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About brnbk

  • Birthday October 10

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    Open minded Masculine guy, always open to raw ideas.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Porn Experience
    Fantasy Ltd.
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    Masculine men.

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  1. I was surprised that I couldn't access our beloved site breeding Zone, in India even though commercial sites like barebackrRT - which has a picture of two guys fucking on its login page - are allowed. I have been trying to figure out what would make the Indian authorities spare barebackRT but not breeding Zone. I could only think of two reasons. There are some differences between the two sites. The former is a commercial site, which means some very powerful and wealthy investors, like the gay 1% might be behind barebackrt or at the least some conservative closeted Chinese investor who wants to make sure gays have gay sex but don't talk about it/discuss it/flaunt it etc. coz then the gays might start making social demands which would harm social harmony and social order. Conservatives might consider breeding Zone with its leanings towards free discussion as subversive, and in present day USA 'liberal' - and thus bad. The only other reason I could think of is race/skin colour/physical features. BarebackRT on its login page usually does have pictures of men fucking and, for the most part, this site does as well. However, the only difference I have observed now when i think about it is that, I do not remember seeing any non white images on the barebackrt login page, at least for the past 10 yrs that I have used that site, and they always only have white male images on their login page. No such things as non whites gay: Asians, blacks, Arabs, Indians etc. fucking, for them. However, on the pages of breeding Zone there are usually a couple of advertisement of porn sites with images of men fucking and I would say that non white porn actors esp. black porn stars are featured regularly. I haven't seen that many Asians, native Americans or Arabs etc., or if there are, most of them just blend in with the other white porn actors. It would be a fair thing to say that the porn actors featured in the advertisements on breeding zone are not always white but the models on barebackt are always white. As far as access to other gay media: A lot of gay porn is accessible as well, and only one or two well know porn brands are banned. On my phone, I could access apps like Gr--dr and Scr--f. ( I am avoiding mentioning names of the popular GPS based gay mobile apps, but most guys should be able to figure out who I am talking about. Feel free to message me if you are unsure) So, the question is Why does the Indian government fear this site, but not gay porn, hookup sites or gay mobile apps . Does it have to do with money(corruption) or some kind of data collection - the other sites have access to your data such as IP address, physically identifying information, etc, and in some cases credit card info. ? Or is there some other reason that I am not in the loop about?
  2. I just got myself a copy of the book, but am not super thrilled by the name of the author: Robert Kennedy is a vaccine denier which to me sounds like a nutbar as everyone in the modern world has had vaccines: polio, measles, malaria, flu shot. The principles are basic modern medicine and not that complicated to grasp. My understanding of guys like Robert Kennedy is that they come up with theories that sound smart but are just plain BS. For e.g.: strike fear about medical surgeries, even though doctors have been doing it for at least 100 to 300 years now: Do u really need a heart replacement, do u really need this medical treatment and that treatment;, there is someone out there who is making money of it , therefore u don't need it; Surgeries are dangerous coz someone is cutting you up etc In times of uncertainties like war or pandemics, since people are scared they are likely to fall for such scam-ish ideas. I am going to read the book, before I offer an opinion on Dr. Fauci and the book!
  3. The big problem with Protestant-ism fundamentally is that any pastor can steer(manufacture, make ) "theology" of his "church" in the direction he wishes to. There is no need to go back to historical practices and beliefs and faith of the Church. He can pick up a verse in his Bible, the true bible of course being a 16th century English translation (butchery?) and not the original Bible of the 1st century Greek and Latin, and declare it as the "gospel". Donald Trump is the modern day Henry VIII of England and Hitler of Germany. Unless we understand the fundamental flaws of Protestantism, the world is going to continue to see such characters...
  4. India, make no porn usually, and officially does not watch porn. Yet porn is still available there; and the country's rape and gangrape crisis, and issues with the status of women is well know. Denying sexuality isn't such a smart solution to the age old problem of human sexuality: India is a prime example of it!
  5. The United States had this debate a while ago, during its formation as an economic super powerhouse: In the 1950s to 70s; and decided that it was going to allow for sexual freedoms — Playboy and the billion dollar pornographic industry are proof of it. The US invented mass and commercial pornography; and it is part and parcel of US culture, media, and ethos. The 1973 judgments: Miller vs California and the lesser known Paris Adult Theatre I v. Slato, transformed the legal status of sexuality and made it more acceptable to be sexual, atleast for hetrosexuals. Thus, the 'sex industry' ie porongraphic industry has been part and parcel of US society and culture, pretty much like evangelical Christianity. Taking that away would suddenly leave a big cultural void in the US, that simply cannot be filled. It is almost trying to be someone else/another country etc. The sex industry i.e. pornography is just like any other industry, and goes through its lean and high phases. The golden age of pornography is thought to be between the mid 60s to 80s when porn was considered chic. The invention of the Internet saw the rise of another wave of pornography, with a different feel. The market perhaps, is saturated at the moment and is taking a breather. All those noisy politicians who speak against sexuality and porn, like Speaker Johnson usually have to have a psychotherapist or a psychopathic relationship with their priest or someone else - in his case his son - to keep them from porn. Human beings are human beings and eventually the truth of our existence catches up. Human beings are sexual beings and the sex/porn industry serves that need. It is the shame regarding sexuality has to GO, not the porn industry.
