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Posts posted by Cutedelicategay

  1. In fact I was about to start a similar discussion about the obsession guys have for pictures and that too pictures in certain position etc. Once the discussion turns towards certain pictures that's a red flag for me that this isn't going to work out. 

    95% men on gay chats are people who are either a reject by women or unlucky to find a woman or certain group (ethnic or otherwise) who can't accept their sexuality and scared of losing 50% to the woman they are cheating on. 

    My policy is straightforward. If you are horny enough to unload my ass is available however we have to meet either close to my place that too without pictures drama. If guys are horny and really need to fuck they will make that effort. I have had no problem getting laid on my condition not theirs. After all I am giving them access to my body to satisfy their sexual needs. 

    Sorry but I totally disagree with many here that a bottom should be a dump. Absolutely not. In fact bottom should have more say bcoz if bottoms close their asses to these jerks they are anyways a reject with opposite sex. Go use your Rosie palm. 

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  2. On 9/3/2021 at 7:12 PM, raw773 said:

    You honestly just can't avoid the drive-by nastiness towards others. I have you set to ignore, but it's not enough because I want to follow conversations and wind up reading you anyway.

    Why can't you just be nice to people? You've been called out by several people. We get it: you think you're smarter than everyone else. But please. You can make your points without being a jerk.

    The issue with virtue signalers is that they say think and do differently. They lack consistency. Most don't even agree to disagree. I have my views on universal health care and I believe that health care should be available for a cost. Just because health care and other social nets are available people have misused that system in such a way that it has become a burden to people who pay their taxes to feed the lazy ones who sit on their asses and collect free money. Social systems are nothing but a breeding ground for a beggar society without self respect. That's what Canada is anyways. I do stand by my statements and people who think free health care is must just reflect how deep rooted lack of meritocracy is in them. I try to be nice to people so a discussion can be done with disagreement in a mature manner but some have this in built character of stupidity in them. Indeed reflects a lot about them too. 

  3. 14 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    Yes, you're missing something (a lot of somethings, actually), and unlike Cosmaz above, I'm willing to spell them out for you.

    1. It's probably true that relative to the overall population in the world, or in the US, or even just among gay men, gifters and chasers are a relatively small community (though I would not say "miniscule". That said, there are plenty of them who are not on this site. 

    2. You find it "hard to believe" there are lots of guys who are negative but not on PrEP. You live in Canada, a place which has universal health care. Until this year's determination in the U.S. that PrEP is a recommended preventative measure (and thus must be covered without copay by insurance under the terms of the ACA), many insurance companies did not cover PrEP, and those that did frequently had a large copay (sometimes hundreds of dollars per month). And of course, there are still plenty of people in the United States who (a) live in places where the state has not expanded Medicaid and (b) they make too much for traditional Medicaid, and (c) work for an employer who doesn't offer health benefits or who has them priced so high they're not affordable.

    Millions of people in the United States still lack any health insurance coverage at all - somewhere between 25 and 30 million people, the vast majority of whom are adults. If we guess that 5% of those are LGBT people (I'd wager it's higher, as we tend to be overrepresented in marginal occupations in the service industry) - that would still be over a million LGBT people at a minimum with no insurance coverage. Those people are far less likely to be on PrEP strictly due to cost concerns.

    Your Canada-induced myopia is perhaps keeping you from seeing what your large neighbor to the south experiences.

    Beyond that, a certain number of people prefer condoms over bareback sex, even PrEP-protected bareback sex, because condoms offer additional protection to other STI's. Not to all of them, and not in every case, but still - it's their call to make and they make it that way. What you or I or anyone else thinks about the desirability of bareback sex over condom sex, a lot of people are still making that decision every day.

    And beyond THAT - if an undetectable-poz top bareback fucks a bottom who's not on PrEP, he's almost certainly not going to infect the bottom. That means that in sharp contrast from our community experience in the 1990s - where fucking assorted guys bareback was almost a guarantee towards getting pozzed, eventually - in 2021 as long as one of the two participants is undetectable OR on PrEP, the chances of transmission are negligible. While I think it's still crazy to roll the dice that way, the odds of getting pozzed have gone way, way down (as evidenced by the frustration of so many chasers on this site).

    3. Once a person recovers from the initial "fuck flu" - if he experiences that - health complications from HIV take a pretty long time to develop for most guys. Some don't want even the minor complications that HIV treatment regimens can produce. And even in later stages of infection, when HIV begins multiplying rapidly in the system, opting into treatment at that point is frequently successful at reversing the effects of years of not being treated, although such a patient has fewer options for "med holidays". So yes, it's entirely possible to believe some people would rather wait until it's absolutely necessary to begin treatment.

    Beyond that, there are some guys who figure "Live hard, die young" and take that seriously - they don't want to be 80 years old with joint problems, unable to walk up a flight of stairs and unable to remember what they had for lunch yesterday. They would rather live a shorter but fuller life, and that's their choice to make.

