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Beta Testers
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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. It’s not a Word document, it’s a PDF file, and it should open either in your browser’s native PDF reader, or you can use Adobe Acrobat Reader. It calculates your result automatically on the form. You don’t need to send anything back, but if you’d like to share your result here in the Topic, I’m sure we’d all be interested in knowing where you land… 😀
  2. How interesting - Given content of your usual posts here I would have expected the EA, but as you so often talk about bottoming I would have imagined you coming out EAG. Did you notice, by any chance, how close your G-Axis number (3rd figure) came to 4? If it was in the high 3s, that would reflect the duality of an inclination for Topping while accounting for the pleasure you take in bottoming. Vers guys will normally land closer to the middle of the range on the G-Axis. Also, the G-Axis doesn’t just assess role preference, but also the way a person views his masculinity. So a Vers guy who might otherwise be on the line might tip over to Inseminator if he thinks of himself in strongly or exclusively male terms.
  3. Sometimes there’s a fine line that separates one sector from another, but they’re all meant to be fluid - even within a given sector men can expect to vary significantly, and that’s why the type descriptions are all qualified with “these men may be like this” or “these men might do this”, knowing that no statement will be true for absolutely everyone. I test in as VDG, but my C-Axis number almost puts me in VAG territory. This makes sense, because I have a stronger sense of sel-worth than a VDG cumdump who thinks he’s trash and might score deeper into the sector. As to what complimentary roles would be, I hadn’t considered that in the model, simply because sexual chemistry between two people is such a complex thing. It’s not designed to provide any useful insight in that sense. That being said, I asked my local regular Top to take it after he power-fucked me last night, and he came in at EDI - exactly where I expected, right down to the numbers. He’s probably the most compatible Top who’s ever fucked me from a fuck-buddy perspective.
  4. I think I see your problem. You need to make the sign you’re wearing say “Fuck Me” instead of “Screw Me”.
  5. Okay, gentlemen, here it is, proof that ErosWired has waaaaay too much time on his hands and isn’t spending nearly enough of it taking cock. I am attaching to this message a simple questionnaire that plots your location with respect to other men in three dimensions. The model isn’t a simple top-down, single-axis hierarchy like the (in my opinion inadequate) chart above, and isn’t strictly a hierarchy at all, though it’s designed so that what are generally considered valued male/masculine traits gravitate toward the Top. Here’s the questionnaire. Be sure to check out the brief instructions on the second page. It calculates your result automatically: [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=46854&key=5cf2568189beaf1818b43862ef813275 An answer is required for all the questions, but - and this is important - you can only answer a question from your own personal role and perspective. Do not answer from another person’s perspective, or in the way you think someone else ought to think. For instance, if a question read, “I fuck bottoms because they need fucking”, a total bottom should answer ‘Strongly Disagree’ because he does not fuck bottoms at all, even if he agrees that bottoms should be fucked because they need fucking. A Vers guy, however, can answer the same question on its merits, because he does, at least occasionally, fuck bottoms, and can speak to his own motivation. The type descriptions that appear on the result page are a work-in-progress, and I would welcome commentary on them, or suggestions on improving any part of the model. I would appreciate anyone taking a moment to fill it out - it’s short - and letting me know if the results seem accurate to you.
  6. This is excellent advice. The difficulty of achieving and maintaining a workable position to pull it off needs to be emphasized, and as other posters above have pointed out, long cocks (or insertables) really are essential to success. Keeping yourself still is particularly important, because the more factors of motion in play, the higher the likelihood that the tricky alignment will fail. But more than that, developing the discipline to make yourself passively take the excessive invasion is what creates the mindset that makes DP such a powerful experience. My experience with live cock DP has been limited to two or three events of marginal success, but for some reason Tops seem to delight in DPing me with dildoes. They’ll ram me full with a large dildo, then suddenly I’ll feel a cockhead nudging around my hole, and before I can think Oh, shit, I suddenly feel like I’m being supersized. The pressure on my prostate ramps up and stays there. The whole time, I’m very aware that this Top is consciously trying to make me take twice as much cock as I ought to be able to handle, and he wants to take me to my limit. Needless to say, when I service Tops I always bring a big dildo and leave it out within easy reach…
