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Posts posted by tighthole64

  1. Still negative here, but a few years back, I was pretty sure that I had the fuck flu.  Turned out I did not.  From my experience, just thinking I was gifted was exciting as hell.  I was a bit nervous when I was tested, and honestly wasn't sure how I would react when I got my results.  It was at this point that I decided to chase.  I just wanted to get it over with and convert, and become more of a cumdump pig, not caring or worrying about sex anymore.

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    The father then led me back to the alter, where only 1 of my arms and both legs were bound to it.  In addition, a rubber tube was placed around my right arm, and tied tightly, until the veins started popping out.  The father removed a syringe from a table, sticking the needle in a vein, and drawing some blood into it, releasing the band and then pushing the plunger. My hand was then raised above my head.  I began to violently cough, and felt as though I could not breathe. My vision became quite blurred.   I could feel the liquid rushing through my arm, and experienced a strange metalic taste in my mouth.  The coughing subsided, and I felt a warmth spreading throughout my body.  Sending a tingling sensation throughout it.  My ass began to twitch, and my once rock hard cock began to soften in its cage, much to my relief.  The father then unlocked my cock from its prison, and withdrew yet another syringe.  I wasn’t sure that I could handle more of what I just received in my arm, and my body started to tremble.  The father patted my head, and told me not to worry, this would help me.  With that, he placed the needle to the base of my cock, and pushed the plunger.  It wasn’t long before my cock became rigid once again, growing in size like I have never seen it grow.  The father then knelt between my legs, and inserted my cock in his mouth.  He quickly removed his mouth and explained that I would be sharing what could well be my last negative load as a blessing to him.

    It wasn’t long before I gave the father my blessing.  He removed his mouth from my cock, and brought his lips to mine, sharing my precious seed with me.  After his cock was clean. I was rebound to the table, with the rubber tube draped over my arm.  The father once again approached Brother Zack with a syringe in his hand.  This time however, the syringe was empty.  He placed the rubber tubing around his arm, finding a vein, and then drawing the syringe full of his bright red blood.  The father then approached me with the syringe, laying it upon the alter before tightly pulling the tubing around my arm.   The father removed the syringe from the alter, finding my vein, and pushing the plunger until it was empty.  As doing so, I will never forget the words that he said. “This is Zacks gift to you, and the church.  His life as yours will soon become.  His blood tainted by the same venom that you so desire and have earned.  Ultimately your sacrifice and death, as so many have experienced before you.”

    With that, I was untied from the alter, and placed up my stomach, and retied.  As the brothers were doing so, the father disrobed, and walked to the front of the alter, and placed his semi hard cock into my mouth and told me to worship him.  His cock felt longer than it had ever felt before, causing me to gag just a bit.  As I was worshiping his holy post, I could feel my ass cheeks being spread apart, and once again, feeling sharp shards being placed in my quivering hole.  The father reminded his servants to save a few chards for later.  The father then moved behind me mounting my ass, and driving balls deep into my ass.  After aggressively pounding me for a few minutes, he withdrew his cock, and placed a shard on the tip of his cock.  It must have been quite large, as I could feel it tearing my insides, as he once again thrust balls deep in me.  Although it hurt like hell, and tears began to form in my eyes, it was what I wanted and needed so badly.  My mind was focused upon Brother Zack, who was still tied to the cross, with a bandage covering his new marking.  Maybe it was just my blurry vision from the tears, however it appeared that Brother Zack was also was starting to cry a bit. His cock was rock hard, and starting to ooze pre cum as he watched my breeding.  I’m not quite sure how long the father had been in me, as I believe I blacked out for some time. All I really remembered was the feeling of his venom flooding my ass, as he said, take ye all of my seed, for your forgiveness of sins, and ultimate resurrection into our Brotherhood. 

    I felt like a rag doll laid upon the alter.  My body was sore, my throat starting to become dry, and my mind and body racing, yet coming down a bit. My hole was plugged with a familiar large butt plug, and I was untired, rolled over onto my back, and then retied to the alter.  A metal device was placed in my mouth, which pulled the sides of my mouth wide open.  I have seen such a device before, yet had never experienced wearing one.  At this time, the father asked all in attendance to disrobe, and share their blessings with me.  The congregation gathered around my face.  There were all types of cock surrounding me.  Some rock hard, some semi hard, cut, uncut, black, white, Hispanic, you name it.  One of those was quite familiar, as it was Brother Jay. He was the most aroused, and his cock was leaking a yellowish ooze from it.  I also noticed several leaking lesions upon his massive cock. He ultimately was   the first to shoot his blessings into my mouth.  One by one, tall of the cocks flooded my mouth with their venon, until no one remained.  Brother Zack was still tied to the cross, and I knew that his seed would soon be mine. My arms were then untied, and I was instructed to sit up, as best as I could.  The metal device was then removed from my mouth, much relief to my now aching jaws.  Although I have consumed quite a bit of seed, my mouth and throat were rather dry. The father explained that it was important that I remained hydrated, and brought forth a chalice full of Gatoraid, with what I ultimately figured out, was laced with G as an additional Aid. I quickly drank all of the contents of the chalice, and felt an amazing euphoria around me.  I came to sweat, and felt a bit nauseous.  I wasn’t sure if it was from the drink, or all of the semen that I had consumed.

