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    No limits chat, maybe meet and JO.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
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    Heteroflex or into fem, smooth fags and TS. But do enjoy the gay scene for its perverse outlook.
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    JO buddy to wank to our sickest fantasies.

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  1. I went there and they require a phone number for verification and only certain email services.
  2. Yea, backpage has the Feds crawling up their asses. And the not the fun kind.
  3. http://www.gaypatriot.net/ Honesty, there is far more hostility from the left towards all of us than the right. Would you rather walk and disagree into Christian Church that is against Gay marriage or an Antifa rally. Most Republicans are neocon anyway. And it was the left that bashed White Gay men for preferring to date other Whites on Gay apps while giving a free ride to others who had other preferences. Choose you real enemies wisely.
  4. When I was 12 there was a friend 14(gay and fem) who introduced me into anal. Took turns being the 'girl'. Both of us were into ass so it worked fine for a year.
  5. I've seen this topic discussed on many forums. The Law is intended to stop sex trafficing aka non consensual and underage. And any web host could be liable criminally if they aid such behavior. The caveat is that some claim the law is so broad that interpretation could entrap those that are innocent. Or using a hammer for a tack. Hence, Craigslist's removal of personal ads. I doubt that any website owner would get charged unless they were knowingly promoting such activity. Or refused to remove illegal material. Most of this problem comes from open borders of which this law does not address.
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