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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m afraid it’s something that’s just becoming more and more common in dealing with internet apps because there’s no consequence when men with no integrity behave badly. Honestly, that’s the fatal flaw in all of them - they’re a free pass to treat people like shit and get away with it. I appreciate @NWUSHorny’s sentiment about it being their loss, but the fact is that it’s your loss, too - you lost the time you spent cleaning out, you lost the time snd money it took to transport yourself out there, and you lost the opportunity to actually have sex with someone who wanted to. For that matter, a third person may have lost as well, because the assholes who ghosted you essentially cock-blocked anybody else who might have had a chance at you. That’s what enrages me the most about it, that it’s just such an utterly selfish, inconsiderate thing to do. And yes, you men reading this who are guilty of ghosting people, I’m talking about you.
  2. There are entire towns with fewer people. There are whole counties. That’s more than some countries’ standing armies. Just sayin’. 😀
  3. Wait a sec - you took 17 in but you gave 6 out, so doesn’t that leave you with a balance of 11 for the weekend? 🤔😁
  4. Success from an individual perspective is also a question of scale. For a bottom who’s never taken more than one cock a night, taking a dozen may very well be a Dawson-level experience for him. And racking up a dozen loads in a long night at the bathhouse or a hotel in a bigger city is doable with patience and preparation. But they have to want it badly enough to put their ass out there to get it, and be willing to endure the discomfort that comes with heavy use.
  5. In the sense of a ‘20-Load-Weekend’, I’ve actually topped that goal two other times, at 24 and 23, at the bathhouse during Cumunion, in conjunction with a hotel hosting the night prior. From my lived experience, I think it’s probably fair to say that your point probably becomes more true at the ‘50-Load-Weekend’ end of the Dawson experience scale - after a certain point, the only practical way that that density of Tops is going to converge on, and actually seed, a single bottom is if the event is actively managed by others, usually for ulterior purposes (i.e. filming), and with compensation involved. I’m sure it can be accomplished much more easily when someone puts up a notice that says “Tops wanted to breed a bottom - ‘Generous’ terms”. But at the 20-Load level, what I can say is that there is absolutely nothing special about me that would give me a unique advantage over other bottoms in being able to score such experiences. And ‘lucky’? Don’t make me laugh. Lady Luck despises me. The reason I’ve had these opportunities is because I’ve made them. You can’t be in the right place at the right time if you don’t put yourself in the place at all. I got my 34 loads because I booked a cabin in a gay campground on a very busy weekend, cleaned myself out, walked out naked to the place where men fuck in the open, bent my ass over the picnic table and took what came. That accounted for 22 of them. Then I went to a shed and lay down on a fucking bench and took the other 12. Now, in both cases there was an additional factor: At the picnic table, another guy was giving oral and priming them up before they came over to my ass. At the shed, a pair of guys were enjoying watching me get fucked, and kept nudging me back down onto the bench if I tried to get up and leave. So other things made the Dawson-like atmosphere occur. The point, though, is that if I hadn’t put my raw ass out there in the first place determined to take whoever came along, I wouldn’t be able to talk about it now. Likewise, those two bathhouse weekends were the result of me making a decision to drive three hours to the city, take a hotel room, attend Cumunion, whore my own cunt out to strangers for 24 hours, and act on that plan. But in this, too, your original statement is probably true for the vast majority of bottoms who sit around saying “Wish that would happen to me” - it never will, because they will never do what you have to do to make the opportunity.
  6. Perhaps instead of saying they’ll never be in a Dawson-type situation, it would be more accurate to say that it’s very highly unlikely that they’ll ever be in one. I qualify that because I had my Dawson-type 34-load day once. It wasn’t planned, and none of those men was being paid to fuck me. (It also wasn’t being filmed…unfortunately.) It’s not impossible. Your point, however, is absolutely spot-on in that experiences of that magnitude are vanishingly rare, and when they occur are usually highly organized and managed events in which at least some of the participants receive some incentive for their performance beyond the opportunity to rut. Plus, have you ever noticed how too much is never enough? It started with Dawson’s 20-Load Weekend. It went on to Dawson’s 50-Load Weekend. And I cannot lie and say that I don’t sometimes wistfully wonder if I’ll ever have an opportunity to beat 34. Which, of course, I almost certainly won’t. If a bottom measures all his experiences by these ultraexaggerated, over-the-top, mostly unrealistic examples, the result can only be perpetual disappointment. It’s far, far better to take experiences as they come, on their own merits, and savor them for what they are, not regret what they’re not, and could never have been.