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    Although it was only 10-15 minutes, it felt like a lifetime waiting in his office.  I heard the door open, and in walked Brother Stephen.  Once again, he immediately spit on my face, and told me it was time for the ceremony to begin.  He grabbed me by my cock, and led me into the chapel.  Once inside, I noticed there was a body covered in a red cloth upon the St. Andrews Cross directly behind the alter, which was draped in a red cloth.  I could not make out who was shrouded behind the cloth though.  This time there were 5 other members of the congregation in attendance.  I did not see Brothers Jay or Zack, and wondered if it was one of them underneath the cloth on the cross. Brother Stephen instructed me to lay upon the alter on my back.  After doing so, my arms and legs were tied to the legs of the alter.  After being bound to the alter, Brother Stephen once again spit on my face, and took out his cock, and began to piss on me, instructing me to open my mouth to receive his blessing.  The father then entered, and made the sign of the cross upon my forehead.  He was still fully clothed, with his cock still rock hard underneath his pants.    The father turned towards the congregation, and announced that today was to be not just one, but two celebrations.  I was not quite sure what he meant, but figured that it had something to do the body draped upon the cross.  And I was correct.  He explained that first we would witness the marking of the beast on one of the members, as well as welcome a new member to the family.  In doing so, the red cloth was removed from the cross, revealing Brother Zack.  His arms and legs were found to the cross in a spread eagle position.  His cock hanging slightly between his legs, with a cock cage similar to mine on him.  A hooded Brother then approached the cross pushing a small table with a tattoo gun and ink on top of it.  He began by swabbing the area above his right nipple, and removed then gun from the table.  He slowly and methodically started to drawn what would ultimately be a biohazard symbol above his nipple.  Brother Zack winced in pain as the process continued. As the process was taking place, the father approached the cross, and wrapped a rubber tube around Brother Zacks left arm.  He inserted a needle into his vein which was now popping out some, drew a bit of blood, and then pushed the plunger on the syringe.  Brother Zack coughed at first, and then a sudden look of euphoria seemed to come across him.  Although I had heard that Tina can cause a limp cock, it had the opposite effect upon Brother Zack.  His cock began to become engorged in its cage.  In fact the father noticed this, and unlocked him from the cage, and his cock stood rock solid hard.  Mine was feeling the same exact way, knowing in my mind that sometime soon, I would be placed upon the cross to receive my marking just like Zach.  The father moved over to the alter, and untied my legs and arms, and led me to the cross, standing directly in front of Zack, he instructed me to kneel in front of him for the receiving of seed, I quickly obliged, and it wasn’t long before Zack filled my mouth with his precious seed.  By now my cock was straining inside its cage, and it was becoming quite painful.  I was hoping that the father would soon release me also.  Before bringing me back to the alter, the father said, let the second ceremony begin.


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  4. 6 minutes ago, constructionguy said:

    Let's tag-team fuck it... I'll hold open those huge butt cheeks while you seed him if you return the favour

    Construction you know you can breed my chub ass anytime, adding Marbas to the picture would be a HUGE bonus, with his PA preparing me for his toxic seed.

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  5. CONGRATS to you guys!  Ive found that younger guys typically look for older tops.  I certainly know here in Orlando, they are not into older bearish bottom guys like myself.  I can count the number of younger guys Ive played with on one hand, we actually 2 fingers!  I guess it helps that you are in good shape, and well endowed.  It doesn't stop me from trying though.  The guys that I played with were REALLY into the incest thing, acting as though I was really their father.  The BEST one moved from the area, but he was incredibly into role play.  He insisted that we roleplay father/son, and that I walk into his bedroom and catch him watching porn.  It only got better from there.  

