father Joseph then instructed me to assume the proper position on all fours, with my ass high in the air.  It wasn’t long before the father mounted me, and fucked me hard and deep.  His balls were slapping my ass for 15-20 minutes, before I could feel his cock starting to pulse deep inside of my cunt, and marking my ass with the marker.  Zack asked father Joseph if he could now breed me, to which the father said that was the expectation.  Father Joseph then put his cum and blood covered cock in my mouth, while Zack mounted me.  After cleaning father Josephs cock, he just laid back, and watched as Zack worked my ass.  His cock was once again starting to become rock hard.  I wanted him deep in me again, but knew if he did, it would likely be considered the last load for the day. The father then got off of the bed, and walked around towards my ass.  He instructed Zack to pull out, and lay on his back on the bed. Father Joseph then placed several sharp chards up my ass, saying that I would need then for what was about to happen.  That now familiar feeling once again rushed through my body.  He the instructed me to get on top of Zack and ride him.  After a few minutes, I felt father Josephs cock against my hole.  My ass was quivering, as I have never had 2 cock up my ass at the same time before.  Father Joseph then placed a bottle of poppers in front of my nose, to which I was grateful for.  I could feel my ass straining to accommodate both rather large cocks.  It was painful, yet in a good way.  My cunt felt wet deep inside.  Perhaps it was the toxic pre cum in me, or the blood from my wrecked cunt.  After about 10 minutes, the father explained that he and Zack would now change positions, as he wanted Zack to be the one doing the trusting, and dropping his seed in me first.  As both cocks were removed, I felt relief, but a certain void.  It wasn’t long before that would change.  I promptly rode the fathers cock, as Zack began to thrust with wild abandon.  It was only 10 minutes before I felt Zack releasing his poison into my ass.  He then moved his bloody cummy cock to my mouth and said suck it clean you fucking pig.  The father pumped away for another 10 minutes before flooding me.  Once he finished, he inserted a plug up my ass and instructed that the remainder of the day would be for reflection, and that his load was the final load of the day.  With that, he retrieved 2 cock cages, and placed then upon our cocks assuring that we would have to abide by the rules, until tomorrow morning.

    Both Zack and I were disappointed that the remainder of the day would not include any more sex, unless father Joseph cam back for another breeding. Father Joseph did come back later that day. It did not start off by having sex, but the father gave us both new red Jock straps, and instructed us to put them on, and head downstairs to the confessional. Zacks jock strap had a white biohazard sign stitched into it, which I admired.  He told me that this is a church tradition, and that once I converted, mine would have the same on it.  He also explained that once I had converted my first person, a scorpion would be added to the jock.  Zack then grabbed my hand, rubbing it against his caged and jocked cock.  I did the same to him.  It probably wasn’t the best thing to do, as our caged cocks were already straining.  We both had hoped that father Joseph would release us from our cages while in the confessional.  We didn’t rub each other long, as we figured it would be best not to keep father Joseph waiting. 

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  12. so its pretty unusual for a young guy to want a bear ass like mine.  To my surprise, a 25 yo geek hit me up on Grindr, wanting to fuck me.  Thought he was just another player, but he was serious!  Had a nice 7 inch cock.  Wish I could share pics here, but they are too large for posting.  He came to the door with just a jock and bowtie on, and fucked the shit outta me! 

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    Father Joseph had walked in just as I planted my seed in Zack, and a wide smile came across his face.  He stated that he was happy to see me practicing my skills as a top, and that he expected more of that to happen in the future. The father reached into a drawer, and removed a black sharpie, and instructed us that we were to mark each of our asses as a load was received. I was the first to put a mark upon Zacks tight young ass.  Father Joseph then indicated that he loved breeding a cum filled hole, and mounted Zack.  My load must have been much bigger than I thought, as my cum was dripping from Zack’s ass as father Joseph plunged deep inside him.  Once the father finished, I lapped up the cum that was dripping down Zacks leg, and cleaned father Josephs cock. The father then marked Zacks ass with the marker. I begged the father to breed me, however he said the day was totally ours, but starting tomorrow, he would always be both the first and the last to breed me.  The first breeding would take place sometime between 6 and 8am, depending on his needs.  After that, we were expected to breed often, as he could come in for the final time, whenever he desired. 