  7. @NWUSHorny - Every time you describe the fucking habits (if they can even be so called) of the men of Portland it sounds more and more bizarre. I cannot fathom another bottom thinking it was somehow appropriate to openly call you out for swapping to another hole, let alone it happening on different occasions. I mean, I would expect a Top to respond to something like that with: ”Right? Great, isn’t it? You should try this one next.”
  8. You don’t have to measure it soft, as the instructions indicate, but you have to measure it stretched as far as it will go without force or discomfort. (You could hook a truck winch to the end of your cock and probably stretch more inches out if it than you ever wanted to, but it wouldn’t give you a true measurement.) That’s the baseline methodology used for the major studies of penis length because length is actually a measure of how far outward the organ’s tissue will naturally stretch under the pressure of blood in an erection. You can get the same result with or without the hardon because the tissue’s stretchability can be tested whether erect or not. In my example above, I’m actually slightly tumescent. The benefit of measuring non-erect is that if your cock has, say, an appreciable bend in it when hard, a straight-line measurement will short you on the actual length. I would say measure it in the state that illustrates the most accurate measure of its actual length. And thank you for your willingness to stand up and be counted (as it were) here - but for it to count, the point is the photograph. 😉 Otherwise, we’re still just taking everybody’s word for it. And it’s obvious we can’t do that anymore.
  9. Nothing in that statement makes the prospect attractive or desirable to the average heteronormative family interested in protecting the future well-being of the young person in their care. For most parents, when they imagine positive, liberating experiences for their progeny, those images do not include the young person naked on display in front of the lust-hungry, rapacious eyes of men in a strip club waiting to stuff dollar bills into his g-string. Even when the worst doesn’t happen and addictive or compulsive behaviors don’t ensue, the fact that some young men who are turned out early escape being catastrophically damaged by the experience falls way short of an endorsement for doing it.
  10. 196 responses to a poll here asking “What Is Your Cock Size?” As of today, 90 views of this topic providing a space to demonstrate to back up those claims and prove that they’re telling the truth. Responses to this topic as of today: 1 (mine). Hilarious. Remember, gentlemen: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
  11. This is a real phenomenon, in my experience. There is something about a phallus entering me that a activates me like no tongue, no fingers, no toy. A Top walked out of this room not ten minutes ago, and I noticed exactly that - he used all of the above on me, but every time he swapped out and inserted his cock, the whole experience simply elevated on contact. There may be science behind it, but I don’t know what it is, and don’t need to know. Confirming this. I’ve written before about the time in a bathhouse where a Top had just walked out from loading me up when - WHAM! - something hit me in the ass so hard it caused my face to connect with the wall in front of me. It was another bottom, who had literally dived face-first into my ass and started eating out my hole. When I what-the-fucked him for an explanation, he said, “I had been watching that guy to get his load, but he gave you my load, so now I got it.” ‘My load.’ Not only are there bottoms eager to get loads, there are bottoms who plant their flag on loads before they ever leave the donor’s testicles. Breathtaking arrogance. No bottom owns a Top’s load. A load is a precious gift, and it is the Top’s - always the Top’s - to bestow as he sees fit. It is an honor to be selected to receive such an intimacy. What’s more, even once received, it is still the Top’s load, a representative of everything that he is, and the bottom who receives it becomes its shrine, not its owner. I am constantly humbled when I realize that a man has just chosen to seed me. When I reflect on the total number of men who have… I am without words.
