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Everything posted by nanana

  1. Greetings men: leaving DC around 3/15 or 3/16 heading down I-95 to Charleston then heading back via Columbia Asheville Charlottesville back to DC 24th latest. Hit me up for anything from chat to rum/sodomy/lash
  2. If you imagine that you are the same as a superpower and as such you are empowered to sacrifice Americas tax dollars and become a wounded vegetable that deserves a subsidy, then by all means (but with no guarantees) live your words you brave man. If you think this call to sacrifice will go far on a pleasure-seeking bareback site filled with lovers (definitely not fighters), then ask these warmonger Eurolads to put their (free-site-access) dick-money where Zelenskier’s mouth is. Or post your bank account and routing number here so we can let the IRS know that you volunteered our tax money to military-socialism up the world.
  3. Lol
  4. Lads we’d are all here because sex has a power for us but did any of you imagine it as an either / or? Either slut or chaste monk who’d be happy with another non-sexual access to your higher pleasure power? I’ve taken thousands of loads and fed 10 years of cocsuckers. Am I just fooling myself that I’d be happy in a sexless world?
  5. Very fair question. My source is Ron Paul. I hope my responses to facts shared in this forum add a nuance for those who cry mis-information. Long before it was a thoughtcrime many fact-loving people were wrong, made mistakes, or cited statistics from a slightly different time set. Anyone who reports annual data for a non-calendar fiscal year will run into how confounding it can be to normalize data. Without presuming to know the souls and motivations of anyone let along the pixellated mysteries on this site, I can easily imagine that many of you who may passionately disagree with the way I see things may be equally as passionate as I am about wishing for a path to peace. I wish you all profound peace in this very moment, but maybe unlike Viking8x6’s caution I bet the lads on this site may enjoy some group knicker-twisting in dark rooms… 🙂 im sure it can be upsetting to confront diverse ways of thinking, but imagine how it might feel to be in a thought-minority… be safe!
  6. Instead of more Ukrainian and Russian bloodletting maybe Ursula von der Leyen could just have a MASSIVE ETERNAL PERIOD to slake Europe’s bloodlust.
  7. It’s a shame that Democrats and lefties are in complete denial about Obama starting the war in 2014 when Victoria Nuland instigated the Maydan coup, overthrew the democratically elected president, and started a civil war that resulted in 14000 deaths, all while their vice president was giving his crackhead son cover for a corrupt Burisma sinecure. But sadly most leftie Demos only get “curated” news that leave them with the hysterical sensation that Democrats actually practice the pretty pretty words they preach. Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Who’s now in charge? Super excited that Putin is brokering peace between Iran and US. One bonus question: when did Demos and RINOs decide it was prudent to jettison Washington’s advice about entangling alliances or Quincy Adams’ advice not to go overseas for monsters to destroy?”
  8. This is much better detail than I had, so it will not be as big a financial blow to Europe if the US withdraws.
  9. I appreciate your assertion that my statistics are wrong. Aside from your assertion what’s your evidence or source?
  10. With US footing the bill at 70%, maybe the Europeans would be freer to pursue their war policies and pay for them themselves?
  11. For rockstar @viking8x6 can you clarify whether 8 is your girth or length (and if girth diameter or circumference?)
  12. I think the real traitors are presidents and people of the senate and congress who vote to steal billions from the American people and give it away to corrupt crackheads that should be ashamed to beg in front of CVS let alone YetZelCuck Congress. Three cheers for Oval Office truths and the revelations that Ukrainian emperors have no clothes.
  13. LOL I like the reactions about how ineffective it will be from a protest perspective but from a life is beautiful perspective I just found a great small business that offers growers champagne and takes cash 🙂.
  14. It sounds more assertively speculative than false. Also the wikipedia article you quoted indicate that many countries have approved ivermectin for use “Countries that have granted such official approval for ivermectin include the Czech Republic,[56] Slovakia,[56]Mexico,[59] Peru (later rescinded),[60][61] India[62][63](later rescinded),[64] and the Philippines.[65] “ I don't see anywhere in insatiableholeTOs original post about a specific jurisdiction. (He’s from Toronto.) Since assertive speculation sounds off limits, I’ll just say, thanks for enabling us you have a difficult job.
  15. [think before following links] https://x.com/LangmanVince/status/1894539889435091234
  16. Dallas Pozzible writes of the loss of credibility. What of the loss of credibility of the EU, of the suicidal joke that is Germany (I think The Vatican should annex Laboratory), the clown-states of Israel and Ukraine fomenting death, pussy-boy-and-pederast-couple-macrons? Exactly from whom is credibility bestowed? Continuity of Bush-Obama policies? (Personally I wish Trump could find a less in-your-face style, but it’s a good test of true friends to see if they are too fragile to be manly when a manly ally is required.) Also, you SILLY bitches stop taking his playfulness at face value. He breaks too many REAL eggs for you to be distracted by his posturing and repositioning. (I’m worried about enough of what he’s doing to waste time on taking his Netanyahu-bait at face value. )