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    Sunday arrived, and the usual service was held at 10am, yet I did not receive instructions from the father to arrive until around 2 pm. As instructed by the father, I arrived an hour before the ceremony was to begin, in just a t shirt, gym shorts, a jock and my cock cage.  Father was dressed in all white when I arrived and invited me into his private office. For the first time, the father had introduced himself as father Joseph. He instructed me to sit in a large comfortable chair next to his desk.   Once I did, father planted his lips upon mine, slipping his tongue deep in my mouth.  This was the first time that he had kissed me.  Once he removed his tongue, he said, son I am quite proud of your progress.  From our first confession, I knew you would be a wonderful addition to our flock.  He asked me to share my thoughts on my journey, so I did.  As I explained it has been a roller coaster of a ride so far.  I have had the opportunity to experience things in my life which I have never experienced before, and appreciated that.  He responded that my journey was not yet over, however it would be soon.  He then asked if I have had any regrets.  I hesitated, before saying I was surprised that I have not received the blessing that I was seeking.  Father responded that he too was surprised that I had not converted to the church, as his seed was quite potent.  He explained that he was confident that would change tonight.

    The father continued by telling me that the Elders had met, and discussed me in great detail, and decide who would ultimately lead me to my salvation.  He then asked me if I had thought about whom I would like to be my spiritual mentor.  I replied that I had indeed, and he asked me to share my thoughts, which I did.  I explained that all three were a different experience, and each had something special to share with me.  He agreed, and asked me to share my thoughts on each, and I did.  I began with Brother Jay.  I explained that Brother Jay has seemed to live a wonderful life, and that it was a bit scary seeing his aids wasted, sore infected body before he entered me.  I continued by saying that I was pretty sure if Brother Jay seeded me, I was pretty sure a conversion would happen.  I continued by saying that it appears that Brother Jay may not be amongst us for much longer, and it would be nice to possibly be his last conversion, before dying of Aids. 

    The father responded by saying that I had made some very valid points, and told me that he was the one that had given Brother Jay his gift, and that he is indeed on a fast pace to his ultimate death and glory.  He explained that Brother Jay was not as old as he had looked, and that the Aids virus has played a toll on his body.  Father continued by saying that Brother Jay had entered the church on circumstances very similar to mine, and during his membership, he has shared his gift with many individuals.  Although I wanted to hear more, the father asked me my thoughts on Brother Stephen.

    This was a difficult one for me to talk about.  Brother Stephen was by far the most aggressive of the three, and it was apparent to me that he meant business about sharing his gift with someone.  From his verbal aggressiveness, to him spitting in my face, and seeding me while wearing a cruel condom.  I explained that although it was exciting, I explained to the father that I was not quite sure that was the way that I wanted my conversion to happen.  The father agreed, and explained that Brother Stephen has not yet converted any members and that it is his strong desire to do so.  He continued by saying that Brother Stephen however has a problem in following the rules of the church, which has put his membership into jeopardy.  He stated that this was the second time that he has seeded a prospective church member, and that was contrary to church rules when deciding upon new prospective members.  Once again, I wanted to know more, but the father asked what my thoughts were on Brother Zack.

    In my mind, I KNEW that Brother Zack was the one that I would like most want to lead me along my journey.  Should I tell the father this or not?  Once again my mind was racing.  Not from any drugs, but just in thought.  I decided to play it somewhat vague.  I began by telling the father that Brother Zack was quite intriguing.  I continued by saying that it was quite rare for a young boi to show and interest in an older bear such as myself.  I also explained that I had experienced a level of intimacy with him, unlike the others.  As I spoke, I could see the father nodding in agreement with me.  Throughout our conversation, I could see the fathers massive cock growing under his white pants, but now it appeared that he was fully engorged.  Perhaps it was just my imagination, but I was pretty sure that I saw some of his pre cum leak seeping through his pants. The father interrupted, by telling me that Brother Zack was one of the newest members of the congregation, and that yes that although the church welcomed all for conversion, it was nice to see a young boy seeking to join the flock.

    The father ended the conversation by stepping away from his desk and tightly embracing me, and sticking his tongue down my throat once again.  His cock was straining inside his pants, and it felt wonderful brushing against me as we kissed.  He then instructed me to take off my t-shirt and shorts, so that I may be fitted with the proper attire.  As I disrobed, he moved behind his desk and took out a white V shaped garment around my neck.  It was a flowing garment, covering my nipples, and coming to a point just below my crotch. My cock was straining in its cage, And I was pretty sure that the father was going to bend me over his desk, and bless me before the ceremony.  Before placing the garment over me, he slipped two fingers up my now quivering ass.  His fingers were scraping the inside of my ass more roughly than he had ever done in the past.  He withdrew his now bloody fingers, and instructed me to clean them for him. Sadly he explained that his blessing would be reserved for the ceremony.  I begged him to give me his blessing now, and he explained that as part of the ceremony, he would be both the first and last to bless me, but I must have patience.  With that he stated that the service was very soon, and that before we should have a moment of celebration.  He once again went behind his desk, and removed a bottle, and a chalice.  He pored the contents into the chalice, taking a sip of it, and then instructed me to drink ye all of it.  With that he explained that I would be receiving communion wafers up my ass later, but that the ceremony would be lengthy, and they would be given to me at the appropriate time during the ceremony. 