  12. Cleanout is the first order of business when I serve, and if it isn’t complete, there is no service. It’s as simple as that. I consider an ‘accident’ a grave and shaming lapse in my duty, and I will not let it happen if I can prevent it. My anus is a dual-purpose orifice, but the two functions must be kept absolutely separate if I am to truly accept that it is part of my natural sexual biology. I am a man who has a cunt. I treat it as a cunt, care for it as a cunt, and encourage its use as a cunt. To try to allow it to serve the other purpose simultaneously would be to dilute my purpose.
  13. Since we’re an international community and most of the world doesn’t actually measure things in inches, here’s a quick’n’handy comparison chart so those of us who are metrically challenged can translate our non-imperial brothers’ centimeter ruler measurements into cock-inches: Inch = cm (rounded) 3 7.6 3.5 8.9 4 10.2 4.5 11.4 5 12.7 5.5 14 6 15.2 6.5 16.5 7 17.8 7.5 19 8 20.3 8.5 21.6 9 22.9 9.5 24.1 10 25.4 10.5 26.7 11 27.9 11.5 29.2 12 30.5
  14. So you’re an 8-incher, eh? A 10-inch wonder? A 12-inch holewrecker? Prove it. This thread is where men with the balls to claim their real cock size can verify it and know that they’ll be believed across the forum. Important - It doesn’t matter how big your cock is. Cock is glorious - every inch of cock is glorious. It’s extremely important that men with their absolutely glorious 3”, 4”, 5”, 6” cocks show them so we can see the reality that they are what the world is made of, not some mythical world of 10” monsters. Be bold. After all, you’re actually being asked for a dic pic. But not just any dick pic. Follow the rules for this Clearinghouse. The rules are simple: Hold the phallus at a 90 degree angle from the body, and stretched to its fullest natural extent from its base to the end of the glans (i.e., without force or discomfort) not including the foreskin. A ruler is then placed > on top of the phallus at its base where it meets the pubic bone. The phallus is then measured in a direct line to the end of the glans. The phallus may also be tumescent or erect for the measurement, as neither state would increase the maximum possible length, but an erect penis might cause a reduction in the measurement if it introduced some bend that prevented a straight-line measurement. Here’s mine as an example: ErosWired. 7”.
  15. You know, we kinda-sorta expect guys to get creative about their cock size here, and on an individual basis it just seems like a thing guys do. But when you see more than half of them do it all at once in the same topic, it suddenly becomes obvious that we’re being ridiculous about it. Numbers like that don’t illustrate a trend, they suggest that we tacitly support a culture no different than the one that makes women feel insecure about their appearance and leads to eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder. The global market for “enhancements” ran to $300 million US in 2020, and is forecast to more than double that by 2027 - that means the men of the world will be pissing away nearly two-thirds of a billion dollars just because they’re insecure that their cocks aren’t long enough. Stop the madness. Something has to be done to correct the inflated view of cock size that is pornography’s legacy. Something like a counter narrative containing fact-based reality. Frankly, I think the posters above who have submitted photos to document their claims are on the right track. I think that no claim without visual validation - that is, cock with ruler in place for scale - should be accepted as a bona fide claim of dick size on this site. As they say, pics or it didn’t happen. I propose we take a stand here, on BZ, against sizeism, by establishing a clearinghouse of sorts where men can establish the credibility of their claims by posting a photograph of their cock with an adjacent ruler positioned in the correct way, as proof-of-claim. As a body of such verified samples gathers, a true picture of the community will emerge, and our members will be able to take more confidence in themselves and their own measure related to other normal men. There has to be a common standard and method for measurement or the data is meaningless. Some men apparently figure their cock begins halfway down their taint and measure it from the underside. This is incorrect. For most studies, the accepted method is to measure the penis stretched, as opposed to erect, as the cock cannot elongate farther than it can stretch, and erection is essentially the process of the penis stretching under the pressure of infused blood. Measuring stretched as opposed ti erect also eliminates reductions in linear length due to bending. The correct procedure to measure a cock, therefore, is as follows: Hold the phallus at a 90 degree angle from the body, and stretched to its fullest natural extent from its base to the end of the glans (i.e., without force or discomfort) not including the foreskin. A ruler is then placed > on top of the phallus at its base where it meets the pubic bone. The phallus is then measured in a direct line to the end of the glans. The phallus may also be tumescent or erect for the measurement, as neither state would increase the maximum possible length, but an erect penis might cause a reduction in the measurement if it introduced some bend that prevented a straight-line measurement. I’ll put my money where my mouth is and start the thing, and be the first post. Look for a Topic titled “Cock Size Clearinghouse”. I’m going to go make it now.