  7. That was a mighty high falutin’ way of saying ‘Throwing good money after bad.’
  8. There’s been a lot of really good commentary on this already, and I’m going to try to come back and respond to some specific items from various posters as time allows. For the moment, though, I’m taken by the several posters who state that there’s either no hierarchy at all, or that it’s just roleplay or fetish. Our societies are replete with social hierarchies. Entire civilzations are predicated upon social hierarchies. Hierarchies are very closely bound to power and influence, but power and influence operate at every level. The biggest fish in a pond full of small fish is still the Big Fish there. An individual may not choose to see himself in terms of a given hierarchy, but his self-view is irrelevant - he is a member of a community of others, and it is their reaction to him that constitutes the hierarchy. They give him a place among them; he doesn’t get to choose how they decide to accept him. In India one of the Dalit caste doesn’t just say, “Oh, I don’t subscribe to the whole ‘untouchables’ thing” - that person lives as one of that caste because others in the society perceive that he belongs there and treat him accordingly. It doesn’t matter whether I subscribe to the idea that I might be something other than fully masculine because I have been inseminated - there are men who perceive me that way and treat me accordingly. If enough men do, it becomes an commonly accepted position with respect to the way other men are viewed and treated. We do not exist in individual vacuums. I also don’t quite concur that the notion is simply a matter of roleplay or fetish. Note that such comments seem to come mainly from men who also claim that a hierarchy does not apply to them, or that they simply have never understood it. Just because you don’t understand Dominance and submission, for instance, doesn’t mean that those who practice it are merely acting or fetishizing. It may be that you are observing a real hierarchy in action. My submission to other men is real - it isn’t pretend. I allow other men to use my body in aggressive ways for sexual acts for their personal gratification in ways that enable them to exercise a degree of dominance and control over me. The fact that it’s consensual only amplifies the point that I recognize the difference in energy between us. In a way, it’s almost as if a hierarchy can boil down to a simple question of physics and energy levels. A Top may extrapolate my submission in extreme terms as he fucks me and calls me a faggot cunt, and to be sure, any hierarchy is going to be subjective (relatively speaking), but I’m not sure it can be dismissed out of hand. I really don’t, however, think that chart above is anything close to representing what’s going on. It’s a single vertical axis. I’m working on a model that would measure men’s position on a three-axis system. I’ll post it when I get it worked out.
  9. This makes me think of one of the first man I met on a repeated basis when I first started male sex. He wasn’t a boyfriend or a relationship, just a guy who called me to his place repeatedly. He never actually fucked me - which was probably a good thing since it turned out I was allergic to his cum; whenever it got on my skin or my lips it gave me a chemical burn. But he began to take me to a gay bar and do things with me like jack me off in front of other guys, strip off my clothing, and tell me to suck other men’s cocks. He once took me to the house of some of his friends, stripped me naked, finger-fucked me and jacked me off while they watched (and shot video - I remember seeing the recording light on the camera while he was doing me - no idea what ever happened to that footage). Finally at his place one night he had me strip naked and wait with my back to his front door and his front curtains open as he called a friend over who came and fucked me. In all of that, it never occurred to me that he considered me a faggot. Now I wonder.
  10. Note: That’s the inside diameter, not the inside circumference. But when you use a tape measure to get the girth of your cock-root, what you’re getting is its circumference. So in order to determine the diameter of your own organ at that location - be sure to measure when fully erect - is to take the measurement you get and divide it by pi (use 3.14159 for an approximation). For instance, I measure about 5.9”-6” around at the base, so 5.9” / pi = 1.878”, or about a 1-7/8” inner diameter ring, which is what I usually wear now. I figure by the smaller measurement since I like my steel snug. When I was younger and got harder longer that I had to wear a larger ring, so your needs may change over time.