    That familiar buzz swept through my body, and I began to hear organ music playing.  Father explained that the ceremony was about to begin, and that although it was mostly about me, there was proper protocol to follow, and that I should be patient. He explained that I would now be left alone to meditate, and that someone would be in shortly to lead me to the chapel. With that, he left his office.

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    The father congratulated the brethren on a successful welcoming.  As the father, he explained that he would always be the first and last to give me his blessings.  As such, he mounted my ass and told me I would receive his final blessing.  After he gave me his blessing, he told the parishioners that the services had ended, but he wanted to spend additional time with me.  Two of the three responded, “thank you father.”

    After the others had left, the father gave me some water to drink, saying that it was important to remain hydrated.  Before doing so, he once again placed a butt plug in my ass.  This one was similar to the first one, yet larger.  The father then led me over to the confessional.  Once he was inside, he asked me to confess my thoughts.  Although the drugs were wearing off, my mind was still buzzing.  I simply didn’t know how to respond, and indicated as much.  An older Aids wasting guy?  A beefy rough bear, with an apparent record of success? A young passionate red headed buck? The father explained that it was time for him to confess.  He explained that todays experience was to help all parties involved in making a choice.  He explained that the Wednesday service was just to be between him and his brethren at first, however I was to arrive after the service.  He explained that tonight was a selection process, to decide who would lead me to the path of salvation, and make me the man that I desired to become.  He advised me that he would ask both the brethren, and myself about our thoughts on Wednesday.  He advised me to think long and hard about my experiences tonight, and decide who I would like to lead me down the path to my salvation.  He told me to be ready on Sunday afternoon, and with that he said he would message me with the service time on Sunday.  With that, he made the sign of the cross upon my forehead, and said, “depart in peace.”


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    As it turned out, Brother Jay who was the first one that I sucked, was also the first to be introduced.  All of the candles in the room had been blown out, except for several small flickering flames.  Brother Jay, still clad in his red robe, slowly walked in front of me, with just a single red candle illuminating his face. His hood shrouded most of his face, but from what I could see, his cheeks and face were quite drawn and grey looking. He placed his candle in a candelabra next to the alter and  slowly removed his robe and hood.  His body looked much like his face, all sunken in.  His ribs protruded like a dying horse, and his body was covered in lesions.  My guess was correct.  Brother Jay had to be at least 70 years old.  His cock was already fully erect, and Id say it was a good 9 inches, perhaps because it looked so strong and firm against his wasting body.  He was already leaking a yellow tinted ooze from his cock, not the usual pearly cum that I was accustomed to.  He did not allow me to service his cock for long before instructing me to assume the position.  He slowly entered my ass and started to pound me in a steady rhythm. His weak voice started to become very guttural, and I knew he was close to blowing.  The father also realized this, and told him his time was done, however I was to receive his blessings down my throat.  He obeyed the father and moved to the front of me, and quickly released his seed into my awaiting mouth.  His cum tasted quite bitter and strange to me.  It wasn’t the familiar taste of semen, and blood, but I thanked him for his blessing.


    Brother Stephen was the next to welcome me to the fold.  He moved around me just as Brother Jay did with the single red candle.  He quickly dropped his robe to reveal a furry bear daddy with a number of tats, including a scorpion and biohazard tattoo with numerous names surrounding it. I tried to count them, but lost count after around 10.  His meaty fuck stick was hanging semi hard, and once again he aggressively stuck it into my mouth, and began to aggressively face fuck me.  This time I was better prepared for it though.  After about 5 minutes, he removed his rock hard cock from my mouth and spit on my face.  He reached over to the alter, and placed a cruel condom upon his rigid cock, and told me that he wanted to make this count.  I had never been seeded with a guy wearing a cruel condom, but had always wanted to experience it. He moved around my backside, and just as he shoved his cock down my throat, he shoved it up my ass, balls to the wall.  As he was fucking me, he grabbed my head, pulling it back until I thought my neck was going to snap.  He turned my head, and once again spit into my face.  He began to pump harder and faster, and began to moan.  Father reminded him that I was not to receive his blessing in my ass.  As I felt his cock pulsing in me, he simply told the father, “too late.” The father simply walked in front of me and extinguished the candle which he placed in the candelabra. It was obvious that the father was not pleased.