    As this was to be our day, Zack and I decided we would fuck like rabbits.  At first, we both fell asleep under the satin sheets, with Zach spooning me with his cock positioned right at my ass.  I’m not sure how long we actually slept, but it wasn’t long before I could feel Zack removing the plug from my ass and the head of his cock rubbing up and down my once again hungry ass. Zack then rolled me over and kissed me, asking if I wanted it rough, or passionate.  I told him as a sub, that decision should be made by the dominant one.  He smiled at me, and agreed.  He once again looked me in the eyes, and planted his tongue down my throat.  He then said something that surprised me.  Before saying it though, he asked that I keep it between the two of us.  I was intrigued, and agreed.  He told me he was not sure why, but he was falling in love with me.  I smiled, and told him that I felt the same.  We then embraced and talked about it.  Zack confided that he wasn’t sure why it was happening, but perhaps that I would be the first one that he converted.  I confided to Zack, that although I was looking to be converted, I had always wanted to know the one who did it.  I continued by saying that never in my wildest dreams would I have guessed it would be by a young viral stud like him.  I actually started to tear up a bit, and he asked what was wrong.  I told him that they were tears of joy, as many tops have no interest in older hairy, small cock bottom bears like me.  Zack started to tear up a bit also, and told me it was not about my body, but about my passion to become gifted.  With that, he rolled me over, and simply stated, lets get the show on the road

    Once again, my mind raced in thought.  What had happened to me?  I was in bed embracing the man that I truly had started to fall in love with, and it appears he felt the same way about me.  But wait, earlier I treated him like a random piece of shit.  But yet, he did the same to me, so was it OK? I really wasn’t sure. We fucked like rabbits that night.  When I woke up that morning, I had a total of 5 marks on my ass.  Zack also had another mark on his ass from me.

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  14. Had some time to write quite a few more chapters in my off time.  Would love your feedback of the story thus far!  The chapters written still have a chem twist to them, but have gone off into other kinky and or taboo areas?  

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  15. 6 minutes ago, drscorpio said:

    In my 20s, I became very attracted to black tops for a couple of reasons:

    1. Black tops seemed to be much more attracted to me as a chubby white bottom than white tops.
      (I find this still to be the case at 55. Really hot young black guys hit on me regularly on the hook up apps.)
    2. Black tops almost always are willing to go bareback. 

    I found the same things to be true about Latino tops when I lived in Texas. I don't run into any where near as many of them in Louisiana. 

    I have found what you say to be true here in Florida also.  My first experience with a black guy wasn't all that though.  It was with an inter racial couple.  Lets just say the black top didn't live up to the stereotype, and was a rather lazy top.  By lazy I mean he wasn't very aggressive, and while his partner was breeding me, he went to the kitchen, made a sandwich and watched us fuck! He did fill my ass with his seed though, and his white partner enjoyed my cum filled ass, and was way more agressive.


    I am not sure for how long I was out, but when I awoke I was flat on my back, with my hands tied to a bed, which was covered in white satin sheets.  The room was entirely decorated in white, devoid of any decorations on the walls.  Most importantly, Brother Zack was next to me, wiping my forehead with a wet washcloth.  He was wearing nothing with the exception of a cum and piss stained jockstrap, showing off his amazing semi hard cock.  The head of his cock was poking out through the side of his jock.  On the table next to the bed, was the bottle brush, with my dried blood on it, along with the cruel condom he had used.  He asked me if I remembered much of the ceremony, to which I replied yes SIR.  He gently but his lips to mine, saying that I no longer needed to call him that, it was all part of the ritual. He said that although the results would not be immediately, we were now Brothers, united by the gifts that we had shared during the ceremony.  He had me roll onto my side, only to make sure that the plug was firmly in place.  I begged him to breed me again, and he replied that my ass had taken quite a beating, and that although he wanted to, he felt that it needed a rest.  He explained however that like I did with  father Joseph, it was time for me to share my seed with him.  Through all of this, my cock was still pretty limp, and he said the father had left a little something to help with that.  He untied my arm, and brought the syringe to my cock, and pushed the plunger.  It wasn’t long before my pathetic cock became rock hard, and I felt that I could rule the world. He explained that I was to breed him, and be rough in doing so.  I asked if he wanted me to brush his hole with the brush, to which he said yes, but not our brush.  It was now a sacred object between us, and others to follow.  He did say that it was the same brush that  father Joseph had used to prepare him for his conversion, and the one that I would use for my first conversion.  He did however remove a toothbrush from the table, and instructed me to properly abuse his ass, before penetration.  He once again told me that I was expected to be as rough on him, as he was to me.  I don’t know what came over me, but I slapped his face before spitting on it, and instructed him to refer to me as Sir for the remainder of the session.  A smile came upon his face, as more and more of his cock protruded from his cum and piss stained jock.  I instructed him to take off his jock, and get on all fours.  He responded with Yes, forgetting to say Sir, and was slapped once again by me.  He smiled, and said yes Sir.  I just spit in his face and told him there was nothing to smile about. Although my cock was rock hard, I was able to piss on the jock, and told him to stuff it in his mouth, as I did not want to hear any noises which might lead father Joseph to join us.  His ass was solely mine tonight.  After the jock was stuffed in his mouth, I brushed his cunt with the toothbrush. Once it had a bright red tint to it, I removed the jock from his mouth, and instructed him to lick it clean.  Once it was relatively clean, I began to aggressively brush his mouth with it, until it was once again bright red.  I informed him that he was going to receive two loads, one up his cunt, and one in his mouth.  I explained that he was NOT to swallow the load in his mouth, but to felch it with me.  With that, I replaced the jock in his mouth and I mounted his ass, and although my cock was rock hard, It wasn’t long before I dropped my load up his cunt.  I still remained hard though.  Through the jock, I could hear his muffled moans.  I know his ass has taken much bigger cocks than mine, but shrugged it off as him being pleased by my aggressiveness with him.  I removed the jock from his mouth, and it was now covered in blood in addition to the cum and piss on it already.  I began to aggressively fuck his mouth, slapping him a few times and telling him to watch his teeth.  They had not actually gotten in the way, but he didn’t know that.  After I blew yet another pretty big load down his throat, I instructed him to clean my cock, which he eagerly did.  After that, he simply rolled over onto his back.  I began to bite down on his nipples, and chew upon them pretty aggressively.  As he started to moan, the jock was once again stuffed into his mouth.  His cock became rock hard, and began to drip.  I finished off the session by milking his cock dry. With that, he tightly embraced me, laying besides each other, cock to cock.