  17. P.S. - I love to put all of my eggs in a single basket. You too?
  18. Dear White People, You are aware that ANYONE can edit Wikipedia, which is a HIGHLY DYNAMIC single source of truth no? Of course truth changes from ruler to ruler or from profit motive to profit motive. I appreciate our dear enabler RawTop and his wishes that only truth reign. I leave you with only questions rather than anything that could be construed as misinformation. 1) have all scientific insights already been had that the only thing left to do is to agree with all sources of past scientific insight and maybe even declare the end of inquiry? 2) can you, dear censors, think of a time in the past when one predominant interpretation of facts was replaced by a new prevailing interpretation of facts, perhaps the moment that Salem abandoned its scientific tests for witches? 3) from a personal perspective, what do you get out of shutting down diversity of thought? 4) do you remember when homos were the champions of fresh perspective and non-conformity? 5) have you ever PERSONALLY reinterpreted data? 6) what was Albert Einstein’s job when he wrote his papers on Brownian motion, specific relativity, general relativity, etc. and would you count his profession as providing him sufficient certifications for his insights? 7) were Copernicus and Galileo “misinformation spreaders” or are they sufficiently celebrated by the writers of Wikipedia to have homo street-cred? 8 ) have you ever witnessed two people you admire having a formidable debate? 9) Have you heard of an Overton Window? 10) given the number of times per day that you hear things you may disagree with, what % of daily disagreements is your banning and censorship regime addressing? 11) when one acknowledges an infraction, do you picture that the infractor has conformed his thinking? 12) what secret nonconformist thoughts do you have that you are smart enough not to express on this great site? 13) on a scale of 1 - 10, how manly would you rate a conformist? 14) how deeply is it necessary to go to understand uniquely-understood truths: Wikipedia-level depth or many-perspectives depth? 15) how BAD is it to be wrong, intellectually unpopular, or to have evidence of truths that the vast majority of homos simply lack, being highly reliant upon tailored sources of information subsidized by the profiteers? 16) did you ever see the play/movie with Meryl Streep as the nun with “Doubt”? 17) do you think you have access to all facts? 18) do you think all existing facts support your opinions, or might some facts support alternate opinions? 19) is there only black and white in your mental model or is there gray? 20) in your way of thinking, do liars exist and is it possible that they were motivated to write for Wikipedia? 21) is it true or false for you that lairs are at least sometimes motivated by the profit motive? 22) is it true or false for you that liars are likely to dress like truth-tellers, maybe even priests (or lab workers)? 23) have you ever been forgiven for making a mistake and either way how did that affect your interest in the forgiver’s perspective? 24) how many times have you made fun of “fascist” Italy or the Stalinist “Soviet Union” or the anti-homosexual Hollywood Hayes Code, and if so how much time have you spent exploring your blind spots? 25) it is said that scientific revolutions only occur when old scientists die: do you feel this is a reasonable insight or one that if expressed by a fellow bareback homo should be banned? very respectfully but stimulated highly by your future answers (wishing for myself an intense brain erection)
  19. How are the right-leaning guys here feeling about Trumps first few days in office? Any great things and any concerns? Thought I’d resurrect this thread since there are very few non-Democrat or non-leftist voices in the other threads. I don’t begrudge any demoleftists their opinions but looking for less than knock-down drag-out exchange. as for me: happy about potential end of Kowtowing to Eurosocialist-dominated EU and NATO moochers, happy about full frontal attack on censorship and USAID-style corruption and Samantha Power-style self-enrichment but worry about precedents set for future administrations, excited by shrinking of government hopeful about debt reduction and 50% reduction in military in favor of Fortress America, wandering if the necessary speed of Apple-cart overturning may break economy but think it may be necessary to reindustrialize, definancialize and tip balance for workers and Main Street. Will deep state find a poison pill? Will the vipers of lawfare throw darts? I hope Other countries interpret his first few days as needed tough love and rise up rather than being offended by Trumps admittedly in-your-face style. What say you ex-Democrats, you righteous independents, you RINOs you libertarians, you MAGA lads and you free-thinker non-partisans with a less-than reductionistic worldview?
  20. I am very happy to see the Trump administration make a concerted effort to shrink government and regulation, reduce bureaucratic headcount and federal contract spending, root out the massive corruption and excessive government expenditure in USAID/HHS/DOJ/etc among other places, move to end the Ukraine war, fight censorship in America and call out the destruction of democracy in Europe, and instill some (slight) hope for a just peace for the Middle East, though the Gaza Own It thing is hopefully another thing that cannot be taken at face value. It would be great if he really could work with Xi and Vlad to cut military expenditure by 50%, though I noticed Vance walked it back a bit. It would be great if the DOGE could audit all of the unauditable unaccountable agencies like the DOD and the Fed. I was originally less concerned about the DOGE, but I do have concerns about the privacy of information. I do feel for the trans community and can understand how my bareback bros might worry about it as a portend of things to come for homos. Definitely have to watch the retreat of individual freedoms, even while freedom to operate in groups may be changed. (I don't expect many to agree with me on my optimism, but hopefully agreement is not the only thing worth communicating.) No beef with the RINO/Democratic voters, but I hope the corrupt RINO/DEMOcrats remain stunned as their theft of Americans' hard earned tax dollars and their intervention in the world's free nations gets upended. I maintain a healthy suspicion of Trump and think a high level of engagement and opinion sharing will be necessary throughout the next four years.
  21. Time to get rid of the treaty.
  22. I love your response brnbk 🙂 I never mind corrections or additions and generally think the best knowledge base is cumulative. I think a lot of our knowledge base has been corrupted by the profit motive. One of the hardest things to do is to unwind the knowledge base implanted to you as a kid. I agree you that there may be many factors to consider. My only request to all here is to think about WHY you think what you do. How much are you just repeating what you heard and how much are you examining evidence? Who benefited by convincing you to espouse a view? How much have you considered the compensation of your sources. If we can have that exchange I’m def up for it.
  23. Why do you think Pfizer has paid BILLIONs in criminal liabilities?
  24. People frequently overweight the value of vaccination and underweight the value of elimination of poisonous agricultural chemicals (real cause of polio), sanitation of running water and elimination of horseshit from streets, etc., which have a much greater correlation to ending disease than vaccines. Read sweet people read. Then think.
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