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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. I don’t think the “slightly choppy water” was what was moving the mast around. But whatever floats your boat 😉
  2. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you downloaded and filled in the assessment form and your C-index (middle value) score was an "A", you may wish to re-download the form below and take it again. I found a minor programming error that might have resulted in anyone scoring above a 4.00 on the C-axis receiving the wrong values for the C and G axes. Especially if you noticed that the colored three-letter return on the form page was missing the second letter when you finished, you should re-take the assessment with the corrected form below. If you are one of the men who has sent me your values to receive your score, you don't need to re-send them. I calculated those correctly. Anyone else who has difficulty accessing the assessment due to computer (mainly Apple product apparently) issues is welcome to send me a message with your answers as 1-8 for each question, and I'll be happy to run the assessment for you. Here's the corrected assessment form: Male Hierarchy Assessment Form - Use This One MaleHierarchyAssessment.pdf
  3. On the contrary, let's hope they do try. Let's give them enough rope to hang themselves with. They'll reach, and reach, and in their zeal (because they're fucking zealots) they'll reach just that little bit too far, and pass a law with a poison pill in it that can't pass even this Supreme Court's Constitutional scrutiny, and the whole house of cards will collapse. Go look at a grandfather clock. In its body is a pendulum. The pendulum is constantly swinging back and forth. It goes from one extreme to the other, but it always, always, comes back once it goes as far as it can go in one direction or the other. This pendulum is nowhere near the center. It may swing a bit farther yet. But it will swing back, because that's the way the Universe works. Besides, I served my country in civilian uniform for 30 years. I have no intention of obeying absurd laws extremists try to force down my throat. It's remarkably easy to gum up a bureaucracy if you know how.
  4. It's a shame how many people don't understand what free speech is. Freedom of speech isn't freedom to spew sewage out of our mouths and call it speech. Freedom of speech isn't a right to sling libel, slander and defamation of character (there are quite sound laws against all of these things). Freedom of speech isn't an open invitation to incite riots, shout "fire" in a crowded theatre, or try to persuade your fellow citizens to pick up their rifles and follow you into the Capitol Building. Freedom of speech isn't license to use the public airwaves and mass media affecting millions to consciously stoke the fear, insecurity and paranoia of vulnerable people until it turns individuals into gun-wielding mass-murderers (201 in 2022 so far and counting. Thank you so much, Fucker Carlson / Fucks and Friends). It's not that these morons have made us want to silence those who disagree with us - they've made us unable to hear each other speaking over all their bellowing. But your statement assumes that free speech ought to be unrestrained speech. It never has been in the United States. Even the First Amendment to the Constitution is not a blanket prohibition against the government restricting speech; there are a number of types of speech that have long been restricted, and those restrictions have been upheld by the Supreme Court over decades as Constitutional. Check it out here at FindLaw: [think before following links] https://constitution.findlaw.com/amendment1/freedom-of-speech.html
  5. Not shame. They are notoriously shameless. Marjorie Taylor Greene? That woman knows no shame. Mitch McConnell? Never heard of the word. (The man is one of my state's senators. That's my shame, and no, I've never voted for the son of a bitch.) No, the words you are looking for are cowardice, hypocrisy, and craven opportunism.