    It was time for my final introduction. As he walked around me, his hood was off, and his robe wide open.  It was my fantasy come true, as he had bright red hair, and as they say, his carpet matched the drapes.  As a red head, his body was quite pasty. Once again, as I had thought, he was a young buck.  His body was chiseled, and he was showing signs of a six pack.  The only hair on his body was a slight treasure trail leading up from his shaved fire crotch. He was no more than 20 years old I had guessed.  Once again, he treated me with compassion, rubbing his hands across my cheeks.  Although I go love rough sex, there is something to be said about compassion. Apparently there was for him also, as his cock slowly began to rise as he caressed me.  Before inserting his rock hard cock in my mouth, he bent down and kissed me. 

    So much different than brother Stephen.  He slowly and gently began to fuck my face, and it wasn’t long before I started tasting his salty precum.  He quickly moved around me, spreading my ass cheeks wide, and began to eat the seed which Brother Stephen had deposited in me.  As he removed his tongue from my ass, I was prepared to receive his cock, however he came to my front, and felched brother Stephens seed to me.  My cock had finally had enough, and although caged, it shot an amazing load on the floor.  He got on the floor, and greedily licked it up, once again felching it with me.  Although there was not much of my seed on the floor, he scooped up what he could with his finger, and rubbed it upon my now wrecked hole.  He inserted his cock into my hole, and fucked strong and steady, just like a young buck does.  His pace quickened, and I knew he was about to blow after about 15 minutes.  He quickly removed his cock from my ass, and came around to my face.  Although my mouth was wide open, he cam all over my face, with only some getting into my mouth.  Even after he came, he was rock hard, and pushed the cum on my face into my eagerly awaiting mouth. 


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    When I arrived at the temple, Father promptly greeted me wearing nothing but his scarf and a wide smile.  The temple looked somewhat different this time.  I was completely dark, with the exception of the red candles on the alter, and other similar candles around the room.  Behind the alter there were three chairs with three red hooded and robed figures in them.  Behind them was a St Andrews cross with a red scarf draped across it.  Father instructed me to disrobe, and be inspected by the Elders.  Upon disrobing, the father coverer my eyes with a blindfold and led me to the kneeling bench next to the alter to first receive his blessings.  I felt his familiar cock enter my mouth for a brief period, before he removed in, and a different one was in its place.  It was hard to believe, but it was longer and thicker than the fathers. As he throat fucked me, he groaned quite a bit.  Judging by his very bushy crotch, and the sound of grunts, I was thinking he was an older guy.   After 5-10 minutes, his cock was removed, and yet another entered my mouth.  Although he was not as thick as the other two, his cock was pierced, and the longest yet. He showed no mercy in ramming his cock down my throat gagging me, and bringing tear to my eyes.  Luckily he didn’t throat fuck me for very long, and slapped my face after his cock was withdrawn, and the final cock put in my mouth.

    This one was quite different.  He was quite compassionate patting my head, and kissing what I am sure was a beet red cheek from the slap that I had received.  He gently put his cock into my mouth and started thrusting bit by bit, until he reached a feverous pace.  As he went balls deep, I could tell that he had a closely trimmed bush.  Combined with that and his furious thrusting, I had the feeling that he was rather young.  As I sucked his cock, I could feel his cock pre cumming very heavily.  As he withdrew his cock, the father said it was now time to receive his blessing and celebrate the fellowship service.  He once again led me closer to the alter, and grabbed the all familiar chalice, and said, “drink ye all of it.”  By now I was used to the effects of it, but this time, it seemed much more powerful than ever.  My mind was flying, and my engorged cock was straining in its chastity device.  I had not shot a load in quite some time, and felt the need for release.  The father could tell I was in pain, and just said your time will come soon enough son.  He led me to the kneeling bench and instructed me to take the proper position.  Once again, I felt those familiar shards entering my ass, once again they had a stronger effect on me than ever before.  He removed my blindfold, but the three robed individuals must have been behind me, as I was not able to see them.  After about 15 minutes, I felt his seed spurting deep in my ass.  I was sweating profusely, and the father offered me another drink from the chalice.  Everything became very hazy to me.  I do remember him telling me it was now time to meet the Elders.  He explained that I had just worshiped their cocks to prepared them for entry, however  there would not be any blessing that I would receive from them.  I begged him to allow their blessings inside me, but as the father explained, this was designed to choose an elder to take me down my chosen path.  I pleaded with the father to let me enjoy their blessings, and he just said in time my son.  The first to welcome me to the flock was Brother Jay followed by Brothers Stephen and Zack.