  11. I’m not suggesting that chart is a good breakdown of a hierarchy, but it does suggest that the perception is out there, including the notion that “fuck-hole faggots” are the lowest of the low.
  12. I think so too, but this is what complicates the question here - when it comes to dominance and submission in sex between males, there is usually a power exchange (unless non-consensual), and in this exchange the one who actually controls the exchange is the one on the bottom, as the consent must be given.
  13. I just happened to stumble across this just after I posted the topic:
  14. To be fair, my good sir, based on the …shall we say… ‘experientially eclectic’ content of your combined body of posts to this forum, no one would be surprised if any or all of those things had happened to you at one time or another.
  15. This is a theme I keep finding myself coming back to because I can’t decide what to make of it. On the one hand we’re all men, all ostensibly equal. Yet on the other hand, our discussions here are laden with stratification - Tops/bottoms, Alphas/betas/omegas, Dominants/submissives, Men/faggots, etc. There’s undeniably a sense that there is a hierarchy among men when in comes to sexual roles. Obviously, what that hierarchy consists of is by no means universally agreed, but the rhetoric is so consistently applied that there has to be something to it. I recently read a post in which a member wrote about how he enjoyed fucking faggots to put them in their place because they craved it. I can’t altogether dispute that there are men who do crave a certain kind of use, even humiliation or degradation - but how do we define their “place”? I serve Men by being bred by them, taking their cocks and being inseminated by them; I don’t Top anyone. How should I describe my “place”? It seems as though the value and importance is placed on being the penetrator, the inseminator - and this is not surprising, as this is the defining masculine function. The opposite if that, clearly, is to be the one penetrated, and seeded. In spite of protestations that attempt to assign a masculine attribute to this because it happens to a male, it is inherently an essentially female function in sexual terms. So it would seem that the more a man performs a female role, the lower he stands in relation to other men. But this isn’t all of it. There’s also the question of whether the man expresses pride, or dignity, or has standards, or possesses skills. How differently would two men be measured if, say, one was selectively promiscuous but had very mediocre sexual skills, while the other was a no-loads-refused cumdump with exceptional skills? What, for that matter, is the significance of a man’s level of promiscuity in relation to his “place”? I realize that many will say that there is no actual hierarchy, and do not subscribe to the notion. But I cannot escape the sense that I do, indeed, have a “place” in relation to other men that I occupy in the sexual sphere, even if it applies nowhere else. I can’t refute a Top who would take pleasure in brutally fucking me “into my place” because I have a strong instinct that there is a place I belong. I just don’t know how to describe what the nature of my place is, or his is, or what makes them what they are. I think it has to do with power, and aggression, and dominance, but I’m pretty sure there’s more to it than that and I can’t see it because I can’t perceive the workings of the Top mind. If anyone has any thought on this I’d be interested to hear them.
  16. If the cock you’re throating does not block the entire space and air can pass around it, then it is theoretically possible to breathe. The difficulty lies in that you’re not trying to take the cock down your trachea (toward your lungs - a very bad idea), you’re trying to take it down your esophagus (toward your stomach). The trachea and esophagus share some real estate right where the cock enters the throat, in the pharynx, and then split off below it. For very good reasons, the body automatically tries to close off the trachea when things are going down the esophagus, so solids and liquids don’t enter the lungs. The nasal cavity enters the pharynx upstream of all that, so if the trachea is closed off due to the cock’s entry into the esophageal passage, there will be no avenue for air to travel from the nose to the lungs bypassing the mouth. Bear this in mind, however: The diameter of the human esophagus usually measures up to 30mm (high end). The diameter of the average erect human penis is 37mm. Which is to say, by and large, cocks are mostly too big for there to be any room for leeway once you actually get them jammed into the esophagus. And if it’s a thick one with any length - no way are you breathing around that. There are laws of physics. A cock that actually descends down the esophagus is going to have to be pretty narrow before there’s any hope of effective respiration, and even then you might be at risk of possibly aspirating your own vomit if you couldn’t control your gag reflex. Our asses aren’t designed to be cunts, but our throats definitely aren’t designed to be. That’s why I mostly cunt with my ass.