  6. I guess part of what I was trying to say above was that I, in that submissive position, would be particularly annoyed at the Top for asking me A) If he should do something with my body, and B) If i would give him permission (!) to do it. Dominants don’t ask permission - they dominate. They’re aggressive. That’s the point. From time to time I’ve given a (would-be-wanna-be) Dom temporary possession of my body on a trial basis. By the third time he asks me if it’s okay to do something, it’s like Oh my God - how many times? You own me now. You get to do what you want. I do what you say to do. It isn’t difficult. Those arrangements never last long because those guys aren’t really Dom material and don’t understand what submission is about. By the time he’s submitted to you for three scenes - i.e., you’ve Dominated him for three scenes - you should already have worked out the ground rules of how the Dom/sub angle is going to play out. You don’t just wing that. If you don’t establish clear boundaries and expectations, someone (most likely you) is going to put his foot through them at some unhappy point and the whole relationship could go sour very quickly — and unnecessarily. Before you play again, before you get undressed even, I recommend you have a talk with him about it. Be clear and up front about why you like being Dominant, why you like Dominating him, what your expectations are in a submissive in general, and what your goals are with him in mind. Ask him what it is about submission that appeals to him, and how he feels when you Dominate him. Encourage him to speak openly and candidly at this point, not as a submissive, because you both need for you to understand what’s in his head. Ask him what he would normally expect to be required to do by a Dom, and ask him if he has any personal goals, challenges or aspirations he hopes to fulfill though his service. Once you both have a clear agreement on the expectation of the general parameters, be sure to talk about details - the Devil is in them - make sure you understand hard limits (and respect them), establish a safe word he can use to stop all Domination at need, and make sure you are aware of any hidden medical issues he may have that could potentially affect play (having to call an ambulance generally spoils a good scene). I realize that the kind of activity you describe having done so far remains well within the realm of the soft-core sex acts, but Domination/submission can be a heady thing if the pair finds it building a chemistry between them, and you want to get it right from the start. My former Master and I had a…unique chemistry - and the result was that he permanently changed my understanding of my sexuality and my place in the world. Heady stuff indeed.
  7. You lost me with this line. Whether it may or may not have any vestige of truth in it, I’m afraid that, to the combined experience of the men in this forum, it reads like pure fiction. Every bottom wants to be the sole focus of a gangbang. Such opportunities, pornography to the contrary, are rare. To have it happen so often that you develop a reputation for it? That just strains credulity to breaking. If by some wildly implausible chance that what you’re telling us is true, I apologize for not believing you - I frequently find that my own experiences are so out of the norm for the average person that I fear most people think I’m either exaggerating out outright fictionalizing when I tell them the unvarnished truth. I’ve learned that sometimes I have to blunt the edge of my narrative so that it can plausibly be accepted as non-fiction. But we get so many guys here bragging about impossible sex lives and oversized phalluses that we’re a little jaded.
  8. On the face of it, that sounds like a EAG, but it would depend on how the person actually answered questions designed to assess actual self-image versus exhibited self-image. If the show of aggression actually masks a deep-seated insecurity, it could edge over into a EDG. A more detailed survey would tease out the subtleties of character more precisely - 48 questions is really fairy rudimentary.
  9. I’m trying to imagine defending a dissertation in front of a peer review committee with questions about how ‘I fuck faggots’ and ‘I crave cum’. The thing is, one could legitimately do this because the question language is drawn largely from sample language used by real men on this site, and thus is an accurate representation of the expressions of the cohort. The model is only applicable to the subset of the male population that has sex with other men, and thus isn’t really a measure of a universal phenomenon across males. I can’t help thinking that there’s something to be gleaned from this - at least more to it than the horoscopes another poster mentioned above. My academic credentials, however, don’t qualify me for the work. My master’s degree is in Information Science. Something like this, it seems to me, requires a multidisciplinary approach. Still, it’s not bad for something I threw together in three days.
  10. Last night I took my first fist. And my second, right after it. I had been working up to it for months, stretching myself out with increasingly larger toys, taking note of how objects that were once impossible to fit into my cunt now slipped in easily. I found the right fister - excellent man, great technique, not rushed, talked me through every step, and best of all, smallish hands. Before long - pop - he was in. The second time he went in he carefully explained every motion me made inside my body as he penetrated my second sphincter, headed in along his wrist. I finally did it. And I don’t get it. What’s all the hype for this? Why do people do this in lieu of fucking? After I got back to my hotel from the fisting, a Top came and marathon-fucked me for three solid hours with a 8.5” cock - give me that any day, week, month or year over a fist up my ass. It’s not that he fisted me badly or that it was particularly painful, though very intense - but I didn’t experience any sort of ‘assgasm’ as I’ve seen described. Anyone else done it and come away with ‘meh’?
