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rawsatyr last won the day on May 12

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The DEEP US-South, West Tennessee
  • Interests
    Confident POZ GUYS for 'sports-fucking', Groups and random, NIPPLE PIGS! PnP with 'functioning, self-supporting ADULTS', INKED and PIERCED guys, biohazard tats, total promiscuity...

    My view on POZ and VD: "In sports you MAY get hurt! A FEARLESS, COCKY BULL-RIDER WILL FALL now and then. Most BB RAW RIDERS will eventually embrace the NO FEAR POZ state, as have I! HELL YEAH!
    But on the up and up: It's a new era, don't spoil it for the newbies! Otherwise I'm FEARLESS and I like verbal thrills of 'poz-talk', attracted to 'promiscuous' bucks, embracing late sexual liberation, anon engagements, exploring fetishes and new scenes, 'no loads refused'. I like to watch my man get bred by strangers as he is expected to watch me with others. The deal is RAW ONLY! BTW, that is my man's hole on my cover photo, freshly seeded by our first poz, verbal player. I wished I had been ready for him! Both of us play alone too! Turns me/us on! The bold-faced sluttiness!
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Late to the 'bold bareback scene'. Used to mostly top raw and feel guilty, missed out on lot of hot action, while trying to 'stay safe'. My more 'adventurous' man 'changed that'. Barely 30, been together with him 10 years. Both of us really 'prefer guys' in their 40s and 50s (like me). Anyway, after catching him cheating on grindr we decided that SEX IS SPORT. Always BAREBACK! All the once 'forbidden' fetishes are now HOT. Promiscuous fuckers, 'danger tattoos', sluts, travelling breeders, anon, no loads refused... Smooth verbal HWP bottoms rock my world. Hairy, chubby TOPS get the fast-lane... POZ to the front of the line at the sex-party! Joking! I'm an equal opportunity manwhore! But openly poz, or any smooth, inked, pierced, lewd and promiscuous guys rock my world! Not into 'traditional role play'. You know: 'OWNING' a dude like a bitch, being jealous, being a hypocrite, that sort of thing! I let my man go take dick from any of our 'bros' or any random trick... turns me on! I love witnessing as he gets bred! By guys who just want to USE him and sling their DNA up his hole! I CONDONE that behavior and will lick the horny fucker's balls as his naked cock slides into my man! I expect my man to be the same every time I bring home a trick! Not that he needs to be there! Or that I need to be there! "Go slam-dunk that fucker before he gets scared and runs off!" We share tales later and let each other sniff the juices from 'THE OTHER BUCK'!!!
  • Porn Experience
    Have done nude-spreads for gay rags, as Jeff Lonsdale. One time cameo! I Froze up when I was asked to pose with my dick, face AND THE HOLE showing in one shot! That's why I'm sharing it now...
  • Looking For
    Hardcore 'sports-fuckers'. Inked and pierced and other guys who are proudly POZ. PnP bros who are 'functioning members of society'! HARDCORE NIPPLE PLAY! A bit of S & M, maybe e-stim??? Sounding is fun with those who like it too. Curious about WS and ff ,

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  1. Great content, @rawsatyr What an intriguing and iniquitous fellow you must be.

    1. rawsatyr


      @CoachNYCThank you slut-bro! I appreciate nice feedback from the 'jury of my peers', aka the 'audience of my queers'. I'm not sure what or which of my contributions or pictures you already saw but let me explain a bit about my angle of observations (with artistic license). 

         I have finally accepted those who once frightened me... the maligned gay boogey-men & danger-embracing gay cruising for raw carnage! I have finally broken into the 'inner circle'  where random, frequent and anon gay sodomy has become a popular gay 'community sport'! So casual, like 'watching a game', so uncomplicated, scoring sexually without even asking for a 'date'. SO HOT! Even the ubiquitous fake preachers  & TV-evangelists have succumb to the man-flesh temptations, met and exceeded community 'standards' by hiring man-whores to 'pnp' with them! Yeah, blame it on the DARK LORD from the fables! "IN YOUR FACE Anita Bryant!" Eat that man-bussy cream-pie! All that 'reefer-madness-styled' propaganda had an unexpected blow-back! Even the holy hypocrites are doing THE WILD THING like centuries worth of church goons and entitled aristocracy did. Taking it up the arse from stables of 'common man-stallions'. With the curtains pulled back on the frauds and double-standards, the ridiculous reality has created a world for those of us no longer intimidated or afraid of the spot-light on our bare assets in seedy darkness! 

         Then again I'm just another freedom-relishing, LATE CONVERT to the soothingly darker side of life. NEW to the demonized 'Garden of heathens', the one full of forbidden, intoxicating fruits, full of flavors from vanilla RAW PROMISCUITY to the bittersweet fetish of ABSORBING POZ SEED! 

          (you thinking: "oh he is so full of it!" ?) lol, No just really VERBALLY enjoying the newly-found freedom! I'm letting the one or other wild man PULL ME EVER FURTHER, with lewd terms-of-endearment, possibly experimenting with lust-enhancing drugs and debauchery... going BUCK-WILD but still in control. It's part of exploring as I try to embrace much of what once instilled fear and loathing...

         I'm now ON BOARD the SS SUPERTRAMP, working hard at actually EARNING my trash-stamp laurels and racking up a respectable score of random, promiscuous of RAW PROMISCUITY... (before the bareback conversion, haters & sniveling hypocrites envious assumed I was a whore. Cock-blocking me from their coveted boy-toys with slurs and slander... probably successfully! I recall the same when I first came out and I had eyes for the popular man-whores on the club dance-floors... SKEKSIS in their pompousness would whisper: "STAY AWAY FROM HIM. HE CAME FROM LA! HE PROBABLY HAS THINGS YOU CAN'T WASH OFF!" Damn, the fun I missed out on... now I listen for the cock-blocking 'queen alerts': "Stay away from him. He is POZ and doesn't tell anyone and fucks them without a condom!"  And suddenly the dude has my attention, he is my 'marked man-beast' his reputation giving me a boner. Odd how the blowback works. I will search him out like a slandered truffle treat I was told I CAN'T AFFORD to eat...

         It really is an incredible rush, CHOOSING a scandalous lifestyle within an otherwise just vanilla-gay sexual orientation! I understand you can NOT pick your gay, bi or straight sexuality, just repress THE GAY and try to blend into the mainstream with with varying degrees of successful role-mimicry and daily misery! I was pretty good while I played 'the part'

      But to BE A WHORE, a BAREBACK MAN-WHORE is a 'conscientious CHOICE' flipping off our haters is a whole other SECOND COMING OUT! A potentially dangerous choice, but finally making me feel ALIVE, breathing in the air I was deprived of; now to the fullest, intoxicating and almost feeling IMMORTAL! Gunning it, until the curtain as we all know, will one day come down! I imagine sometimes that the thrill I'm feeling must be like akin to (I'm told) flying high on pleasure chemicals, or to me I visualize horny satyrs in the forest, dancing with erections stark-naked, fully exposed and 'unprotected' among alleged wolves and demon satyrs on 'the edge of a volcano'...

      Forgive me for getting poetic but I was raised Catholic in another country and us 'foreign queers' celebrate our freedoms like we enjoy good wine and food. Very VERBALLY and positively not holding back! 

      And thank you for following!

      seductive bar satyr.jpg



    2. CoachPHX



      You've just presented me/us with the Emancipation Doctrine. 

      Well said, Raw. Thank you. Now let's fuck.

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