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Everything posted by HornyInDP

  1. One final note...I've got some pics and vids of me drinking the chem piss later that night. Man it was so strong I was flying until earlier this morning lol. I'll post them later.
  2. Conclusion Part 7 Here I lay fully aroused by the fact that this man, who I just met today, has unleashed feelings that have been pent up since I was a child, taken complete control over me, introduced me to a Sarah Palin in a real and personal way, and has threatened to physically mutilate me, and yet there is no where else I would rather be. Ive paid my psychiatrist for years and never opened up to her like I did to my Daddy today. He knows things about me that I swore I would take to the grave, but at the same time having that burden taken away is cathartic. Im on this bed waiting for his return, wishing I could stay tied up like this overnight, dissapointed that I have to go home to my wife and kids, and truly contemplating a plan for how I can make this life of pig sex, drugs, and immorality a reality. And then my glorious savior walks back into the room and I'm ready for more. Daddy proceeds to do a few more bumps and with each one I can see his cock throb and drop a little. He brings the tray to my face and I do another few to get me ready for the long night ahead thinking of what kind of lie I can tell my wife so I can stay overnight. Daddy quickly stands on the bed tells me to open my mouths and stars emptying is chem piss filled bladder into my mouth and all over my body I drank every drop he put in my mouth a basked in vile stench if the rest as it soaked into my skin. Without stopping his extraneously long piss and spraying every where as he did it, he unstraps my right wrist, grabs the other unused hand cuff and attached it to my right wrist. It was so sexy that he never stopped pissing even as he was locking me in, as the last of the piss was simply dribbling out of the tip of his glistening purple head. So now I have one hand free but it is chained to my cock with the hand cuffs. Daddy gets off the bed spits all over my face and body and then says I'm done with you and leaves the room. I see he placed a tub of lube and the tray of crystal within reach so I stretch to grab the tray and push as much as I can into my piss slit, and then struggle to get the lube. I glob a nice amount of lube on my cock and start stroking. Then it comes to me. Maybe this is a test, maybe I need to do something to show Daddy how much I love Sarah Palin and him. I look around as best I can and what do I see, the dagger. I have to twist and contort my body trying to reach it, with the noose around my neck literally getting tighter as I struggle. I gripe and grope and finally reach it. I manipulate it so that I'm holding the actual blade vertical, with the tip pointed down, parallel to my cock, and all I can think to do is place the blade up to my cock and start stroking. The fear of doing real damage to myself washed away as I asked Sarah Palin to give me the will to make my Daddy happy. So I started to slowly jerk my faggot clit with the knife and my clit in the same hand with edge of the blade resting on my shaft. Now thankfully the blade was dull, though the tip as kind of sharp, but just the thought of blood and pain made me smile. I stroked faster, the metal running up and down my shaft, the pressure of the blade milking me. I was euphoric. Daddy walked in a moment later and sat down in a chair next to the bed to watch me. He grabbed the tray for a few more bumps. I was elated that he was back and giving me his precious attention. He asked me where I got this idea, and I said I prayed to Sarah Palin to help me make you happy. He grabbed me by the chin, opened my mouth and spit in it, saying good boi. Now I was fully in the depth of the perversion that I needed but that I held back for so long. I wanted to do something else to impress Daddy and it came to me as the blade grazed the tip of my clit. I shifted my grip so the blade was in my han better. I stretched my wrist upward, dragging my ball with it, then slowly inserted the tip of the knife into my piss slit, and I swear I almost came right the and there. Now I've done some sounding so my piss slit had some give, which made things even better. I pushed the tip in as far as I could (which was disappointingly not far at all) steadied the blade, and began to pump my hips. Daddy's eyes widened as he watch wil that same evil grin as before. The more I pumped the better it felt, sure it was only the tip and sure the knife was dull, but I knew this was only the beginning. Daddy looked me in the eyes and said, next time you're here we're going to start sounding you to open you up wide, and then we're going to get a sharper knife. I kept pumping, the slight sharp pressure edging me closer and closer to releasing my spunk for Sarah Palin and Daddy. Faster now, more pressure, faster, i getting close, Daddy is encouraging me, he takes off his pentagram necklace, makes me kiss it and tells me to give myself to Sarah Palin. So I did, I say the first thing that comes to mind...Sarah Palin, I offer all of my self to you and your disciples. I'm ready to