  11. A Dominant/submissive relationship is ultimately a negotiated agreement, even though it may not seem that way. In a power exchange, the submissive actually has considerable control over how events play out, as the submissive supplies consent. You need to determine what kind of Dom/sub relationship the two of you have, and what each of you derives from it. If, for instance, you derive considerable satisfaction from being in control of the submissive, and the submissive derives considerable satisfaction in being ‘given no choice’, then you could do as you like with the sub’s cock as long as you simply point out that it is now yours to do with as you please, along with the rest of the sub. If, on the other hand, your emphasis in his submission is that he has no cock worthy of being called a cock, much less allowed to ejaculate, if you then played with his cock and caused him to cum it might cause the sub confusion and distress.
  12. A man just walked out of my hotel room not five minutes ago. He had fucked me for - I shit you not - three hours nonstop. As in, without a break in the action. He had a cock that was a full 8.5 inches (real inches, not internet inches) and it stayed hard the entire time. He was 75 years old. He was very pleased that I was able to take his cock for the whole time without tapping out. Apparently that’s a recurring problem he has, finding bottoms who can go toe-to-toe with him. The next twentysomething who wants to talk to me about men who are too old for sex is going to have to fuck me for three straight hours first if he expects me to pay any attention.
  13. I can’t help thinking these are trick questions. Is there something that makes me want to take as many loads as possible? I automatically want to take as many loads as possible - I’m a cumdump. It’s sort of implied. Do I have any words that make my hole insatiable? I could tell you if I happened to have a dictionary handy and had time to read it out to you. I have never, ever, reached a point that I didn’t wish I could take at least one more cock. If I had an ‘encourager’, how could he get me to take more loads? Two ways: Send men to fuck me and keep them coming; or tell me to go get fucked and how many to get. I was trained to comply with both of those things, and I do. No ‘encouragement’ is needed - if another man tells me he wants me fucked, all he has to do is tell me. ‘Encouragement’ suggests that I have a choice, but when it comes to the service I was trained to give to men, all I know is duty. Any man on this site could tell me to go take cock and I would take it as an order to be obeyed.
  14. This question comes up over and over again in one form or another because it’s such a common fantasy. Emphasize fantasy. Yes, practically any bottom you can shake a cock at wants to do it. No, most of them couldn’t handle it even if they had the balls to actually try. I’ve had it done to me, more than once, no doubt will again. Here’s the facts of it: It’s not for the unseasoned. If you’ve never been fucked by more than one or two men in the course of a night, you have no idea whether you have the endurance to take it. Serial breeding at that level puts strains on your body, and especially your hole, that require some building up to in order to take. You get raw. Some of the fucking hurts. Some if the men don’t care if you hurt. Some of them want you to hurt, because you’re a slutty whore and that’s what they do to slutty whores. You may not like some of the men who show up to fuck you. You don’t get to pick and choose. That may sound like part of the appeal, but be careful what you wish for. Know the best way to piss off a whoring Top? Persuade him to whore you out by swearing you can take it, and then tap out after the second fuck. Worse, start turning away men he sends. Worst, be a lousy lay. In the first case you’ll have wasted his time and energy, and in the second two, you’ll damage his cred. Know the best way to piss off every legit whoring bottom out here? Piss off a whoring Top. It’s getting harder and harder to find Tops willing to commit to this because they get burned so often by fantasy bottoms who have no idea what they’re asking for or what they can handle - and whoring Tops are a rare breed to start with. If you can ask yourself whether you really can handle a whoring, then you almost certainly can’t. And as for referring to a whoring Top as a ‘moderator’ - that suggests a lack of understanding of the type of man who whores out other men. There’s nothing moderate about them. They may regulate what happens in that room - after a fashion - but don’t expect them to moderate it. Before you try, focus first of getting experience with some group action and a couple of gangbangs.