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  10. 1 minute ago, evilqueerpig said:

    For me, fag/faggot is just as bad as the "n" word, which isn't in my vocabulary.  If a guy doesn't respect me as a man, I don't want him!

    I have to agree, I rarely use the term fag, but will if the word cunt is used on me.

  11. 3 minutes ago, evilqueerpig said:

    So far, I'm the lone dissenting voice, but as a QUEER man, I fuck ass/get my ass fucked.  Females have cunts.

    You do not stand alone! When a guy uses the word cunt while breeding me, I just respond by saying breed my ass you fucking fag.  If you want a cunt, find a woman.  This generally pisses them off and they began to fuck me a bit harder.  Its a win win for both I guess.

  12. THANS to all of you for the love shown thus far!  ANY feedback is welcome!  I have been working on updates for the last several days.  I have never had chem sex, so I'm reading through stories, trying to get ideas of how to proceed, and describe.  There is still some build up going on, but expect some slamming, blood slams, caverject and G thrown into the mix!

    Also curious to know what yu think about the length of the stories?  I have tried to keep them relatively short.  Although longer stories are good for edging and gooning, they can tend to get a bit muddled to me.


    I arrived promptly at 6pm as instructed, wearing the proper church attire, and knocked three times as before.  The Father immediately opened the door, wearing nothing but his rainbow-colored scarf.  His cock was in a semi state of arousal but generally hanging.  Something was different this time though.  The father had a rather large PA in his cock.  He saw the look of excitement in my eyes, and greeted me into his temple.  I was led to the kneeling bench, where I was instructed to disrobe, and worship his holy post.  I had sucked a cock with a PA before, but never one this large.  As his post enlarged, he began to aggressively face fuck me.  His PA hitting and clanging against my teeth.  After about 10 minutes, he withdrew his raging cock from my mouth, and once again removed a filled chalice, to which he said, “drink ye all of it.” I quickly obliged, and once again felt a wonderful feeling rush through my body.  My pathetic cock started to strain within its cage, and became somewhat painful.  Father then instructed me to lay over the bench with my ass high in the air. I then once again felt his fingers stretching my ass, and the name familiar feel of sharp chards being shoved up my hungry and needy ass. The Father simply said, take this body for your conversion into the faith.  Once again, the Father reached under the cloth, and brought out a familiar brown bottle.  He explained that my conversion to the faith was not meant to be painful, but I would need these for the blessing that I was about to receive.  My mind was already racing, and as he held the bottle to my nose, I felt a familiar warm rush through my body.  When he felt that I was ready, he asked if I was ready to receive the blessing that I desired.  Of course I was. His rather large cock with its PA still worried me, however I knew it would help me receive the blessing that I desired.  With that the Father pulled apart my quivering ass cheeks, using only spit as a lube.  He immediately thrust his cock into me balls deep, and although it hurt, it was a good kind of hurt.  He pounded my ass hard for a good 15 minutes, most of the time while chanting something in Latin.  I could tell when he was ready to shoot his poison deep inside me, yet he asked if I was ready for the blessing I was to receive.  As I said Yes Father, I could feel his seed flooding my ass.  He remained inside me, still hard for a good 5 minutes or so.  Before he pulled out, he once again reached under the covered alter, and removed a rather large butt plug, emblazoned with a biohazard symbol on its base.  He withdrew his cock, and quickly inserted the plug up my ass.  Although his cock was large, the plug was much thicker.  I could feel his precious seed leaking down my leg as he inserted the plug.  He immediately began licking the cum from my leg, and instructed me to roll over.  As I did, the Father put his lips to mine, saying that precious seed was not to be wasted. Afterwards, I was instructed to thoroughly clean his holy post.  It was once again covered in a red frothy seed, much more red than out first time. 

    After the cleaning, Father instructed me to get dressed, and to keep the plug in me for at lest 24 hours.  He thanked me for attending services, and asked if I would be back for Sunday service and I said yes Father. A wide smile came across his face as I said that.  He said that I was becoming a loyal member of the church, and that Sunday was a special religious holiday, and that I would be meeting other church Elders then.  He instructed me to wear my usual church attire, and to make sure that the plug was inside me upon arrival.  With that he patted me on my head, and said “depart in friendship.”