  17. Note to self: Bring stick of butter next time I host. You seem to have a very flexible definition of ‘righteous’ and ‘holy’…
  18. You had sex with someone else, didn’t you? You’d better have a damn good explanation. No, it’s just that I was following the Easter Bunny…
  19. Heh - It annoys me when they don’t treat it like they own it.
  20. Sizing is everything. You have to find the right balance between just snug enough to keep your balls from retracting back through it, and loose enough that it doesn’t cut off your circulation when you’re at your hardest. I love stainless steel. I love the uncompromising grip of metal around my root. But hey, I started out as a bondage submissive, so go figure. I also get good mileage out of leather with snaps, but have had poor results with rubber and neoprene, which either break or have too much stretch in them to keep my parts in line. The most gorgeous cock ring I ever saw on a man was made of wood - I’ve never seen one like it before or since. I guess I’m just going to have to make my own.
  21. I would recommend setting yourself a more realistic goal so you won’t be disappointed with the outcome of your birthday trip. Although loads at that volume are not impossible, such experiences are very rare and usually highly planned, and doing it multiple nights in a row? Forget it. I suggest cutting the goal to 10, much more doable, and if you exceed that but don’t hit 20, it’s still all bonus. In fact, I would suggest going without a load count goal at all, and just plan on enjoying the sluttery - you can’t go wrong.
  22. You may not have realized it as you were writing it, but most people would see that statement as “character-defining.” I’m thinking back to the blonde firecracker who pegged my ass with a strap-on in front of a small group of kinksters a while back. She served up quality kink by everybody’s measure. And the Domme who was in charge of the event? That woman could fundamentally redefine your whole understanding of kink with a feather. Besides, if kink is subjective, how can some of it be ‘good quality’ and some not?
  23. Bookmark this page so you can find it easily on the inevitable day when you sit asking yourself “What the fuck was I thinking?”
  24. You’re sure ‘many guys remember’ the last time they were gang/ fucked in s frat-house sling? Sure. That happens all the time because college fraternity houses are well-equipped with slings and frequently feature open homosexual orgies. 🙄 Your comparison of this absurd hypothetical situation with a reported real-life story of campus rape is outrageous enough; to reduce the woman’s experience to a ‘kink’ is obscene. Kink is subjective, you say? Thanks for the news flash. People in the kink lifestyle have actually known that for years, to the point that there’s even a saying for it: Your kink is not my kink.
  25. Nope. Sorry. You can’t spin this into a positive. We may be able to keep the Enemy Virus under control, but don’t ever get confused into thinking we’ve got the upper hand. Even when it’s under control, HIV is still harming us every minute of every day. Once you get HIV, your body becomes a war zone. Inflammation is constant, affecting systems throughout the body, even when viral loads are undetectable, because the damn virus is still foxholed in its reservoirs, waiting to jump out as soon as there’s any opportunity. Let’s be clear about what “under control” and “suppressed” means here. It doesn’t mean “cured”. It doesn’t mean “gone”. It doesn’t mean “no big deal”. It’s still a big fucking deal. “Under control” means the virus is no longer able to reproduce to the point that it’s overwhelming the immune system as long as the treatment is maintained. But if the treatment stops, the virus is once again free to go right back to killing its host, and that’s exactly what it’s going to do. We’re the ones who have to maintain the constant vigilance, take the pills without fail, change our lifestyles to accommodate our bodies’ new reality in living with this invader. We are absolutely living with it. We may take control of our lives and try to live the most positive life we can under the circumstances, but it’s always going to be under the circumstances. And until there’s a cure those circumstances are something we have to cope with. The circumstances don’t cope with us.
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