  16. Put another way, you’re not getting off the hook with “Oops”.
  17. May one, at the least, inquire how you managed the situation? If men try to back up onto you in an unwanted fashion like that, I imagine you might find it useful to carry a hatpin somewhere upon your person… 😏
  18. I can’t advise in favor of it. Let’s say the OP does have this harmless get-to-know-you meeting (in a public place, so there will absolutely be witnesses to him meeting an unaccompanied adolescent), and the meeting results in an arrangement for sex, which then occurs. But then, for any of the various reasons discussed above, the OP suddenly finds that the whole situation has gone horribly pear-shaped and people are using words like “groomed”. And the OP protests that he didn’t attempt to ‘groom’ the boy, but out of the blue up pops an eyewitness who was in the same place where the OP had his “harmless” meeting with the kid alone. Yeah. A lot of folks would be looking over the tops of their spectacles at that. In addition, I had overlooked earlier the part where the OP says the kid lives a mile away. Dear God. This has ‘disaster’ written all over it in letters big enough to be seen from space.
  19. Not buying these poll results at all. Read the paper @viking8x6 posted above - the average length of a human penis is between 5.1 and 5.5 inches, and factoring volunteer bias, likely in the lower end of the range. Max average, five and a half inches. By the graph charted, a guy with 5.5 inches is in around the 67% percentile. Yet in this poll, 67% of all respondents claim to be in the 6-7 inch range, and a whopping 53% of all respondents claim to be 7 inches or greater - given that 7 inches is approximately in the 99th percentile, that means over half of the guys who replied claim to have a cock bigger than 99% of all other guys out there. Total Bullshit. Either men don’t know how to measure a cock correctly for length, or they need to ask themselves why they feel it’s so important to lie about the size of their organ on the internet. Plus, this particular poll was flawed to begin with because the low end of its range is in fact the average, and it didn’t even offer categories for men with measurements below the average yet offered a category for those in the 10,000th percentile range of 13+. The result has no chance of reflecting any real-world data set… unless you’re using it as a metric to determine how likely men are to exaggerate their cock size by an inch or more.
  20. Poof noun British Slang. 1. Usually considered disparaging and offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a gay man. 2. Offensive. an effeminate male. Also pouf; poof·ter [poof-ter] . Sometimes pooff; poove [poov] . First recorded in 1840–50; from French pouffe “puff”
  21. Your questions all assume I have a set of numerical lines drawn in the sand and a rigid set of standards in this regard. I don’t, and that’s not the point I’m making to the OP. What I’m telling the OP is that he had better not rely on a legal definition to tell him what he ought to do because the reality is that any individual 16-year-old’s family, if they care about the boy in the least, isn’t going to give him the benefit of the doubt - they’re going to defend their own against a potential predator. They’re going to boil the tar, pluck the feathers and sharpen the butcher knives and not have one bit of interest in hearing about the age of consent. My own son, as it happens, at 25 years old, thinks he may be bi. Thinks he may be. At 25. He isn’t sure. I have zero problem with whatever orientation he finally lands on. But I am my children’s father, and my job is to protect them. I don’t consult the legal fine print about that, I listen to my instincts. My response is on a hair-trigger I don’t apologize for that one iota. There are lots and lots and lots of dads like that. When a dad is what he’s supposed to be, it’s kind of a feature. So the OP had best reckon with the possibility if he’s contemplating having mansex with somebody’s adolescent. I realize there are posters here encouraging it, telling how they were ready and eager at 16. But how representative are they really of likely outcomes? (The ones who aren’t scarred by it join a website for bareback fuckers; the ones who are, probably not so much.) Consider this quote from above: Most of the Gay strippers started fucking at least by 16 and many were aggressive about it, targeting older Gay men to get devirginized. What does that suggest about what tends to happen to the lives of boys who get devirginized at 16? It may not happen to all of them, but “Gay stripper” is not the future just about any family wants to imagine for their young man, so a certain intolerance for older male interlopers is not really that surprising. Gay men make up roughly 10% of the otherwise heteronormative population. That’s the reality that never goes away. That means the OP runs a very high risk of encountering unsympathetic attitudes if his behavior comes to light. You will note that in everything I have written in this topic, nowhere have I told the OP what he should or should not do - the only thing I have explicitly proposed is that he contemplate the consequences if his actions become known, and suggested the plausible nature of what those consequences could entail.
