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Posts posted by Cutedelicategay

  1. On 3/31/2020 at 1:31 AM, timfreo said:

    You could have something there. A lot of guys will stop prep while in isolation . Fucking like maniacs when it's over and many won't have gone back on

    I have friends who have NOT stopped Prep. They are still taking them as they would want to be protected when this is all over and breeding season starts from day 1.

  2. IMO.....there may be downward trend in HIV and other STIs. Also in lot of cities STI screening has completely stopped. Of course a lot of breeding has ceased too. But I cant imagine once these lockdown measures are over and spring breeding is on in full swing....at that time we may see a lot more HIV and STIs numbers....a lot more than if there would have been no lockdown.

  3. I hope you guys understand the PREP protocol. 

    Prep should be continued for 28 days after last breeding encounter. 

    Also restarting Prep without a negative result will put you in a situation where your body will get resistant to Truvada in case you were to be positive. This will lead to more Truvada resistant strains. 

    OMG....I hope you guys are seeking medical advice before stopping Prep otherwise you will ruin it for everyone. 

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  4. On 3/28/2020 at 8:51 AM, justsexnowatl said:

    First of all, you have an AMAZING bubble ass!  If I were near you, you MIGHT be the bottom to pull me out of hibernation lol

    Love you daddy👄👅 I wish I had the pleasure of receiving your love.....My bubble butt is the best body asset I offer to my lovers and I work hard to keep it as tight, firm and bubbly....I am sure I will dream of you fucking me in my wet dreams.....

  5. I have hard time understanding human behaviour. Gays have bareback sex without fear of HIV infection but scared of coronavirus. Even with the science behind ART risk of infection still exists. Still we in gay community bareback and those getting infected are saying that it's not a death sentence etc. With the same logic coronavirus too is not a death sentence in many individuals except with underlying conditions which is true for HIV as well. Then why is this scare? Just curious that's it. Not interested in starting a debate just sciences please.

  6. A great discussion about the money it costs for HIV medicine. However many of us are poz and there are many on here who wants to be pozzed deliberately. The pharma companies are profiteering off this craze in gay community called bug chasing. If we really kill this fetish of bug chasing where will the pharma companies get their increased profits from. But of course there are so many "preachers" amongst us.....

  7. 5 hours ago, viking8x6 said:

    Answered the survey for the numbers. As far as my scientific understanding allows (I have a PhD in science, but "medical science" is something of an oxymoron), STIs will increase the chance of PrEP failure, but your chances of HIV seroconversion with PrEP and an STI are still much less than with no STI and no PrEP. To put it bluntly, PrEP is not a sham by any means - it helps whether you have an STI (or a scratch, or other risk factors) or not, but it is not perfect.

    As Mary Chapin Carpenter sings, "I Take My Chances" 🙂  Risk and death are both inevitable, so manage your risk to suit your preference.

    Unfortunately barebacking is back in sex given prep and u=u. However public nurses are of the opinion that undetectable with STI may increase VL above undetectable numbers. There should be a scientific study done regarding efficacy of Prep working when a prepster is infected by STI. That will prove whether Prep is nearly 99% effective or not as marketed and prescribed. If Prep reduces efficiency with STI and STI are norm due to Prep barebacking then Prep is really a sham at least in my opinion. 

  8. 3 hours ago, BB4fking said:

    I got herpes years ago while still a consistent user of condoms. Since going on PrEP about 4 years ago I’ve had chlamydia and gonorrhoea dealt with in the usual way. Most recently I had syphilis and had a bad reaction for about 24 hours to the painful injection (flu like symptoms)  and my doctor has scheduled quarterly blood tests as specific follow up (separate to my normal blood/urine tests and throat/rectal swabs required with PrEP). Not sure I understand the question about ‘PrEP failure’ but I understand any failure to be rare and more usually to be linked to user failure to consistently take doses as recommended. 