  6. I went with "God given", since space is limited in a poll line even though I must confess, I do not regret the use of the phrase. I would have preferred, the classical: 'gift of the gods', a term that has unfortunately become rare in English, because of WASP cultural influence, that often looks down upon the idea of gods as 'heathen' and the idea of one God as better and superior. The advantage of ascribing sexuality as a gift from the gods rather than a God is that, gods, unlike God, are more fluid; they can exist or not exist, they can be in the Universe or outside of it — it conveniently describes all the phenomena we experience but cannot explain. Sexuality as a gift from the gods could mean many things: I am grateful to have had sex, I am having sex coz the gods made me horny, I had sex coz the gods made the sun shine brightly and turned me into a sexual pig , I feel horny coz the moon was three quarters, last night. Sexuality that comes from something other than God or gods, could just be like dry or rough fucking — depending on one's perspective; and if you prefer that — that is perfectly fine as well. Again, apologize if your atheistic/agnostic or any other beliefs where hurt with my choice of words. I am getting better at these polls and hopefully will be able to figure out the right combo soon!
  7. "Isn't this baby just beautiful" Who say that about themselves??
  8. In many parts of the world, the primary Torture center for a homosexual tends to be his family: demands of marriage to produce children; demands of homosexual invisibility to protect family reputation, honor; demand to follow religious prescriptions against homosexual sex; refusal to recognize the gay significant other as a spouse etc. Given that Western societies especially the United States tends to be for more individual centric, how much of the "Family" do you think was — and is — responsible for the homophobia that gay men suffer from?
  9. Dear Scorpio FF First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to read my thoughts and views seriously and taking the time to understand them, and enjoy them! I truly appreciate it, and I hope you will ask me the questions that u had in mind and not hold my 'response' against me, after I explain a bit. I am not a native English speaker and often speak languages other than English and end up making the mistakes that unfortunately is common among non native-English speakers. While I tend to express my thoughts, fairly legibly, when put in some effort; I tend to be terrible at expressing my feelings, often making grammatical and punctuation mistakes, with comical mistakes or end up coming across as harsh as cruel. My earlier response in the same post would testify to my poor English skills ( I am someone who escape from Asia, and neighbor! seems to know time it is time for you (U) to 'get you married, In most India or China, gay men do live under socially etc. ) I apologies if my word have hurt you, and I did not mean to suggest that you are a person devoid of empathy, when what I really wanted to say was that you where not being sympathetic to woke issues I went and re-read what I wrote, and: in response to your question, I answered saying, you where devoid of empathy i.e. to say, you where not understanding the woke philosophy and ideology. I can see how you could have misunderstood what I wrote as an attack, as usually, in present day US terminology and usage, calling a man 'devoid of empathy' is equal to calling him a godless heathen who does not understand the secular religion of compassion and understanding — not of individuals but of causes: social, political etc. I was hoping my response would come across as sharp ( sharp rebuttal - not a sharp rebuke!) but definitely not spiteful and am saddened that it has been received as such. I am sure you would not have had a stress response to what i had said had we been taking in person; the internet and the written text can sometimes be inferior mediums for communicating feelings as it is entirely through words. This particular miscommunication incident, has made me realize the importance of the ability to save a Draft on this site. I wrote, what i did, and hit send late at night and i think being able to save a Draft, will help us, write with a bit more more of thought to possible misunderstandings.
  10. Absolutely. The East or West are just constructs, and even when we employ them to understand the world, the fact is we are all one human race horny race. There are lots of great things about the West, and as you rightly say the most important thing being sexual freedoms and LGBTQ rights. Gay men in many parts of Asia, East Europe and Africa live under terrible oppression of various shades! I am someone who escape from Asia to search for a freer gay life, and can personally attest for it. In Asia, every family member — and neighbor! seems to know time it is time for you (U) to 'get you married'( marriage of course only being to the opposite sex). In most India or China, gay men do live under socially oppressive structures and climates. While I have seen conservative parts of the West as well, I think the difference between the East and West is in the West, both the conservative and liberal parts have learnt to co-exist. On my way to mass I see a lot of openly gay, men and a newly opened rainbow restaurant. The Church does not feel the need to hunt gays anymore, or the gay to harm to the church. Sadly, the community in Asia hasn't evolved to let gays live in peace and thrive.
