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MaxusJax last won the day on May 11 2019

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About MaxusJax

  • Birthday 01/06/1989

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Anchorage, Alaska
  • Interests
    In Anchorage Alaska, hit me up 907 406 2015 and let's have some fun, Recently off meds curticy of fucking Anchorage Correctional Fucks. Appreciate it douche bags.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Started barebacking after my ex fiancé and I began using clear. My ex and I had only slept with each other from the age of 19-30 years old. When given permission to sleep with another guy, my ex was having a hard time keeping it up from the drugs so he asked the guy I gave him the green light on if it was safe to take off his rubber something we had only ever done with one an other. The guy promised it was fine, my ex had nothing to worry about. My ex failed to mention anything to me after returning home. I wake up to my boys dick deep inside me, barely dry from the previous dude. Later I’d learn that I had given my ex permission to sleep with a guy who was not only HIV Positive but concealed it. That’s why I first found out I was unbelievably turned on by the idea of saying FUCK IT.

    4 months later I was sick and found out I was POZ.
    05-07-2019 - Viral Load: 85,000
  • Looking For
    Neg boys 18-38

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  • Adam4Adam Profile Name

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