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About ao-rose

  • Birthday September 22

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Zurich - Winterthur - Switzerland
  • Interests
    I Search HIV+ woman and straight couples, also clean one for clear unprotected sex.
    I have also an girl for Sharing to others couples.
    we search also nice devot passiv guys, with prolaps or with really big wholes.

    Ich suche HIV+ Frauen oder Paare (M/F) für ungeschützen sex.
    Ich habe auch eine Dame für Partnertausch alles AO ist klar
    suchen auch guy die passiv sind, extreme gedehnte löcher haben und prolaps. Status don't care...
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  • Role
  • Background
    We're are hot AO Bareback couple, which not live together, but fuck together and fuck others, no tabus really no only no animals.
    wir sind ein AO Bareback paar, wohnten nicht zusammen, aber ficken zusammen und andere auch, haben keine Tabus, nur tier sex ist nicht unser, sonst alles
  • Porn Experience
    don't ask, we made more then we can wright here
    mehr als wir hier schreiben dürfen
  • Looking For
    Womans and Couple and bottom guys with poz
    Frauen udn PAare and guys with poz load

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  1. Dear breeding team, 

    we're going for two weeks now to thailand to share our VL to a lot of nice, young and skinny thai grils. 
    we will also take some off this poz girls to get some add VL to europe and home. ?

    now we will make in mid of october and pozzing event with one of this girl, but we need a 2nd girl poz or clean don't care, on the end def. not clean anymore. 
    so if somebody have an hetro or bi girl, which is avaiable mid of oct. let us know, if the girl now whats going on or not we don't care you decide. 

    our mali for sending the informations are hivpositivesau@hotmail.com


    greets mike and poz jana

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dewalt


      Very interested in this poz gangbang. Any more news?

    3. Riskybareback88


      Congrats and good luck! - I hope you spread your lovely diseases to many ladies and couples you manage to find in Thailand!

    4. rocky65


      Is your thai-girl already active in Germany?

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