    By Prep failure, I mean to say that if one catches STIs, what are the chances that Prep will fail? I keep reading and hearing that chances of HIV infection increases with STIs. But if this is the cause of Prep failure then Prep will be a sham.

  9. We all know that Prep allows most to engage in bareback sex. With bareback comes STIs. How many times have you contracted  STIs after starting Prep and which ones? How do you deal with them? Do you think contracting STIs while on Prep increases the risk of Prep failure?

  10. 1 hour ago, parvenu said:

    thanks for the advice guys seems like it was a false positive buy still a hot fantasy, i agree it's more fantasy than reality and i wouldnt try to infect any one

    Good that it was false positive. No STIs are worth the fantasy and risk. Immunity goes down like any other infection. Unfortunately there are so many guys within hetero and homo community who think they are invincible to STIs making it difficult for honest thrill seekers.

    If I had the powers to legislate then I will really make STIs disclosure a compulsion.

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  11. I keep on reading here and elsewhere that a lot of brothers are on Prep and as part of that process, go for regular testing which otherwise would have been procrastinated. In doing so, other STIS are caught on early and treated accordingly. 

    As I understand Prep works very well, almost 99% barring a few cases of failure vice the number of guys on Prep. Prep use has been more so in order for guys to enjoy bareback sex. I keep reading that STIs are by products of barebacking. However I am confused that having other STIs increases chances of HIV infection even for guys on Prep. This is totally oxymoronic. The very intent of Prep is to avoid HIV infection from onset. 

    Please enlighten us from your knowledge and experience. 

  12. On 11/23/2019 at 8:39 AM, CuriousDallas said:

    Reading these posts is starting to alarm me as I’ve had a persistent cough for nearly three weeks now, sore/scratchy throat, congestion, coughing up phlegm/mucus, fever/chills, exhaustion, loose greasy stools, upset stomach/nausea. I’ve gone through one round of Prednisone and antibiotics and nothing...currently on round two. Doc thinks it’s a stubborn infection and hasn’t done blood work and didn’t reveal that I’m having bareback sex with guys. I am on prep but admittedly am not the greatest at taking it consistently...take it before bed and don’t take it/forget if I’m at someone’s place hooking up or come home drunk/high. I take a lot of anon loads raw and don’t ask guys statuses...am getting fucked by three guys I know are detectable so I guess it’s possible I got pozzed. Tested neg in October...was told it’s a good idea to get tested every three months on Prep so not due until January but may go in sooner.

    Prep is a wonder drug no matter what people think about it. You should stop using Prep all together rather being inconsistent and thereby your body developing resistance. People like you ruin it for the entire community. 

  13. I was 10 yrs when my step dad whored my ass to a few truckers. I had been sucking my step brother since I was 10yrs when my step dad found out about it. He was the first to break into my ass. During Christmas holidays he had 2 truckers friends that I was not aware of who were partying with my step dad and then fucked the shit out of me couple times in the night. I still remember the pain and funny walking for a few days. 

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  14. I spoke about antibiotics as pre exposure prophylaxis for STIs to my infectious disease doctor. He is the guy who wrote the STI/HIV guidelines for Canada. He is aware of the fact that research has been done in this area. However the main concern is that body gets resistant to antibiotics and then they wouldn't work in an intended way. Also there is no research for new antibiotics and doctors have to deal with what is available. Again antibiotics will kill the bacterial linings in digestive system. There are numerous reasons why this process may be difficult in near future. It's better for the humanity to deal with STIs as and when they occur rather.

  15. For whoever's sake...don't jump in to a fantasy which in reality will be nasty to accept and live with. Get educated before you jump forever. Once poz there is no turning around. It may not be a death sentence any more but it will be a strict commitment sentence. Think about the meds you will have to take regularly and of course you will have to be tested. Drugs will have to be trialled before your body finds a good one to adjust to. The opportunitcs infections will bog you down. It may not be a death sentence but a near death sentence for sure. When you are ok taking meds to stay undetectable then why not Prep?