  15. I’m kind of with @BootmanLA on this one. For a medical “scene” to be at all realistic to me, the doctor would have to perform the examination with objective professional disinterest, and with minimal invasion. Plus, the physician is ethically bound not to take advantage of a vulnerable patient in such a way, and I wouldn’t be able to get past the notion that the doctor was violating his oath. By the same token, it would disturb me somewhat to find that I was doing a scene with a medical professional who got turned on by the idea of doing something contrary to his oath. Now, if it wasn’t a medical scene as such, I wouldn’t have a problem with, say, a proctologist fisting me. In fact, I’d probably prefer it from a safety standpoint. I would have to wonder, though, why a man who spends every working day looking at the insides of asses would want to take up fisting as a hobby in his free time. There’s such a thing as being too keen.
  16. This suggests a misunderstanding of the site’s primary purpose. Breedingzone is a discussion forum, not a chat room. It’s not engineered to facilitate people going off into private conversations, because if everyone did that there wouldn’t be robust public discussion and sharing of ideas. I seldom ever send people messages because I say what I need to say on the boards.
  17. Personally I never have. But once Trump turned the country’s politics into a dumpster fire, he used Twitter as a gallon jug to pour gasoline on it every fucking day and that affected my life whether I used Twitter or not. Now we can expect more of the same, with no hope of any sanity in moderation.
  18. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that nearly the majority of Americans who vote vote Republican. I believe we are living in a watershed intergenerational transition period in which an older generation is realizing its time is almost done, the world is changing around it, and the end of their ability to hold onto the world they knew is within sight. They are desperately trying to wind back the clock in an exercise that will ultimately be as effective as sweeping the tide back out to sea with a broom, because they are going to die and there is not one damn thing they can do about that. These old, rich, pale men trying to ensure that the world keeps on doing what they say after they’re dead may make a great deal of trouble in the process, but another generation is rising now, one which polls suggest does not share their worldview and is very likely to simply say, “Fuck that noise,” and change the laws to suit themselves. Don’t believe me? Try raising a couple of twentysomethings and we’ll talk again. My greater concern by far right now is Elon Musk buying Twitter and turning it into a no-holds-barred cage-match arena for misinformation, slander and lies in the name of free speech. There’s such a thing as one person having too much goddamn money.
  19. Heh. There’s a corollary to that. A guy who constantly feels the need to assure everybody that he isn’t gay…
  20. To be fair, most anal sex acts in real life only last 5-15 minutes…if we’re lucky. Maybe those videos would be less disappointing to you if you thought of them as documentaries.
  21. In addition to all the rest of it, a certain segment of the population will have resisted any notion of getting a preventative vaccination against HPV, Hep A or B, or anything else, because they had become by-God anti-vaxxers on principle and would never get another vaccination of any kind because ‘freedom’. These same people will of course fail to see the irony in the fact that they’ll be taking a needle whether they want it or not once they actually get an STD. Humanity will never be rid of STDs because humanity will never be rid of idiots.
  22. When it comes to versatility, it’s important to look at the scores in context. Guys land closer to the center of the model as the figures for each axis get closer to 4.0 from either direction. Because the field is demarcated into quadrants there’s no way to ‘straddle the line’, but a guy could score as, for instance, an Inseminator but still take cock nearly half the time. His position in the field, near the center, is what reveals that he is truly versatile.
  23. I apologize to anyone having trouble using the form - it appears to work fine for some people but not for others, probably depending on how their computer or device is configured to read PDF files. I’ll try to come up with an alternative method, but in the meantime, anyone is welcome to message me with a list of their answers as a choice of 1 to 8 for each question, and I’ll send you the result.
  24. If you were using the form in Acrobat Reader, you may not have Javascript enabled in your Preferences. If you opened it via the browser and the browser uses Acrobat Reader as the default reader, this could also be the case there. You might try saving to Google Drive and opening it there.
  25. There seems to be an issue with mobile devices at least from Apple with opening fillable PDF documents. One workaround is to open the document, use the ‘share’ feature on the phone, and then scroll the available apps that appear until you find the icon for Google Drive. Share the file to Google Drive, open it there, and it works as expected. If I find a better solution I’ll post it.
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