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  17. I'm going to be taking a SHORT break for the holidays before posting more.  During that time, I will be writing more, for future postings.  My cock needs a rest from all this writing!  Trust me, I still have a few plot twists up my sleeve though! 

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    With that, my legs were untied and I was once again rolled over onto my stomach, and retied to the alter.  Brother Zack was then untied from the cross, and given a rather large bottle brush.  He gently lifted my head, and looked me straight in the eyes.  Although there was still a bit of compassion in his eyes, there was also an angry look to him.  Perhaps it was just my imagination, seeing him holding the pink tinged brush in his hand.  Was I about to receive a brutal breeding like the one I received from Brother Stephen and the cruel condom?  I was beginning to think so.  Brother Zack started to explain that this was the same brush that Father Joseph had used on him in his conversion.  He continued by saying that it has been determined that the father was the one who had recently gifted him, and that the strain was med resistant, and quite potent.  He continued by saying that it was his desire to be responsible for my conversion, as well as his first conversion.  He then asked me if this is also my desire, to which I explained yes.  He drew his hand back, and slapped my face quite hard, by saying from know on, any of my responses would be followed with the word Sir after them. He replied by saying good boy, and that the remainder of the ceremony would be quite painful, but he would see to it that I was quite relaxed.  He explained that up until this time, I have received only .5 point, but this time it was to b a full point.  The rubber band was once again tied around my arm, the needle inserted into my vein.  The plunger drawn I a bit, and then pushed deep into my vein.  WOW what a feeling it was.  Brother Zack then moved around me, and began to aggressively brush my ass.  He showed no mercy at all, plunging in deep and twisting it inside me tearing me open, to accept his seed.  He them removed the brush from my quivering ass, and brought it to my mouth and told me to taste it.  I almost forgot to add Sir to my response, but I did.  He did not slap me, but instead placed a cruel condom upon his raging cock.  He then spit in my face and returned to my ass, placing some very large and sharp chards in it.  Just like the father had, done, he thrusted deep in me, then withdrew and placed one on top of the cruel condom, and went balls deep in me.  This session was quite different.  There was no love or romance, just pure hard sex.  It seemed strange, yet I loved it.  After some time, I felt Zacks poison shooting deep in me.  His warm demon seed was a blessing to my roughed up ass.  I could feel his venom seeping inside the cuts inside of my ass.  He did not pull his cock from my ass after cumming, and remained inside for some time, before removing his cock, and the cruel condom.  He quickly started drilling my ass hard and fast, once again flooding my ass with his venom.

    After seeding me, he plugged my ass, and moved to my mouth telling to worship his bloodied cock.  As I was worshiping his cock, the father mounted me, and stated that this would be the final blessing of the night.  I do not even remember the father cumming inside me, just waking up later in an unusual, yet beautiful place.

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