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  14. The ”Blessing”:

    Up until my blessing, I had not seen the father totally naked.  After his seed was implanted deep in me, he untied my arms, and instructed me to roll over on my back, clean his holy post, and witness the blessing that I had received.  For the first time, I saw his chiseled body, as I was instructed to clean his holy post.  The first thing that I noticed was a scorpion tat, surrounded by a pentagram.  My mind went racing, and it was obvious to him. He reminded me that   I had come to confess to taking poz loads, and that he was fully toxic, to which I thanked the Father. He told me that I was now a part of the church, but there were rules that I MUST abide to.  First of all he instructed me that I was to have no sexual activity outside of the temple.  He asked if I was totally committed the becoming part of his church, to which I replied yes.  Once again, he reached under the cloth on the table, and removed a chastity cage.  I informed him that I was a total bottom, and he interrupted by saying that even though, my seed was not to be spent even by jacking off.  With that, he locked the cage around my cock, and he held onto the key. He informed me that I would be allowed to share my seed, however it was only when he decided that I could do so.  Secondly, he told me that I must attend two services each and every week, even though it was likely that I would become very ill shortly. He informed me that I would be well taken care of during any illness that I might have.  Lastly, he explained that I was not to tell anyone else about the church, unless I consulted him first.  He explained that while most churches survive on money collected during services, the only collections here would be made of precious seed, and the church was quite particular in its membership.  With that I was instructed to put back on my clothes, and depart in friendship, and the next service would be scheduled on Wednesday at 6pm. I did as instructed and thanked the father. After I returned home, my mind was racing.  I was worn out, and immediately jumped into bed. Could it be true that the blessing that I had received really happened, or was it just a dream?  As I felt my cock stiffening within its cage, I realized that it had indeed happened. I reached down to stroke my cock, but the chastity device did as it was intended.  With that I fell into a deep sleep.

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  15. My new Pastor:

    The door to the confessional slowly opened, and the father came out, fully robed in black, with just his cock sticking out.  He had a white collar around his neck, along with a long rainbow-colored scarf.  He instructed me that I must first be baptized into the church, and led me to his bathroom, which he referred to as the baptismal pool.  He instructed me to lay in the tub, and receive my first baptism.  He began slowly by pissing all over my body.  He then instructed me to open my mouth and accept his holy wine.  I greedily drank his piss, without spilling a drop.  With that he informed me that I was now part of the church, and that a celebration would commence. He then toweled me off and led me to the kneeling bench which was next to the still covered alter.  He instructed me to kneel across the alter with my ass high in the air, which I obliged.  Reaching under the covered alter, he removed a chalice with a liquid in it.  I wasn’t sure what it was, but I was instructed to drink heartily from it.  I have never done drugs before, but this drink was apparently highly laced with something, as I felt a totally new experience.  My mind was racing and I was as horny as fuck.  All inhibitions were set aside.  Once I finished the rather large chalice, I was told I would now receive his blessing which would bring me into his church for the rest of my life.  My hands were tied with his rainbow-colored scarf, and my hole was prepared for entry.  His fingers slowly stretched my quivering ass, scratching my cunt until it was bleeding.  I know it was bleeding as the Father removed them from me, and made me suck them clean.  After doing so, I felt some sharp chards being inserted up my ass.  I dared to ask Father what it was, and he simply said communion wafers.  I thanked him.  The Father asked me if I was ready to join the Brotherhood and I replied yes! He teased my ass with his cock just sticking his cock in and making me beg for his holy post.  Very unexpectedly, he drove hard in me balls to the wall.  As he was pounding me, he was chanting, and just before he blew his seed deep in me, he asked if I was ready to receive the blessings of the Father. As I replied yes, he shot deep into my ass.


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  16. The Confessional:

    I was led to the confessional by hand, and as I came to find out, it was a closet, with a glory hole cut into the door.  I heard the door open, and close, and then was instructed to remove my hood.  After removed, the priest asked me what my confession was.  I told him that I was looking to become poz, and that I was recently seeded by several toxic tops. The Father asked me why I thought it was a sin, as I was chasing, and took several anonymous poz loads.  I explained to the Father that although I was looking to become positive, I wanted to know who my gifter was.  The Father told me that although I could have already become positive it would be considered an “Immaculate Conception” and that I was not to worry about it, and that although it was not a sin in his eyes, immediately told me that I must repent and then there was total silence.  A cock then poked through the glory hole, and he instructed to take his holy post for his forgiveness.  Its was hard to tell through the glory hole, but he seemed to have 8+ inches of dripping uncut meat.  As I continued to devour his holy post, he said “good alter boy.” Through his voice, I could tell that a massive load was building, and it wouldn’t be long before I received my gift.  His cock suddenly withdrew from the glory hole, and he instructed me to turn around and put my ass up to the glory hole to receive my repentance.  I quickly obliged, and within 5 minutes, his pace quickened and I felt his cock pulsing inside me as he told me to prepare for his blessing.  After remaining in me for a few minutes, he instructed me to turn around and clean his holy post.  As I did, I could taste the salty taste of cum, mixed in with the coppery taste of blood.  With that, he told me it was time to meet my new pastor.