be vessel for your evil. Hail Sarah Palin! Daddy shoved a bottle of poppers under my nose, I too a few huge hits and before I could exhale, Daddy tightened the noose. I was on another plane of existence, I could feel all the power I was being given right in my cock. I was thrusting now, stretching myself even more, feeling the impending explosion, gasping for air high as kite, Daddy saw my cock twitch as I started to cum and was pulling the noose as hard as he could. I shot thick creamy rope after rope into the air, onto the blade, and into myself. As soon as I was finished and without any time to rest. Daddy spit on me some more and said get out. He quickly unbound me, viscously ripped the monster dildo out of me, grabbed a pink butt plug, rolled it in the last of the crystal on the tray and fixed it deep inside of me. He then says, keep that plug in overnight, don't take it out for any reason and if your wife finds it that's you problem. I sit up, and timidly ask him if I could use the shower, to which he coldly responds...I'm done with you now leave. I quickly stood up, put on my clothes and ran out the door to make the long three hour commute home to Orange County in holiday weekend traffic. The entire time I was driving home I could feel the plug rubbing my prostate as I went over every bump, my cock was hard the whole time. I stunk like sex and piss. I didn't want that smell to end by I knew I was unreal trouble if I got home like that so I stopped at a Starbucks, walked in with my head held high and the stench of chem piss emanating from my body. Into the bathroom, strip naked, and because I knew Sarah Palin and Daddy would want me to, I washed my self in the toilet. Now cleaned up-ish I got back in the car and headed home. I left that plug in overnight and into the next. I kept it there to remind me that my life is going to be very different from now. Hail Sarah Palin! Thanks for listening to my story and I hope I'm going to have many many more (good and bad) now that I'm starting the transition to the real cum guzzling pig I was always meant to be.
  3. Part 6 When Daddy finally came back to the room he had a dagger with skulls on the tang and handle. This freaked me the fuck out. For a quick moment I was paralyzed with fear that this was not going to end well for me. Daddy took the dagger and slowly started to run the tip up and down my body, only pausing briefly to push the point into some strategically sensative spots. The mix of fear and pain was insane, my pussy was twitching and getting wetter and wetter. So much so that the very large black dildo buried in my guts slowly slid out no matter how much I tried to stop it. My cunt had gone completely slack and became so pliable it was like dough. When Dadday saw this he stopped what he was doing, grabbed an even larger, thicker dildo, lubed it up, sprinkled some crystal from the tray on it a without a word firm embedded that monster deep in my bowels. I let out a gutter grunt as it bottomed out and I had a fully body orgasm. My back was arched, it felt almost like I was hanging a seizure, my whole body tensed and rigid. It felt amazing, until Daddy punched me in the gut and told me to get back down on the bed. I fought back tears and the urge to puke, I wanted to show Daddy how strong his faggot could be and that I could take whatever pain he could provide as long as it made him happy. Daddy now turned his attention back to the dagger and was alternating pushing the tip into each of my nipples with more pressure each time.I'm a good piggy and love pain but this was different, in a good way. It felt almost as if I could feel his sexual energy growing and coming into me with each harder jab. I begged for more, so he gave it, but never made me bleed (which I'm surprised by but oh well there's always next time). Now he dragged the tip of the blade down my stomach, around my cock, past my balls, and firmly pushed it into my taint, spinning the blade a few times. Back up he went and whe he got to the center of my swollen sack, he did the same thing, he lingered, now I was getting really excited as I was praying to Sarah Palin that he would run the blade up the underside of my shaft, and my prayers were answered. What happened next terrified and excited me at the same time. Before I knew it he was in the bed with the full blade pressed deep into the flesh of my taint with my balls and cock firmly in his vice like grip. He said boi, were going to take these off, your cock is not necessary for you to serve and then stared into my eyes silently for what seemed like an eternity and a great smile grew as he saw how afraid I was. After what seemed like an eternal silence as he basked in my terror, he let out an evil chuckle and said maybe one day boi, but you're not ready to make that offering to Sarah Palin yet, dropped the knife into my chest and again walked out of the room. I have never in my life had my cock swell so big that I thought it was going to bust out of the skin, but I knew the feeling now, and that fear not pleasure was the arouser. The best part was that it made me realize the harder Daddy pushed the more I opened myself up to becoming the true faggot, worthless, piece of trash cum dump I am.