    4. What *you* believe is "criminal" and what actually *is* criminal are highly likely to be two different things, so let's make sure we define our terms.

    Canadian law - which covers where you are - is somewhat murky in that exposure to HIV is covered under general sexual assault law. "Criminal exposure to HIV" is defined as a "realistic possibility of transmission" of HIV during sexual intercourse. "Realistic possibility" is not spelled out in Canadian statutes, but the Supreme Court of Canada has held that it does not include sex with a condom OR sex where the infected person has a sufficiently low viral load. There are proposals floating around that would codify "no realistic possibility of transmission" to cover four situations: when the infected person is undetectable, when condoms are used, when the non-infected person is on PrEP, or when the particular sex act (e.g. oral sex) is itself very low-risk - but those proposals haven't been adopted into legislation yet.

    In some (not all) jurisdictions in the United States, by contrast, you have 50 different sets of laws, because this is a state, not federal, matter, and while the laws in one state may resemble those in another, none are identical. In some states there is no specific criminal provision at all.

    Now, if you mean "morally wrong" and not "criminal", that's a different kettle of fish entirely. But in that case, you shouldn't use words like "criminal" that have a very specific meaning, especially not tossed around willy-nilly with no understanding of what is actually criminal and what isn't.

    That is a well thought out reply. Possibly a myopic view however I disagree with you on the concept of universal health care system. That system is a total waste of money and resources. I do not and will never agree with the fact that the entire society is responsible for the health of every individual. To certain aspect yes but entire health absolutely no. We had one of the strictest lockdowns and that too was not to save lives but to protect the ever failing universal health care system. People who cannot afford health care should evaluate themselves and their profession as to why cant they work better jobs when many of us are really working hard to earn and afford luxuries of life. Thats another debate for another time. However I really liked your reply. 

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  4. I learned sucking my step brother's cock at 10 years and he was 19 years then. I started getting dry orgasms at 12 years when my step brother used to jerk me off. I came for the first time which was just a few drops and tasted my cum at just after 13 years. My anal cherry was taken at about the same time. While my step brother is married now I still keep him happy from time to time and I envy his wife who gets to ride his 8incher thick one almost every night. 

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  5. I was introduced to gay sex by my step brother and step father without condoms. The best way to loose anal cherry was to get fully bred. My step father also shared with a lot of his trucker friends so did my step brother who shared me with his jock friends. Never knew what a condom feels like and continued playing bareback even with random strangers at cruising areas, gloryholes and bathhouses. Idea of condom entering my body is so repulsive. Sex is meant to be natural without barriers. 

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  6. Few surprises for me for sure....

    1. Gifters and chasers are a very minuscule community and that too in my opinion doesn't exist beyond this forum. 

    2. Hard to believe that many bottoms or to that matter tops are negative but not on prep now that prep has almost become mainstream HIV prevention strategy.

    3. Almost hard to believe someone with HIV positive wants to remain unmedicated and risk their own health.

    4. I believe it is still criminal to knowingly spread diseases like HIV charged for bodily harm causing death. 

    Am I missing something here?

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  7. Human hypocrisy is at its height. Public opinion polls highlight the fact that majority of the western world population is either fully or partially supporting mandatory vaccines or vax passports or mandatory testing. 

    As I had written earlier and got quite a bit of negative comments but what is the harm in rolling this mandatory testing/vax/passport for other infections? Every body reacts to the infections differently. Some may survive covid while others may not. Similarly some may develop complications from STIs and HIV while others may be cured or managed easily. 

    Why such hypocrisy? At least in places where public sex is a possibility. It will keep the community safe just like COVID. 

    As always please avoid negative comments and engage in civilized discussion only.

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  8. I am aware of the research and link between the increased risk of HIV when other STIs are involved. However if Prep is involved whether that link between increased risk of HIV in case of other STIs still exists is the question? If the risk exists then Prep strategy needs a rethink. Most guys take Prep to protect from HIV and bareback. This eventually increases the risk of acquiring other STIs.

  9. On 11/15/2016 at 1:45 PM, JasonSwallows said:

    I try to sneak a peek when I can, without being obvious!

    Some restrooms are better then others....Airports are great for seeing cock!  Ohare is always a cockshow!

    Some in Europe are great and European men dont see to 'hug' the urinal like many American Men do!

    Americans are just name sake liberals but when it comes to sexuality most Americans are pathetic. Urinal hugging towel dance in gym etc are still ingrained in Americans. Whereas Europeans are so open to sexuality. They openly accept the fact that all men have cocks of different sizes and types. 

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  10. I am still BBC virgin. Always thought black men have huge cocks. But have seen quite a few black men naked in bathhouses and seeing their cocks was a huge turn off. For the ones with huge cocks I am undesirable for multiple reasons including I don't have a white ass. Not sure if that fantasy will ever come true. 