  22. Think about this a little more broadly - what if his parents find out by any means? I can tell you, as the father of a son now in college, that had I discovered a man of your years making sexual advances toward my child at that age, that man would have experienced violence at my hands. Before you arrange to meet this kid, think through in your mind what a hostile encounter with his father (or, potentially more terrifying, his mother) would be like later. The people above encouraging you to go ahead with it are all giving you advice that assumes you’re dealing on an equal basis with another person who can be considered a man - and he absolutely cannot. A 16-year-old isn’t a mature adult, and you can’t pretend that he is. In no way are you coming at this as equals.
  23. Let me add this, about small-town, rural life: Most of the people around you know everybody’s grandma, and the social grapevine has grown tendrils that reach into every imaginable nook and cranny of the place. It has to be that way, because people separated by distance need a communication network to survive. But that network means that everybody knows just enough about everybody’s business to be dangerous. Gossip is rife, rumor is malicious, and speculation is imaginative, leaning toward the scandalous and salacious. Small-town folk are small fish in a small pond, but the biggest small fish is the big fish in that pond, and they’ll get nasty to make sure they stay on top. It doesn’t matter who they have to devour. Small-town folk tend to circle the wagons pretty quickly if they find anything threatening among them - and by ‘threatening’ I mean ‘new’ or ‘different’. Tolerance and acceptance are not a big thing in rural places on the whole, contrary to what they might have you believe. They might portray themselves as smiling faces willing to help s stranger, and they might be - as long as you keep on moving. Don’t act like you might settle in amongst them, or the smiles evaporate like morning dew. I come from such a place. My family settled here in 1819. Because I had the audacity to spend part of my childhood elsewhere and get above my raisin’ and go to college out-of-state, I am not considered really a native here even though I was born 25 miles down the road and have lived here in this house my grandfather built and my father was born in for the last 21 years, on land the family has owned since the Civil War. No one is openly out here; anyone who tries feels the consequences. Yes, there’s a certain amount of open hostility, but that’s not the worst of it - it’s the silent conspiracy of the grapevine that spreads gossip - and judgment - throughout the community where you never see it, but suddenly you’re no longer spoken to, or invited, or voted for, or included in any part of the life of the rural community. I have begun to think of this place as a kind of Hell on Earth. So don’t imagine that a tryst with a local 16-year-old would go unnoticed for long (what 16-year-old has any discretion whatsoever?) and don’t imagine there won’t be consequences. The hills have eyes and ears.
  24. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Just because an adolescent is keen doesn’t mean he’s ready. Just because a horny guy says something doesn’t mean it’s true. Think with the big head, not the little head.
  25. Triggering you gag reflex to the point of vomiting isn’t necessarily going to help make you resistant to doing so in the future. The idea is to train yourself to resist the automatic muscular impulse. Causing you to pass out from hypoxia will do absolutely zilch about your gag reflex, and is a dangerous thing to do to your brain. A Top who refused to let me breathe would suddenly discover I had a very different kind of reflex.
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