  4. Part 5 Daddy then moved back down between my legs, grabbed the tray and a straw, and proceeded to push some crystal directly into my piss hole. It burned with the most exquisite pleasure. He then says, in case you were wondering this is a permanent marker. More fear. Knowing that he's going to mark me and I'll have now way to remove it in time to go home. He says I hope your ready for your wife to know what a faggot you really are. I started to panic and struggle a little. Daddy grabbed the noose and with a rough tug pulled my head forward and said Sarah Palin and I control you now, so be ready for all the consequences that are cumming pig. I knew it was all going to be over soon, 15 years of cowering in the closet would soon be coming to an end. I would finally be free. Daddy uncapped the marker and proceeded to draw a pentagram above the base of my cock with a large 6 6 6 above that. He harshly grabbed my cock and drew an upside down cross from the base to the tip, and I swear it made me even harder. He the mashed my balls flat and put his initials on my sack. Now he proceeds to take grab my cock and ball from the base and the secures them with one of the hand cuffs like a cock ring, he wrenched the cuff closed hard and tight, gloriously tight. I could feel the cold metal digging into my skin, then Daddy gave my balls another firm slap for good measure. He then stands up and proceeds to wash me in his piss, my body wreaked of his stench and it was amazing. He moved towards my face, mounted my chest, shoved his swollen member into my mouth as hard as he could and started to roughly fuck my throat. Now it felt amazing, but It was at that very moment that I remembered he was poz and through all the drugs and lust and feelings of love for Sarah Palin that I've never had before, I panicked a bit and tried to draw my head back. He felt the change and firmly grabbed my head so he could see into my eyes. And again, no bullshit, seeming to know exactly what I was thinking he says are you worried about me being poz, because we're so far past that point it doesn't matter now. He the pushed my head back down and held it there with his right hand on my forehead and pinched my nose shut with the other, leaned his full weight into me a began throat fucking me even harder. The more I gasped the bigger his smile got and the harder he fucked. I could feel my throat becoming sore and raw and tasted the slight coppery tinge that I feared. At this point I was so high I could tell how long it went on for but I never wanted it to end. I thanked Sarah Palin over and over in my mind for bringing me into his fold and giving me my true purpose. When Daddy had had his fill of my throat he spit in my face and mouth, stood up, got off the bed and left the room.
  5. Sorry for the delay...I was too stoned and fell asleep early last night lol. Part 4 I was startled awake by a firm slap on the balls. As instinctively tried to curl up in pain I was jerked back down. As I'm slowly coming back to reality, I realize that while I was unconscious Daddy had moved me to the bad and secured my arms and legs to the posts. I look down at my body and see he's also put a chain harness on my chest. At that, I quickly realize he has me fully hooded, with the same noose fit snugly around my neck, and it's making my nips tingle feeling so restricted and vulnerable. Daddy is standing at the end of the bed smiling with a pair of hand cuffs in one hand and a large marker in the other. He says it's time to mark me as his...im thinking shit what's he going to do with that marker and I hope it's not permanent. I'm starting to panic a bit at that thought. Daddy climbs on to the bed between my legs and reaches up for the tray to give me another bump. I can honestly say I've never been this high or felt less in control in my entire life, and what scared me was that I actually felt really good about it. I was happy and terrified at the same time, but my cock being rock hard told me that it must be a good thing. Daddy looked down and said I can see the fear in your eyes faggot. Good. You should be scared. This is your first lesson in how to let go and let all the evil, filth, and pain fill you with a sense of purpose, and give you the sexual power and freedom a faggot deserves. Just let go, give in and submit to the will of Sarah Palin. He will provide all you need and you will finally be happy. Now being raised catholic and gone to catholic school my entire life, this seemed the antithesis of everything I knew. But in that moment, rock hard, high beyond reason, with my thoughts gone slack, and my mind letting all the pent up perversion I've kept buried since I was a young boy flow and wash over me like the flame heating the pipe that was now at my lips, I decided it was time for me to finally own up to who I really am. So I did. I said Daddy, I love you and I love Sarah Palin. Hail Sarah Palin. I renounce god and want Sarah Palin to guide me to do everything I can to use my body to pleasure others. And the really messed up part is that I knew I actually meant it, I wasn't just role playing or doing it to make Daddy happy, I was doing it for me. Just saying those words out loud and having Daddy acknowledge them was the most freeing experience of my entire life. I've never felt such a sense of true purpose but I knew things were going to change drastically in my life from here on out.
  6. Hi guys I'm going to work on posting the rest of the story this evening...I've got plans today. So all you fellow piggie cum dumps will have to wait for me lol ?