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  16. To get laid most of the guys lie about their status, especially if it is a random hookup. There is no consideration for other person in such situation. This is also common in a bathhouse wherein by virtue of entry it is assumed the person is either HIV poz or a backbacker or a prepster.

    I so much wish courts would rule on test kits like they did on declaring status and consent. The society collectively should stand against the spread of HIV.

  17. Pride is celebrated every year as a protest against the Stonewall Inn incident. The intent is to stop spread of hatred. However over years, infections spike around the Pride parade. 

    Is this responsible? I am aware of "its freedom" and " it's my body" etc. arguments. I am interested in knowing more socially responsible comments. There is definitely a disconnect between the intent behind Pride and using the occasion to be socially irresponsible.

    Why can't we use this occasion to solemnly remember those who were the victims of hate crimes and 1980s AIDS epidemic in the community and reassure ourselves of how we have evolved over time? 

    It may sound philosophical but in my opinion it's better than a can of crisco. Your thoughts please.

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  18. I have been to many bathhouses around the world and I find Europeans more open to their body types and sex than us in North America. Best example is towel dance in gym locker rooms. 

    As for bathhouses, I agree that the norm is to have sex. I have never understood the mentality of modeling in the hallways or walking around in circles.

    Secondly, guys that hang around the main entrance and if they find a someone entering the entire crowd is gone behind him. 

    Thirdly, standing around playing with your cock and not taking initiative. If a bottom is ass up, he is there to be fucked and bred.

    Fourthly, guys who cannot maintain a hard after so much sucking. I get and maintain my hard cock through the entire fuck. 

    Last but not least, older gentlemen who are too aggressive. I agree with their right to be there but come on, you have lived and enjoyed your life. It's our time now.

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  19. Eventually the doctor had a retest and the titre stayed 1:16. Next test in May again. The doctor told him that the criteria for reinfection is 4 fold increase and since 1:64 had dropped 4 fold to 1:8 but increased 2 fold to 1:16 that doesn't constitute reinfection as per the medical criteria. He was told not to worry and wait until next test. The fucker is fucking around horny holes. I find it absurd that he is not even considered for a re treatment even though criteria is not met. This is Canada the last time I checked...

  20. Question for all you Prepsters....is it fair to link Prep to rise in other STIs? Secondly as in individuals not on Prep, getting infected by STIs increases their chances for HIV infection, is it the same for individuals on Prep? Will STI infection increase chances for HIV infection in individuals on Prep?

  21. When I hookup I ensure that the guy is neither experimenting nor super discreet nor married. These guys tend to be super tight about gay sex. They somehow carry a sense of guilt or shame or fear. Come on guys when you sign up for a gay hookup site you are looking for gay sex which is same sex. These guys really get me turned off and I have had a couple guys who indeed got hard in my mouth but then just left feeling ashamed of getting hard in a guy's mouth. Other type of individuals who call themselves straight tops and they belong to a very specific ethnic group (I dont want to name the group) but they think guy's ass is a hole to be treated like a woman's vagina and they look out for guys in lieu of a woman. Both these categories are really boring. I stick to younger gay daddies upto around 50yrs of age.

  22. This long weekend I had mind blowing sex with a friend I ran into at a gay bar. He mentioned to me that he was infected with syphilis in March 2018 with titre of 1:32 and treated since. His last test in November 2018 was 1:8 which was 4 fold decline in titres and the doctor declared him cured. His recent test as of last week after November 2018 test showed titre to be 1:16 which is 2 fold increase. The norm is that a person is syphilis positive if there is 4 fold titre increase. I already had my test fir syphilis negative as of beginning of February this year. 

    I am really concerned about opportunistic infections and I have booked my doctor's appointment for first week of Mach. My question is how did a 4 fold decline increase 2 fold? Does this mean he is still infected to pass syphilis to me? Of course I am not expecting medical responses unless there is a medical health professional on this forum but out of your experience and research please help me calm down. My research says a 4 fold increase from last titre is infection or reinfection.

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