  11. "Woke" as a term is used in Black Vernacular English to refers to the state of being conscious of race-based injustices and taking actions, especially political and social, and creating awareness about them. Woke in proper English would – roughly and perhaps awkwardly – be translated as: Awakened. Like the Buddhist Enlightenment, a person who learns about the true nature of the Maya of the material world through Buddhism, and becomes Enlightened; an Awakened i.e. Woke person learns about the social injustices in the world, and works towards correcting them. Fortunately or Unfortunately, since English is such a new language which doesn't have the pedigree of ancient languages like Chinese, Indian, Latin, Greek etc., new words can very easily be incorporated into it. A lot of time inaccurate usages of vernacular English( Chinese English, Black English, Hispanic i.e. a Spanish speaker's English), enters Standard English and becomes "acceptable usage", even if it grammatically incorrect or wrong/poor English. Words like Maya and Yoga, which are Indian in origin are now routinely used in English and grammatically incorrect phrases like say, "Say What" becomes recognized and part of some kind of Standard English i.e. acceptable usage. If you honestly read what you quoted, "....what I did with my husband each morning. I woke him" you will see a very real life examples of wokeness!. A man referring to another man as his husband, would have been considered inaccurate and wrong English and is one of the "woke changes" that anti-woke folks object to. In right-wing usage, the term "Woke" is ascribed to anyone, who brings up an issue of injustice against their non white-male group. Thus, blacks, women, gays, people of color, people with any disability, poorer classes in very rare usage etc., who complain or talk about their issues are considered having gone "woke" i.e. rogue against the White State, which is considered as the de-facto protector of white-"christian" norms and "civilization". Whites are not the only men hold such an exalted opinion of their culture; other races often do hold nationalistic and parochial views. For e.g. the Chinese and Indians are very proud of the Asian origins of civilization and often find it strange that Europeans lay claims to civilization, considering Asiatic cultures built civilizations for millennium before white Europeans made any recognizable contribution to it. What differentiates the Whites from the Eurasians IMO is the White Christian insistence that only their civilization and christian god, who they also assume to be some kind of WASP person, is the only civilization that has a right to exist – in contrast to the ancient civilization of the world lived in peace with each other. To answer your question: yes, you are devoid of empathy coz you seem to join the anti -woke brigade, who rarely have an intelligent objection to woke causes and their only complain to Wokeness is that it takes away from their existing "privileges". The world is truly oppressed by whiteness and only wokeness can secure our rights. Just as abortion ie reproductive rights of women disappeared from the legislative books of the United States, so can protections of gay men....
  12. Thank you so much for the clarification, Viking. 🌹 Like the ancient god, Thor, you always bring clarity to the situation.🫂 I am going working on my story then and will try to post it, soon. My stories are not likely to include HIV, because it would super-complicate the plot and undermine the homophobia that I would like to focus the story on.
  13. The answer to the question, would largely depend on when the bottom expressed his wishes. Did he state so before the sexual act or in the midst of coitus. If he stated so before the sex act, there should be a reasonable expectation that his wishes be respected. However, if he stated so, only after the sex act had begun, I am not sure how much can the Top be held guilty of the "crime". After all it depends on how much you are used to "withholding" If you are a devout religious man you probably would have been aware of the Official Gazette of the Church - 1952, which did clarify that the amplexum reservatum aka "Reserved Embrace" i.e. having sex but choosing not to ejaculate in one's partner was acceptable, and thus practiced it; you have restrain and know how to put it in practice in real life. However, if you are a non religious Top or someone who doesn't take religious doctrines from the early 50s seriously, can you really be blamed for a lack of restrain? I don't wish to suggest that Tops should never stop. Clearly, there are always instances when we have to stop in life and that applies to sex even in sex: Say, the bottom or even the top for that matter is feeling unwell, or the partner of a cheating bottom marches right into the bathhouse where his other half is enjoying life – would normally bring the sex to a halt. Choosing to bareback and then telling a Top not to cum in your ass, once the sex act has begun or at least is in swing half way is inconsiderate, unthoughtful, and micro-managing things. Do i think the Top should try to stop: Yes. Do I think he can or should be held liable in a court of law for not stopping, on charges such as rape or sexual assault - Nope. Good sex involves good boundaries between both the Top and bottom.
  14. I am a bit confused and thought I would post this question so that others who have the confusion will also have their doubt cleared up. Is rape Fiction i.e. with the narrator/cartoonist, wanting to commit homosexual rape and successfully doing so (or at least half way) allowed on the site. From what I have read and understood, it is not allowed but I am not sure. I am wondering about the reasoning behind this view. After all drug usage, and incest stories - in appropriate forums is allowed on the site. Incest and drug use are both illegal and familial incest can said to be a crime at par with rape, to some degree. I would appreciate if the moderators could clarify if rape/forced-sex stories ever allowed on any of the forums here , say for e.g. in the Fetish Section - Hardcore Stories or in the Backroom stories?
  15. He did exclude that option.
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