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Everything posted by pupHawaii

  1. to me getting fucked (and sucking dick!) isn't masculine or feminine - as a bottom it's what i love to do .. i just want "him" to feel good and unload in me!
  2. not to steal the thread - but what you describe - negative comments, "i don't like xxxxx" comments, etc - is happening ALL over .. i get them on my posts on twitter/X all the time .. people sitting anonymously behind a computer not caring what they're saying - they just feel they can say whatever they want. Sometimes i want to say to them - weren't you taught that if you don't have something nice to say - SHUT THE FUCK UP! 😉 and now we return to our regularly scheduled program .. keep up the writing everyone - think about all the loads that the readers are jacking out! i know i've shot my share! 😆
  3. how about adding more lube?
  4. twitter fucks up again .. EVERY post in my feed is marked as sensitive - they're shaded - and you have to click on it to see it .. settings for sensitive posts aren't doing anything .. fucking twitter .. 


  5. would want someone to film it .. so i could look at it after .. and see who fucked me!
  6. you're right .. when i first started on twitter in 2018 he was ALL over .. haven't seen many of his posts .. just went to his account - he hasn't posted anything since Sept 2023 ..
  7. i don't remember ever getting hard while getting fucked - my dick does leak a lot though .. i figure all the blood goes to my ass and that's one of the reasons it feels so fucking good! never had a top question why i wasn't hard ..
  8. since the TOP takes the time and energy to fuck it into me - it stays in me ..
  9. there's a difference between love and sex .. it's okay to suck and get fucked without being in a relationship!
  10. what's your name there? i'll follow you - and message you there .. or follow me (puphawaii) and message me .. might be easier to help you .. when i search bareback i get multiple pages of users and posts ..
  11. I'm on reblogme every day - it's working fine .. there are some hiccups with the software .. and some on bdsmlr too - they both use the same software for their sites. But both are working.
  12. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! 😆
  13. pupHawaii
  14. newTumblr.com closed down without notice in 2023 - and sent all the users scrambling to find new places to post/share porn .. a lot of them went to reblogme.com .. and some also went to bdsmlr.com .. reblogme.com reminds me of tumblr "before the fall" ..
  15. I used it to get a hold of someone who had blocked me (by mistake) on reblogme.com .. easy to get on .. and it worked ..
  16. didn't [deleted] close? well close for individuals .. (maybe just for business now?) I don't want to give up my cell number for Telegram .. i tried using a google number and got banned in about a minute .. I've tried Sessions .. that seems .. okay? ** and ** i love it when you post because i get to see your dick .. ;->
  17. that sure is a mouth-watering ass that you have .. 😉
  18. hot fuckin story - as always - thanks @pervinmt 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  19. oh fuck yeah... he wants to taste his load from my mouth? who am i to deny him! 😆
  20. hmm .. so i must have been asleep (or my head has been too far up twitter's ass!) - this is the first time i've heard of this .. totally my fault - no one else. I'm going to have to reread it cuz it's hot and humid as fuck here (as in - sweating just sitting still) (sorry to all you folks in snow country!) and my brain just isn't functioning. I did manage to understand something - I did log into s3x.social as puphawaii@breeding.zone - it was accepted - and i even got an email from s3x support verifying it was me .. nice! okay i gotta go take a cold shower before i melt .. 😉
  21. the unique story .. and the images .. fantastic! thanks for sharing with us!
  22. fuck .. father and son .. keep it going .. please .. my fuckhole is going crazy .. (thanks!) ;->
  23. young tops/TOPSONs - of legal age - definately!
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