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Everything posted by J0nn1eb0y

  1. @Bluecollarotter I think I love you. lol from the way you look I recon: you, a rim chair, some beads and I could rim you and cornrow your hairy ass. I love a hairy man. Well you know what they say. A hairy hole is the mustache of the ass. Kiss a man with a stache and his day is revealed. Eat a mans hairy hole and his night is revealed.
  2. Love piss in general. I do prefer others but in a pinch mine will do. I've felched from buddy's asses typically mixed with cum. Had my own chem piss as liquid and frozen into ice cubes.
  3. I had a good friend who was incarcerated. He said sex was everywhere for all different reasons. It could by consensual, forced, for protection and out right rape. I didn't live very far from the jail. When his friends were released he suggested they stop by my place for a night or two before they went to their home location. I met all kinds of guys and we fucked like animals while they were at my place.
  4. @sharp-edge first I'm sorry for your loss. life events in general prompt reflection. Having children is a life-long commitment though many don't follow through with that leaving single mothers or children in foster care never knowing their fathers. I've raised 6 kids. I'm married 30+ years though openly gay now. Consider what your actual motives are. Do you really want kids, are you concerned with the family name dying, are you trying to be your father, are you trying to recreate family? Regardless, you're younger than some of my kids. You may meet someone and then want to foster, adopt, surrogacy for hire or surrogacy by a friend. Your immediate goal is your PhD. That will likely lay the foundation of your life. Stay focused and I wish you the best.
  5. We never fucked, but at 12 I started sucking my father's dick. I was the aggressor with my father. I sucked my first dick when I was in kindergarten. Sucked many dicks after that at a young age. No shame, No regrets.
  6. Just wait till you see my dangling participle. now there are different strains, not everyone has them. second, most poz people are on meds making it impossible to charge them. its less about the virus and more the art of the possible. When a person seeks out an HVL for the act its ore than a pass the bug. The mental state, the verbal duet or combat as roles play out, the visual scene setting all builds to a crescendo that just bursts with sweat, testosterone, cum, and maybe some spotting. I fucking love piss mine, yours, his in your ass even but you can only get HIV kinda once. Piss can happen any time almost anywhere as I wear kilts I have pissed into a pint glass every time this sub I was fucking, got a fresh beer. I pissed in my empty and took his beer. Piss is happening as I type this. fuck i wish you were sucking my sweaty daddy dick as I replied to you. HIV inside.
  7. Chasing is such a mental journey. It is said that life is lived going forward and understood in reverse. When I understood that I was going to sit my wife down and tell her I suck a better dick (joking), that I was queer I unwittingly started to have a lot of raw, rough, deep, swapping all body fluids sex. Coincidence? I've always held to the notion that there are almost no accidental pozzings. I know tons of people who say therye not chasing yet never use condom/Prep. in the moment I would have said I wasnt either but I had to be honest with myself. I wear a seatbelt, dont speed, dont parachute... Yet the simple act of prevention I didnt adhere to. The reason I believe thrill aside was it would burn the bridge behind me as I walked away from my marriage. Now thrill there was and remains. I am off my meds. I started the holiday at the request of a guy I was seeing. Though He went back to his monogamous bf, I've ushered men across the to the + world. I still enjoy taking charged loads. I even got a bio-hazard tatt around my sphinchter. That itself was a lot of fun. Inked by a 22yo poz Brazillian guy who inked in my house and fucked me in between.
  8. J0nn1eb0y


    I do find people's positions on minors fascinating. I can only speak for the US. The age of consent varies from state to state. LA has a within two year rule because if a 16 yo started dating a 14 yo, as they age when the 16 turns 18 people went to jail for statutory rape. the age of consent at one time was as young as 12 in the US. This was due to life expectancy being poor and second in an agrarian culture the sons work the land and the daughters are married off as soon as possible. Trust me our ancestors did not see themselves in any vile way. It was the norm. Final point average age for a gay person to loose their virginity is 14. That's not a high number so it means that some are older and others are younger. Who are they having sex with? The data for heterosexual rape at a younger age concludes it was a family member. I don't have data on homosexual rape. I believe it doesn't exist because its not reported. On a personal note, I was sexualized at a really young age. I have no regrets.
  9. You have done a great set up. My continuance is based off "do you want to play a game" . In all scenarios status is typically never a data point for making his decision but its the punchline. *two guys enter. one will fuck with condom other raw. he must choose, status disclosed at end. Condom guy is neg, *two guys. He picks. one is FTM. both neg, *two guys again. one a model the other hideous both will fuck raw. he must choose, model is poz. two guys enter room. one is bottom, other top. He must pick which without knowing. bottom is poz two enter. one beautiful woman the other a dude. woman is poz two enter. one will fuck but has massive dick the will fist but small hands your choice who was poz couple poz three enter, a bi couple and a dude. he picks couple because of vagina. couple poz, ======================== travel mate finally calls Brad intervenes gets him to hotel but the travellers german allows him to know the hotel is gay. brad starts variation of game with traveller. but not to worry his friend will make the choices for him brad constructs a GH BETWEEN rooms. choice is suck a dick or something nasty, guy chooses suck dick but reveal is its his friend. game now shifts replay same scenarios ans see what choices he makes for his friend, if he chooses the poz outcome he gets double. the neg gets him nothing. or can have new scenarios. at end he gets to pic who gets to leave and get medication to reverse the pozzing. he no $ or his friend. and he keeps all the cash however you write I know it will be great. your writing style is really good. j0nn1eb0y i'm clean and poz. imagine that.
  10. his from the tap. mine from his ass.
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