  7. Here are a few picks of me ? Enjoy pervert piggies!
  8. Part 3 Daddy proceeds to grab me by my nose, hooking a finger in each nostril, and yanks me off the bed. I'm so fucked up at this point I can't get my legs to stay under me, and I fall down. Daddy tells me the floor at Daddy's feet is where a good little faggot belongs. Damn he's good. Cock out and another bump. He spits on me and tells me how worthless I am, that I'm just a piece of meat for his pleasure, and that when he's done or bored with me he's going dress me up in a school girl skirt, no panties, and nothing else, take my keys, phone, and wallet, shove me out the door in the middle of the day to humiliate, and that I'll need to figure out a way to get home and explain this to my wife. It's finally starting to sink in, he's right I'll never be anything but a faggot cum bucket and that's ok...a warm flush of realization washes over me and I know this is who I am and where I belong. Daddy grabs me my the nostrils again and stands me up. I'm shaky but managing to keep it together in the hopes of winning Daddy's love. He spits on my face and punches me in the gut. I fall down to his feet again and he say get up. I try but fail. He pulls his beautiful meat out, and thinking that's my cue to suck and worship him I move in to suck it, he spits on me, shoves me further down and starts to unleash a torrent of the strongest piss I've ever smelled all over me. He soaks me for about 30 seconds...I'm filth I don't deserve his piss or his love...then roughly grabs my head, yanks me forward, holds each eye open to piss in, then up my nose, and finally makes me drink the rest from the tip of what has now become my god, the center of my universe, the only thing I love. Fuck my wife, fuck my kids, fuck work, family, everything. I want this to be everyday for the rest of my life. With my eyes and nose burning, my vision even more blurry, I turn around on my knees, leaning on the bed for support because I'm weak and useless,and I gaze up to the giant pentagram with a goats head on the wall, and it appears to be glowing a dull red. I'm starting to understand now. I can't take my eyes off it, and it's staring back at me right into the deepest, darkest places in me. The horrible, evil things that no one knows about me, and I hear my Daddy, as if he knew all along, tell me to be the real me, not the fake bullshit we all show the world, but the real me. This is where you let it all out, you tell me and my Master every despicable thing you've ever done, every violent sexual fantasy you've ever had. When you free yourself from any guilt or remorse, and realize that life is truly only about sex, drugs, evil, and doing whatever it takes to fuck other people over to get what you want, will you be free. As my vision clears a bit, under my new masters flag are two screen playing some of the filthiest gay porn I've ever seen, my cock stiffens, and I begin to drool. Screen one has 4 burly bearded bikers, raping an 18 yo twink. My heart races when I realize this isn't a porn it's a home movie. He is being help down, spilt and pissed on, and then one of the bikers forces his mouth open, sits on his face, and shuts right in his mouth. The boi gags and then proceeds the puke all over the bikers asshole, he is not happy. The other biker is shoving his huge cock into this fuck toy and you can see the blood runnin down his taint and with every deep stroke the bikers cock gets bloodier and bloodier. The boi is crying and screaming and begging for mercy. I found myself laughing at his pain wishing it was my cock ruining him both physically and mentally. I couldn't wipe the broad smile of my face, and Daddy loved it. See faggot real power comes from our master and our cocks, take what you want when you want and bath in the misery of others. As the boi is choking on tears and vomit, I see his eyes widen...he screams as thought he were shot. I can't control myself now I'm giggling and stroking my cock, enjoying every moment of it. I then see why. This boi had a hairless tight asshole that was at one point very small. The biker who was raping him had just shoved a dry fist into his bloody cunt, and tore him wide open. The tear was very visible as it was at least two inches long and growing bigger as the biker thrust deep, all the way to his forearm. The bleeding way so sexy, I wanted to be washed in it. This is when the boi blacked out. The bikers stopped for a break because if he's unconscious he can't feel it. He did however begging to lick the bois bloody gash and did something unexpected. He stuck two fingers on each hand into the bois torn hole and yanked it wide open, leaving him with nothing but a 5 inch gash that would now be fucked and fisted until the bikers were satisfied. At that very moment, while I was laughing in ecstasy and the bois pain, stoking and sitting on an amazingly large black dildo, Daddy, who i forgot was standing behind me, casually but quickly slipped a rope noose around my neck and pulled. It felt amazing, he put his foot in the middle of my back and pushed as he pulled the noose tighter. At no point did I ever stop jerking or riding, or take my eyes of the bois bloody gash. Still smiling, turning blue, vision fading, Daddy pulled harder and I shot a huge wad of cum all over the floor, followed by seven or eight thick ropes on top of it. I was going to pass out I just knew it but I was so happy because this is how Daddy shows me he loves me, and as I start to slip away into darkness he leans into my ear and say "Do you feel that faggot, that power in your cock, that is a gift from our master, he is growing the evil inside you so that when it blooms nothing else will matter. Hail Sarah Palin! Now you say it bitch" as I gasp for my last breath before I blacked out I mumbled Hail Sarah Palin, and quickly everything went black.