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  17. The Confession

    Here is where the fiction comes in.  I begged the Priest to let me visit as I had a confession that I needed to get off of my chest.  He agreed to let me know as soon as his family left, and he was able to set up the “church.” In my mind, it was just another time that he would flake out on me, but I remained on Grindr awaiting a message from him.  To my surprise, I received a message from him later in the day, saying that, “the Temple has been set up, and I should come over for a service.” He gave me his address, and instructed me to wear appropriate church clothes, which included gym shorts, a tee shirt and jock strap only.  I was already cleaned out, and told the Father that I needed his address.  Once he gave it to me, I informed him that I would be over in 15 minutes.  He just said “Good Alter Boy, and that when I arrived, I should just knock on door 3 time, no more, no less.”

    I arrived at his place as scheduled, and knocked three times.  The door opened just a bit, and I couldn’t see much.  The room was very dark, and I could see some sort of table, which was covered with a black shroud, and two red candles lit on each side, holding it down.  Besides the table was a modified kneeling bench. His hand reached through the door, handing me a leather mask, with no eye holes, and told me that this was a part of proper church attire, and I needed to put it on before entry.  I quickly did as instructed, and he grabbed my hand and led me into his temple.  I was a bit nervous, but I just knew I would receive the Fathers blessing.

    Once inside, he instructed me to strip to just my jock, which I quickly did.  As I was hooded, I couldn’t really tell what was going on.  He began by tweaking my nipples quite hard, and then instructed me to turn around, to which I complied.  Once I turned around, he grabbed my ass cheeks and started feeling them.  He then instructed me to bend over, and I quickly obliged.  As a did, I felt his finger enter my ass.  As he worked it, I was moaning in pleasure, and it wasn’t long before a second finger was inserted.  After about five minutes, he removed his fingers, and something strange took their place. I had no idea what it was, but it felt amazing.  After he removed the object he instructed me to stand up and turn around again.  This time he grabbed my hard, yet pathetic cock through my jock.  He asked if I was there to confess about my pathetic cock, to which I replied no, but I knew it was pathetic, and that is why I am a total bottom.  He said good choice my son.  He grabbed my hand telling me we would discuss further in the confessional.  TO BE CONTINUED!


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  18. WRITERS NOTE:  Although I am not familiar at al with chem sex, I have decided to take a stab at writing some about it, and have asked the moderators to move this story to the Chem Sex Fiction area.  When it is moved, I will continue the story.

  19. 2 minutes ago, ericbttmffx said:

    A good storyteller can’t be rushed, either. So I try to avoid the “when is the next chapter coming” posts. 

    So true!  Other stories have been real, and just had to remember details.  

  20. A fantasy of mine finally became reality when I took my first double dicking!  Both guys were 8 plus, and took turns being the "thruster."  My ass was sore as hell, but the feeling of their seed  deep in my ass made it better.  Tried to attach photos, but all were too big unfortunately.

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  21. 1 hour ago, ericbttmffx said:

    I’m out of up votes for the day; but please continue

    I HATE the limits on votes here!  Trust me I am writing the follow ups.  Its harder than I thought though.  My other stories have been real, but as I write the fiction, I cant see to stop keeping my hands off cock, and cumming.

  22. For those who have read my other stories here, you know that they have been real stories.  This is my first attempt at a work of fiction.  The only part about it which is true is the setup.


    For some time now I have been chatting with a local guy on Grinder who is undetectable.  For the most part, he has been reluctant to play, and when he is available, I am not.  He recently changed his profile pic to one which was very dark, sitting by his bed in a black hoodie with his hand on his crotch.  His profile said, "Its Sunday so come over and get on your knees for confession, amongst other things.  Ill have you talking to God in no time." I immediately hit him up telling him that I liked the new pic and profile, and told him that I needed to confess something.  He said that  he couldn't today as family was visiting, even though his profile mentioned Sunday.  We chatted a bit, and I asked him if he was looking for a Priest/Parishioner  role play.  He stated no, but he had dated a priest for a brief time, and it was pretty dark.  He didn't care to discuss it any further, but my cock was rock hard, and oozing pre cum at just the thought of it.  Although I knew it would make me late for work, I had to jack a load off. I already had my work shirt off, and was a good thing that I took it off, as I shot a load that hit my chin!

    To be continued.... If you like!

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