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Everything posted by TheMaskedBoi

  1. Hi, so I was wondering if anyone in the DC metro area would be willing to POZ me for my own safety, my FILY has a bad track record of bashing gay men one of them James and his brother William together have done more than one James likes to bleed in his victims he thinks it allows him to control them now personally one of the reasons why I'd like to be Positive is so that if I get bashed they can track my assailants, so is anyone willing to help.
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  2. Hi Everyone, Those in and plan to be in our great big Eunuch & Nullo family Im sure at least know of me, Ive become a bit of a recluse lately do to a mountain of personal shit but am working on getting back out there, if anyone has any questions on being eunuch or nullo please don't hesitate to ask. Trent
  3. Very hot, I’m glad you where able to find another nullo to play with
  4. Gelding is a true inspiration for all of us nullo’s. I have a lot respect for his ability to not only stay his course but to tell his story to the world. I know his courage really helped me on my path and has helped many more others as well.
  5. Thank you GeorgiaBoy, yes it worked out but no where near as planned first off I found out with my balls that I was allergic to the bands after about 36-48 hours of having them on and had to go into the hospital, and then with my dick I almost blead to death and am very lucky to be alive not to mention the fact that I had to go to court over the entire thing. If I where to go back and do it again I would have tried harder to find a surgeon before I resorted to doing it myself. I am very very lucky that I’m here today if given the choice between becoming nullo and dieing along the way or being alive and having genitals I would choose to keep my genitals, it’s not worth anyone’s life to do it themselves there’s new doors opening every day and the future is nothing but possibility’s it’s worth waiting a little longer and get it done safely than to die.
  6. Welcome to the family Breanna, I’ve removed my balls almost 2 years ago and my dick just over a year ago and, it was the best decision of my life you guys have now idea the amazingly full bodied orgasms that us nullo’s get from being fucked. It’s truly an amazing feeling.
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