    Had a thing for middle eastern men but they are the least passionate people in bed with another guy. The main reason I am told by many is culturally they remain segregated from females until marriage and pre marital sex is blasphemous. Hence they pound their sexual frustration with a bottom. No feelings no emotions no passion. 

  11. For me it was a matter of time. Step brother took my cherry at 14 years. After my mother divorced my step father I went to live with my step father and brother during the university and both of them used me. I was also shared with my step father's trucker friends quite often. I grew up to be a bottom of course. Somehow dodged the bullet for quite a long time but knew it would happen eventually. Met a group of 4 German friends on bagpacking trip to Montreal. While all 4 played with me one of them had special interest in me. He ended up extending his stay by another 2 weeks and we were constantly having sex. He confessed that while all of them were Poz he somehow developed feelings for me and wanted me to convert. We never did extra things like brushing or anything and I naturally bore his babies. He had to return to Germany as he wasn't able to stay here permanently and love for each other diminished with long distance. He has a 9in German meat that I really can't forget. Still jerk off to his naked pictures. Luckily my CD4 count is pretty normal to start medicines. Drs are of the opinion for me to either start or wait it out. I decided to wait it out. VL is close to 900k 

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  12. With COVID and vaccination in full swing around the world, we have all started talking about life after COVID and one of the important consideration is vaccine passports. I had posted earlier that we as a society failed to maximize on COVID crisis to get rid of STIs from our communities. However a health passport can still be a thing for people entering sex venues like ABS bathhouse etc? That way testing will increase and will lead to aggressive treatments and lessen the spread of STIs. Thoughts on this please? Please don't judge other people's choices but an intelligent discussion is something we can carry on in a mature way. 

  13. Whenever I read such threads I get frustrated with the amount of ignorance people have regarding prep and tasp. Generally the likelihood of hiv infection is difficult but not impossible. To be infected certain conditions like body temperature etc plays an important role. Tasp keeps viral load under 200 to be detected in tests and hence undetectable. Prep keeps virus from multiplying in body cells hence they clear out. Major reason Prep is so much in demand especially for bottoms die to enhanced risk is Hiv is still not curable but manageable and comes with other complications. Other STIS are generally bacterial and easily cured hence many are less concerned about them. But if you are without any protection and making rounds of cruising beats your have exposed to higher risk than being on prep. 

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  14. The main reason for all this ignorance especially in Canada is also related to certain demographics. Males remain segregated from females and pre marital sex with women is considered blasphemous. These men look for gays for quick sexual gratitude. I had a hookup who was eventually sexually starved. I asked him when was he last tested and he told me that he didn't get tested bcoz he was straight and just wanted to fuck me bcoz he wanted sexual relief. Even after telling him that I am HVL and not on meds and would not use condoms he went and fucked me bare anyways. In Canada this is the major issue. Sometimes we gays are at fault to seduce such ignorant guys. The progressives in Canada are nothing but a bunch of idiots who wants 2 minutes TV fame.

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  15. Agreed that noone's entitled however the way I see this is a part of prep shaming. Previously HIV poz guys undesirable for many and there is a similar trend especially in Canada on prep shaming especially one of the chat he showed where the top is refusing bb bcoz he is not on prep. People just don't grasp the fact that prep prescription renewal is very strict based on 3 months tests. I would rather trust someone who is regularly tested and treated if required over just believing someone who says they are safe and clean but without regular testing. 

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  16. I have a pig friend who likes to boast about his pig encounters. However off late a lot of guys are refusing to fuck him bareback even when he is on Prep and adheres to the daily routine. He didn't even take a prep holiday during the pandemic when he has less encounters. Remember we are in Canada where the society is still not prepared to take progressive stand despite political BS. What could be the reason? Is this the trend at other places as well? 

  17. On 7/14/2013 at 4:25 AM, Bbikercub said:

    For now it's off the cards, I don't think they'd put me at risk. So I'm still neg and will no doubt stay that way for a while.

    Knowing me and how I get one day some fucker will get a poz load in my hole and convert me but if it happens it happens. I'm not a chaser by an means but definitely a realist, if you play raw one day you might get pozzed.

    Disagree. Use Prep and fuck raw. Your chances of getting pozzed are almost nil. 

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  18. Read a news article that President Biden is planning to decriminalize HIV. That means person responsible for spreading HIV will not be criminally responsible. If this is indeed true it will create a bigger problem not only within the gay community but also straight community. People will use this virus to seek revenge. Infection rates will spike. It will be a medical disaster. Health costs will go up. Current law of holding HIV positive individuals criminally responsible for their actions is a major prevention strategy along with condoms and Prep. With that gone I think it will be a medical and social disaster. 

    Your thoughts please? The idea is to stir a respectful discussion and not name calling. 

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