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ScorpionFF last won the day on June 12

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  1. Messages piling up in my inbox here on BZ, and elsewhere on the world wide web too. Not ignoring you. Nor you. Nor you for that matter. Hold on ... S6AT6A6N will be with you as soon as possible. 

    1. ScorpionFF


      @jackdaw ... I just had to delete those images you posted to my BZ wall ~ Too garish (bright) for my eyes. As you will have hopefully read, my profile clearly states I am out of action for the foreseeable future. 3 others from GB ~ Sounds like you have more than enough to keep you occupied. Good luck ☺️

    2. jackdaw


      Hi & thanks for the update. I knew you were ailing, but not to what extent it knocked you out of action. Since I posted, I (UNBELIEVEABLY) think I found a Boston guy that's into Pig Pozzing neg holes! Christ, I hope so!

      As for the pictures, sorry the were too bright. You have liked my previous picture postings. I hope this new one is OK.

      Stay well, Brother!



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