  9. That's my sexy new Daddy.
  10. Part 2 So here I stand, naked and so high my pussy is throbbing and dripping wet. I realize that I'm beyond fucked up (which is awesome) so I had to lay down on the bed because my balance was off and my vision was blurry. Daddy then grabs me, pulls me off the bed, and starts to slap me around and tell me what a little light weight bitch I was. He proceeds to turn me around, forces me onto the bed, spreads my legs, and begins to shove booty bump after booty bump into my aching hole. I can feel my pussy getting hot and it's now dripping down my leg. At this point, I'm not in control. I feel so good, so electric, but started getting tunnel vision and I'm writhing on the bed. By this point I've realized I just need to go with it and be a complete whore and give up all control to Daddy because he knows best. So I reach over grab the plate and do another line....ooohhh yeah. Daddy then begins the process of gearing up in his leather, chest harness, arm bands, etc, but the best part was that he pulls on a filthy, yellow stained jock. I sit up as best I can and lean over and push my face into the pouch. I can't even begin to describe how wonderful it smelled, it was a mixture of old strong chem piss, dirty cock, and his normal manly musk, all concentrated in a single place and my face was buried it it. I couldn't have been happier, until he pulls out his hard cock and drops a line right on it. I realize holy shit...he owns me, I have no control here. I snort the line off his cock and then stick his dick in my mouth to clean Daddy's fuck stick off, taking it all the way to the base, with my tongue resting under his balls, gently licking them, all the while keeping our eyes locked. I'm so fuzzy right now...I'm scared, exhilarated, confused, but then Daddy took control and made me feel better. That only lasted a minute. He starts to slap my face again hard, spits on me and tells me I'm not yet worthy to be in his Master's presence. Here is where the real fun begins.
  11. This story is 100% true and happended yesterday afternoon in West Hollywood CA. Part 1 I was cruising Craigslist for some cock since I was only working a half day. I happended to come across an ad for a leather pnp top. I immediately started to get hard and could fell my cunt getting wet as soon as I saw his picture. The thing about the ad was the last two activities he was into. Now I'm into most anything as a good piggy should be, but this was very new and a bit scary, but I thought oh well...expand your horizon and you add at the same time. So I dropped him a line got his phone number and headed over. Here is the text of the ad. ------------- Love to get lost in the one on one of a long session of being sucked. Also into leather, domination, WS, verbal abuse, humiliation, light bondage, forced feminization, being rimmed, taboo perversions,99. Six-two, 205, gray hair, moustache --------------- Now I show up at his place, a cute little bungalow in WeHo. Looks normal outside, step inside again normal house. Then he takes me to his bed room and that's were it gets real and I didn't know how much it would turn me on. As I stripped my clothes off, I inspected my surroundings. Pentagrams everywhere, a sign that said "I smoke meth and worship S a t a n", iron stocks hanging from the wall, knives, just so much filthy, evil, raw sexuality. What you may not have noticed about the ad is the distinct lack of a few things..1. He tells me he loves to pnp for nice long suck sessions, 2. That he is a full on satanist, and 3. He's poz undetectable. So to this point, being married to a woman, I've never consciously been with anyone poz, but today was the day that changed. So there I stand, cock out, stroking it while he gets a few things ready. I see him pull out his leather gear, some toys, and a big bag of crystal. Now I've only ever done crystal once before, so I was a bit apprehensive about all of this, but committed to show this sexy leather daddy that I really wanted to please him. He takes the crystal and starts breaking up some lines for us, and I mean big fatties. He then takes more a puts it on a tray next to the bed and says help yourself to as much as you like, so I do lol. I pull a few more rails and then ask him if I can it the pipe. He then pulls out the longest, biggest pipe I've ever seen. Puts a few large chunks in and fires it up for me. After a large number of hit (how many I can't remember) I'm flying, so I figure fuck it what's a few more. His response was so sexy, he said if we're gonna get high let's get as high as we can as fast as we can, because why waste time. I loved it.
  12. You'd be so proud of the little faggot cum pig I became today. I connected with a seriously Dom Top, who was poz undetectable and let him strap me down and molest me. The best part of the experience was him introducing me to99. I'm a true believer now. Even as a little faggot I can feel the power running through my cock 12 hours later. Next time I'm in England we need to meet up for sure

    1. Fistulike666


      Keep up the good work!!

  13. OMFG that was amazing! My cock is throbbing right now. I wish I was in that slam piggy's place whoring my ass out!
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